Apart from this, only their immediate boss, Mr. Sange Mahabhai, has some friendship with the other party.

As for these people, they have no relationship with each other at all.

After all, Ren Hanxiao is one of the seven stars in Liyue, Tianshu Star, and his status is equivalent to that of the six great sages of the Order Academy.

How could they come into contact with such a big boss-level figure?


As soon as Sarna said this, the entire rental house fell into silence.

Yes, they are just a group of foreign businessmen who come and go from the city to do business. It is really difficult to establish a relationship with Liyue Qixing.

I really thought that every businessman was Mr. Diluc from Mondchen Winery.

Don't forget that in addition to being a businessman, he is also the head of the three nobles of Mondstadt, Legenfend, and was once the cavalry captain of the Knights of the West Wind.

Isn't it good that your identity is not empty at all?

I have a way to try.

After a long time, someone stood up and broke the silence of the meeting.

What method?

I wonder if you have heard any rumors in Guili City recently?

Rumors in the city?

Hearing this, Sarna and other Xumi merchants participating in the meeting looked confused.

They were busy with business every day and really didn't pay much attention to the rumors in the market.

Could there be something else to say here?

Seeing that everyone was unaware, the businessman who had previously threatened to have a way to contact Han Xiao just explained:

According to recent rumors in Guili City, Tianshu Xing Hanxiao formed a development team this time to develop a desktop computer.

And in the team, there seems to be a scholar from our Xumi.


Fa Lushan, a well-known scholar of the Imperial Academy, was once a member of the Zhilun Sect.

It turned out to be her!

Hearing Fa Lushan's name, everyone suddenly realized.

This master's reputation in Xumi is not small. A hundred years ago, an outstanding scholar of the Jiaoling Academy, although he was in the Zhilun sect, was famous in Xumi for his achievements in institutions.

He is also one of the founders of classical mechanics.

Unexpectedly, this famous figure of the Chiron Sect also left the Jiaolingyuan and came to Sumeru?

And the other party also joined Tianshu Xing Hanxiao’s R\u0026D team?

This is really surprising.

However, unexpectedly, when they learned that Han Xiao's team developing desktop computers included scholars from Xumi, the expressions on the faces of Sarna and the others became much more relaxed.

It’s good to have Xumi people!

At least there is a way to get in touch with that Tianshu star!

Thinking of this, Sarna immediately decided.

In this case, our current goal is obvious. We will try our best to contact our fellow villager and then get in touch with the Seven Stars!


Alchemy workshop.

So...you came to find me?

Looking at Fa Lushan who suddenly came to the door, Han Xiao put down the light novel from Eighth Hall and asked with a strange look on her face.


Fa Lushan nodded sheepishly, and then explained:

After all, they and I are both Sumeru people. The other party comes to us for help. I really can't refuse.

After saying that, she changed the subject:

And Han Xiao, you have already had plans to sell desktop computers abroad!

There is indeed a plan, but not now.

Han Xiao stretched out her hand and scratched her head, not knowing how to explain the problem to Fa Lushan.

He does have plans to sell desktop computers to all countries in Teyvat.

It's just that computers are not yet widely available in Liyue, so foreign trade is even less possible.

Foreign countries that want to sell desktop computers will have to wait at least until desktop computers develop in Liyue for a period of time.

And the laying of network lines is also a big project.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Fa Lushan also understood the other party's difficulty.

This means that desktop computers cannot be sold externally for the time being.

It's impossible under the current circumstances.

Han Xiao shrugged.

He wanted to sell desktop computers to the entire Teyvat continent, but unfortunately the reality did not allow it.

Do you have any plans for the sale of Xumi? For example, who will you cooperate with to sell it?

Um...you want me to consider working with Dolly's people?

Master Sange Mahabhai is still very famous among Sumeru merchants, and his strength is also good.

It's okay, but...

Just what?

Seeing that Han Xiao suddenly stopped mid-sentence, Fa Lushan couldn't help but curiously asked.

I probably can't give her the exclusive sales agency rights.

Now that everything was said, Han Xiao did not hide anything from Fa Lushan and directly explained to her his thoughts on the future sales of desktop computers.

According to my plan for the desktop computer, I will officially cooperate with the Little Lucky Grass King in the future. In addition, the famous Xumi clan Humayi family is also my alternative.

If Dolly gets involved, the best I can do is give her the right to sell desktop computers. Exclusive agency is out of the question.

That's it...

Knowing that the first person Han Xiao thought of cooperating with was Xumi's Little Lucky Grass King, Fa Lushan knew that the plans of Dolly's people would be impossible to realize.

What's more, the other party seems to be related to the famous Humayi family in Xumi. Even if Dolly is the famous businessman Sange Mahabhai in Xumi, the advantage does not seem to be much.

