But then her conversation changed:

But I do have a concern that I don't know whether I should talk about.

There's nothing to say, senior, just say it!

That's okay... Xiao Yang and I have been getting along very well these days, and he is willing to share some trivial matters about his life with me.

Fa Lushan paused for a moment, sorting out her words in her mind before continuing:

According to him, before the electronic library function in desktop computers came out, his favorite way to relax was to listen to various radio programs on the radio.

So I'm thinking about one thing. If television is popularized, it will probably affect radio, right?

There is definitely an impact.

He never expected that Fa Lushan would ask such a realistic question, and Han Xiao didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Will the emergence of television have an impact on the radio industry?

The answer is yes.

And just like the impact of radio on Liyue’s original entertainment industry, the impact of television on the radio industry is also a dimensionality reduction attack.

After all, compared to a radio that can only hear sounds, a TV that can both hear sounds and see dynamic images will naturally attract most radio listeners.

This is inevitable.

Tsk...it hasn't even been two years since radios became popular. You came up with an upgraded TV set so quickly. You're making people who bought radios feel uncomfortable.

And what about the employees in the broadcast department? We can't all fire them, right?

No, no, no, Senior Fa Lushan, you are worrying too much!

Hearing that Fa Lushan was worried that the radio would be greatly affected by the emergence of television, Han Xiao repeatedly waved her hands to indicate that the other party was thinking too much.

Yes, the emergence of television will indeed have an impact on the broadcast sector that was established less than two years ago, but fortunately, desktop computers will not immediately replace radios.

Those who drive long distances in electric vehicles will definitely choose to listen to the radio to relieve themselves of the boring journey if they feel bored on the road.

This is something that television cannot do.

This aspect alone can prove that radio will not be crowded out by television sets in the short term to the point where there is no room for survival.

As for how to arrange the people in the broadcast department, it is also very simple.

After talking about the radio problem, Han Xiao continued to talk about the personnel arrangements for the broadcasting department.

In the near future, I will take some members from the broadcast department to form a television department.

The operating models of the two are actually similar, so I think the TV department should be up and running soon.

If that's the case, then I'm fine!

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Fa Lushan nodded with satisfaction.

Even the countermeasures have been thought up, and they are very feasible. It seems that the other party has already considered this aspect.

As for the program, I think you can leave this issue to the staff of the broadcast department.


Han Xiao looked at Fa Lushan with some surprise, and couldn't help but asked curiously:


At first glance, you don't pay much attention to the recent developments in the broadcasting department!

Well... there are a lot of things to pay attention to, and some things are really not focused enough.

Han Xiao did not express any excuse for not paying more attention to the development of the broadcasting department, but simply admitted it.

Seeing this, Fa Lushan couldn't help but helplessly spread her hands to Xiao Xiong.

Then you probably don't know that the most popular thing in Liyue is the radio. I've heard people talking about the contents of radio programs many times while eating at Wanmin Hall.

It seems like the broadcasting department is doing quite well at the moment!

Hearing Fa Lushan's explanation, Han Xiao had a happy look on her face.

Although he had neglected to pay attention to this aspect before because he was busy with other things, he was actually quite happy to hear from Fa Lushan that the broadcast department was thriving.

It's precisely because they did a good job that I suggest you hand over the problem to them. They may be able to give you a good solution.

Chapter 801 Xingqiu: Is this a trap?

With the advice of Abedo and others, Han Xiao quickly sorted out the preparations that should be made before launching the TV to the market.

I have to say that he quite likes this brainstorming-like method.

This is not to say that Han Xiao can't think of the suggestions put forward by Fa Lushan and others. The suggestions of the other three are not difficult to think of. If he is given some time, he can actually think of a similar solution.

But rather than making all the arrangements on his own, Han Xiao hopes that the people around him can broaden their horizons and grow up, and help him develop Liyue.

Although neither Abedo nor Fa Lushan were natives of Liyue, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Genius is always genius.

In addition, they have read a lot of books about other worlds because they are around them, so it is normal for them to broaden their horizons before the Liyue people.

Moreover, the changes in Abeido and others also made Han Xiao look forward to the transformation that would happen when Ningguang and Xingqiu grew up.

You must know that although Ningguang does not have much qualifications in scientific research, his talents are focused on government affairs and commerce.

Just imagine, when an enhanced version of Ningguang or Xingqiu appears, what will happen to Liyue's senior management?

Of course, this is not the time yet.

After all, there is some knowledge that you cannot give to others, and the other party can absorb it without any obstacles and change their own mindset.

So Han Xiao has been laying the groundwork. He is using creations such as electric lights, electric cars, and even current mobile phones and the Internet to break Ningguang and their thinking patterns again and again.

Until they absorb the essence of both worlds and form a new perspective on things.

Regarding this, Han Xiao still hopes that this day can come earlier.

