Similar conversations can be heard all over Guili City. All Liyue people are looking forward to the official launch of the TV.

They really want to see whether the rumored TV can be a high-end replacement for radios and a low-end replacement for desktop computers.

Soon, as time passed day by day, a newly renovated store appeared in front of the public in Guili City in the commercial street near Kuixinglou Square.

The exquisite signboard with the characters Home Appliances City engraved on it let them know that the TV was really coming to meet them.


The rising sun radiates light that cuts through the darkness, and the falling dew is faintly visible among the flowers, plants and trees.

A new day has arrived.

People in most countries on the continent of Teyvat have just woken up from their sleep and are ready to start a day that is no different from usual.

However, at this time, Guili City was full of people.

Most residents who don't get up particularly early on weekdays took to the streets today and headed towards the commercial street near the square.

The reason for this is also very simple, because today is the day when TV sets are put on public sale. The residents of Guilicheng who have received the news and are willing to buy TV sets are naturally not willing to miss this opportunity.

After all, according to the news, the first batch of TV sets for sale in Kuixinglou this time is only about 3,000 units. If you go late, you won't be able to buy them.

Among this group of people, three figures that Han Xiao was very familiar with were also mixed in the team.

I said Xingqiu, aren't you the secretary-general? You can definitely get the TV, right? Why do you have to come and line up?

Looking at the long queue in front of him, Chongyun, holding a popsicle in one hand, looked helpless and kept complaining to his friends in front of him.

He had gone to Qingce Village after receiving the news of demon slaying. When he came back, he thought that Han Xiao and the others were in Guili City, so he stopped by to visit.

The result was good, as Xingqiu pulled me up early in the morning and ran to queue up to buy some TV sets.

Chongyun was puzzled. TVs weren't sold by Kuixinglou. Why couldn't his friend, the dignified second-in-command of Guilicheng, get one, so he had to come out and line up in person?

Oh, that's wrong!

Upon hearing Chongyun's complaint, Xingqiu immediately waved his hand, while not forgetting to look at him with a solemn face.

Well, if you ignore the smile in his eyes.

As the secretary-general of Guilicheng, although I can indeed get the TV set first by virtue of my power, wouldn't doing so be seeking personal gain with power, don't you think so, Xiangling?

Ah...ask me?

Leng Buding was frightened by Xingqiu's sudden topic to her. Xiangling was stunned for a moment, and her little hand couldn't help but point at herself.

Yes, do you think I should come out and line up to buy a TV?

This is it!

Seeing both Chongyun and Xingqiu looking at her, Xiangling felt embarrassed and reached out to touch the bun on the back of her head.

I think so. Xingqiu did this to not infringe on the interests of the people, didn't he?

Hey, Xiangling, since when did you become so eloquent?

Hearing the in-depth answer from Xiang Ling's mouth, Chongyun couldn't help but widen his eyes and even forgot to eat the popsicles.

Among them, Xiangling has a special liking for cooking, so her academic performance has not been very good.

He really didn't expect that the other party could be so articulate now.

Hate it, I've been studying hard lately, okay?

Seeing Chongyun's surprised look, Xiangling suddenly puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

She had indeed been at the bottom among her friends because she was too focused on cooking and was silent in her homework.

But seeing that Xingqiu and Hanxiao were able to lead changes in a city precisely because they had learned a lot of knowledge, Xiangling also decided to pick up books again and read more.

She doesn't expect to be able to read well by herself, but at least she can understand when her friends are chatting!

I can prove this. Xiangling has really worked hard recently.

After Xiang Ling finished speaking, Xing Qiu stood up to support the other party.

He still very much agrees with his friends' willingness to make progress.

After all, it’s not a bad thing to live and learn more.

Chapter 811 Chongyun with Pure Yang Body

But having said that, Chongyun's statement is not unreasonable.

Before Xingqiu could continue speaking, Xiangling suddenly changed the topic.

The TV manufacturing factory was established by Feiyun Chamber of Commerce with money, right? Xingqiu, as the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, wouldn't you let them build one more set? Why do you have to get up so early in the morning and line up?

That's right!

Hearing that Xiang Ling also raised his own question, Chongyun nodded repeatedly.

The TV sets were handed over to Feiyun Chamber of Commerce by Han Xiao to open a factory to manufacture them. It was not difficult at all for the second young master of a chamber of commerce in Xingqiu to ask the following sentence to help him build another TV set.

There is no need to get up early in the morning and go to the shopping street to queue up to buy.

Alright alright.

Seeing both of them looking at him suspiciously, Xingqiu had no choice but to raise his hands in a gesture of surrender, and at the same time he did not forget to explain:

I admit, I just want Chongyun to move around more and take some rest myself.

You know how to trick me!

As soon as Xingqiu said these words, Chongyun looked at his friend with a speechless face.

Sure enough, he knew that this trip was definitely not to avoid invading the interests of Liyue residents, the other party just wanted to trick him!

I'll cover your popsicles for the next year!

