After hearing Angus's thoughts, Han Xiao couldn't help but shrugged.

Perhaps it will become popular one day in the future.

you sure?

Abedo raised his eyebrows and looked at Han Xiao with some surprise.

The rune system disappeared in the long river of history just after it was born. It is obvious that some people are not willing to popularize this power in the continent of Teyvat.

Han Xiao said that there might be a chance to popularize it in the future, but how could he be sure about it?

I can only say there is a chance.

Faced with Abedo's doubts, Han Xiao did not give an explanation, but just explained in a vague tone.

It's not like he was fooling Abedo.

Nowadays, the rune system cannot be promoted on a large scale. After all, the God's Eye system established by heaven cannot be shaken for the time being.

Although Han Xiao is not currently afraid of the threat from Sky Island, he does not want to appear at the top of the list that must be hit by the maintainers of heavenly principles so early.

For now, it's better to let Zhidong take the lead and let him develop slowly from behind.

However, once the protection of Teyvat's border is broken, without the protection of Faness, the entire Teyvat will face the impact of the real side of the world.

In order to protect Liyue at that time, the rune system has become the best means of self-protection for Liyue people.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but turn her gaze to Fa Lushan.

Senior Fa Lushan, in the future I will make the runes course in school a compulsory course. I also hope that seniors will pay more attention to cultivating it.

Compulsory's okay.

Hearing Han Xiao's request, Fa Lushan agreed after thinking for a moment, but then she asked in a tentative tone:

But are you planning for the future?

That's right, but it seems that it won't be used in at least the next few years.

Han Xiao didn't deny it, he was just doing this now to prepare for a rainy day.

As for when it can be used, maybe it depends on how the continent of Teyvat will change after Yingmei completes her journey to the seven countries.

Hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Abedo and Fa Lushan couldn't help but look at each other, and they both made a decision in their hearts at the same time.

They also have to try to make runes a compulsory course in Meru and Mondstadt.

Although Han Xiao's words were unclear, whether it was Abedo or Fa Lushan, they could all hear the catastrophic impact that the Teyvat continent might face in the future from the vague words of the other party.

What happens next is simple.

Under Han Xiao's detailed explanation, the three of them quickly understood the variant uses of the Celtic Cross and various Celtic knots.

And they also made their first runes under Han Xiao's guidance.

Chapter 781 Practical Application of Runes

I have to say that the rune system is indeed very powerful.

After personally experiencing how to make a real talisman, Abedo couldn't help but compare it with the current God's Eye system in the Teyvat continent.

As a result, he found that compared to the uncertainty of the Eye of God, the rune system only required sufficient mental power and sufficient knowledge of runes to control the elements, and it was also the kind that could handle all seven elements.

It can be said that in terms of universality, the rune system is much more convenient than the Eye of God.

You can't say that, the rune system also has its own threshold.

After hearing Albedo's praise of the rune system, Angus immediately raised his eyebrows and commented sharply on the shortcomings of the rune system:

First of all, if you want to master the rune system, you need to have enough research on runes. This alone will screen out many people.

Secondly, the runes need to be activated by mental power. Although the seven countries have their own martial arts methods, there are not many methods that can train mental power, and they are also quite difficult.

I rather agree with Angus.

As a contemporary leader in rune literature, Fa Lushan believes that Angus's assessment is correct.

Although there are only about twenty runes in total, it is not an easy task to completely master them.

After all, not everyone wants Han Xiao and the three of them to have extremely high learning and understanding abilities.

Based on her years of teaching, it would take an average person at least five years to roughly master all the knowledge of runes, and it would probably take twice as long to master it.

This is just the first step in mastering the power of runes.

While learning the knowledge of runes, you also need to exercise your own mental abilities.

Although the seven countries in the Teyvat continent all have the custom of learning martial arts, if you want to master a method of training your mental power, you also need to study hard and practice hard.

Even after seven or eight years of laying the groundwork, no results were seen.

Adding the two together, it would take an average person about ten years to master the power of runes and use them skillfully.

In contrast, as long as the owner has the Eye of God, the owner's physique will gradually improve.

In terms of the speed of effect, the rune system is still relatively behind the Eye of God system.

The only advantage is probably that it doesn't require the somewhat harsh method of obtaining the Eye of God.

Perhaps learning the power of runes requires a lot of prerequisites, but I think the rune system is easier than the Eye of God system just because of the acquisition threshold.

Seeing Fa Lushan and the others having a heated discussion on the pros and cons of the rune system and the Eye of God system, Han Xiao chose to be neutral.

From the perspective of universality, the power of runes that can be mastered as long as the conditions are met is naturally more convenient than the Eye of God system that requires a specific threshold.

However, judging from the length of time, the Eye of God system is superior.

To give a simple example, the rune system is easy to get started but difficult to master, and requires users to spend a lot of time practicing.

The Eye of God system is based on the idea that it has a relatively high threshold, but as long as one becomes the owner of the Eye of God, their physique will passively evolve in a transcendent direction, and the user does not need to spend a lot of time exercising.

Generally speaking, the power of runes is a great improvement for everyone.

