It's just that while she admired the runes, she also privately laughed at the court mages, saying that except for His Majesty Ilmin, no one else had the ability to grasp the true secrets of the runes, and they probably won't in the future.

Your Majesty Ilmin?

Fa Lushan was startled for a moment, then reacted.

The king of Camria who discovered the runes?


Angus nodded and continued:

Since my consciousness was still in an ignorant stage at the time, and the woman was only talking to herself, I don't know whether His Majesty Ilmin discovered the rune.

But judging from the woman's tone, it's probably the other party who discovered it.

Does it mean that the runes of the Order actually originated from Canria five hundred years ago?

After listening to Angus' story, Fa Lushan couldn't help but reach out and rub her swollen forehead.

This news really surprised her.

If this news is correct, then the doubts that have troubled me for a hundred years will be solved today.

But while solving it, Fa Lushan also had greater doubts in her heart.

Of course, she didn't forget to tell Han Xiao and Angus her doubts.

I once found a decree from five hundred years ago in the library of the Holy Order. The great sage at that time issued a decree, the content of which was to destroy books about Kanria.

This is a bit strange. Judging from the fact that there are only a few fragments of the history of Kanria recorded by the Ecclesiastical Council, the original decree was indeed implemented.

But why did the Imperial Academy retain the runes?

It stands to reason that if Camria can give birth to an alchemist of Reindot's level, his alchemy should be more developed, right?

Perhaps, Senior Fa Lushan, you can write your question in a letter and send it to Little Lucky Grass King. Maybe he knows the reason.

Facing Fa Lushan's doubts, Han Xiao spoke quietly.

But his words were just an excuse. Nasita was only five hundred years old and had been imprisoned in Jingshan Palace. What could she know.

The only one who truly knows this is the recently resurrected Great Mercy Tree King.

Chapter 770 The meaning of symbols

I'd better look for clues myself first.

As for Han Xiao asking her to write a letter to ask about Little Jixiang Grass King's past, Fa Lushan thought about it and felt that it would be better not to do so for the time being.

First of all, she didn't want to trouble the gods of Sumeru for such a trivial matter.

Secondly, the Little Lucky Grass King succeeded to the throne five hundred years ago, so the other party may not know about Kanrea.

That's okay, too.

Seeing that Fa Lushan didn't want to seek Nasida's help directly, Han Xiao felt a little pity.

Because he just remembered one thing, that is, the little Lucky Grass King might really know about Kanrea.

No, to be precise, Nasida didn't know it before, but she must know it now.

The reason is also very simple.

Nasida, who escaped from captivity, is now a veritable second-generation grass god of Xumi, and has also developed a connection with the World Tree.

It just so happens that the World Tree records all the history that has happened in the Teyvat continent, so even if the little Lucky Grass King didn't know about Kanreia before, she can find out by just looking through the records of the World Tree.

It's a pity that Fa Lushan didn't intend to trouble Nasida.

As for why Han Xiao didn't contact the other party herself.

Emmm, the relationship between them is more of a transaction than friendship, and he doesn't want to owe the other party another favor because of this matter.

Fa Lushan has strong abilities, good connections, and is very professional.

Wouldn't it be better to let her investigate the runes.

I think compared with the origin of the runes, aren't you curious why that woman said that the true power of the runes can only be used by His Majesty Ilmin?

Angus didn't care much about Han Xiao and Fa Lushan's desire to find out the origin of runes. He was now more concerned about the true power of runes.

This is because even Reindot himself did not find out the true power contained in the runes!

If he could reproduce the power of the runes in his own hands, wouldn't it mean that his ability had surpassed that woman in some aspects?

I'm afraid this is a bit difficult.

Seeing that Angus wanted to find out the true power contained in the rune itself, Han Xiao was not very optimistic about this.

Angus's talent and ability are indeed not bad, but he does not think that there were no smart people in Camrea back then.

Not to mention, the abilities of the creator of the gold, Reindot, and the current leader of the Fools, the Harlequin Piero, are definitely not weak.

Not to mention that there might have been a sage as good as them in Kanria back then.

Even these people haven't found out how to control the true power of the runes. What can Angus find out now that he doesn't even have any information?

Doesn't Fa Lushan have knowledge of runes? I can learn from her.

Angus seemed very confident.

He felt that they could trace its origins starting from Fa Lushan's runes, and maybe they would be able to find some clues.

I welcome you to learn runes...

Fa Lushan was very happy that Angus planned to learn runes from her, after all, who didn't like talented students.

It's just that she thinks it's a bit fanciful that the other party wants to trace the roots from the runes and find out the true power of the runes.

If runes really originated from the runes of Kanria, then this means that the Order has consciously wanted to decipher the secrets of the runes five hundred years ago, and finally formed the current runes.

This is the reasonable explanation why Farushan could think of Xumi to preserve the runes instead of destroying them along with other books in Kanria.

Because those people in the Order Council were probably also coveting the power of the Kanreia runes.

But over the past five hundred years, the rise of rune literature from its beginning to its current decline can only mean one thing.

The scholars of Sumeru were unable to find the secret behind the runes.

Are you worried that I won't be able to find the secret?

Although Fa Lushan didn't finish her words, Angus could already see the hidden meaning in the expression on her face.

This made him feel a little underestimated.

Sigh... I'd better write it to you first.

