Special mark?

After hearing the question relayed by Abedodai Hanxiao, Angus, who was reading, put down the runes textbook in his hand, lowered his head and thought about it carefully, and then slowly shook his head.

I don't want Kanria to have any special logo.

Then you can continue reading, and I won't disturb you for now.

Seeing that Angus couldn't get any clues, Abedo quickly left the other party's room, and then spoke to the receiver again:

I'm sorry, Angus and I can't think of any special logo for Camria.

All right...

Han Xiao, who didn't get any clues from Abedo, hung up the communication slightly disappointedly, and then he began to think about who else was more familiar with Kanria.

First of all, the people who are most familiar with Canrea are Dainthreb and Piero the Harlequin who are both Canreans themselves.

It's just that one of them is unpredictable, and the other is far away in the winter.

Although Zhongli and the immortals had experienced the period when Kanria was still on the Teyvat continent, the relationship between Kanria and the Seven Kingdoms was not harmonious at that time, and they probably didn't know much about it.

Wait...How could I forget her!

Han Xiao, who had been thinking for a long time, suddenly had an idea. Others don't know about Kanria's situation. Ms. Alice, who is a good friend of Golden Reindot, might know!

Thinking of this, he quickly took out the long-lost Dudu communication device from Yu Perry and dialed Alice's communication.

After a moment, the sound of communication being connected came from the Dudu communicator, and then Ms. Alice's energetic voice sounded from the other side of the Dudu communicator:

Hello, hello, is it the little guy who contacted me this time?

Ms. Alice, it's me.

Oh, it turns out to be little brother Hanxiao. I thought it was little baby Keli!

When she heard that the person on the other end of the communication device was Han Xiao, Alice was slightly disappointed at first, and then quickly returned to her usual out-of-the-box temperament:

Brother Hanxiao, you haven't contacted me for a while!

Sorry, Ms. Alice, I've been busy with things in Liyue lately.

It's about popularizing computers!

Thinking of the news she had received recently, Alice immediately joked:

You and little Abedo are really awesome. You even built a computer for you!

It's just imitating the path taken by our predecessors. It's not very powerful, so don't make fun of us.

Okay, okay, then Han Xiao, why do you suddenly come to me this time? You must know that the TV you promised me is not ready yet.

Don't worry, we will make arrangements for you immediately!

When Alice mentioned this, Han Xiao just remembered that he seemed to have forgotten about this matter. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly and quickly promised to arrange it as soon as possible.

Okay, then I'll be waiting for your good news.

Tell me what problems you have encountered and want me to help you answer?

Ms. Alice, do you know what special logo Camria had back then?

...Why did you remember to ask me about Canria?

After learning that the question Han Xiao asked her was related to Kanria, Alice's face immediately became serious.

Sensing this, Han Xiao quickly informed each other of her and Abedo's speculations on the runes.

So that's what happened.

After listening to Han Xiao's story, Alice breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the other party and Little Abedo did not want to pursue Kanrea's taboo secrets.

Chapter 774 Celtic Triangle

As a member of the long-lived race, a well-known adventurer throughout the Teyvat continent, and also the A of the mysterious organization Witches, Ms. Alice knows a lot of secrets.

Naturally, she knew everything about Kanria's deeds five hundred years ago.

When Kanria perished at the hands of the maintainer of heavenly principles, the main reason was that it touched taboos that it should not touch, leading to the disaster of destruction.

This is why Alice looked a little worried when she heard that Han Xiao and Abedo had begun investigating Kanria.

After all, it's not a good thing to get involved with Kanria.

Fortunately, Han Xiao explained quickly, and she realized that the other party and little Albedo were only interested in Kanria's runes and had no intention of touching the taboo.

Rune... you and little Albedo really found a treasure.

When Han Xiao mentioned the runes that were once popular in the country of Kanria, Alice couldn't help but sigh.

That is an extremely terrifying power!

The former king Irmin was so high-spirited when he first took hold of the power of runes, but he did not expect that a failure would bring the prosperous Kanria to its end.

Alice's sudden sigh made Han Xiao on the other side of the Dudu communication device perk up and asked quickly.

Ms. Alice, it seems that you are very knowledgeable about the power of runes?

I can only say that I know it. It doesn't count as research.

Han Xiao's questioning made Alice come back to her senses from her sigh, and she gave her speculation with a serious look on her face.

I probably understand what you and little Abedo are studying. Don't you want to control the power of the runes?

It's a pity that I don't know how to control the power of runes.

Ms. Alice, can't even you decipher the secret of the runes?

Reindot asked me this question once.

Hearing Han Xiao's question, Alice, who was patrolling the border of Teyvat, was silent for a moment, and then said slowly:

It's just that I'm not interested in how to parse the runes.

It's not that Alice doesn't have the ability to analyze runes, it's mainly because she doesn't think the runes are of much help to her, so she doesn't put much effort into deciphering the secrets of the runes.

It should be said that she is worthy of Ms. Alice.

Regarding Alice's explanation, Han Xiao didn't know what to say for a while.

Just because the Absolute Rune did not help her much, she was too lazy to analyze the secret of the rune. Perhaps this was the self-confidence of a person who did not lack strength at all.

After calming down, Han Xiao turned the topic back to the main topic. The other party was not interested in runes, but he and Abe were very interested.

Then Ms. Alice, can you tell me what special mark Kanria originally had?

Of course, there is one symbol that is particularly prominent in Canrea, and that is the Canrea Triangle, which can also be called the Celtic Triangle.

