Kaiya said that senior Diluc suggested that I go to Ningguang and order a batch of desktop computers first.

Very sound advice.

After hearing the advice relayed by her best friend, Lisa immediately said that Diluc's advice was very good.

The emergence of the Internet allowed her to see that the functionality of desktop computers was gradually approaching that of Xumi's void system, and it had only just been born.

If Han Xiao and Abbey were given a few more years, apart from data storage, the functions of the Internet would surpass the void system in all aspects.

As for why it is besides data storage, the answer is very simple.

Who makes the Void System's 'data center' be the World Tree that contains all the history of the Teyvat continent?

With this powerful data backup, only the Internet can also link to the World Tree as a 'data center' to ensure that it does not fall behind the Void System, let alone surpass it.

But Lisa didn't say anything, because she wasn't sure whether Han Xiao and the others, who could create works comparable to those of the gods, would suddenly explode in popularity.

According to the information she collected, Han Xiao currently has a lot of knowledge from other worlds. It is possible that one day the data on the Internet will surpass that of World Tree. This is not impossible.

Therefore, if Mond could get access to the Internet one day earlier, he might be able to follow Liyue on the fast track of development one day earlier.

Alas...that's the problem.

Seeing that Lisa also agreed with Diluc's suggestion, Qin couldn't help but put her hand to her forehead, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

She does often exchange letters with Tianquan Xing Ningguang, and the relationship between the two is indeed good.

It's just that the Internet on the desktop computer is considered by Lisa to be the cornerstone for Liyue to take off. Qin Bu feels that Ning Guang cannot judge this.

Is her little friendship really worth Ningguang, Hanxiao and the others before Liyue takes off?

I'm afraid no one is willing to do this.

So you're worried that you won't be able to get enough desktop computers from Ningguang?


Try it first and then talk.

The worries raised by Qin made Lisa afraid to make a guarantee. As a last resort, she made a surprising decision.

Contact Ningguang first and get as many orders as you can get.

If it's not enough, I will take action next.

Isn't it just alchemy and otherworldly knowledge? She already knew alchemy, but she rarely used it in the past.

As for the other world, as the top 'student' in the Order Academy, Lisa calmly said that I can handle it.


Hearing the decision made by her best friend, Qin raised her head and looked at the other party in surprise, her eyes full of worry.

Is it really okay for your body to do this?

It's not that she doesn't trust her best friend.

Qin still agreed with Lisa's strength, but could her body really sustain the high-intensity research and development?

The reason why my best friend is so lazy is partly because of her personality, but also partly because of her physical condition.

In her early years, Lisa was extremely obsessed with knowledge. As a result, she accidentally exposed herself to forbidden knowledge and suffered from physical problems.

Qin is not willing to see her best friend's lifespan shortened significantly for the sake of Mondstadt's future development.

Don't worry, if you just do theoretical research, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Seeing Qin caring so much about her body, Lisa couldn't help but feel warm in her heart, and then she waved her hand nonchalantly to show the other person that she knew what she was thinking.

Although his research in Xumi caused him to have physical problems and his lifespan was greatly reduced, he had to use laziness and sealing his own strength to slow down the passage of his life.

But that doesn't mean she's really bad.

Besides, Lisa was not unprepared for this.

She can completely conduct theoretical research on desktop computers, and as for the experimental part, she can completely teach Sugar to do it.

Even if this model may take several years to reversely deduce the structural principles of a desktop computer, Hanxiao and the others may have iterated several times by that time.

But this is better than safety and can help Mond's independent research and development, right?

After all, if you want to catch the fast lane of Liyue's development, your own strength cannot be too low.

Are you sure you can do it?

After hearing Lisa's plan, Qin still asked a little worriedly.

Don't worry Qin, I won't joke with my own life.

Then I'll call Ning Guang.


Return to the city.

In recent days, the emergence of the Internet has made Guilicheng residents who often go to Internet cafes realize for the first time the true purpose of desktop computers.

And they were full of praise for the several portals launched by Kuixinglou.

For example, functions such as real-time announcements on the official website, some ancient and modern legends collected by the new portal, etc.

Of course, the function of sending emails directly to Liyue Port in Guili City also made them realize that it was working with mobile phones to shorten the distance of information communication in Liyue.

In order to further improve the convenience and efficiency of remote communication, Han Xiao is helping Angus complete the final improvements to the instant messaging software.

It was at this time that Han Xiao, who was in the alchemy workshop, received a call from Ning Guang.

Chapter 796: Qin with a Big Appetite

Has Captain Qin from Mondstadt come to see you?

As soon as she answered the phone, Han Xiao learned some surprising news from Ningguang.

Yes, Qin not only wants to order a batch of desktop computers from me, but also wants to get money to send them to participate in the training of the next batch of network students.

In addition to the above two points, she also wants us to send someone here to guide Mond how to lay Internet lines.


Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and was even more surprised.

