They have no idea whether their departure from the broadcasting department will lead to a turning point in their lives and lead to a downward spiral.

After all, in the eyes of these people, the newly established broadcast department, which was less than a year old, is now on the right track and is transforming into an enviable work unit.

As a result, they were lucky. They had experienced all the hardships in the early stages of establishing the department. When they were about to enjoy the fruits of their efforts, an order from above made their future obscure again.

It can be said that after learning about this situation, everyone felt bitter and uneasy in their hearts.

Thinking about it, it was not easy to get into the iron rice bowl, and it was even a veteran-level task in this iron rice bowl industry.

But in the blink of an eye, they were sent to a department with an uncertain future to start over.

It would be strange for these people not to complain in their hearts.

Some people may ask why these people who were transferred out of the broadcasting department did not raise objections. The answer is simple, because this is an order from the real controller of Guili City, Lord Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, one of the seven stars in Liyue.

As Liyue people who have witnessed with their own eyes how the new Tianshu Star built Guili City from scratch in less than three years and developed Guili City to its current level of prosperity, they subconsciously have a deep understanding of Han. Xiao Xiao felt a faint sense of awe.

So after learning that their transfer orders came from the legendary Tianshu Star, although these people were still worried about the future, they still obeyed the orders and chose to actively step into the turning point of fate.

Facts have proved that their choice was correct.

Looking at the actual TV set with a black casing placed in front of everyone, the corners of the new TV department director's mouth almost burst into tears.

Not only him, but other people who were originally uneasy about the future now had excited smiles on their faces.

Who would have thought that the new department would actually have an invention even more powerful than the radio!

Moreover, this so-called TV set has an all-round suppressive effect on the radio!

It can be done. After figuring out the function of the TV, everyone was subconsciously glad that they were transferred to a new department.

At the same time, these people also changed their previous attitude of confusion about the future, and looked at those staff who were still in the broadcasting department with a kind of pity.

what a shame!

The new head of the television department couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought about his colleagues in the broadcast department who he once envied and did not have to accept an unknown fate.

I am afraid that my former colleagues will regret why they were not selected to serve in the new department in the future!

Because soon, the broadcasting industry will be hit hard by the television industry!

A new industry that seems to be booming may become obsolete in a short period of time!


Return to the city and the office of the TV department.

In the conference room, the head of the first-generation TV department was standing in front of the long conference table, holding the table with both hands and looking seriously at the senior department personnel sitting on both sides of the long table:

Everyone is gathered together today to discuss one thing.

With that said, the new head of the TV department stood up and came to a black spot, and then wrote the four characters TV PROGRAM in big letters.

I believe everyone has seen what a TV is and knows its functions!

Yes, Minister.

After hearing the words of their new minister, everyone present at the high-level meeting of the department nodded, and some couldn't help shouting praises to their immediate boss Han Xiao.

At this time, they have deeply realized the fact that compared to the television, the radio is a younger brother.

So everyone wants to promote TV as soon as possible.

By then, they will be able to see the television industry's devastating impact on the broadcast industry and replace the industry status of radio in the hearts of Guilicheng residents.

very good!

Seeing that everyone understood the functions of the television, the new head of the television department nodded with satisfaction, and then said slowly:

Although everyone knows what changes television will bring to Liyue in the future, it is not easy to quickly challenge the leading position in the broadcast industry.

So we must make the TV set leave a deep impression on the hearts of the residents of Guili City in a short period of time.

For that, I need you to come up with more and better TV shows!

With that said, the new head of the TV department looked around at everyone in the conference room, paused before continuing:

I wonder if you have confidence?

Don't worry, Minister, we will never waste this opportunity!

As the new minister of the television department finished speaking, a staff member participating in the meeting immediately spoke to assure him.

It is guaranteed that the staff of the TV department will be able to plan programs that are most suitable for the TV set.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we won't fail, Minister!

That's right, don't worry, Minister, I already have a rough idea!

As someone in the conference room made a promise to the new minister of the television department, the rest of the people participating in the meeting couldn't sit still and started to promise him.

Don't give me empty talk. Can anyone come up with something practical?

The new minister of the TV department reached out and knocked on the table with some dissatisfaction.

I only care about results!

Minister, I have an idea!

Seeing that the new director of the TV department wanted to get an accurate answer, a staff member who participated in the meeting spoke up and attracted everyone's attention.

I don't know if you still remember the Guili City party held by Mr. Hanxiao.

of course I remember!

That was the first time I experienced the atmosphere of a party up close. I'm afraid I won't forget it!

Indeed, I may never forget that party in my lifetime.

That's good!

Knowing that everyone was deeply impressed by the party held in Guilicheng, the staff who had spoken before couldn't help but continue to express their plans:

What do you think if we modify and modify the model of Mr. Yun's program on the evening party that is simultaneously broadcast and filmed?

