Seeing that the conference hall was a bit noisy, Liu Su's disciple couldn't help but asked secretly in his master's ear out of curiosity.

I think it must be a big deal.

Hearing the doubts of his new apprentice, Liu Su couldn't make an accurate judgment for a while.

After all, it was his first time to experience this kind of scene where all the staff were brought together.

To be honest, he felt a little nervous.

While most of the staff were discussing privately, the door to the conference hall was pushed open, and the head of the broadcast department walked in.

Almost instantly, the entire hall fell silent. Everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to the podium in the conference hall.


On the podium, the person in charge of the broadcasting department coughed slightly, then turned on the microphone and said slowly:

Comrades, I have called you all here this time because of an order sent from Kuixing Tower.

The superiors hope to transfer a group of people from our broadcasting department to build a new department.

Good guy!

As the person in charge finished speaking, the entire hall was in an uproar.

Everyone's eyes showed surprise and surprise.

Teacher, this is a new department!

But why would people be taken away from us?

Perhaps the new department will have similar functions to our broadcast department.

Hiss, doesn't Kuixinglou's order require us to raise an opponent for ourselves?

It's hard to say. Maybe this is a new opportunity, but it may also be a failed decision...

The dialogue between Liu Su's master and his apprentice is basically a reflection of the inner feelings of everyone present.

They all realized that this sudden order was full of the Tianshu star's handiwork.

After all, wasn't their broadcast department established in this way in the first place?

Now this is just a repeat of the past.

What I don’t know is whether this new department is an opportunity or a quagmire?


Just when Liyue was preparing to open the TV department, far away in Narukami Taisha Shrine in Inazuma, Yae Kamiko also got the mobile phone that flew across the sea.

Chapter 804 Mobile Media

Is this the latest alchemy tool from Liyue that allows people to communicate remotely?

Yes, Lord Palace Secretary!

After hearing Yae Kamiko's question, the shrine maiden Nana Kano who brought her cell phone to Narukami Taisha Shrine answered respectfully.

It's really interesting!

Looking at the mobile phone in his hand, which was not much bigger than the palm of his hand and had a metal casing and a transparent panel, Yae Kamiko's eyes were full of curiosity.

She was familiar with long-distance communication equipment. Whether it was Dao Wife or Liyue, they both had techniques similar to the ability to transmit sounds across thousands of miles.

Just like the small mirror that she asked Kamisato Ayaka to bring to Liyue before, it has this kind of magic that can be used for long-distance communication.

The reason why Yae Shenzi was curious was because she didn't expect that Han Xiao and Abedo could recreate functions that could only be achieved with advanced magic techniques in the past by using alchemy.

Not only that, the most important thing is energy production!

This is where Han Xiao and the others are truly powerful.

There are many technologies on the continent of Teyvat that are similar to Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission. If popularized, they would be very practical. The problem is that they are either driven by unique powers or are made using techniques that are difficult for mortals to use.

To put it simply, there are many good things on the continent of Teyvat, but they are difficult to promote to the mortal level due to their scarcity.

That's why Yae Shenzi was curious and surprised that Han Xiao and the others were able to 'downgrade' Qianli Sound Transmission technology to the point of mass production.

It's not that the demon gods can't do this, they can still do it if they really want to.

Let’s not talk about it remotely, let’s just say that her best friend Lei Movie, who likes to hide in a pure land and never go out, can definitely do it.

After all, the other party can even create a doll with its own consciousness. It is not easy to 'downgrade' the Qianli sound transmission technology.

It is obviously a very simple thing, something that many big guys on the continent of Teyvat can do by just breaking the window paper, but few people have done it for thousands of years.

Yae Shenzi estimated that there should be two factors.

One is the limitation of thinking. In the past, most of the people the bosses could communicate with were beings of similar levels. In their eyes, the Thousand Miles of Voice Transmission and other techniques were just easy to pick up. There was no need to focus on this aspect.

As for the second point, it sounds a bit unpleasant to say.

Yae Shenzi suspected that these demon gods were afraid of the mysterious island in the sky, so they did not take a step beyond it.

It's not like Kanria didn't have something similar to a mobile phone at the beginning, but in the end no demon was tempted by it.

She would never believe it if there was nothing fishy about it.

It is precisely because of the inaction of various big guys that the credit for inventing remote communication tools falls on Han Xiao and Abedo.

Of course, Yae Shenzi was not belittling Han Xiao’s research.

In fact, it was just the opposite. She admired Han Xiao and the others for being able to use cheap materials to accomplish things that only those who mastered advanced techniques could accomplish.

Because this shows that humans have been making progress in certain aspects of technology.

While sighing in his heart for the superb skills of Han Xiao and others, Yae Kamiko took the mobile phone manual from Kano Nana and read it carefully several times.

After it was almost confirmed, she turned on the phone according to the steps in the manual.

Soon, along with a pleasant ringtone, the transparent screen lit up with a colorful picture.

Well...let me think of sister Gan Yu's phone number.