Back to the topic.

We will not express the expectations of Ningguang and others for the moment, but first turn our attention back to Han Xiao.

After sorting out the entire preparation process before launching the TV into the market.

Early the next morning, he came to Kuixing Tower and found Xingqiu.


Remove some of the core members of the broadcast department?

In Han Xiao's office at Kuixing Tower.

Looking at the plan handed to him by Han Xiao, Xingqiu just read the beginning and couldn't help but raise his head to look at his child who was sitting on the chair.

Han Xiao, are you sure you're not kidding?

Yes, I'm serious, I'm not kidding you.

But what on earth do you want to do?

Hearing that Han Xiao did not make a hot-headed decision, Xingqiu fanned the plan in his hand and asked with confusion:

The broadcasting department was on the right track some time ago. Now you suddenly say that you want to transfer some of its people to become an independent department. Do you think this is appropriate?

After reading the plan, Xingqiu knew that although he knew that his family was not messing around, he still felt dissatisfied.

Since the birth of the broadcast department, Han Xiao has only paid attention to the first few episodes of the program arrangement. He has not intervened at all in the future, allowing this new department to grow wildly.

You know, without the guidance of our own family, the performance of the broadcasting department was not particularly outstanding at the beginning.

Most people who listen to the radio only listen to a news program released by Kuixinglou, and the retention rate of other column groups is not very high.

In order to solve the problem of not retaining listeners, people in the broadcasting department spontaneously gathered together to work together and eventually developed many novel program formats.

The program became novel and the number of listeners gradually increased.

The entire broadcasting department has also been completely revitalized.

Seeing that the broadcast department was becoming more and more prosperous day by day and was completely on the right track, Han Xiao was planning to transfer some people to leave the broadcast department at this time.

Wouldn't his doing so give a blow to the broadcasting department that has just made some progress?

Xingqiu, you've also read the plan. What do you think of the TV industry?

Faced with the question of her little boy, Han Xiao's face remained unchanged and she asked in a calm tone.

It's indeed a good industry, but we can't dig into the roots of the broadcasting sector because of this!

Xingqiu pursed his lips, the expression on his face not very good.

He has read the plan. According to the above explanation, the television industry does indeed seem to be more outstanding than the broadcast industry.

It can be said that the emergence of television was a high-level blow to radio.

But this is not the reason why Han Xiao immediately abandoned the broadcast industry.

Thinking of this, Xingqiu couldn't help but raise his voice:

Hanxiao, the broadcasting industry has just established a foothold in the market. Isn't it too early for you to launch TV sets now?

What do you want to say?

I admit that radios do not have many advantages when it comes to new products such as televisions. According to market rules, the advanced ones are eliminated and the backward ones are eliminated.

After sorting out his words in his mind, Xingqiu slowly explained:

But don't you think your steps are too fast?

Did you know, Han Xiao, that with the active broadcasting department, radios have not only become more and more popular in Liyue, but have even attracted the attention of other countries.

There are already countries that want to buy radios and the service of laying signal lines. This is a lot of money!

Speaking of this, Xingqiu's face showed uncontrollable heartache.

As a result, you have to redeploy personnel to build more advanced television sets. What about radios? Can we still sell them?

And even if we sell, what will people in other countries think of us?

After listening to Xingqiu's explanation, Han Xiao did not give an immediate reply, but said thoughtfully:

Are you worried that other countries will just buy radios and we will launch new products that will cause unnecessary trouble?

Isn't it obvious?

Xingqiu covered his face with one hand and responded weakly.

Why other countries buy radios is not because of their ability to quickly spread information and bring changes to the people.

Just imagine, if a person just spent money to buy a mobile phone that was just released this year, and the next day the manufacturer launched a new mobile phone with a similar price but more powerful functions without warning.

This kind of strong stabbing feeling in the back would make anyone feel like their mind was exploding.

This is what Han Xiao is doing now.

Seeing that the radio was already showing signs of being exported to other countries, Han Xiao built a TV set with more powerful functions at this juncture.

Do you think the top leaders of other countries will feel that they have been taken advantage of?

Well...if I said the lines between the two are different, would you feel better?

After understanding why Xingqiu was unwilling to launch the TV at this time, Han Xiao pondered slightly and gave a somewhat vague explanation.

The lines are different?

After hearing Han Xiao's words, Xingqiu couldn't help but be startled, and then he asked:

Can you tell me more about it?

Chapter 802 The gap between rich and poor

First of all, the cost of the two is different.

Facing Xingqiu's questioning, Han Xiao thought for a while before speaking out her thoughts.

Radios are small in size and have cheap materials, so they are also very cheap. Although TVs are not technically difficult, the materials they use must be much more expensive than radios. After all, the volume alone shows how expensive the materials are. Know how many times more.”

So even if a TV comes out, its selling price will definitely be more expensive than a radio.

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