Diluc raised his brows and stared at Kaia with sharp eyes.

Although Abedo is currently working in Liyue, he is still the captain of the Knights' investigation team after all. In addition, Mond and Liyue have always been good friends. Of course, we are very aware of such a big thing as desktop computers being connected to the grid.

Is it...

Knowing that the Knights had obtained general information about the desktop computer from Albedo, Diluc crossed his arms over his chest and asked quite directly:

Then what conclusion did you draw?

According to Lisa's judgment, with the birth of the Internet, the performance of Guilicheng's desktop computers has approached that of Xumi's void system.

And with the improvement of the technical capabilities of Han Xiao, Abedo and others, it may not be a delusion to transcend the void system.

Facing the inquiry from her adopted brother, Kaia first briefly introduced Lisa's judgment on the future of desktop computers, and then revealed Qin's decision.

So Lisa believes that with the emergence of the Internet, Liyue may usher in an all-round explosion in the near future.

A full... big explosion?


Seeing that Diluc was a little confused, Kaia quickly recounted truthfully what Lisa had told Qin and them:

You should remember that Lisa once studied in the Xumi Order Academy. She saw relevant records after the emergence of the void system five hundred years ago in the history books in the library of the Order Academy.

Five hundred years ago, with the emergence of the Void System, the overly convenient usage methods and functions made academic exchanges in the Academy suddenly become much simpler.

As a result, an unprecedented academic explosion took place in the Teaching Council, and with the advancement of academics, various industries in Xumi have experienced great development.

I see...

After listening to Kaia's story, Diluc nodded thoughtfully, and then asked in a tentative tone:

So you think Guili City will have the same academic explosion as Xumi five hundred years ago?

Yes, through some of the functions of desktop computers revealed by Abedo and Han Xiao, Lisa believes that the academic explosion is likely to happen again in Guili City.

In order to get on the fast track for this development, Captain Qin asked me to come to you to discuss whether we can gather manpower to lay Internet lines in Mondstadt as soon as possible.

I'm afraid it's not easy.

Diluc shook his head. He was not very optimistic about Lisa and Qin's ideas.

Oh, why is that?

Chapter 794 Diluc: Everything depends on Qin

Are you worried about manpower issues?

Seeing that Diluc was not very optimistic about the decision made by Captain Qin and the others, Kaia couldn't help but asked her sworn brother out of curiosity.

I think you can rest assured on this. The reason Captain Qin and the others asked me to come to you this time is to ensure that we can recruit more people who can do the job.

It's not that I'm worried about that.

Diluc shook his head.

Although he often complains that the people of Mondstadt are free and loose, some projects take several more construction periods than those in Liyue next door, etc.

But Diluc is still willing to give the people of Mondstadt a little trust when it comes to big things.

As for the Mondstadt people being slower than the Liyue people in terms of construction time, this is not a problem at all in his eyes.

Slower is slower, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t complete the project.

Then what are you worried about?

Knowing that Diluc was not worried about manpower issues, Kaia was even more confused this time.

Is there anything more worthy of their concern than the manpower issue?

Two o'clock.

Facing the confused Kaia, Diluc slowly raised his right hand and pointed out two fingers, and then slowly explained:

First of all, I went to Guili City to find Han Xiao. According to what he said, desktop computers must meet the needs of the entire Liyue before they are considered for sale.

It's no problem for us to bring back a few or a dozen units, but it's not realistic to import desktop computers in large quantities.

Even if Hanxiao agrees to sell desktop computers to Mondstadt, Liyue's production capacity cannot satisfy Mondstadt while ensuring Liyue's demand.

After saying the first point, seeing his adopted brother who was deep in thought, Diluc slowly said the second reason:

Secondly, Han Xiao has been cultivating the talents needed for desktop computers a long time ago and integrated them into daily office work, but Mond has not done anything at all.

“No talent wants to develop the Internet, and even Hanxiao can’t guarantee that it can be done.”

If these two problems are not solved, even if Mond gets a desktop computer, it won't be of much use.


After listening to the two points summarized by Diluc, Kaia, who was always eloquent, couldn't help but fall silent.

Because he knew that these two points summarized by his sworn brother were very crucial.

If they can't solve it, they really won't be able to popularize desktop computers like Liyue, or popularize the Internet.

Then what do you think we should do?

Kaia, who couldn't think of a good solution, couldn't help but turn her attention to Diluc.

Since the other party can bring it up, does it mean that he has seriously considered how to solve this aspect?

I can work with the Knights to lay out the Internet lines, but before that we first need to reach an alliance with Han Xiao.

At the same time, we need to send some young people to Guili City to receive training in Internet knowledge.

What about the production capacity of desktop computers in Liyue?

It depends on whether Qin can get the blueprints for producing desktop computers from Han Xiao.

Diluc shrugged.

