He quickly learned the knowledge in the scraps and figured out some tricks. Although the talent points seemed a bit wrong at first, if he didn't have the talent, he wouldn't be able to learn alchemy.

It was only later that as the number of friends in the chat group increased, his learning talents gradually improved and integrated into the slightly outrageous learning ability he has now.

So Han Xiao still agrees with Angus' theory.

This alchemy is similar to the mathematics of the previous life. If you don't know it, you just don't know it. Even if I beat you to death, you wouldn't know it.

And both are subjects that require talent. The stronger your talent, the stronger your academic ability.

There is simply no way to make up for it with hard work.

Chapter 768: The Origin of Rune Literature

Since Angus didn't plan to go to school to teach students, Han Xiao gave up the idea for the time being.

As for why it is temporary.

Emmm, shouldn’t future Angus be allowed to change his mind?

When the time comes, maybe after seeing that other colleagues in the workshop have students, they may suddenly change their minds.

With the idea of ​​persuading Angus to join the academy as a temporary job in her heart, Han Xiao just turned her attention to Fa Lushan:

Senior Fa Lushan, the job of training programmers has been decided!

no problem.

Fa Lushan nodded, although what she wanted to do now was to go to the school and have a look to see if she could find one or two good seeds.

But since she had promised Han Xiao to go to Kuixing Tower to teach, she would naturally not break her promise.

Anyway, the school students are there and won’t run away.

And taking advantage of this free time, she could also ask Abedo, who had been working in the school before, to see if he had any good talents that had attracted attention.

Nowadays, Rune Literature is an unpopular subject in the Order Academy.

Fa Lushan felt that if she didn't find a few students to learn runes and pass on this subject, runes might disappear in the Teyvat continent in another ten or twenty years.

If things came to this point, she felt that her mentor from a hundred years ago would probably crawl out of the ground and give her a good scolding.

By the way, there's something I want to ask you, Senior Fa Lushan.

After talking about the official matter of training programmers, Han Xiao suddenly changed the topic and asked the other party:

I don't know if you know when Xumi's runes were regarded as a subject by the Order Academy?

Why did you suddenly think of asking me this question?

Hey, I'm just a little curious.

Seeing Fa Lushan looking at him in surprise, Han Xiao immediately looked at her with a harmless smile.

It's not that he wants to be the Riddler, it's mainly that he just learned some secrets about Kanrea not long ago.

The world tree, the last king of Camria, Irmin, who is suspected of being Teyvat's Odin, has one eye and falls down.

These specious legends made Han Xiao think of the runes in Fa Lushan's hand and inevitably associate them with the runes.

I can't help it, this sense of déjà vu is really a bit serious, isn't it?

To be honest, even I don't know exactly when a subject like runes appeared in the Order Academy.

Facing Han Xiao's question, Fa Lushan carefully recalled it for a long time but could not come up with a satisfactory answer.

After all, runes had been continuing in the Order Academy for some time when she first entered school more than a hundred years ago, and there were still many people studying runes at that time.

Then how long do you estimate that the subject of runes has existed in the Order Academy?

This...I am not one of those who studies history from the Cause Theory School.

Fa Lushan glared at Han Xiao speechlessly. She was from the epistemology school and studied language, semiotics and logic.

History and sociology are the specialties of the causalists, okay!

Uh... I guess this is also your own subject, Senior Fa Lushan. Are you really not clear at all?

After hearing Fa Lushan's explanation, Han Xiao still asked unwillingly.

By the way, you don't just ask out of curiosity, do you?

Seeing that Han Xiao still didn't give up questioning her, Fa Lushan frowned slightly and immediately began to suspect that her counterpart was so eager to know the true purpose of the history of rune literature.

Indeed, even I think so, Han Xiao!

As soon as Fa Lushan finished speaking, Angus on the side also echoed, and at the same time he did not forget to look at Han Xiao with a joking look.

You seem to be too concerned about the history of runes!

Yes, aren't you going to explain it properly?

Hearing what Angus said, Fa Lushan folded her hands on her chest and couldn't help but nod her head.

She now wanted to know the reason why Han Xiao paid so much attention to rune literature.


Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh when she realized that maybe because she was too anxious, Fa Lushan and Angus noticed some clues.

Then he slowly revealed part of the truth while the two of them were watching:

You should know that I obtained a batch of documents about the history of Kanria some time ago.

Well, I remember you said it was the collection over at Zhidong.

Angus nodded with some confusion. He and Abedo were both very concerned about the affairs of Camrea. After all, they could be said to be half Camrea.

Therefore, they still mentioned to each other that Hanxiao had obtained a batch of documents recording the history of Kanria from Zhidong.

Abedo even planned to borrow those materials from the other party.

But soon, Angus reacted and looked at Han Xiao with a surprised expression:

Wait...do you think runes were handed down from Canria?

Now that the matter has come to this, I won't hide it from you. I really think so.

Rune literature was handed down from Kanria?

After listening to Angus and Han Xiao's speculations, Fa Lushan was a little stunned for a moment.

Because the speculations of these two people really surprised her.

Fa Lushan didn't know much about Kanria, and there were very few records about it from the Order Academy.

