At the same time, Han Xiao did not forget to carve runes symbolizing cold at the moment when the liquid condensed.

Not long after, a string of metal bracelets with a cold light appeared on the experimental table.


The next day.

After receiving the news, Xingqiu and the others arrived at Han Xiao's home early.

Is this the prop you use to suppress Chongyun's pure Yang body?

Looking at the metal bracelet placed on the coffee table, Xingqiu's eyes were full of doubts.

The shape of the bracelet is very beautiful, and there are many mysterious patterns engraved on the metal texture.

But does something that looks more like jewelry actually work?

Not only Xingqiu, but Chongyun and Xiangling also had such doubts in their hearts.

We'll know if it works or not.

Seeing that Xingqiu and the others were doubtful about the [Ice Bracelet] they had made, Han Xiao didn't care and just motioned for them to try it first.


Chongyun took a deep breath, and then stretched out his hand to hold the ice bracelet under the gaze of Xingqiu and Xiangling.

As soon as he touched the bracelet, he felt a cold air pouring into his body along his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, Chongyun felt the heat brought by the pure Yang body to him, entangled and consumed by each other.

It felt like swallowing a bottle of ice water in the middle of summer. It really made my heart soar and my heart was chilled!

It couldn’t be more exciting!

Chongyun, is it useful?

Looking at Chongyun who had his eyes closed and said nothing, Xiangling couldn't help but call out to him in a low voice.

Useful! Very useful!

Chongyun slowly opened his eyes, and then couldn't stop nodding his head, with a happy and excited smile on his face.

You must know that the yang energy in your body is endless, and ordinary ice water will be eliminated by the yang energy in just a moment.

But this bracelet can continuously provide cold air to offset the heat in his body.

Thank you, Hanxiao!

Feeling the heat gradually descending in his body, Chongyun quickly thanked Han Xiao.

Although he didn't know what materials the other party used to make this bracelet, he thought it must be worth a lot of money.

As long as it's useful.

After discovering that the [Ice Bracelet] he provided did temporarily suppress the 'fire poison' in Chongyun's body, Han Xiao also showed a satisfied look on his face.

Brother Han Xiao, can Chongyun feel free to eat like normal people from now on?

Seeing the excitement on Chongyun's face, Xiangling couldn't help but feel happy for her little friend.

In order to suppress his pure yang body, Chongyun once did not dare to eat too much of anything, and he did not dare to touch spicy food.

It's better now, at least the other person can eat like a normal person.

It's okay to eat...

Hearing Xiang Ling's question, Han Xiao nodded at first, but then the conversation changed.

It's just that it's better to eat as little as possible. The principle of the ice bracelet is similar to eating popsicles. It can be regarded as temporary suppression.

The problem of the pure Yang body is still unresolved.

Chapter 814 A TV show with good ratings

Isn't there anything you can do?

Seeing Han Xiao say this, Xingqiu couldn't help but asked curiously.

It was clear that the other party had already come up with a tool that could suppress the dryness in Chongyun's pure Yang body, and he must have a certain understanding of the Pure Yang body.

Can't we find a good way to solve the trouble caused by the pure Yang body?

“It’s easy to treat the symptoms, but it’s hard to get the root cause!”

In response to Xingqiu's inquiry, Han Xiao sighed deeply.

Yesterday, he used his power to examine Chongyun's body. Everything on his body was normal, and no disease could be seen at all.

As for the heat that brings internal dryness?

It was precisely because of examining Chongyun's body that Han Xiao understood why Baizhu had previously said that if he wanted to cure the root cause, he must try to eliminate the pure Yang body.

That thing is purely something that comes naturally.

Xingqiu, please stop making things difficult for Hanxiao!

Seeing that Han Xiao and Xing Qiu were still trying to cure their pure Yang bodies from the root cause, Chongyun, who was wearing a bracelet, quickly waved his hand to interrupt the conversation between the two.

I feel very good now. It seems I don't even need to eat popsicles. It's enough for now.

For the time being, I can only do this. If I want to completely solve the problems caused by the pure Yang body, I will try to treat it as a project.

Knowing that Chongyun was very satisfied with the [Ice Bracelet] he had made, Han Xiao felt happy and decided to find a way to help him completely solve the problem of the Pure Yang Body.

But now he really has no way to solve it, or he has no idea to solve it.

When the time comes, talk to the people in the chat group and see if you can find some solution.

Forget it, let's talk about business now.

Since Han Xiao said that there was currently no solution and further research was needed, Xing Qiu naturally chose to believe him.

So he turned back to business.

