After careful screening, he found that the other party was not lying. The thing in his hand was really the power of runes that the last king of Kanria, Irmin, didn't know how.

Old man, do you mean that the power of the runes I created is the same as the one that Kanreia originally mastered?

I guess so.

Hearing Han Xiao's question, Zhongli nodded slightly.

Although he had only encountered enemies with runes engraved on their bodies on the battlefield of Camria, the aura on them was very similar to the aura exuding from the runes on the carrier in his hand.

Han Xiao, can you tell me how you found out the secrets contained in the runes?

Zhongli was full of doubts about Han Xiao's sudden recovery of the rune technology that only Kanria had in the past.

It was clear that the power of the runes was accidentally lost due to Ilmin's rapid incapacity, so that none of the Kanria people had mastered the secrets of the runes.

Later, Xumi inherited the knowledge of runes and developed it into a discipline, but after five hundred years, there was still no harvest.

There was research by Kanrya before, and analysis by Xumi Order Academy later.

After hundreds of years, no one in the two places can crack the secret of the runes.

But it was such a rune that many wise men had no way to break, but now it was broken by Han Xiao?

How strange!

It was mainly because of Ms. Alice's help that I was able to find a way to crack the runes.

Hearing that Zhongli wanted to figure out how to decipher the secrets in the runes, Han Xiao thought for a moment, and except for concealing things about the chat group, he told everything else in detail.

And he did not forget to give all the credit for his words to the witch Alice.

So that's it.

After Han Xiao recounted the process of discovering the secret of the runes, Zhongli finally understood the reason why so many wise men from Kanria and Xumi had not succeeded in deciphering it before.

It's not that they are not smart, it's just that to decipher the secrets of the runes, they need knowledge from another world. Who would have thought of this!

Having said that, although this answer is a bit surprising, it seems to be reasonable.

Didn't Ilmin and Kanreya also come into contact with the forbidden abyss knowledge at the beginning? It seems normal to obtain otherworldly knowledge by sacrificing themselves.

It's just that the people who tried to decipher the runes later didn't think of it., it should be that even if I think about it, I can't find the solution.

After all, knowledge from another world is not that easy to obtain.

In the entire Teyvat, the only ones who are very familiar with the knowledge of other worlds are witches like Alice who can travel between different worlds at will, and descendants like Han Xiao.

What are you going to do with the runes?

After understanding Han Xiao's method of deciphering the runes, Zhongli naturally asked him how he planned to deal with the runes in the future.

It has always been a common knowledge in the continent of Teyvat that only the owner of the Eye of God can control the elemental power at will.

But the appearance of runes broke this common sense.

Although activating the runes requires more mental power than normal people, the method of training mental power is not uncommon in Teyvat.

Once Han Xiao reveals the secret of the runes, people will have a second way to master elemental power.

Even if this is a good thing, it is also a bad thing.

The advantage is that some people who are not under the gaze of gods can control elemental power through runes, which indirectly alleviates people's awe of the owners of the Eyes of God.

The disadvantage is that once the runes spread, the entire continent of Teyvat will cause a lot of chaos due to the sudden emergence of another extraordinary system.

Well... I probably won't disclose the secret of the runes. At most, it will only be spread on a small scale.

After hearing Zhongli's question, Han Xiao pondered for a moment and then gave his answer.

Will the secret of the runes be revealed to the mainland?

Everyone knows that there are many problems in doing so.

The addition of another extraordinary system will drive many people across the entire continent of Teyvat who are unable to seek the eye of God into madness.

At the same time, it will also trigger the ambitions of some people with ulterior motives.

It's just that keeping it completely secret is not like revealing the secrets of the runes to the outside world. It seems unrealistic.

Even Han Xiao, who had just discovered the secret of the runes, found that the appearance of the runes increased the power of mechanism and alchemy.

To give a simple example, for example, the elemental version of the ultimate machine created by Han Xiao and others using mechanism skills is not as powerful as the original version of the ultimate machine that uses immortal power.

But what if runes that represent accelerating the gathering speed of elements and increasing their power are engraved on the elemental version of the final machine?

That power must be comparable to or even surpass the original version of the ultimate machine that originally used immortal power.

But in this way, no matter how Han Xiao conceals it, the creation with runes added will sooner or later attract the attention of Abedo and others.

In this case, it would be better to have a showdown with Abedo and the others early, sign a confidentiality agreement, and work with them to encrypt the runes.

This might be a solution.

Regarding Han Xiao's explanation, Zhongli thought for a moment and agreed. Then he also understood the reason why the other party suddenly came to the door today.

It seemed that the other party had thought about how to deal with the rune problem before coming to the door. He came to him not only to report, but also to ask for his help.

Thinking of this, Zhongli reached out and waved his hand in the air, and several contract documents with the Morax logo appeared in front of Han Xiao.

I think this should be the main reason why you came to me.

Yes, Mr. Zhongli.

Reaching out to take off the blank contract document floating in front of him and put it into his jade pendant, Han Xiao did not hide anything and quite simply admitted his intention to suddenly visit today.

He came just for Morax's contract.

After all, Han Xiao is not the kind of person with a big heart. He wants to reveal the secret of the runes to a few people in Abe on a small scale. How can he rest assured without the constraints of the contract?

