Unfortunately, in the face of Han Xiao's huge expectations, the mithril plate never showed any reaction, completely like a dead object.

Ah this...

Han Xiao frowned slightly when she found that the talisman had no effect at all. Then she picked up the mithril plate and used her mental power as a 'key' to try to activate the opponent.

But in the end, the mithril plate still showed no response.

The experiment... failed.

Is it true that, as Xixiao speculated, the so-called Celtic triangle is not the iconic symbol of Canria?

With some doubts, Han Xiao once again threw herself into the experiment.

The next day.

As the sun rose high, the door to the alchemy chamber was slowly pushed open, and Han Xiao walked out of it with a disappointed look on his face.

Through the gap, we can also see that the floor inside the alchemical chamber is filled with mithril plates engraved with runes.

Han Xiao, who came out of the secret room, came to the sofa with a tired look and lay down directly, her whole body exuding low pressure.

After a night of experiments, he adopted various combinations and arrangements, but the results were all the same, and they were all useless.

This forced Han Xiao to admit that maybe the Celtic triangle was not the iconic symbol of Kanria, nor was it needed to connect the runes.

It seems that finding a way to control the power of runes is not an easy task.

With this kind of thought, Han Xiao decided to put it aside for the time being and wait for Xingxiao or others to find some other relatively accurate clues before experimenting.


Time quickly came to afternoon.

Han Xiao had been lying on the sofa for most of the day. Just when he was about to continue lying down, Aite's notification sound suddenly came from the chat group.

The sudden notification sound immediately cheered up Han Xiao. She immediately stood up from the sofa and opened the chat group with an expectant look on her face.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Is Yuanxiao here?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: I'm here, Xingxiao, are you looking for me? Did you find anything from Aozaki Orange?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Yes, Chengzi has found some clues.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Good guy, should I say that I have analyzed the pain of the original rune before, and found the clues in such a short time?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Hurry up and tell me. I have also speculated on a possibility. Let's see if the puppet master designated by the seal is similar to what I thought!

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: Hey, Wei Xiao, do you have an idea too?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I want to hear what Xingxiao has to say.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: No problem, I told Chengzi our speculations on the Celtic Triangle and other things, and then after a night of analysis, she made some judgments.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: According to Cheng Zi, the Celtic Triangle and the Canrea Rune system we speculated are related to a certain extent, but after experiments, she found that there is still a missing symbol. .”

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: What does it mean if an iconic symbol is missing?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: I understand, that is to say, the Celtic Triangle is indeed part of the Kanreia rune system, but the two need an iconic symbol as a hub to be effective. Bar?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: What Aoxiao said is very correct. Chengzi said that the Celtic Triangle and the Kanreia runes are now like water and faucets. There is still a water pipe in the middle to make the two into a whole.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: It's basically the same as what I guessed. I had an idea yesterday, but without evidence it can only be regarded as speculation. Now that I have Aozaki Orange's analysis as support, I think my idea is probably correct. of.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: What exactly are you guessing?

Seeing that Wei Xiao said that she had thought of some possible ideas yesterday, Han Xiao couldn't wait to ask what the other party had discovered.

Weixiao did not pretend to be mysterious and directly posted her findings to the chat group.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Haixiao reminded me yesterday, and then I went to look through the memories of our previous lives. What do you think is the symbol of the Kanria people?

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Not Kanria but Kanria?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Yes, they are the Kanreians.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Wait a minute... I remember that the pupils of the Kanria people's eyes have different shapes, right?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: I remember it seemed like a star?

Chapter 776 The Secret Power of Runes

[Secret·Hanxiao]: To be precise, the eyes of the Kanruians are cross-star-shaped.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Ah, yes, it's the Cross Star!

[jojo·Hanxiao]: But having said that, Qiaoxiao, do you mean that the cross star is missing between the runes and the Celtic triangle?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: To be precise, the Celtic cross is missing.

[Fallen Knight·Han Xiao]: Hiss...I remembered, it was the symbol that was banned from FIFA games in the previous life!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Celtic Cross, Camria's Cross Star Pupil... I think Weixiao's speculation is very reasonable.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: I guess this is the symbol that Orange said. In the world of Teyvat, only the Kanreyan people's eyes have pupils in the shape of a cross star. This is a unique symbol!

[Original God·Hanxiao]: “That’s it, thank you all for your help.”

Seeing that both Wei Xiao and Xing Xiao agreed with the Celtic Cross, Han Xiao quickly thanked her in the group, then closed the chat group with excitement on her face, jumped up from the sofa, and rushed all the way to the alchemy chamber. .

After entering the secret room, he directly found a mithril plate with a clean surface and placed it on the experimental table. Then he picked up the carving knife and started carving runes on it.

The first thing to be formed is the cross and the circle, followed by the spiral knot of the Celtic triangle variant.

The ring represents the sun, the cross represents the seasons, and both symbolize the sky and the earth.

The spiral knot means eternity and symbolizes spiritual unity and unity.