After hearing Han Xiao's views, Abedo also pointed out another advantage of the power of runes:

And don't forget, even users of the Eye of God can still master the power of runes, which indirectly increases the upper limit of the user's strength.


Time flies, seven days have passed.

Although Abedo and others signed a confidentiality contract with Han Xiao, they were not prohibited from learning the power of runes.

Therefore, in addition to busying themselves with their own affairs these days, Fa Lushan and others also took time to learn the knowledge of runes.

Soon, all four people in the alchemy workshop mastered this technique one after another. The only difference lies in their proficiency.

Among them, Fa Lushan is one of the few masters of runes in the Xumi Order, and she is the most proficient in mastering the power of runes among them.

Even Han Xiao, the party who discovered the use of the power of runes, was a little behind him in understanding the runes.

this day...

Han Xiao and Abeido gathered in the alchemy workshop again.

The main reason why they got together was to discuss their experiences and thoughts about using runes in the past few days.

How about it? After experiencing it for a few days, do you have any new ideas about the power of runes?

Looking at the three Fa Lushan people sitting around the sofa, Han Xiao asked with a smile.

Is it a new idea? Is it useful?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Angus took the first step out of his pocket and took out a rune badge that looked like jade but not jade.

This is my latest work. It can help increase the affinity of elements, and the effect is very good!

Hey, Angus, you've discovered this too.

Seeing the rune badge that Angus took out, Fa Lushan reached out and took off the cross hairpin on her head and showed it to several people.

I saw a few more runes and complicated Celtic knots on the originally smooth cross hairpin.

I modified my hairpin. After a few days of experimentation, I have stronger control over the wind element.

It seems that we all have similar ideas.

Albedo on the side raised his left hand, and saw that there were also runes and Celtic knots on his gloves.

I think we can engrave all the previous alchemy and mechanism creations with amplification runes, and the power will definitely be greatly improved.

Good suggestion, I agree.

After hearing Albedo's idea, Angus nodded repeatedly to indicate that he agreed.

And we can also develop some small attack charms, so that many adventurers without God's Eye can carry a few charms with them, and their safety can be greatly guaranteed.

Emmm, what do you think of this?

Han Xiao pondered for a moment and gave his plan:

We will not recall the alchemy and mechanism creations that are already on sale, but we can develop upgraded versions with runes next.

As for the small attack spell, I hope it can be used directly like the elemental bottle used by the treasure stealing group, rather than requiring mental power to activate it, so that it can be promoted among adventurers.

Okay, leave the upgraded version to me.

After hearing Han Xiao's plan, Abedo immediately took over the task of upgrading the creation.

He is designing the next generation of steam ships and terminal machines, and the emergence of rune power comes at the right time.

Then let me try to make the power of the runes trigger with the same pressure as the elemental bottle.

Seeing that Abedo had taken over the project to upgrade the creation, Angus also stepped forward to take over Han Xiao's other idea.

Okay, I'll leave it to you then!

Chapter 782: Gifted Students

After briefly arranging Albedo and Angus's next research direction on the power of runes, Han Xiao also moved the topic to the desktop computer.

Senior Fa Lushan, I wonder how the training at Kuixing Tower is going these days?

The training at Kuixing Tower is going quite smoothly.

Hearing Han Xiao ask her about the group of people who received machine language training, Fa Lushan also showed a smile of relief on her face.

Liyue people still respect knowledge very much. Although most people are not particularly talented, everyone studies very seriously.

Hmm...Is there Senior Fa Lushan among this group of people that you are more optimistic about?

Speaking of it, there really is a good idea!

When she mentioned that she had found a good seedling worth cultivating, Fa Lushan's eyes couldn't help but shine brightly.

There is a little guy named Dai Yang who is very smart and can digest knowledge very quickly. If he is properly trained, he will be no worse than Dai Yang's kids even in the Order Academy.

Rita Brahma, I remember it was the Mingren School that studied astronomy and astrology?

Yes, it's the Lidovandi Academy where most of the students are geniuses.

When he heard Fa Lushan praising Dai Yang for being able to squeeze into Lidovandi Academy, Angus suddenly became interested.

After all, among the six major academies of Xumi, Lidovandi Academy, which studies astronomy and astrology, is indeed a step ahead of the other academies in terms of student quality.

A student who was praised by Fa Lushan as someone who could squeeze into the Lidovandi Academy. He seemed to be not very old yet, and indeed had extremely high training value.

It turns out to be Dai Yang...I heard lawyer Yan Fei mention him.

Abedo, who was working in the college, raised his eyebrows and added with interest:

According to lawyer Yan Fei, the student named Dai Yang is very organized and thoughtful in his work. He is a good material for studying law. She wanted to accept him as a disciple, but unfortunately he was rejected.

Well said no!

Fa Lushan subconsciously blurted out what was in her heart.

When everyone turned their attention, she quickly coughed a few times to cover up.

Ahem... I mean, he's a bit of an underachiever when it comes to studying law.

What does Senior Fa Lushan mean?

Seeing Fa Lushan's slightly embarrassed expression, Han Xiao raised the corners of her mouth slightly and asked in a narrow tone.

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