Celtic triangle?

Han Xiao couldn't help but be stunned. Although he didn't know the Celtic triangle very well, he was familiar with the three words Celtic.

The legendary Son of Light Cú Chulainn and Scathach are all characters from Celtic mythology.

Yes, the Celtic triangle is an iconic symbol in the mythological system that gave rise to famous tasks such as King Arthur. It is also called the Celtic knot.

Hearing that Han Xiao was slightly dazed, Alice on the other end of the communication device couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

What's wrong, Xiaohanxiao?

Aren't you a little touched when you suddenly heard your familiar name?

Ms. Alice...you already knew that I was the Adventer, right?

Hearing Alice's slightly narrowed voice, Han Xiao came back to her senses and couldn't help but stretched out her hand and scratched her head, with a look of helplessness on her face.

He had forgotten that his so-called descendant identity was actually easily seen through in front of the Teyvat boss.

Hmm, you know so much knowledge about other worlds, naturally I have already made assumptions.

Speaking of which, I just went to Lay Xumi some time ago. I did a good job. Not only did I bring the Great Compassion Tree King back to the world, but I also cleaned up the pollution between him and the World Tree!

Seeing Han Xiao mentioning her identity as a descendant, Alice on the other side of the communication device suddenly laughed and praised what he had done in Xumi.

As a witch who has always maintained the borders of Teyvat, she is naturally aware of the pollution of World Tree. It is a pity that even though she has traveled through countless worlds, she has not found the power to save World Tree.

He never expected that the problem he had been worrying about for a long time would finally be solved by Han Xiao.

It can be said that when Alice went to Xumi in person to see the Great Merciful Tree King and the World Tree with all pollution eliminated, she was extremely satisfied with Han Xiao.

This was one of the reasons why she answered so readily when Han Xiao asked her about Kanria's secret.

Uh...Thank you, Ms. Alice, for your compliment!

Regarding Alice's praise, Han Xiao didn't feel that he had much credit for what he had done.

First, the incident itself was the result of the deal he made with Little Lucky Grass King.

Secondly, he is now in Teyvat, which is his second hometown. If he has the ability to help, why not help.

Ms. Alice, do you have any conclusions about the Celtic Triangle?

After briefly responding to Alice's compliment, Han Xiao quickly pointed the topic directly at the Celtic triangle mentioned by the other party.

I haven't done any in-depth research on the issue of the Celtic Triangle. This requires Xiaohanxiao to work hard on your own!

After hearing Han Xiao asking her about the analysis results of the Celtic Triangle, Alice immediately said that she had not invested any energy in analysis in this area.

If he wanted to figure out the relationship between the Celtic Triangle and the Canrea runes, he could only rely on his own research.

That's right, I understand. Thank you, Ms. Ellis, for clarifying my doubts.

Where, I didn't help!

No, no, no, you already helped a lot just by telling me about the Celtic Triangle!

After thanking Alice profusely and promising to get the TV out soon, Han Xiao just hung up the communication.

Then he opened the chat group and informed other people in the group of what he had discovered.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Xingxiao, please continue to help me ask Aozaki Orange!

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: No problem, but having said that, Kanrea can actually use the Celtic triangle, which is a little surprising.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Is there anything special about the Celtic triangle, Xingxiao?

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: It may be that the mythology system is different. Previously, we analyzed that the basis of Canria is the Germanic mythology system. As for the Celtic Triangle, it is derived from the Celtic mythology system.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I still have some questions about the Celtic Triangle.

Chapter 775: The Eyes of the Kanreyans

[Locus·Hanxiao]: What's wrong, Xixiao? Isn't the Celtic Triangle the special symbol we are looking for?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: How should I put it? The Celtic Triangle does occupy a large position in mysticism, but if you think about it, it seems that it is not only Kanrea who uses the Celtic Triangle in the game, right?

[One Piece·Han Xiao]: Xi Xiao is right about this. I went to the memories we uploaded to search for memories about the game. In addition to Kanria, there are snow mountains, secret realms, and even factions on the Teyvat continent. The Celtic triangle appears on Mongolia.”

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Does this mean that the Celtic triangle is not the iconic symbol of Kanreia?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: “It’s hard to say whether it’s an iconic symbol, but the Celtic Triangle was definitely very popular during the Kanreia period.”

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Luanxiao, you can first try to see if you can use the Celtic triangle to make coherent runes. If it doesn't work, let's discuss it again. I have some ideas now, but I still need to make some deductions.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Okay, let me try it first.

Regarding Wei Xiao's suggestion, Han Xiao also thought it was good. Anyway, it would be a good idea to try it out first before waiting for news from Xing Xiao.

So he closed the chat group and went to the alchemy chamber alone to start the experiment.

Han Xiao first transcribed the conclusion that Xingxiao asked Aozaki Orange to analyze the runes and put it aside, and then found a piece of mithril with excellent magic conductivity.

After casting the mithril into a palm-sized mithril plate, Han Xiao held the carving knife in one hand and flipped the information with the other hand to start carving.

Soon, he carved three strange runes on the mithril plate with a carving knife.

Each rune symbolizes a moon goddess, and the beginning, course and end are arranged in order to form the overall rune that drives the flame.

In the end, Hanxiao did not forget to engrave the Celtic triangle to show the connection.

You're done!

Looking at the gorgeous and mysterious symbol patterns on the mithril board, Han Xiao's face was filled with anticipation. He really wanted to see if he could regain the lost rune power of Kanria.

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