Another...mature system?

Being so touched by the thunder movie, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

As for her understanding of the continent of Teyvat, she naturally did not know it as clearly as her best friend.

After all, she is only over five hundred years old now, and she does not know as much as Lei Qianqian, a demon who has existed since the Demon God War.

So since even Lei Movie bluntly stated that Han Xiao's technology for manufacturing mobile phones is not like the technology on the continent of Teyvat, then 80% of the technology comes from only one place...

Different world?

It's very possible.

Seeing that Yae Shenzi had guessed what she was thinking, Raikage nodded slightly. This was what she had guessed.

Despite the small size of the mobile phone, after scanning it with her spiritual mind, she found that its internal structure was extremely sophisticated and its technical principles were unique.

Although Tianshu Xing Hanxiao is not weak in ability, he has come up with an extremely mature and complete technical system at the age of less than 20 years old. Even Lei Movie can't believe it.

Which of the various technical systems on the continent of Teyvat was not gradually formed after countless people's exploration.

To create a technical system from scratch, it would take a lot of amazing talent to do it.

Therefore, she is more inclined to believe that Han Xiao obtained the technology from another world, and then worked with Albedo to combine alchemy and mechanism to sum up the new system.

Uh...can't he just deduce it out of thin air?

Although she agreed with her best friend's judgment in her heart, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but argue with Raikage.

I don't doubt he has the ability, but the time is too short.

Faced with Tan Fox's argument, Raikage didn't get angry. On the contrary, she nodded and admitted that what Yae Shenzi said was not impossible.

Ever since she had a conversation with Han Xiao using remote communication technology, she went to find out the other party's detailed information.

Through understanding, Lei Movie admitted that Han Xiao was a genius that was rare to see in a century.

He was able to step into the demon god level at the age of less than twenty years old, and deduced a method of resurrection. He was even proficient in alchemy and mechanism.

Any one of these alone is worthy of boasting, let alone the cold night in all cities.

But it is precisely for this reason that Lei Movie believes that the origin of the technology in the mobile phone is not from him but from another world.

The reason is also very simple. From the intelligence, it can be seen that Han Xiao has been performing normally for more than ten years. It was not until the past few years that he came to prominence, and then he made rapid progress.

In just a few years, Han Xiao has risen from a mortal to a demon god. No one would believe it without external help.

After hearing Lei Qianqian's views on Han Xiao, Yae Shenzi also agreed with the other party's judgment.

In just a few years, the other party surpassed the strength that she had worked hard to accumulate for more than 500 years. Even she was a little bit affected.

Although even if Han Xiao accepted the help of external force to achieve a leap, it would still be a shock, but at least it would be better than if the other party didn't just rely on himself to take off on the same spot.

The latter is no longer offensive, but it is blatantly saying that she is a waste.

Yae Kamiko, who did not want to talk too much about this aspect to avoid having an emotional explosion, decisively chose to change the topic back to the mobile phone:

So if you want to find a medium for mobile phones to run, you still need to understand the technical theory?

That's not necessary.

Lei Movie shook his head, turned his gaze to the mobile phone in his hand, and said slowly:

Give me some time to research, I already have some ideas.

Hey hey hey, isn't it?

Hearing the words of Lei Jinzi, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, with a bit of surprise in his tone:

Ying, didn't you say that this is a technical system that is different from Teyvat, but why do you think you can find the clue after just one glance?

If it's anything else, it's naturally impossible.

Seeing the surprise of his family members, Lei Qianqi raised the corner of his mouth after a long time.

But I just discovered through a spiritual scan that this creation called a mobile phone runs through the element of thunder.

I see!

Speaking of this, even if Raikage didn't tell the truth completely, Yae Kamiko understood why his best friend was so confident.

There is an element of lightning involved in the way the co-authored mobile phone operates.

Who is my best friend? She is the god of thunder who masters the element of thunder.

Isn't this a coincidence?

Ying, so you can crack the secret of the phone?

...You think too highly of me, Son of God!

Lei Xingqing, who was still a little happy at first, couldn't help but choked at the sight of his family member, and immediately rolled his eyes at him angrily.

This is a mature system. I don't know the theory. The best I can do is analyze the transmission method of mobile phone remote communication through the control of Lei Element, and then try to replace it with existing technology.

As for how to make a mobile phone, it's not something I can do without theory.

Chapter 806 The establishment of the television department

Well, that's such a pity!

After learning that Lei Movie did not analyze the technology for manufacturing mobile phones, but realized that the way mobile phones achieve long-distance communication is likely to use the thunder element, she was confident to solve the problem of mobile phones not being able to be used in Inazuma.

Yae Shenzi was slightly disappointed.

Mobile phones, a prop that allows people to make long-distance calls, are still very valuable, especially in an island country like Inazuma that is located on the sea and is inconvenient to contact.

If Lei Movie can imitate mobile phones, the relationship between Inazuma's several islands can become closer.

Ying, do you think we should order a mobile phone like Liyue?

Although Yae Kamiko was a little disappointed that her best friend might not be able to imitate the mobile phone, she still asked her what she thought.

After all, the emergence of mobile phones has greatly improved the efficiency of long-distance communication. Having a mobile phone is definitely a good thing for Ina Wife.

It's a good idea, but it's not realistic.