But it seems that it is okay to get the future sales rights.

Speaking of the right to sell desktop computers, Fa Lushan suddenly thought of something and asked Han Xiao casually:

Speaking of which, it seems that someone from Chateau Mondstadt came to see you yesterday. Could it be that they are also here to discuss the right to sell desktop computers?

Ah...it's true!

Seeing Fa Lushan mention Chenxi Winery, Han Xiao nodded and admitted that the other party did come to him to discuss the future sales of desktop computers in Mondstadt.

After all, Diluc had made a special trip to Guili City before about the desktop computer. Now that the birth of the Internet had made him see the development prospects of computers, it was only normal for him to send someone to discuss it.

Oh, how did you reply?

It's just like you, this thing hasn't been sold yet.

Chapter 793: Academic Explosion

Knowing Han Xiao's plan not to sell desktop computers to external parties for the time being, Fa Lushan quickly relayed this to Sarna and others.

Sarna and others were slightly disappointed when they heard that the desktop computers would not be sold to outsiders for the time being, and even if they did, they would not be able to obtain exclusive sales agency rights, but ultimately chose to accept it.

Well...it's okay not to accept it.

Look at who Tianshu Xing Hanxiao is planning to cooperate with in Xumi?

Either it was the little Lucky Grass King who had just appeared recently and regained power in Sumeru, or it was the Humayi family, a prominent family in Sumeru.

Even though their boss, Mr. Dolly Sange Mahabhai, is considered a well-known big businessman in Sumeru, in terms of status, he is still a little behind.

The only thing that makes Sarna and others happy is that even if they don't get the exclusive sales agency rights, at least they can still get the sales rights.

You can still make a lot of money.

After all, with the emergence of the Internet, desktop computers have begun to catch up with Xumi's void system in all aspects of functionality.

It is probably only a matter of time before it becomes popular throughout the Teyvat continent.

On the other side, like Sarna and other Sumeru merchants, Diluc, who was far away at the Mondchen Dawn Winery, also received news that the employees of his winery who were stationed in the city had returned.

We can't get the exclusive sales agency this time?

In the winery villa, Diluc frowned slightly after hearing the report from the butler Eze.

As soon as the desktop computer came out, he realized that this thing might be able to change the current living conditions of Mond and Liyue.

In particular, the functions of the network that came out recently confirmed that his prediction was right.

That's why Diluc made a special trip to see Han Xiao.

Unfortunately, Han Xiao has no plans to sell it for the time being.

As for the fact that he couldn't get an exclusive sales agent for the sales, he also vaguely guessed which Mondstadt force the other party planned to cooperate with.

Hmph... the Knights of the West Wind, Han Xiao is not afraid of being tricked!

Diluc couldn't help but snorted when he thought of the knights who made him so miserable.

In his opinion, Han Xiao would be held back sooner or later if he cooperated with a department as inefficient as the Knights.

I said Master Diluc!

As soon as Diluc finished speaking, Kaia's figure slowly emerged from the shadows of the annex, with an unpredictable smile on his face.

Although I know you don't want to see the Knights, but the current Knights shouldn't be as bad as you think, right?

Ha...why are you here!

Diluc was not surprised at all when he saw Kaia appear. He had noticed someone appearing in his villa before, but he didn't expect that the person coming was Kaia.

But he soon realized that Kaiya was the only one who had something to do with him now. If the other party didn't come, who would?


Hearing his adoptive brother's inquiry, Kaiya spread his hands like a bear and couldn't help but ask:

Does Master Diluc think I can't come?

“That’s not the case, it’s just that it’s a bit unpleasant to entertain a guest that I hate.


Seeing that Diluc was not very welcoming of his appearance, Kaia couldn't help but clicked his tongue and decisively dropped the topic.

The relationship between him and Diluc became more and more complicated after that incident. The other party even quit the Knights, and has maintained a disdainful attitude towards the Knights ever since.

Diluc didn't drive him away immediately, which was enough to give his 'sworn brother' face.

The atmosphere of the Knights is no longer the same as it was a few years ago. Those people...have all received the punishment they deserve, haven't they?

Ha...I am too lazy to care whether the atmosphere of the Knights is good or bad. I am just worried that your low efficiency will hinder Mondstadt's development.

Diluc's face brightened slightly when he heard Kaia talking about how the Knights today are different from previous years.

Indeed, with the arrest of those in Ilok, the atmosphere of the Knights has indeed changed a lot since Qin came to power.

It's a pity that Mondstadt's too free and loose atmosphere still makes him uncomfortable with the efficiency of the Knights.

Don't worry about this. I'm here today to discuss with you on behalf of Captain Qin how to promote the future development of Mondstadt.

Oh...it seems that you also know about the connection of desktop computers to the network?

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