Ning Guang on the other side of the phone couldn't help but sneer.

Recently, people in Guilicheng and Liyue Port have been quarreling over this matter. Is this considered a small matter?

There's a quarrel. Why are they quarreling?

Han Xiao, who had not paid attention to the people for a while, immediately frowned, as if she didn't understand why the people of Liyue were so interested in this matter.

It's not because of you!

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed unaware, Ningguang couldn't help pinching the bridge of her sore nose with her free hand, and explained to him angrily:

The broadcasting department was developing rapidly and was about to become the leading department in the industry. But it turned out that you took a large number of key personnel from the department and went out to establish the television department.

Do you think your behavior can avoid public discussion?

I see, Ningguang, please tell me, what are the recent debates among the people?

Hearing Ningguang's explanation, Han Xiao suddenly became interested and urged the other party to explain quickly.

During this time, he has been busy approving the program list submitted by the television department, while screening the more potential programs and planning for their future.

He really hasn't paid much attention to civil affairs recently.

Unexpectedly, people in Liyue were arguing about the functions of the television department and the radio department.

This is really surprising.

Currently, those who believe that the functions of the television department and the radio department are similar prevail, and they believe that the two may have similar functions.

What do you think of Ningguang?

I, my opinion is similar, but I would like to hear an explanation from you.

Congratulations, you got the answer right!

Seeing that Ningguang wanted to get the answer from him, Han Xiao on the other end of the phone did not hide anything and told the other party that his guess was good.

Chapter 809 On the eve of the launch of television


When he heard Han Xiao admitting very simply that the functions of the TV and the radio overlapped, Ningguang's face showed the same puzzled expression as Xingqiu had before.

She didn't understand why Hanxiao, who was doing well, split up the prosperous broadcast department and specially established a similar TV department.

For this reason, Han Xiao also repeated the explanation he had given to Xingqiu before.

...Is it because the living standards of Liyue people are not up to standard?

After listening to the other party's explanation, Ningguang fell silent for a while.

She is very aware of the gap between the rich and the poor in Liyue.

After all, she was one of the poorest people in Liyue area back then.

Even though Ningguang has now become the top richest man in Liyue, she has never forgotten her original suffering.

So Ningguang knew very well what Han Xiao said made sense. Perhaps from the perspective of official leaders, desktop computers could defeat the television and radio industries in the future, so the comprehensive development of the Internet would naturally be the best option.

This can save a lot of unnecessary expenses.

But the price of desktop computers is there. For the wealthy class in Liyue, the price of 300,000 yuan is not an unacceptable price. Of course, they are willing to choose better Internet.

The problem is that not everyone’s family is well off, and there are not many Liyue families that are at the poverty line.

Even though she has been trying to lift the people of Liyue out of poverty in all aspects since she became Tianquanxing, this is still a goal that cannot be achieved in the short term.

Therefore, desktop computers are not products that these people from poor families can afford.

After thinking about this, Ningguang finally understood why Han Xiao insisted on launching the radio and television industries even though the Internet was the best option.

The other party did not give up the interests of the people of Liyue just because of his origin and current status.

The emergence of radios and televisions was born entirely to take care of the residents of Liyue with average family backgrounds.

Moreover, Ningguang also discovered that Han Xiao's actions were not without other benefits.

Radios are now very popular on the market, and many businessmen have invested in building factories to get involved in this industry.

When televisions appear, some of these businessmen will definitely switch to manufacturing televisions.

In this way, it can promote the progress of the industry and further increase the industry gaps for Liyue people to find jobs in the future.

Han Xiao didn't know that his words made Ningguang think so much in his mind in an instant. He just sighed after hearing the other party judge the reason why he quit the TV industry.

Yes, the gap between rich and poor has always been a relatively unsolvable problem, so I can only try my best to meet the spiritual needs of residents of all living standards.

Aren't you worried about the bankruptcy of those businessmen who invest in building factories in the broadcasting industry?

Seeing that what Han Xiao said was similar to what he thought, Ningguang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, deliberately threatening the other person.

Haha... when you make money in business, you also lose money. Isn't this normal!

Han Xiao first replied very calmly, and then the conversation changed:

And they don't necessarily lose money, right? If you can't sell it in Liyue, you can go to other countries to sell it!

Tsk tsk! You're not satisfied with harvesting our Liyue's wool. Do you want to harvest wool from other countries?

Not all countries are as financially wealthy as Liyue, and radios and TVs are much cheaper than desktop computers, aren't they!

That's true.


After talking to Ningguang, Han Xiao's explanation was smoothly transmitted to the ears of the other seven stars.

Soon his statement was recognized by all the Seven Stars.

After all, the price of desktop computers is indeed a bit expensive at present, and it is not within the reach of ordinary people.