Seeing Chongyun start to look at him up and down as if he was ready to give him a few blows, Xingqiu quickly spoke out and made a promise to him.

A year of popsicles?

After hearing the conditions proposed by Xingqiu, Chongyun was so satisfied that he withdrew his gaze.

Wait Chongyun!

What's wrong?

Xiangling's sudden interruption made Xingqiu and Chongyun turn their gazes in unison, and at the same time they did not forget to ask what the other party wanted to say.

I remember that you ate popsicles because of your physical condition, right?


Seeing Xiang Ling mention her physical problems, Chong Yun nodded helplessly.

He has possessed the extremely rare pure Yang body since birth.

People with this constitution will have yang energy flowing around their body, and they will fall into a state of hot blood if they are not careful.

It can be said that for other Liyue people, having a pure Yang body may be troublesome, but for Chongyun, who comes from a family of exorcists, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that like the people in Liyue who have always had a pure Yang body, when the Yang energy in his body is violent, his whole body's temperament changes drastically, and he has no idea what he is doing.

As for the benefits, this physique is the greatest asset of Chongyun Zou Tianxia as an exorcist. Whenever he goes to a cold place, he can drive away all the evil spirits by just sitting there.

Actually, this physique really matches your family background.

After listening to Chongyun's explanation, Xiangling couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

As an exorcist, the other party wanders in cold places all year round and often deals with evil spirits.

Chongyun, who has a pure Yang body, can definitely get twice the result with half the effort when exorcising demons.

Xiang Ling, this kind of idea is unacceptable!

Regarding Xiangling's opinion, Chongyun, who has a decent and honest style, immediately said with a serious face:

I am an alchemist, an alchemist who exorcises demons.

To exorcise evil spirits based on physical constitution is just a trick. If you are a true alchemist, you should be good at alchemy.

Chongyun Xiaoxiao was a little depressed that he could exorcise demons with his pure Yang body.

In order to compete with the pure Yang body, he followed the principles of not seeing the strong sun, not drinking hot water, not eating hot food, not touching spicy food, not wearing thick clothes, not arguing, and not getting angry.

It's a pity that I have traveled all over the world and tried all kinds of folk remedies, but I still can't suppress the positive yang in my body at all.

And his physique has become stronger in recent years.

All in all, the pure Yang body gave Chongyun a headache.

He is an alchemist, and he should be good at exorcising demons with alchemy. How can he prove that he is a qualified alchemist with his physical fitness?

I have a suggestion.

Sensing Chongyun's distress about his physical condition, Xiangling suddenly spoke up and gave his thoughts:

Isn't Brother Hanxiao's alchemy very powerful? Can you ask him to help you make a prop to suppress the pure Yang body?

Oh, why didn't I think of that!

Hearing Xiang Ling's thoughts, Xingqiu was so annoyed that he raised his palm and slapped his forehead hard.

Han Xiao's current level of alchemy is no longer at the level where he exploded every day in Liyue a few years ago, but he is now a master who can rival Albedo.

Maybe the other party really has a way to suppress Chongyun's pure Yang body.

Sure enough, being surrounded by official duties every day made his brain rusty.

I'll call Han Xiao now!

Thinking of this, Xingqiu quickly took out his mobile phone from the Eye of God space and prepared to call Han Xiao.

But before he could press the button on his phone, Chongyun reached out and pressed it.

Wait for Xingqiu first and fight later.

Ha, don't you want to see if Han Xiao can solve your physical problem?

Of course I do.

Chongyun nodded without thinking.

The problem of having a pure yang body has troubled him for so many years, making him need to eat popsicles all year round to reduce the yang energy in his body, and he even dared not eat more chili peppers.

If Han Xiao can really help him solve it, long as he can suppress the trouble caused by the pure Yang body, Chongyun will probably laugh out loud in his dreams.

And the reason why he can still remain calm now is very simple.

Seeing the queue gradually getting shorter in front of them, Chongyun pointed at the store where the signboard could be clearly seen and said:

We will be waiting in line soon. Let's buy the TV first.

That's fine!

Following the direction of Zhongyun's finger and seeing the increasingly clear store sign, Xingqiu and Xiangling also agreed with each other's ideas.


As the queue gradually shortened, Xingqiu and his party finally entered the store selling televisions.

As soon as they entered the store, they couldn't help but be surprised by the decoration style inside the store.

It is different from the traditional store decoration in Liyue.

There are no counters in the store where TVs are sold, so the entire interior of the store looks extremely empty.

On the three walls, TV sets were hung one after another, and the same pictures were played at the same time.

This unique arrangement method is quite shocking.

Wow, this method is so intuitive!

Seeing the commentator sent by the TV department explaining how to use the TV to a group of Liyue residents surrounding him, Xiangling couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

“It’s a very novel arrangement but can quickly demonstrate the functions of the TV.”

Chongyun on the side couldn't help but comment.

He had only heard of television sets before, but had never seen one in person.

But just by looking at the arrangement in front of him, Chongyun felt that he had a rough idea of ​​what a TV was.

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