Seeing the three people from Abedo signing their names on the confidentiality contract one after another, Han Xiao first read out the oath to conclude the contract, and then Gonggong neatly wrote his name on the contract.

The next moment Han Xiao put away her pen, Fa Lushan couldn't wait to ask:

Now that the contract is signed, tell the secret of the runes quickly!

Of the three people who signed the contract, she was perhaps the most eager to know the secret.

After all, Fa Lushan was born in runes. She had tried to find the secrets of runes before, but unfortunately she found nothing.

Han Xiao deciphered the secret of the runes after only a few days of research, and Fa Lushan was surprised and a little unconvinced.

Perhaps runes have gradually become less popular in the Order Academy in recent years, but there were many people who studied runes more than a hundred years ago.

Even if Han Xiao is a genius, so many scholars and hundreds of years of research can't compare to a few days of the other person's time?

Anyone else would feel uncomfortable with this.

What's wrong with geniuses? Geniuses must also pay attention to the basic rules.

Please look.

As if sensing the slight dissatisfaction in Fa Lushan's heart, Han Xiao took out the rune carrier that she had shown to Zhong Li before and placed it on the coffee table without saying a word.

Chapter 779 Strange Material

Like Zhongli, when Han Xiao placed the carriers engraved with runes on the coffee table, the eyes of the three Abedo people were instantly focused on the two carriers that exuded a strange luster.

This is...

Looking at one of the cross-shaped 'jades' with a green luster, Fa Lushan murmured in her mouth, while reaching out and grabbing it in her hand to look at it carefully.

As soon as she took advantage of it, she knew that she had made a mistake. Although the object in her hand looked like jade, it was not jade at all.

It feels more like metal in terms of weight and feel.

Is it just that the metal exudes the luster of jade?

Fa Lushan said that this was the first time she had seen metal in this special state, and it was really beyond her knowledge.

Looking at the runes engraved on the cross-shaped carrier, Fa Lushan, who has a deep study of runes, still saw that the three runes above meant light, brightness and brilliance respectively.

Could it be the changes brought by the runes to the material?

While she was speculating on the material of the cross-shaped 'jade', Angus and Albedo also weighed another carrier engraved with runes in their hands.

Very strange material!

After seeing Angus put the rune carrier back on the coffee table, Albedo gave his own evaluation in amazement.

As an alchemist, he had played with countless materials that others considered extremely rare, but the material of this rune carrier gave him a great surprise.

It looks like gold but not gold, looks like jade but not jade. This material is different from most materials on the continent of Teyvat.

It should be that the properties of the material have changed.

Hearing Albedo's emotion, Angus held his right elbow with his left hand and rubbed his chin with his right palm to give his judgment.

In Angus's view, this material that looks like jade but is not actually jade is obviously due to some reason that caused the original material to change its properties and become the material in front of them.

You're right, I guess it's the runes that caused the carrier material to change.

Seeing that both Angus and Abedo paid attention to the material of the rune carrier, Fa Lushan also put down the cross-shaped 'jade' in her hand, and agreed with the previous two people's speculations in a positive tone.

Because this material does not look like it grew naturally, otherwise this material would have been discovered by people from Teyvat Continent long ago.

Therefore, this kind of material can only be Han Xiao using some kind of material as the carrier of the runes, and after the runes are engraved on it, the texture of the material will change.

After Fa Lushan finished speaking, the three of them turned their gazes to Han Xiao at the same time, trying to hear an accurate answer from the other party.

You guessed it right.

Realizing that Abedo and the other three had noticed the clues about the material as soon as they got started, Han Xiao raised the corners of her mouth slightly and admitted their speculation quite simply.

Originally, the carrier material I used was just an ordinary mithril plate, because this material has good conductivity for the circulation of elements.

What I didn't expect was that after I finished carving the runes, its texture changed and turned into the material you see in front of you.

When Han Xiao said that the original material of the rune carrier was mithril, a relatively common material in alchemy, the three of Abedo were a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the original material was mithril. It seems that the runes will bring great changes in the properties of the base material!

Seeing two rune carriers that exuded the luster of jade on the coffee table, Albedo was already a little curious about what the materials transformed by the runes could do.

Although the change in properties is very strange, I am more concerned about the runes themselves.

Seeing that Albedo was very interested in the changes in the properties of the carrier, Fa Lushan on the side had other opinions.

She believed that the change in the nature of the mithril material due to the burning of runes was worthy of attention, but what really mattered was the runes themselves.

Fa Lushan took out a pen and paper from the Eye of God space, quickly drew three runes on the paper, then pointed at the runes and said to Abe and the others:

Look, these are the three runes that appeared on the cross-shaped rune carrier I just looked at. The meanings above are also very simple. They are basically related to light and brightness.

Then the question arises. Scholars from the Order Academy have tried this kind of arrangement and combination of runes. Why haven't they discovered this material change?

As soon as these words came out, Albedo and Angus immediately understood why Fa Lushan had paid great attention to the runes themselves.

Not counting the Kanrya period, the study of runes by the Xumi Order Academy alone has a history of nearly five hundred years.

There were countless scholars during this period, and they must have combined and arranged the runes.

But from what Fa Lushan said, it seems that Xumi scholars have not noticed any changes in this aspect.

This is really surprising.

Seeing that both Albedo and Angus were thinking about the questions they raised, Fa Lushan gave her own speculation:

So I think there must be something to the arrangement of these runes that we don't know about that makes it resonate.