Whether it was laying Internet lines in advance or sending people to Guili City to receive network knowledge training, he and Han Xiao could handle all of these with his friendship.

Being able to produce drawings for a desktop computer was a bit beyond his capabilities.

After all, this thing is Liyue's confidential document no matter how you look at it, even if one of the people involved in manufacturing the desktop computer is Albedo, the captain of the Knights' investigation team.

Liyue's contract is not so easy to violate.

As a former middle-level member of the Knights and the head of one of the three nobles, Diluc learned from a bard who owed him a large sum of money that the Rock God in Liyue had actually faked his death.

In this case, if Abedo breaks the contract, he may not want him to die.

But didn't we sign a technology sharing contract with Liyue?

Kaia frowned slightly when he heard his adopted brother's thoughts.

According to the contract signed between the two countries, they should be able to get the blueprints of the desktop computer.

Did Diluc think too much?


Upon hearing this, Diluc immediately sneered, as if he was 'laughing' at his adopted brother's naivety.

Do you think Liyue will share the technology of the final machine?

Liyue did share the technologies of electric lights, electric vehicles and even cement with Mondstadt.

However, except for the cement at the beginning, which was given out of sincerity, the rest of the technologies are just techniques to make money.

No one will share the truly confidential technology.

So you think Liyue treats desktop computer technology as confidential technology comparable to terminal machines?

Lisa can judge the role of the Internet. Do you think Han Xiao and other inventors don't understand the Internet?

“I don’t think the top leaders of any country will treat this kind of technology as a technology that allows people in a country to communicate without barriers and has the potential to create an academic explosion.”

According to what you say, Liyue will definitely not use desktop computer technology at will. Then you still want Captain Qin to go to Liyue?

Hearing Diluc's explanation, Kaia became even more confused.

Since his sworn brother thought it was impossible for Liyue to release the top-secret desktop computer technology, why would he ask Captain Qin to find a way to get the blueprints from Han Xiao?

Is not this contradictory?

Diluc seemed to see Kaia's doubts and opened his mouth to explain:

Qin has a good relationship with Tianquan Xing Ningguang, and also has a good relationship with Han Xiao. If she comes forward, there may be a slight possibility of getting the technical drawings.

And even if we can't get it, with Qin and Ningguang's relationship, maybe we can order a batch of desktop computers in advance.

I'm afraid it's impossible to get the drawings. It seems that what's behind is your real idea?

Kaia immediately understood what her adopted brother was really thinking.

Let Qin come forward just to use her good personal relationship with Tianquan Star to negotiate.

Its main purpose is to help Mond order a batch of desktop computers as soon as possible.

Of course, if Qin can really get the construction drawings of the computer from Liyue with her own connections, it can be said to be great luck.

Hmm... Although even Kaia himself doesn't believe that this probability exists.

Do you really think that Ning Guang and Han Xiao, the two Liyue Seven Stars, are philanthropists?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Seeing Kaia's reaction, Diluc also admitted that he was just hoping that Qin could get a batch of desktop computers from Liyue in advance.

Okay, I will report your suggestions to Captain Qin.


After leaving Morningside Winery, Kaia headed towards Mondstadt while taking out her mobile phone and dialing Qin's number.

Soon, the communication was connected, and Qin's voice came from the microphone.


Chapter 795 Lisa: I will take action!

It's me, Captain Qin.

Hearing the voice of Captain Qin coming from the receiver of the mobile phone, Kaia didn't waste any more words and directly informed the other party of Diluc's plan.

I understand, please come back first.

After learning Diluc's plan from Kaia, Qin just told him to return to Mondstadt earlier, and then hung up the phone.

Office of the Master of the Knights of Mondstadt Zephyr.

What's wrong, Jean?

Seeing her best friend hanging up the phone with a thoughtful look on her face, Lisa asked curiously.

Kaia has already met senior Diluc and got advice from him.

Oh, what did Diluc say?

Senior is willing to work with the Knights to recruit people to lay out Internet lines in advance.

This is a good thing!

Learning that Diluc was willing to cooperate with the Knights, Lisa nodded slightly.

Although the Knights of the West Wind is one of the highest political institutions in Mondstadt, in terms of commercial strength, it is estimated that even the middle-ranking Chamber of Commerce in the city cannot compare.

After all, the most important function of the Knights is law enforcement.

Being able to cooperate with the largest chamber of commerce in Mondstadt, the Dawn Winery of the Legenfender family, is a strong alliance.

It's obviously a good thing, but why does my best friend look thoughtful?

With some doubts, Lisa asked Qin directly:

Looking at you, could it be that Diluc has put forward some harsh conditions?

That's not true. Senior is not such a person.

Qin shook her head directly, denying her best friend's speculation, and then started to elaborate on the suggestions she heard from Kaiya.

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