It's like a movie playing in a theater. Find a few actors with good acting skills and match the ups and downs of the story.

I think this kind of program with a strong storyline will definitely attract everyone's attention!

After the staff member expressed his thoughts, everyone in the conference room could not help but think of the scene described by the other person.

A Guilicheng resident who finished his work returned home and turned on the TV, and then watched a story performed by actors.

This is really interesting!

Chapter 808 Two similar departments

With the first staff member to speak, the rest of the meeting went much more smoothly, and other people spoke enthusiastically to explain their ideas.

It's just a TV show, isn't that what they used to do in the broadcast department.

Soon one idea after another was brought up at the meeting.

Kuixing Tower.

Looking at the minutes of the TV department meeting sent by secretary Xu Wan, Han Xiao was amazed while flipping the pages.

These people are indeed the elites who came out of the broadcast department before, and everyone has their own ideas.

Not to mention news, weather forecasts, etc., the broadcast department also had similar programs before.

What surprised him even more was that these staff members immediately came up with TV series, variety shows and other programs after seeing the actual functions of the TV.

After reading the last page of the meeting record, Han Xiao closed the record with satisfaction, raised his head and said to the secretary Xu Wan standing in front of him:

Xu Wan, let me know. I agree with their program idea. I hope to see them realize the vision in the meeting minutes soon.

Yes, Lord Hanxiao.


As Han Xiao nodded, people in the TV department immediately began to recruit people in preparation for the show.

Their movement immediately attracted the attention of the residents of Guili City.

Every time after dinner, the news from the TV department became the talk of their mouths.

What on earth is the TV department?

Who knows, it feels similar to the broadcast department.

No, if it's similar, wouldn't establishing a TV department mean that we have to compete with the radio department?

It's just that it doesn't feel necessary. It's not like two identical departments are competing in the ring.

I don't think so. If the functions of the two are not similar, then why transfer personnel from the broadcast department? It would be better to recruit new people.

I also think that the two departments are almost the same. Otherwise, the TV department can just follow the old path of the broadcast department, recruit people first and then screen out the most capable staff, right?

For a time, there was a lot of discussion among the people in Guili City.

At the same time, two factions were formed.

One side believes that the functions of the radio and television departments are roughly the same, and the majority of people agree with this group.

They all felt that since the team members of the TV department were all transferred from the broadcast department, Kuixinglou must believe that these people have the foundation to build the TV department better and faster.

So the two probably have some similarities in some places.

This can be seen from the recent recruitment drive in the TV department, which was also what the broadcasting department did back then!

The other group disagrees with this view.

Their view is simple. With the popularity of radio in Liyue, the broadcasting sector has slowly developed from its original grassroots start-up. Now it has successfully opened up a new industry and established a firm foothold in Liyue.

Seeing that the content produced by the broadcast department is becoming a program that Liyue people like to listen to after dinner, those in Kuixing Tower have no reason to build another TV department with similar functions during this time period.

That's not taking jobs from the broadcasting department.

However, since it was impossible to explain why Kuixinglou wanted to mobilize elites from the broadcasting department to build the television department, there were relatively few people speaking on this side.

Soon, the two factions began a long dispute over whether the radio and television departments had the same functions.

Slowly, the debate became louder and louder, and spread wider and wider.

Residents as far away as Liyue Port also learned about the recent hot topics in Guili City.

Naturally, these civil disputes also reached the ears of Ningguang and the Seven Stars.


One day.

Jingle Bell--

Just as Han Xiao was reading the latest progress report from the TV department delivered by Xu Wan in the office, a rapid ringing interrupted his thoughts.

Han Xiao, who was distracted by her thoughts, put down the report in her hand, reached out and picked up the cell phone that kept ringing on the table, and then pressed the call button:

It's Hanxiao here.

It's me, Ningguang.

What's wrong? You want to see me if you have something to do?

Hearing Ning Guang's voice coming from the phone, Han Xiao leaned her back on the chair and asked casually.

You can do it, kid. You've caused big trouble again.

On the other side of the phone, hearing Han Xiao's voice that was no different from usual, Ningguang couldn't help but point out the reason why she called specifically this time.

You should know about the things that have caused a lot of noise among the people recently!

Oh, you're talking about the thing between the TV department and the radio department, I know.

Seeing that Ningguang called to inquire about this matter, Han Xiao calmly hummed, indicating that she knew about it.

It's good to know. Can you introduce me?

I'm also curious about what the TV department does?

Oh, I didn't expect Lord Tianquanxing, who has so many things to do, to care about such a trivial matter?

Han Xiao did not immediately explain, but instead teased Ning Guang with a smile.

Little things?

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