After hearing Yae Shenzi's plan, Raikage first spoke to confirm his family's thoughts, but then purchasing a mobile phone became a problem for Inazuma.


Yae Shenzi frowned and subconsciously thought of the young man far away in Liyue.

Are you worried that Tianshu Xing is unwilling to sell the phone to us?

No, it's because Inazuma's current financial situation cannot bear it.

Faced with Yae Shenzi's doubts, Lei Qianqing replied with a gloomy expression.

Ever since she untied her knot and left the Pure Land of One Heart, even though she didn't like dealing with government affairs during this period, she still forced herself to read official documents.

Because of this, Lei Qianqing knew what kind of harm he had done to Dao Wife by abandoning him for more than five hundred years.

The three great ministers were supposed to be the retainers who would assist her in dealing with Inazuma's affairs. However, because she herself had been hiding in the Pure Land and refused to leave, the Kansei minister and the Tianling minister first jointly suppressed the society, and then went on a rampage in the land of Inazuma. Expand your own strength and power.

To be honest, Lei Mo doesn't really care about the rights and interests of Inazuma's land, she doesn't care at all.

Even if Inazuma hadn't been personally trained by his sister, Raiden Jin, Raikage wouldn't feel the slightest bit distressed even if he abandoned Inazuma.

Of course, this was the original idea of ​​Lei Movie.

After getting help from the traveler to untie her knot, she finally fell in love with Inazuma.

However, with this intention, Lei Qingqing discovered that Dao's wife had reached the edge of collapse internally after she had been doing nothing for so many years and allowed San Fengxing to toss her around.

For this reason, she has been thinking of ways to clean up the mess during this time.

For example, they seriously deal with the families responsible for the determination and Tianling implementation, seek material support from Liyue, and appease Haiji Island, etc.

Fortunately, even though the lives of the Inazuma people were difficult, people still believed in her as the Lord of the Imperial Palace.

Therefore, with the implementation of the new laws, the collapsed social environment and economic conditions are slowly improving. seems like that.

Today's Lei Movies know very well that today's Inazuma is just a faggot. On the surface, she looks like she is regaining her former prosperity, but in fact, she is very empty on the inside.

The Lockdown Order and the Eye Hunting Order appeared less than two years ago, but with a devastating power, they shattered the trust between Daozhi and businessmen from various countries.

In order for Ina Wife to completely recover from her decadence, it may not be possible within a few decades.

That's why when Kamiko Yae suggested ordering a mobile phone, Ray Cinema refused.

It’s not that the goods are bad, it’s that Daozuma’s current finances are all used to restore production and cannot free up more funds.

...I never thought, Ying, that you would actually care about Inama's condition now!

Hearing the reason why Lei Movie would not consider introducing mobile phones for the time being, Yae Kamiko opened her mouth slightly and felt incredible.

This is truly the first time that my bestie, a homebody, knows how to get down to business!


Although he really wanted to teach this ugly fox a lesson, considering that what the other party said was indeed the truth, in the end Lei Movie had no choice but to snort and remain silent.

But now that you have started working, Kage, I, as a dependent, have no choice but to contribute.

Before the other party could continue to speak, Yae Kamiko immediately smiled and said that she was also involved in the process of restoring Inazuma's national power.

Oh, so you have a way to restore national strength?

Hearing Yae Shenzi's words, Raikage glanced at the pink-furred fox standing in front of him in surprise.

What's the solution?

Didn't the little princess from the Shenli family just return from Liyue some time ago? She brought back news that there are high-yielding seeds in Liyue.

This is good news. Then I'll leave this matter to you, Son of God.


While Lei Movie and Yae Shenzi were discussing how to restore Inazuma's national power, some changes also occurred in Guili City.

Many Liyue people who are used to listening to the radio at night have discovered that many radio hosts have changed in recent days.

At the same time, the program seems to be lacking.

The residents of Liyue who noticed the change were naturally curious about what was going on behind the scenes, so some people started asking around.

Soon, they learned that a group of people had been transferred from the broadcasting department, which originally had many soldiers.

At this time, the people in Guili City couldn't help but talk about it.

You said that the broadcasting department is doing a good job, but why are so many people suddenly transferred?

Who knows, I only know that several of the programs I like to listen to have suddenly been suspended, and I can't sleep well at night.

I do know something about the situation here. I heard that Lord Hanxiao and the others have developed a new invention, which seems to be more powerful than the radio.

Brother, tell me in detail!

I don't know the details, but it is said that the new invention is similar to the projector in the theater.

I've seen the movie in the theater. It has plots, pictures and sounds. It's very interesting!

Could it be that Master Hanxiao invented a home version of the projector this time?

That's not the name. It seems to be called TV.

This conversation between Liyue people is just a microcosm of what happened in Guili City recently.

Many people are speculating on what the new product invented by Han Xiao is, and people from the broadcasting department need to be transferred to start a new one.

However, for insiders who were transferred to the TV department, they were extremely excited at this time.

Because in the TV department, they not only saw Lord Hanxiao with their own eyes, but also saw what the so-called TV is.

After learning about the functions of the television, these former broadcasting department staff no longer felt uneasy, but were replaced by lingering excitement.

Chapter 807 New Program Planning

Yes, excited.

The people who were suddenly transferred from the booming broadcast department to establish the television department were initially nervous.

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