Even if Han Xiao and Abedo get along well, it won't work.

Brothers have to settle accounts openly.

What's more, the power of runes involves another extraordinary system.

It's good that you noticed this.

Regarding Han Xiao's approach, Zhongli nodded slightly to show his approval.

Chapter 778: Fa Lushan: Even a genius must teach you the basics!

After bidding farewell to Zhongli, Han Xiao came to the alchemy workshop with several blank contract documents printed with Morax's exclusive coat of arms.

At this time, in the workshop, Abedo and others were busy with their own affairs.

Abedo is doing experiments, Fa Lushan is preparing the textbooks for class in Kuixing Building in the afternoon, and Angus is writing chat software in front of the desktop computer.

Just in time, you are all here!

Han Xiao, who pushed open the door and saw all the team members in the workshop, immediately smiled on her face.

Since everyone is here, there is no need for him to talk separately.

What's wrong, Han Xiao?

Seeing that Han Xiao was saying some incomprehensible words as soon as she entered the door, Fa Lushan immediately raised her head from the teaching record and looked at him with doubts in her eyes, and couldn't help but ask:

Looking at you like this, do you mean you have something to announce to us?


Hearing Fa Lushan's inquiry, Han Xiao nodded happily, and then loudly announced to the three people present the results he had researched with the help of other people in the group and Alice:

Everyone, I found the secret of the runes!


As Han Xiao's voice fell, a harsh friction sound suddenly came from the workshop.

Looking around, it was Angus who suddenly kicked his legs and pushed the chair away after hearing the news announced by the other party, making a harsh sound.

Han Xiao, are you telling the truth? Are you kidding me?

I won't joke about something as important as this.

Han Xiao shrugged, seemingly dissatisfied with Angus' question.

He is not the kind of person who talks nonsense. If he says he has cracked the secret of the runes, he must have really cracked it.

Sorry, I was just a little surprised.

Seeing Han Xiao's expression of sincerity but no sign of guilt, Angus immediately expressed his apology and also expressed his feelings about the matter.

Obviously they had a certain understanding of the runes through Fa Lushan's story two days ago. In just a few days, the secret has been cracked.

Everyone would be surprised, okay!

What Angus said is what I wanted to say as well.

As soon as Angus finished speaking, Fa Lushan on the side didn't care about the teaching record this time, and everyone looked at Han Xiao with a confused face.

This has always been the biggest mystery of rune literature. Countless scholars from the Imperial Academy have spent their entire lives studying this topic to no avail.

How come it didn't take long for Han Xiao to solve the mystery when the matter was in Han Xiao's hands?

You should also pay attention to the basic methods when solving puzzles, okay?

I'm also quite interested in the secret of the runes!

While Angus was shocked and Fa Lushan couldn't believe it.

Albedo, who was still experimenting in the front seat of the experimental table, also put down the test tube in his hand. The scholar's overflowing curiosity made him turn around and cross his arms, looking at Han Xiao with interest.

It seems you all want to know the secret of the runes?

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, Han Xiao did not panic, but asked calmly and calmly.


Facing Han Xiao's rhetorical question, the three of them looked at each other, and then answered in unison.

This is a secret that may have troubled the scholars of Kanria and Sumeru for hundreds of years, and of course they want to find out the truth.

Seeing that everyone wanted to know the true secret of the runes, Han Xiao was not polite and immediately took out the contract document that Zhongli had asked for before and placed it on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

In that case, let's sign the contract document first.

Is this... a confidentiality agreement?

Abedo, who quickly walked to the sofa, took the lead in picking up a contract document on the coffee table and started reading it. He soon discovered that it was a confidentiality contract established by Han Xiao for the secret of the runes.

Anyone who knows about the signed contract is not allowed to reveal any information about the secrets of the runes without permission.

Confidentiality contract?

Hearing Abedo say that what Han Xiao took out was a confidentiality contract, Angus couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then he reached out to pick up another contract document and read it himself.

Sure enough, after reading the entire document, he knew that what Abedo said was true. This was indeed the contract document used to prevent them from revealing the secrets of the runes in the future.

Above, Namorax saw that the power emanating from the coat of arms fluctuated enough that this contract probably needed to be signed under the gaze of the gods.

Swish swish——

Just when Angus was sighing that Han Xiao was taking this matter so seriously, he suddenly heard the rustle of notes rubbing against paper.

Looking around, Angus saw that Fa Lushan had picked up a pen and signed his name quickly.

Seeing Angus looking towards her, Fa Lushan, who had just signed her name on the contract document, shrugged nonchalantly.

Don't look at me like that. This is the secret of the runes. Do you think I will miss it?

Indeed, although it may be a pity that the secret cannot be made public, wanting to find out the truth of a matter is also the curiosity that scholars should have.

After hearing Fa Lushan's thoughts, Abedo also agreed, and then he also picked up a pen and signed his name on the contract document.

You guys are really...

Seeing the two of them signing the contract document without any care, Angus could only say that the scholar's curiosity was too strong.

After that, he also wrote his name on the contract document.

Emmm, how should I put it, he can be considered a scholar after all, right?

The contract has been made. Anyone who breaks his promise shall be punished by eating rocks.

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