On the contrary, radios and televisions are much cheaper, which is enough for most people in Liyue to enjoy good spiritual entertainment.

Furthermore, Han Xiao also runs an Internet cafe. If anyone is interested in desktop computers, they can go to the Internet cafe to experience it.

As Qixing unified its ideas, a series of actions taken by the TV department received strong support from above.

Soon, the TV department, which was originally like a grass-roots team, developed into a vigorous one.

The speed of establishing a foothold is even faster than that of the original broadcast department.

Another month passed like this.

Due to Han Xiao's intentional actions, some gossip about the TV set was spread among the people in Guili City during this period.

Many people have gradually clarified the functions of televisions through rumors, and also understood the similarities and contradictions between televisions and radios.

Let’s talk about the similarities first. The operating modes of televisions and radios are similar. They basically complete the operation of the industry through programs.

Both require professional talents and rich and exciting content.

This can be seen from the fact that the staff transferred from the broadcast department have adapted to the work of the television department very smoothly.

As for the differences, the answer is much simpler.

That is, the two expressions are different.

The content of the radio is only sound, and everything can only be imagined in the mind of the listener.

The TV is different. It can not only play sounds, but also play pictures that you want to match.

Even though the TV has not yet been officially put on sale, these residents of Guilicheng who learned about the TV's functions through rumors are already looking forward to the day when the TV will be sold.

After all, just thinking about this kind of entertainment mode where you can see the picture and hear the sound is very exciting, isn't it?

Of course, the only thing most people worry about is price.

If TV sets are too expensive, then they can only continue to hold radios.

Just like this, one day in the expectant mood of the residents, secretary Xu Wan knocked on the door of Han Xiao's office.

Dong dong dong——

Come in.

Lord Hanxiao!

The door of the office was pushed open, and secretary Xu Wan walked into the room and came to interview Han Xiao:

There is news from the TV department that they are ready and can be officially launched at any time.

What about TV production?

After hearing the report from secretary Xu Wan, Han Xiao couldn't help but put down the official document in her hand and slowly asked herself the most relevant point.

The factory that Secretary-General Xingqiu ordered Feiyun Chamber of Commerce to open is in full operation and has produced three thousand TV sets so far.

Three thousand units, just so-so!

Han Xiao nodded slightly. Although three thousand units was not too much, at least it should be enough for the first batch.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask again:

“What about pricing?”

Secretary-General Xingqiu gave us 80,000 molars per unit.

Chapter 810 Release Date

Eighty thousand.

After hearing Xu Wan's revelation about the pricing of the TV, Han Xiao did not agree immediately, but fell into deep thought.

Compared with desktop computers, which often cost two to three hundred thousand yuan, TVs are indeed much cheaper.

However, in his opinion, the price of 80,000 molas is still a little high. It would be nice if it could be lowered a little more.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao raised her head and looked at secretary Xu Wan.

Ask Xingqiu if the price can be reduced to 60,000 molara.

I understand, Lord Hanxiao.

After receiving the order, Xu Wan immediately turned around and left the office. As she left, she did not forget to take out her mobile phone and dial Xingqiu's number.

After a while, Xu Wan walked into the office again and reported to Han Xiaohui:

Master Hanxiao, Secretary-General Xingqiu has agreed.

Well, let's set a date and prepare for the sale.

Okay, Lord Hanxiao.


With Han Xiao's order, everyone in Kuixinglou immediately took action to build momentum for the sale of the TV.

The portal news window of Internet cafes, publicity in broadcasts, traditional bulletin boards, etc.

For a time, the TV department used all the methods that could promote their return to the city.

With such a large publicity campaign, the news that the TV was about to be released naturally spread throughout Guili City.

In pubs, restaurants, parks and other places where most Liyue people like to go, many people gathered together and talked about it.

Have you heard? The TV that was rumored before is finally going to be released!

I've heard it a long time ago from the programs I like to listen to. Don't tell me, this is really weird. Obviously the broadcast department is the one that suffers the most after the TV comes out. I didn't expect that even they would follow the promotion of the TV.

You can't say that. The broadcasting sector may not be suppressed. Maybe TV sets are very expensive!

That's not true, isn't it said that TVs are positioned as mid-range products?

That's right, it is said that desktop computers can do what TVs and radios can do, and they can do it better. However, desktop computers are very expensive, so Master Han Xiao developed a mid-range product TV set that can be popularized by the public. On.

Hey, where did you get the news? Is it accurate?

Don't worry, it's very accurate. My brother-in-law works in Kuixing Building. Their department's direct boss is Secretary General Xingqiu. The information will never be wrong!

That's great. If the price is affordable, I will definitely buy one and take it home to see if the TV is as good as the rumors say!

How much do you think the price of the TV will be?

As long as it doesn't exceed 100,000 molas, you can still buy it if you grit your teeth!

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