After all the preliminary preparations were completed, Han Xiao carefully selected three runes with similar meanings to the Spiral Knot from the countless Kanria runes.

Brush brush brush——

The carving knife was so sharp that it flew in his hand, and silver shards fell to the ground like white snow.


Soon, when Han Xiao carved the last stroke of the rune, the mithril plate suddenly vibrated violently.

The next moment, dazzling white light burst out and filled the entire secret room.

It’s really done!

Although the sudden bright light caused Han Xiao, who was caught off guard, to close his eyes because of the slight sting, he couldn't help but cheer in his heart.

Xingxiao and Guixiao were right in guessing that what was missing between the runes of Canrea and the Celtic triangle was the cross symbol that symbolized the eyes of the Canrea people!

When the light gradually dissipated, Han Xiao slowly opened her eyes and looked at the experimental table.

On the experimental table, the original rough mithril plate had long since disappeared, replaced by an exquisite rune cross.

The texture of the rune cross is crystal clear, round and transparent. It does not look like the previous mithril metal at all, but more like jade.

Moreover, the light that flashes from time to time in the rune cross highlights the mystery of the material.

Is this the Kanria rune?

Carefully picking up the rune cross from the experimental table, Han Xiao looked at it carefully while marveling in her heart.

It looks like jade but not like metal. This Kanria rune is really weird.

With this thought, Han Xiao held the bottom of the Rune Cross, and then used her mental power to try to activate the runes on the Rune Cross.


With the injection of spiritual power, the rune cross once again bloomed with dazzling white light.

But this time compared to the previous one, the white light no longer exploded indiscriminately, but formed a beam of light according to his control, leaving a small black spot that burned on the wall.

Hey... that's interesting!

Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw the wall that was burned with a black spot by the white light.

In order to cooperate with the spiral knot, I specially selected three runes with bright meanings. I didn't expect that after combining them, the rune cross could burst out with a lethal white light.

Putting down the rune cross in his hand, Han Xiao worked non-stop to make another disc the size of a coin, with the rune cross and selected runes still engraved in the middle.

Then, driven by his mental power, the coin-like rune disk successfully gathered the water element.

Looking at the two carriers engraved with different runes on the experimental table, Han Xiao finally confirmed his previous guess.

This is completely different from the Eye of God.

If the Eye of God is a product born out of human emotions and desires, then the runes are another means of manipulating elements created by the Kanreans using symbols and spirit.

Although the two are slightly different in nature, when it comes to their origins, they both originate from humans themselves.

Should I tell Abedo and the others what I found?

After understanding this, Han Xiao felt a little embarrassed.

The secret of the rune has been found out by himself, and its true power has been activated.

It can be said that the power that was once only available to King Ilmin was finally mastered by the second person.

From an academic point of view, this is absolutely a huge discovery.

However, the performance of runes is really outstanding, and its ability to mobilize elements without the eye of God is completely different from the mainstream in the mainland today.

He didn't know whether he should reveal this secret.

Because once it is known that humans can control the power of elements by themselves in addition to the Eye of God, this subversive conclusion will inevitably trigger an unprecedented turmoil.


Putting the two carriers engraved with Kanria runes into the jade pendant, Han Xiao also showed a troubled look on her face.


A few days passed quickly.

In the past few days, Han Xiao kept carving runes with various meanings in the secret room.

The cross is still a cross, and the circle is still a circle.

It's just that the runes in it are constantly changing.

In addition, the Celtic knot connecting crosses and runes is constantly changing.

Some are love knots, some are trinity knots, and the spiral knots are not missing either.

He discovered that with the different shapes of the Celtic knots and the different arrangements of the runes, the resulting runes would change in various ways.

This can be described as endless changes.

It is precisely because the runes are so changeable and can trigger elements escaping in the air with just mental stimulation.

Han Xiao was also struggling with himself not to tell him about his discovery of the secret of the runes.

You don't need the Eye of God, you just need to learn the runes in depth, understand the meaning of each rune, and then you can master the power of controlling elements.

It is too dangerous to spread the word.

After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to tell the secrets of the runes to several people in the alchemy workshop.

After all, he learned his own runes from Fa Lushan, and Albedo and Angus will be his research partners for many years to come. In the future, runes may be used in alchemy and mechanism.

However, before telling them, he still needed to find Zhongli for information.

After that, he might have to sign a confidentiality contract so that Han Xiao could safely reveal the secret of the runes.

Chapter 777: Small-scale disclosure

Guili City, Zhongli's residence.

Have you analyzed the power of Kanria's runes?

Looking at Han Xiao standing in front of him, Zhongli, who was about to go shopping, had a face full of surprise.

Yes Mr. Zhongli, please take a look.

Seeing the unexpected look in Zhongli's eyes, Han Xiao didn't waste any time and took out the two rune carriers he had made before.

As soon as he saw what Han Xiao took out, Zhongli raised his eyebrows and reached out to take the carrier engraved with runes into his hand and looked at it carefully.

It's really the power of runes!

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