Abedo bent down and picked up a square iron box from under the experimental table at his feet and put it on the table while casually explaining:

Didn't you ask me to research it in the first place? I happened to develop it recently when I had time.

Oh, so fast?

Seeing the 'box' being carried to the table by Abedo, which looked like an old-fashioned color TV set, Han Xiao's eyes flashed with surprise.

He did tell Albedo about this matter some time ago, but the other party created it not long ago?

It's okay. The imaging principles of TV are not difficult, and most of the technologies have been mastered while studying desktop computers and mobile phones.

Can I try?


Seeing the result of Abedo asking him to test the TV, Han Xiao was not hesitant and directly pressed the small start button on the TV.

The next moment, the originally silent TV screen suddenly lit up.

swish swish——

Just when Han Xiao was about to see what was on the TV, what appeared in front of him was indeed a white screen with countless flashing spots.

This is...oh yes, there is no signal now.

Not even if there is a signal.

Han Xiao's soliloquy also reached Albedo's ears, and he couldn't help but click his tongue.

There isn't even a TV show at the moment, so it's normal to see spots of light like snowflakes.

Just a moment.

Abedo asked Han Xiao to wait a moment, and then he took out a video camera from his God's Eye space, and then connected the two items together with a cable.

The conversation between Abedo and Han Xiao was listened to word by word by the other two people in the workshop, which made the two of them put down what they were doing and chose to go to the experimental table to watch this so-called TV.

The reality did not keep them waiting too long. Under Abedo's control, Han Xiao and the others quickly turned their attention to the TV.

Not long after, the contents of the video camera were perfectly displayed on the screen.

Chapter 799: TV wiring problem

As the picture appeared on the screen, Han Xiao and several people present saw the colorful panoramic view of Guili City at the same time.

The direction of the camera seems to be from the top of the mountain behind Guili City, and the entire Guili City is included in this small shot.

The video screen is not long and will be played quickly.

Looking at the screen that once again returned to the white spots, Fa Lushan was the first to speak in admiration:

Albedo, is this the reflection you took?

No, I have been in the laboratory recently and have no time to go out to collect scenery. This is because a friend of Xingqiu, a young man, took the initiative to send me some short films after learning about my situation. Most of them are of the scenery of Liyue.

Hearing Fa Lushan's inquiry, Abedo shook his head immediately.

He wanted to go out to collect stories, but unfortunately he didn’t have the time!

Counting him, there are a total of four people in the alchemy workshop, plus at most one supernumerary Mr. Liuyun Jiefeng.

There are not many people, but everyone is elite.

It's just that most of the research in the training workshop does not mean that you can take over if you are an elite genius.

First of all, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun himself spends most of his time in Mingyun Town, and will only come here to discuss with them unless there are some major issues.

Han Xiao is another hands-off shopkeeper. Although he comes to the workshop quite often, most of them are not here to work.

Fa Lushan was capable enough, but both Han Xiao and Abedo knew that the other party would not be able to stay in Liyue for a long time, and sooner or later he would return to the Islamic Order.

Therefore, most of the more confidential research is not disclosed to Falushan.

Some people may ask whether the reason why Fa Lushan can participate in the research on desktop computers is not because she signed a confidentiality contract, and why there is still research on it that is not disclosed.

In fact, the answer is very simple. Some things can be bound by confidentiality contracts, but some cannot.

Although desktop computers are considered confidential, Xumi has experience in using void systems, and desktop computers are not a particularly novel product in their eyes.

If they were really serious, the Imperial Academy could spend several years researching and imitating it.

The same cannot be said for those studies that were not disclosed to Fa Lushan.

For example, steel steamships, terminal machines, etc., these are all research projects related to military affairs and are top-secret research that cannot be made public.

The reason why Abedo can participate is because the other party has been selling himself to Liyue for decades. In the future, the period of this 'selling contract' may continue to increase, which is basically equivalent to half of Liyue people.

In addition to the relationship between Mond and Liyue, and the fact that Liyue did not have top talents at the time, etc., he was able to participate in these research projects.

As for Angus, his status is sufficient now. After all, he is now completely settled in Liyue.

It's a pity that he just escaped from the seal not long ago, and he is still in a state of studying and learning knowledge at the same time, and he is not yet able to take on the important role.

Therefore, Abedo is currently responsible for most of the top-secret projects in the workshop that are related to the bureau.

With such a busy schedule, Abedo doesn't have time to go collecting.

Xingqiu's friend... Shaoyin?

When Abedo pointed out the source of the short film, Han Xiao instantly thought of the young man from Yujingtai who had helped them edit the Hailantern Festival PV.

Yes, it's him.

Seeing that Han Xiao quickly remembered the other party's name, Albedo nodded immediately:

After he finished his work, he began to prepare for his second film shooting plan. These short film films were the information he left behind when he was on the road collecting scenery and selecting locations.

I didn't expect you to have personal contact with him?