Oh, what do you want to talk about?

Hearing that Xingqiu was about to talk to her about business, Han Xiao immediately folded her hands on her chest and leaned on the sofa to ask slowly.

Of course it's something related to the TV.

What, is there something wrong with the TV promotion?

That's not true.

Xingqiu quickly shook his head, indicating that the other party's guess was wrong.

On the contrary, in just one day yesterday, television became completely popular in Liyue.


At this time, not only Han Xiao, but also Chongyun and Xiangling on the side turned their attention to Xingqiu, with curious looks on everyone's faces.

To be honest, the TV department did a really good job this time.

Seeing that several people were very interested in this matter, Xingqiu did not whet their appetites and directly told the news he had received in the morning.

Since TV sales started yesterday morning, a total of more than 3,000 TV sets in Guilicheng and Liyue Port were sold in just a few hours in the morning.

The TV department also responded very quickly and directly arranged the programs that had been prepared in chronological order.

People who bought a TV set and connected it to the TV signal at home soon enjoyed the dual sensory stimulation of sound and vision.

Due to the background of the party held by Hanxiao before, they were very receptive to this synchronized audio and video playback mode.

At the same time, the programs carefully prepared by the television department are also an important contributor to the success of the television. The programs they prepared are deeply loved by the people of Liyue.

For example, Liyue Yaji chatting about fairy tales with real-life scenes, long-form operas filmed on-site, etc.

According to statistics from Kuixinglou today, 60% of the families who returned to the city last night to buy TV sets slept two hours later than usual.

These people lasted until the early hours of the morning when all the TV programs were finished before going to rest.

Really well done.

After listening to Xingqiu's explanation, Han Xiao also seemed very satisfied.

Although the programs prepared by the other party's TV department seemed a bit primitive and old to him.

But considering that this is Liyue's first exposure to the TV broadcast mode, and he did not participate in the production of the program, the staff of the TV department have done an excellent job.

Hey, why is television so powerful?

Xiang Ling on the side was a little surprised and intervened in the conversation between the two.

Why, you didn't watch it when you went back last night?

Well, I went back yesterday to research new recipes.

Listen to what you said, TV is still very interesting. I'll go and watch it later.

Chongyun, who was not particularly interested in TV programs at first, accidentally aroused his curiosity after hearing some of the program content Xingqiu said, and planned to find some time to see if there was any other person in the TV program. So interesting to say.

Then you won't be disappointed!

Seeing that both Xiangling and Chongyun were aroused by his words, Xingqiu immediately said that TV programs were definitely much more interesting than the existing entertainment methods in Liyue.


Unlike Xiang Ling and Chong Yun, who were aroused, Han Xiao was very calm and talked about the follow-up arrangements with Xing Qiu:

Remember to tell the TV department for me, so that they must pay attention to the content quality of TV programs, and at the same time, pay attention to the size of some sensitive topics and marginal content.

No problem, I'll tell them.


After sending Xingqiu and his party away, Han Xiao took out her mobile phone and dialed Ningguang's number.

Toot toot—

Soon, the other end of the microphone was connected.

This is Ningguang.

it's me.

Hanxiao, what do you want from me?

It's nothing serious. It's just that Xingqiu told me about the situation of the TV set in Guilicheng. I would like to ask how the situation was in Liyue Port last night?

Qunyu Pavilion.

Hearing that Han Xiao called to ask about the TV, Ningguang immediately reached out and took the file from the top of the pile of files beside his desk to his face.

What's that called? Oh yes...ratings!

I'm just about to ask someone to send last night's Liyue Port ratings.

Oh, how high are the ratings?

If you calculate it based on households with TV sets, the viewing rate is close to 71%, but if it is calculated based on the total population, it is less than 1%.

It's already pretty good.

Han Xiao estimated in her heart that Liyue Port and Guili City combined sold more than 3,000 desktop computers yesterday.

Last night, 60% to 70% of people in both places watched the TV program.

This is indeed a good result.

Well, so today I got urgent news from the people below. Many people who were still waiting to see before are eagerly preparing to buy the second batch of TV sets.

So when are you going to release it?

This depends on the factory's output. Feiyun Chamber of Commerce is already working overtime. I believe the second batch will be on the shelves soon.

After chatting with Ningguang for a few words about the arrangements for the production of TV sets, Han Xiao just hung up the phone.

Then he opened the chat group and prepared to ask the group members about Xingqiu's question.

Chapter 815: Solution to Pure Yang Body

Now, after two or three years of development, there are about ten members in the chat group, and they are also divided into two factions in terms of development.

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