She only knew that it was a country five hundred years ago with a highly developed civilization that seemed to be destroyed by a natural disaster.

As for Han Xiao's theory that rune literature originated from Kanria, rational Fa Lushan speculated in her heart that it seemed possible.

The subject of runes has been established in the Order Academy for a long time. At least when she first came into contact with runes a hundred years ago, it had been circulating for a long time.

But problems also arise. The roots of other disciplines in the Order Academy have their own clear records, but the origin of Rune Literature is unclear.

As a result, all the students studying runes have no idea about the development history of the subject they are studying. They only know that it is a relatively mature subject.

So Fa Lushan didn't deceive Han Xiao at first. She really didn't know the history of rune literature.

But now, based on the speculations of Angus and Han Xiao, Fa Lushan also begins to doubt whether rune literature really originated from Kanreia?

After all, the historical records of Kanria and the origin of runes are also unclear. They may have disappeared in the long river of history for the same reason, right?

Thinking of this, Fa Lushan couldn't help but cast her eyes on Han Xiao and urged:

Did you find any clues in that batch of documents?

Just a little bit.

Faced with Fa Lushan's questioning, Han Xiao decided to reveal a few clues that were not particularly important. He could take this opportunity to ask the other party to write a letter back to Xumi for further investigation.

Chapter 769: Rune literature spread as a single seedling

In the books that record the history of Kanria, I found some descriptions of runes.

Facing Fa Lushan and Angus, who were full of curiosity, Han Xiao slowly said after filtering in her heart:

According to records, a power called runes was popular in Kanria at that time. The best among them could even cast spells with the help of runes, and they were recruited by the royal family of Kanria at that time and became court mages.

Casting spells with the help of runes?

Hearing this, Angus raised his eyebrows and immediately became interested.

Nowadays, the only people on the continent of Teyvat who have access to elemental power are the owners of the Eye of God and those who master mystical knowledge such as alchemy and mechanism.

Being able to cast spells with just runes is completely different from the current rules of Teyvat.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Fa Lushan who was lowering his head in thought and asked:

Fa Lushan, you are a scholar who studies runes. Can you do the rune casting that Han Xiao said?

I can't let you down.

Fa Lushan simply shook her head in denial, and explained with a tangled look on her face:

I have been studying rune language for a long time. Although my mentor told me a hundred years ago that runes are magical languages, I also agree with my mentor's view.

But I have never seen anyone who studied runes at that time be able to use them to cast spells, including my mentor.

Then haven't you tried it yourself?

After hearing what Fa Lushan said, Han Xiao reached out to rub her chin and asked thoughtfully.

...I did try.

Seeing that Han Xiao was so keen, Fa Lushan didn't hide it anymore, and directly told her everything she did back then.

She was called a genius at the time, and after hearing her mentor say that runes were a magical language, she tried to find evidence to prove it.

The facts were the same as Fa Lushan's judgment. She did find some clues in the Order and through a series of experiments, she confirmed that what her mentor said was true.

Runes are indeed the language of magic.

After getting this conclusion, Fa Lushan seemed very excited at the time.

Because in the Teyvat continent, except for mystical techniques such as alchemy and mechanism, which can access a small amount of elemental power, only the owners of the Eye of God can control the elemental power.

If she could study the secrets of some runes, she might be able to change this situation and allow everyone to use elemental power.

At that time, Farushan felt that her discovery could even win several Kapiju Master Awards.

It's a pity that the runes themselves are words containing magic power, but no matter how hard she tries, she can't find a way to affect the various elemental powers in the air.

In the end, after studying hard for several years, Fa Lushan had to choose to give up this research direction and switch to the path of using ancient characters to crack the legacy mechanisms.

I originally thought that my original idea was just my whim.

Fa Lushan looked depressed and sighed:

I never expected that I would learn from you today, Han Xiao, that someone had actually been able to use runes to cast spells. This is really shocking. If I had known, I shouldn't have given up on this research direction.

If you really think so, then I guess you will be very disappointed.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Angus looked gloomy and refuted Fa Lushan's idea.

Oh, it seems like you know something, Angus?

Hearing Angus directly refute her idea, Fa Lushan was not angry, but looked at him with curiosity.

After all, she also knew that the two brothers Angus and Albedo were artificial beings, and that their master and 'mother' was none other than Golden Reindot, the chief alchemist of Camrea at that time.

So Falushan wanted to hear what kind of explanation Angus, who might know something about Camrya, would give her.

In the early days of my birth, Kanreia still existed at that time. Although my consciousness was not particularly clear and a little confused at the time, I still remember that woman once commented on the runes in private.

Reindot evaluated the runes?

Hearing Angus mention that Reindot had commented on the runes, Han Xiao immediately became interested and quickly urged Angus to tell him how he evaluated the runes.

That was Golden Reindot, the top alchemist in the entire Teyvat continent, and a member of the Witches' Guild.

Its evaluation of runes is very worthy of reference.

The woman spoke very highly of the runes and called them infinite mysteries.

Speaking of this, Angus subconsciously changed the subject, and then continued to express Reindot's views on the shortcomings of runes.

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