I probably understand what you mean.

As soon as Han Xiao said his first reason, Xingqiu understood what he was thinking.

Although televisions and radios have overlapping functions, their costs are completely different.

Because radios are cheap, everyone in Liyue can afford them except for those families who are really too poor to afford food.

And since Ning Guang came to power and Beidou went to sea, there are no such poor people in Liyue who can't even eat.

Most Liyue people had no hidden wealth and no living skills, so Ningguang opened up many trade routes to support them.

It's just that even if these people can support themselves, they don't have spare money around them.

Even if a TV is launched on the market and is recognized by customers, its price or performance-to-price ratio cannot be compared with that of a radio.

Comparing the two, the sales volume of TV sets will definitely not be as good as that of radios in the short term.

So when Han Xiao said this, Xingqiu reacted.

Yes, no matter how powerful a TV is, at its price, it is not as cost-effective as a radio.

Even if the further development goes on, Liyue people's pockets will become more and more bulging.

Other than that?

Han Xiao's affirmative answer made Xingqiu couldn't help but ask.

He wanted to know other than the reason of being expensive, what other reasons could make the other party think that the two could cooperate instead of fighting each other.

The second point is the wiring problem.

Han Xiao casually spread out the map on the table, then picked up a pen and drew a red line on it that spread across the land of Liyue.

Here, these are the current construction plans of signal lines throughout Liyue.

After saying that, Han Xiao directly clicked on the lines on the map with a red pen, and said slowly:

Radio uses the principle of electromagnetic waves, which is similar to how mobile phones operate, while TV uses light signals and is tied to the Internet.

The two are fundamentally different.

No wonder...

After staring at the red line circled by Han Xiao on the desktop map for a long time, Xingqiu couldn't help but mutter to himself, and a flash of realization flashed in his eyes.

Only now did he finally understand the main reason why his family had said that the emergence of television would not affect the radio for the time being.

The high cost is only a small aspect. The real reason is that the signal line of the TV is tied to the Internet.

As for the technology developed for the Internet, Han Xiao currently has no plans to sell it to outsiders.

This is the real reason.

Well...that's right.

Hearing Xingqiu's guess, Han Xiao grinned and did not refute.

He has his own ideas about the arrangement of desktop computers.

If high-level officials from various countries came to Liyue to propose purchase conditions, Han Xiao could release a small batch for the sake of the Seven Gods.

Of course, there are only a hundred units at most, no more.

After all, his idea was to popularize desktop computers in Liyue first and then slowly expand the Internet outwards.

If you take a big step towards saving, it will be easy to get involved.

Thinking of the Internet, Han Xiao suddenly smiled and said to Xingqiu:

Actually, if we really take it seriously, the TV set is the one that is really unlucky, because when the Internet is popularized in the future, all desktop computers in the TV industry will be available, and they will be more convenient.

Hey... why does this involve a desktop computer again!

Xingqiu took a deep breath and felt a little restless.

Originally, he was worried about the overlapping functions between radios and televisions.

It's fine now. Before the problem is solved, another desktop computer pops up.

And based on Han Xiao’s words, I’m afraid a desktop computer doesn’t have the same functions as a TV or a radio, or even more powerful ones.

Roughly the same.

After hearing Xingqiu's guess, Han Xiao nodded slightly, acknowledging that the other party's guess was correct.

From the perspective of historical development in previous lives, the broadcasting industry has been attacked by the television industry in all directions, but at least the foundation is still there.

However, with the advent of computers, both the television industry and the radio industry were basically hit hard.

Then you shouldn't bring out the TV to promote it!

Xingqiu's face almost turned green when he learned that desktop computers might bring radio and television to a standstill.

We can't let other countries take advantage of us twice in a row!

If they really do this, they Liyue will probably be sprayed to death!

And not only foreigners, but also Qi Liyue's own people would find this operation offensive.

Don't worry, nothing will go wrong.

How can you let me feel so relieved?

Xingqiu felt bad when he thought that he would be complained about behind his back in the future.

No...you have to give me an explanation for this today. Why did you decide to do this?

I would like to take one step forward and let every household use a desktop computer, but this is simply not realistic, okay?

Seeing that Xingqiu didn't understand the fundamental reason why he did this, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh slightly.

When he built desktop computers before, he was thinking about whether he could jump directly from the broadcast industry to the Internet, eliminating the television industry in the middle.

But after Han Xiao and Abedo actually built a desktop computer, Han Xiao found that her idea was probably impossible to realize.

There is no other reason, it is still the commonplace price issue.

At present, even though Albedo has found a lot of low-cost materials to reduce manufacturing costs, the cost of a desktop computer is still around 300,000 molars.

Three hundred thousand molas, if used for daily expenses, would be enough for a family of three in Liyue to live on a budget for several months.

This price is not something that ordinary families can afford.