I didn't expect that Captain Qin has such a big appetite?

From our point of view, the other party's appetite is indeed not small, but this also proves that the other party's vision is not bad, right?

Hearing Han Xiao's evaluation of Qin, Ningguang didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he gave the other party high praise.

Thinking about it, the Internet was less than ten days old. Except for Qixing, who roughly knew Han Xiao's thoughts, many businessmen in Liyue didn't understand the true role of the Internet.

Oh no...

Thinking of this, Ningguang suddenly remembered that Qixing was not the only one who understood the significance of the Internet in the future. Those Xumi merchants who were familiar with the void system probably also realized it.

It’s just that they were able to figure it out thanks to the Void System.

Without reference, Mond's reaction was so fast, even faster than the reaction of local merchants in Liyue.

She naturally admired the strategic vision of Qin, the acting leader of Mondstadt, even if the other party seemed to have a big appetite in Qixing's eyes.

We cannot agree to this condition.

Hearing Ningguang's evaluation of Qin, Han Xiao on the other end of the phone couldn't help but sigh.

Even Captain Qin, who behaves very chivalrously in every move in the game, can be so clever in government affairs.

After all, you can’t underestimate the people of the world!

As for sighing, Han Xiao was also a little puzzled.

Doesn't this style look like the usual leader Qin? Could it be that there is an expert behind it?

Thinking of this, a purple figure couldn't help but emerge in Han Xiao's mind.

Perhaps this method was not thought up by Captain Qin, but the genius witch who was rare in Sumeru for two hundred years was behind the idea.

Han Xiao's thoughts were unclear to Ning Guang. She just sighed quietly when she heard the other party said he couldn't agree.

She wanted to directly reject Qin or reject Mond's request.

But the problem is that we can’t do this!

First of all, Liyue has been friends with Mond for thousands of years, and secondly, she has a good personal relationship with Qin.

No matter from any aspect, Ningguang couldn't refuse it directly.

I am temporarily delaying this matter on the pretext that I need to discuss it with you, but if the problem is not resolved, it will easily cause estrangement between the two countries.

This is really troublesome!

After hearing Ningguang's embarrassment, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown.

Because he knew what the other person said was reasonable.

Liyue and Mondstadt are neighboring countries and have lived together on the Teyvat continent for thousands of years. Although there have been occasional conflicts between the two countries in the past, they are generally trying to avoid conflicts.

The personal relationship between Ningguang and Qin of this generation is even better.

In addition, Qin's visit this time was based on the technology sharing that Liyue had proposed before.

If they reject them all, the harmonious relationship between the two may be broken.

A few rifts may have little impact on the two countries at ordinary times, but once important issues come up, this rift can easily become the trigger for the breakdown of the relationship between the two countries.

After thinking for a long time, he came up with a solution that was not a solution.

Ningguang, the technology sharing document we signed with Mond does not contain confidential technology, right?

Uneasy, he still asked Ningguang a seemingly irrelevant question, successfully attracting the other party's attention.

This is naturally not included. In addition to desktop computers, lathes, mobile phones and other technologies are relatively confidential technologies. Direct disclosure will not benefit Liyue at all.

Do you know the broken windows theory?

what is that?

To put it simply, if you want something, you first magnify your excuses to the point that others cannot accept them, and then actively suppress your own needs, so that others can accept their original purpose.

I roughly understand what you mean.

After Han Xiao explained this, Ningguang immediately understood that Mondstadt was using this method of asking for high prices and paying back the money on the ground to get an opening for Qixing.

That's pretty much what it means.

After listening to Ningguang's explanation, Han Xiao nodded slightly.

Although the explanation is not perfect, the general idea is correct.

The reason why Qin made so many requests is that she probably knew that it was impossible for Liyue to agree to them all.

Next, it is estimated that there will be a dedicated point for negotiation.

Then is there anything you can do?

I have thought of several ways.

On the other side of the phone, Han Xiao vaguely thought of a solution to Ning Guang's inquiry.

If you are hindered by the two relationships and the personal relationship with Captain Qin, we can agree to help the Mondstadt people train network talents.

We can actively extend the training time, which should be the least costly.

The most undesirable thing is to send someone to guide them in laying Internet lines. After all, the area of ​​the lines determines the spread of the Internet and is the top priority.

Only helping to train network personnel is the best choice for Liyue. The level is just right. It can give Mondstadt, the millennium ally, a reason, and it will not harm Liyue's interests too much.

After all, even if the Mondstadts successfully trained and returned to China, they would have no lines and no equipment, so just having people would be of little use.

That's what I say, but I don't think Qin will be satisfied with this.

This depends on your eloquence, Lord Tianquanxing.

Regarding the difficulties that Ning Guang was about to face, Han Xiao immediately raised her eyebrows, with a hint of lightness in her tone.

Anyway, it was Ningguang who had a personal relationship with Captain Qin, not him.

He was not willing to do something like this that might offend someone.

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