Han Xiao looked at Albedo in surprise, with a hint of surprise in her tone.

After the Hai Lantern Festival, he once approached Shaoyin to see if she would be willing to join Guilicheng and become the first contracted director.

Unfortunately, when faced with his own invitation, the other party decided to reject it after careful consideration, saying that he would rather shoot according to his own ideas and not want to be restricted.

Although Han Xiao felt a little pity for Shaoyin's persistence, she didn't say much.

After that, the relationship between the two gradually faded a lot.

He didn't expect that Abedo and Shaoyin would get along well in private.

I can also draw, and I have some research on colors.

Seeing Han Xiao's 'fussing' look, Abedo gave him a rather speechless sidelong glance.

Shaoyin's lens language is very good, and the images he shoots also have their own unique flavor. Isn't it normal for us to have artistic exchanges?


After hearing what Abedo said, Han Xiao also felt that there was nothing wrong with what the other party said.

Speaking of Shaoyin, I remembered it.

As if thinking of something, Abedo immediately turned his eyes to Han Xiao after finishing talking about Shaoyin's situation.

Shaoyin's second film may be completed in a while, and maybe we can premiere it on TV.

If you want to promote television, you need programs. We can definitely buy each other's works!

Hmm... It's possible, but I have to see how complete the other party's work is.

Regarding Albedo's suggestion, Han Xiao pondered for a moment before giving an affirmative answer.

Shaoyin's previous film, based on Hua Chu, the youngest daughter of Duke De'an of Liyue, was remarkable in terms of story.

But just because a director's first film is good doesn't mean that his next film will be equally good.

So he had to review Shaoyin's second film to see how good it was.

If you are satisfied, just buy it directly as Abedo said.

Just agree. I'll talk to Shaoyin later and ask him to send the finished product as soon as possible.


After talking to Abedo about Shaoyin, Han Xiao pointed at the TV and asked cautiously:

Have you figured out how to solve the TV signal problem?

First of all, please don't let me go find Keqing to add props to transmit signals. She will really come to fight with me.

In order to lay various lines, he made Ke Qing run back and forth four times throughout Liyue, and the other party was already very resentful.

During the Hai Lantern Festival, he specifically assured the other party that there would be no more projects like this all over Liyue in the short term.

It had only been less than a month, and if he approached Keqing about the TV, Han Xiao felt that the other party would definitely tear him apart.

Don't worry, you don't need it this time.

Seeing Han Xiao's worried expression, the corners of Abedo's mouth turned up slightly, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

The signal line of the TV can be routed from the optical fiber line of the desktop computer without causing much impact.

That's good, that's good!

Chapter 800 TV and Radio

Hearing Abedo's assurance, Han Xiao felt relieved in her heart.

What he said before was not a lie.

If the TV really needed to be equipped with props to transmit signals, he was prepared to find someone to do it himself.

Even if the matters regarding land and construction are related to Guikeqing, the Yuheng Star Manager.

There was no way, who made the other party run back and forth four times throughout Liyue, whether it was a phone or a computer.

If you tell the other party that you need to make another trip, Han Xiao feels that big news will come out in Liyue in a few days about Yuhengxing wielding sword fire and attacking Tianshuxing.

Fortunately, this time the TV signal can go through the network fiber optic line.

Hanxiao, TV signal transmission is not the problem, the problem is what to do with the programs?

Abedo, who knew why Han Xiao looked lucky, didn't say much about the matter. Instead, he turned to ask about the other party's thoughts on the TV program arrangement.

This is no simple matter.

There are only twenty-four hours in a day, so we can’t just play those few programs all day long!

Well...let me hear what you think first.

Facing Albedo's question, Han Xiao did not answer immediately. Instead, she turned to look at Fa Lushan and Angus, who had been watching.

He wanted to hear what they had to say.


Hearing Han Xiao turn the topic to himself and Fa Lushan, Angus was stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought for a moment, and then tried to speak:

Would you like to plan a playback time slot?

Angus' idea is simple. Since the program may not be enough, the broadcast time should be shortened.

After all, no one can watch TV 24 hours a day.

Everyone needs to take a break, so why not set a time period.

For example, if you stop playing after 11pm and before 8am, you can save nearly half of the time.

Hmm...good idea!

Han Xiao nodded repeatedly. In his previous life, when he was a child, as long as he watched TV for one night, many TV stations would show the classic forbidden scene with a beep sound.

This situation lasted for a long time. It was not until society became more and more entertainment-oriented and nightlife became more and more abundant that TV stations stopped broadcasting less often.

I didn’t expect Angus to be able to teach himself without a teacher so quickly, which is a way to avoid too few programs.

With a little expectant look in her eyes, Han Xiao couldn't help but turn her gaze to Fa Lushan:

Senior Fa Lushan, what do you think?

I'm... getting older, and I don't think as fast as Angus does.

Seeing Han Xiao turning his attention to her, Fa Lushan admitted straight to the point that she was not thinking well and could not think of any good ideas.

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