Yae Kamiko muttered in a low voice, while the fingers holding the phone quickly pressed the number keys.

It's a pity that she didn't hear the sound of the phone being connected.

Nana, what's going on?

Yae Kamiko, who found that the mobile phone number was not dialed, couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Kano Nana aside, wanting to ask the other party what the situation was.

Why can't she use this telephony device called a cell phone.

Master Palace Secretary, according to reports from our diplomats in Liyue, mobile phones need signal to support long-distance communication. We, Dao Wife, have no signal here.


Yae Shenzi was stunned at first, and then he understood.

It seems that if a mobile phone is to communicate remotely, it needs a medium to operate.

I don’t know if Ying can solve this problem.

Thinking that Ying had his own unique attainments in alchemy and mechanisms, Yae Shenzi immediately set his sights on his best friend.

Thinking of this, she immediately waved to Kano Nana to leave first.

You go down.

Yes, Lord Palace Secretary.

After hearing Yae Kamiko's order, Kano Nana bowed respectfully and then left the inner room and went to the outskirts of the shrine.

After Nana Shikano left, Kamiko Yae put her cell phone into the Eye of God space and took out a guardian emitting a cherry-colored light.


When the elemental power poured into Yushou, a strange portal appeared in front of her eyes.

Looking at the portal that appeared in front of him, Yae Shenzi took a deep breath before stepping into the door.

A pure mind.

Lei Mo is suspended in mid-air with his eyes closed and meditating in a fusion of three sitting postures: [sitting in half lotus position], [playing position] and [sitting in half lotus position in meditation].

But when a portal suddenly appeared in Yixin Pure Land, she couldn't help but open her eyes and watched a fox with pink fur walk in.

Son of God, why are you here?

Seeing that the person coming was the Son of the Eightfold God, Lei Qianqian asked calmly:

Although I gave you the authority to use the Pure Land, I also said it was best not to disturb me.

Oh my god, I miss you so much!

Hearing the slightly cold words of his best friend, Yae Kamiko didn't take it seriously, but instead smiled and joked.

Previously, Lei Qian locked herself in a pure land for five hundred years and did not come out, and she could not enter.

Fortunately, travelers and Han Xiao made her dead-brained best friend change, and she was able to have the authority to enter the Pure Land of One Heart.

Nonsense, what on earth are you here for?

Raikage didn't care about Yae Shenzi's joking words, and still gave the ultimatum in a straightforward tone:

If you have nothing important to do, just leave.

Okay, okay, I really have something to report to you this time.

Seeing that his best friend did not give him any face, Yae Shenzi sighed helplessly, then took out his mobile phone from the Eye of God, and then stated his purpose of entering the Pure Land of Isshin this time.

This is the new work of the Tianshu star in Liyue. Its function is a thousand-mile sound transmission device that can be mass-produced, but it seems to require a medium to activate.

So I came to you to see if there is a way to solve this problem. I remember that you brought back a lot of technology from Kanria, right?


After hearing Yae Shenzi's narration, Raikage immediately became interested.

Bring it here!

Chapter 805: The Confidence of Lei Movie

Lei Movies paid special attention to Tianshu Xing Hanxiao.

After all, people have a method that is close to resurrection. She still expects the other party to use this method to defeat her sister Raiden Zhen. It would be strange if she doesn't take it seriously.

Because of this, Lei Qianqian is very familiar with some of Han Xiao's experiences and abilities.

Naturally, she also knew very well that the other party had great attainments in alchemy and mechanism arts.

Reaching out to take the mobile phone handed over by Yae Shenzi, Lei Movie took it in his hand and turned it over and over seriously.

He even did not forget to use his spiritual thoughts to explore the internal structure of the mobile phone.

And soon, she discovered some clues.

I've let you down, Son of God. I'm afraid I can't solve the problem of the medium.

After checking his phone, Raikage raised his head and looked at Yae Kamiko, and said words that surprised his best friend:

“I can’t figure out the principle behind this yet.”

...King, are you sure you're not kidding?

Hearing Lei Qianqian say so bluntly that he couldn't understand the working principle of the mobile phone for the time being, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but widen his eyes with surprise on his face.

Although my best friend has lived in the Pure Land for over five hundred years, in addition to martial arts, she has also dabbled in blacksmithing, alchemy, and mechanisms, and has considerable attainments.

The creation of Thunderbolt General and Skirmisher are good examples.

In Han Xiao's previous life, Lei movies could be called technology nerds.

That's why Yae Kamiko was surprised that his best friend said so bluntly that she couldn't figure out how the mobile phone worked.

That's the truth. The technology used on mobile phones is completely different from the alchemy and organ art on the continent of Teyvat. It is very likely that it is another mature system.

Regarding the surprise of his own fox, Lei Movie seemed very calm.

She is a warrior, and warriors value [sincerity], so if she can’t do it, she can’t.

Although she brought back a lot of technology from Kanria, there are both similarities and contradictions between the two.

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