Seeing that Angus was so confident, Fa Lushan first let out a sigh, and then took out a notepad and pen from her God's Eye space.

Then he took the pen and scribbled down a series of strange runes on the noteboard.

Then she turned the noteboard to Angus and Han Xiao:

These are the oldest characters found so far in rune literature. As for the variant symbols based on them, I won't write about them yet.

Looking at the strange symbols on the noteboard, Angus and Han Xiao both lowered their heads and fell into thought.

The only difference is that Angus himself is actually analyzing the meaning of these symbols.

Since Han Xiao had already studied runes, he was thinking more about whether these runes had anything in common with the runes.

After all, both Ilmin and Kanreia are inextricably linked to Norse mythology.

Angus, just reading a few characters is useless. I will give you the runes textbook when I get back. If you are interested, study first.

Seeing that Angus had indeed developed a lot of interest in runes, Fa Lushan felt that even if the other party wanted to decipher the secrets of runes, he would have to master the runes first.

Excuse me, I'm very interested in this.

After hearing Fa Lushan's suggestion, Angus gave up thinking and nodded.

He has decided that his next research direction will be runes. If he can't guarantee that his character will explode one day, he will research the secrets!


As the topic came to an end, everyone went about their own business.

Fa Lushan is busy designing various front-end templates, and she is preparing for the establishment of various portals in the future.

Angus sat back in front of his desktop computer and continued developing the chat software.

As for Han Xiao, he said goodbye to the two of them and returned to his home.

Just after arriving home, Han Xiao went into the study and opened the chat group to chat with other people.

Soon, most people in the group changed from diving to surface mode.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Did something happen again, Yuanxiao?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Wait a moment, I will upload the file and you can help me give advice.

Following Han Xiao's words, he uploaded the basic symbols in rune literature to the chat group one by one.

After all this was done, Han Xiao made her request.

[Original God Hanxiao]: This is most likely a rune handed down from Kanria. Please help me see if there is any similarity with the rune characters.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Rune, although I am not an expert in this field, but I know someone who has done in-depth research on this field. I will ask her for you.

Chapter 771: Xingxiao’s experience

When Xingxiao mentioned in the chat group that he had a friend who was very knowledgeable about runes, there were replies in the group soon.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: In the world of Xingyue, she is very knowledgeable about runes. Could it be the Chi of Pain?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: I guess there is only that one. There are many people studying rune characters in Xingyue, but the eighth achievement in analyzing the original rune characters is Aozaki Orange.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: I remember Xingxiao said last time that he spent a lot of money to buy puppet technology from Aozaki Orange. How long ago did you become friends?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Well, the two of us encountered something similar, so after I bought the puppet technology from Chengzi last time, we gradually became familiar with it.

Soon after Xingxiao’s explanation, Hanxiao and other group members in the chat group knew the reasons why the other party and Aozaki Chengzi knew each other.

At that time, Xingxiao, who had just come into contact with the chat group and obtained the plug-in, was preparing to leave Europe in order to develop quietly.

It was just that the water inside the land of China was too deep at that time, and he was afraid that he would be lost if he went in, so he could only choose to settle in the far east where the forces were relatively chaotic.

After a period of time, as big bosses came to the chat group, Xingxiao gradually developed, but it was inevitable that a trace of strangeness would be revealed during the breakthrough.

As soon as they went back and forth, some clues were discovered by the family connected with the Far East and the Clock Tower and reported to the London Clock Tower headquarters.

After getting the news, Clock Tower checked Xingxiao's deeds and soon found out that he had some distant connection with Atlas Academy, and he entered the devil's way.

Therefore, after learning that Xingxiao was not a student of Atlas Academy, the Lord of the Clock Tower naturally coveted the new magic he developed.

Then Xingxiao was sealed and designated. As for what happened next, he had already said it in the chat group before.

After realizing that he was on the designated list of seals in the Clock Tower, Xingxiao, who had already fully grown up, went directly to London and broke into the Clock Tower without saying a word, beating up the monarch who was in the tower at the time.

It wasn't until Demon Marshal Zelrich discovered something strange that he jumped to this parallel world to make peace with Xingxiao on behalf of the Clock Tower, that this matter was considered to have come to an end.

Of course, the compensation will not be small.

However, Xingxiao, who returned home with a full load, not only obtained a large amount of 'trophies', but was also unanimously recognized by major organizations as someone who was not to be trifled with at the same level as a magician.

After that, in order to fulfill the deal with the Demon Marshal and to prevent the people in the Clock Tower from living in fear, Xingxiao left London.

What's funny is that when Xingxiao was still young, he was worried that the water in China was too deep and he didn't dare to go there.

As a result, when he was fully developed and felt ready to return to China to settle down, he beat the clock tower up and down, which resulted in him becoming notorious.

The extraordinary institutions in the land of China are also a little troubled by this 'ticking time bomb' that cannot be controlled at all.

Realizing this, Xingxiao, who couldn't laugh or cry, finally chose to live temporarily in the Far East in order not to worry her own people.


Regarding this fact, Far East stated that they fainted from crying in the toilet.

Originally, there was Aozaki Aoko in the Far East, a super troublesome magician known as the Human Rocket Launcher. He was a boss that any organization feared.

Now here comes another big shot who can make the Second Magic treat him with the same attitude.

It would be strange if the various extraordinary organizations in the Far East don't feel a headache.

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