In order to compromise, Han Xiao finally decided to build a TV.

In this way, low-priced radios can ensure the smooth flow of information for Liyue people, and mid-priced TVs can enrich the daily entertainment of most Liyue families.

As for desktop computers, currently only wealthy people may be able to afford them.

“Can’t we find a way to reduce the cost of desktop computers to a point where most people can afford them?”

After hearing Han Xiao's difficulties, Xingqiu also frowned for a moment.

Although Guilicheng has been developing well recently, he does have to admit that the gap between rich and poor exists objectively.

Chapter 803 New Department

Lowering the cost of desktop computers... there is probably no way out now.

Regarding Xingqiu's idea of ​​lowering the price of desktop computers to a level that most people can afford, Han Xiao said helplessly that he couldn't do it.

Because 300,000 molars per unit is already the cost after Albedo replaced cheap materials. If it is lower, it will be a loss.

If you want to continue to reduce the cost of desktop computers, it will only happen unless Liyue's industrial system as a whole moves forward to the point where it can mass-produce relatively precise parts.

It’s just that the performance of current machine tools such as lathes is far from enough.

Is there any way to have a more powerful work machine as soon as possible?

Knowing that the reason for the inability to reduce the cost of desktop computers lies in the manufacturing source, Xingqiu couldn't help but focus on this aspect.

If he remembered correctly, lathes, milling machines, planers and other working machines were all placed in the large workshop in Mingyun Town. The immortal Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun specially invited by Han Xiao was responsible for maintaining and developing the next generation of these tasks. mother machine.

It was under the research and development led by Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun that the working machine seemed to have been iterated several times.

So Xingqiu thought if they could continue to look forward to the immortal?

Not yet.

Hearing Xingqiu's thoughts, Han Xiao couldn't help but shook his head.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun has worked hard enough. The production line in Mingyun Town has actually been iterated several times under the leadership of the other party in research and development.

It can be said that under the leadership of the other party, the overall level of Liyue industry is now close to the stage from the late 18th century to the early 19th century in the previous life.

That is to say, it has basically reached the level of the steam era.

Nowadays, in the entire Teyvat continent, only two and a half countries, including Liyue, have reached this level of industry.

Two of them are naturally Fengdan and Liyue, and half is Zhidong.

As for why it is half in the solstice, it is because they focus all their skills on the military industry.

The only thing Liyue currently lacks is the lack of high-end talents in various natural disciplines, which prevents it from making big strides forward.

If all the engineers from Fontaine were brought to Liyue, it might really be possible to iterate to around the middle of the 20th century in the previous life.

It seems that we can't hope for it in the short term.

After listening to Han Xiao's story, Xingqiu couldn't help but click his tongue.

Forget about the difficulty of recruiting all Fontaine engineers to make a technological breakthrough.

Take your time. The main reason is that there are too few talents in various disciplines in Liyue.

Hanxiao had no good solution to this problem and could only choose to rely on education to cultivate subject talents and develop slowly.

In fact, members of the previous chat group suggested that Han Xiao use modern high-precision work machines to help Liyue develop, but in the end he rejected it.

Han Xiao knew very well that if he brought in modern high-precision machine tools, he might be able to improve the industrial level of the entire Liyue region in the short term.

But this kind of improvement is illusory, and the entire focus is placed on a few working machines.

If the machine breaks down, there may not be anyone in Liyue to repair it.

This improvement has a purpose.

It is better to lay the foundation honestly and steadily make a fortune.

Of course, there is actually a modern high-precision machine tool in Mingyun Town today.

However, this was not used for production, but was handed over to Liuyun Jifeng Zhenjun for disassembly and reverse engineering.

Maybe one day the other party will be able to master all the key points of knowledge in reverse engineering.


Seeing that Han Xiao had made such a statement, Xingqiu could only sigh and accepted the subsequent strategy of promoting TV sets.


Soon, following Xingqiu's arrangements, instructions were issued from Kuixing Tower, and the entire Guili City began to prepare for the promotion of television.

Return to Licheng Broadcasting Department.

Since the establishment of the department, through the strategy of large-scale recruitment expansion and then eliminating the bad and retaining the best, today's broadcasting department can be said to be full of talents.

The hosts of each program are elite talents who have successfully risen to the top after fierce competition.

On a day that was no different from usual, everyone received the news and came to the conference hall.

Do you know what happened?

Not sure?

Who knows.

When all the staff of the broadcast department gathered in the large conference hall, many people were asking others around, hoping to get some reasons why they were suddenly called to a meeting today.

Unfortunately, no one knew the reason for this call.

corner of the meeting.

Liu Su, the former storyteller and now the host of the storytelling program, and his new disciples in the broadcasting department were standing there, looking at the scenes of discussion in the conference hall.

Teacher, what do you think the higher-ups are planning to do by calling us here?

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