Are they the lines next to those runes?

When Fa Lushan said this, Albedo and Angus still didn't know what the other party wanted to express, so they all turned their attention to the complicated patterns on the rune carriers.

At first, they thought it was just the lines Han Xiao conveniently carved next to the runes for the sake of beauty. Now it seems that these lines may be the real key.

As expected of Senior Fa Lushan who has a profound study of runes!

After listening to Fa Lushan's speculation, Han Xiao couldn't help but stretched out her hands and applauded her several times, and admitted simply:

That's right, the reason why rune scholars of all ages in Xumi have been unable to control the true power of runes is because they lack the necessary symbols and forms.

Symbols and forms...are these lines you carved?

That's right!

What about Kanrea? Kanrea should also know these lines, right?

Fa Lushan frowned immediately.

According to Han Xiao, it is understandable that Xumi scholars cannot find the power to control runes. After all, they do not know these so-called symbols and forms.

But why couldn't we find the sage from Kanria?

The first person to control the runes was King Irmin of Camria.

Maybe I didn't make it in time.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Angus on the side took over the topic thoughtfully:

That woman once talked to herself. She said that His Majesty Irmin suddenly became incapacitated and everything was in chaos. Even the power of the runes was lost in the chaos.

Didn't King Ilmin popularize the knowledge of runes before he became incapacitated?

Abedo didn't understand Angus's guess.

If the runes really have special powers, it stands to reason that King Ilmin should promote them on a large scale. How come the knowledge of the runes was lost as soon as he became disabled.

Maybe it's because the power of the runes is so unique.

Looking at Albedo who was full of doubts, Han Xiao explained in a faint tone.

Chapter 780: The rune system is expected to replace the Eye of God in the future

How to say?

Hearing Han Xiao's faint tone of voice, Abedo immediately became interested. He wanted to know why the other party made such a judgment.

Fa Lushan and Angus on the side also wanted to know.

After all, as Abedo said, if the runes really have special powers, the King of Camria, Ilmin, should logically promote them directly.

Why is the entire rune system completely lost as soon as the other party becomes incapacitated?

Even the data is so incomplete that even Golden Reindot cannot restore it.

Why could Han Xiao conclude that the runes were lost because of their special power?

You will know it when you see it with your own eyes.

Facing the curious three people, Han Xiao didn't explain much, but directly reached out to pick up a cross-shaped rune carrier on the coffee table and held it in his hand.

Then he used his spiritual power to activate the rune carrier in front of everyone, and muttered something:


The next moment, pure white light bloomed on the rune carrier in Han Xiao's hand, and the chill of early spring was instantly dispelled by the warmth.

Before anyone could react, Han Xiao had withdrawn the spiritual power covering the rune carrier, picked up another rune carrier on the coffee table and drove it in the same way.

Soon, a stream of water controlled by mental power formed patterns of various shapes in mid-air.


Seeing the two runes blooming with their own power driven by Han Xiao, Fa Lushan couldn't help but feel distracted.

Is this the true power of runes?

You don't need the Eye of God, you can control the elemental power in the atmosphere with just your mental power!

No wonder... no wonder the knowledge of runes was lost in the first place.

After watching Han Xiao's demonstration, Abedo looked enlightened.

He finally knew why Han Xiao said that the rune was missing because its power was too special, because this method of driving elemental power was completely different from the Eye of God!

You can drive runes to control elemental power using only mental power. This system is quite interesting!

Different from the performance of Albedo and Fa Lushan, Angus is more concerned about the operation of the rune system itself, and he has already seen some clues.

If the Eye of God is driven by human wishes, desires and emotions, then the rune system is relatively pure, and it is driven entirely by human spiritual power.

It is impossible to say which of the two systems is better or worse, but in terms of universality, the rune system is definitely superior.

After all, one needs the gaze of the gods and a strong desire, which is destined to result in a smaller number of people obtaining the Eyes of Gods.

The other only needs to have mental power beyond ordinary people to mobilize the runes, and each country in Teyvat has its own way to exercise mental power.

It turns out that this is the true power of the runes. It is normal to suddenly find that it has been lost.

Fa Lushan, who recovered from her absent-minded state, couldn't help but sigh.

Now she understands that perhaps it was not that Ilmin did not popularize the runes in Kanria, but that this power, which is more universal than the Eye of God, has long been treated as a key target by the maintainers of heavenly principles. Dealt with it.

At the same time, the three Abedos also understood why Hanxiao Club was so solemn in the beginning to ask them to sign a confidentiality contract.

The secret of the emotional rune cannot be revealed casually.

It's a pity that this kind of power cannot be promoted.

After picking up a rune on the table and experiencing it with his spiritual power, Abedo's face was filled with regret.

The power of runes is very good, but it is precisely because the effect is so good that it cannot be promoted.

Nowadays, the continent of Teyvat is accustomed to the God's Eye system, and the proportion of people with God's Eye in the group is not very large, so extraordinary power can have relatively stable control.

Once the rune system spreads across the continent of Teyvat, a large number of people who can manipulate elemental power will inevitably appear.

This is definitely a very big test for the management system of the seven countries.

After all, when there are too many people with extraordinary power, all kinds of troubles may follow.

Having a sharp weapon in mind and having a murderous intention are not something you just talk about casually.

Well... the power of the runes can only be kept secret from the public for the time being.

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