Although this time he was not teaching runes, which he was best at, machine language could barely relate to text linguistics, so it wasn't that bad.

Moreover, I have only been doing research in Guilicheng for several months. It has indeed been a long time since I experienced the sense of accomplishment of teaching students.

emmm, how should I put it?

Overall, Fa Lushan was quite satisfied with the matter of changing jobs from the Jiaolingyuan to Guili City.

After all, for a scholar, sufficient research funds, interesting topics, and inventions that change the world are what any scholar cares about most.

The only thing that made Fa Lushan feel a little dissatisfied was that no students came to ask for advice after arriving in Guili City.

There was no way, there were only four people in the entire alchemy workshop including her, but the other three people turned out to be outstanding.

For example, Albedo was a master of alchemy who was well-known in the Order Academy for a long time. Angus was Albedo's brother, and his talent was obvious to the naked eye, so there was no need to ask for advice.

As for Tianshu Xing Hanxiao who invited her to come to Guili City to take up a post.

When she thought of the only junior in the workshop who always called her senior respectfully, Fa Lushan couldn't help but want to curse.

It’s not that she hasn’t seen many geniuses before, she is one herself.

And in the workshop, Abedo and Angus are even more powerful geniuses than her.

However, when faced with Han Xiao's learning talent, Fa Lushan felt for the first time what was called 'the malice of the world'.

This Liyue Tianshu star not only has extremely high attainments in subjects such as alchemy and mechanism on the Teyvat continent, but also has a good command of electricity and other subjects in other worlds.

What made Fa Lushan feel that the world was even more complicated was when Han Xiao asked her to learn runes. As a result, in less than ten days, she had almost mastered it.

Although it is not as good as herself, it is definitely much better than the students she has personally taught for several years.

In response, Fa Lushan said that she had never seen anyone with such an outrageous learning ability!

Well, if Han Xiao knew what Fa Lushan was thinking, she would probably feel quite embarrassed.

After all, his 'genius' is entirely the result of Han Xiao from all worlds in the chat group increasing together.

It is different from real geniuses like Albedo and Fa Lushan.

Ahem... back to the topic.

Precisely because the geniuses within the Alchemy Workshop could not find a sense of accomplishment in teaching, Fa Lushan was actually quite depressed during this period.

Now Han Xiao asked her to teach a group of students to learn machine language for desktop computers.

Even though she wasn't very professional, Fa Lushan still felt quite happy.

After all, she finally doesn't have to face her talented colleagues and can experience the sense of accomplishment of teaching students!

Han Xiao, who didn't know that Fa Lushan had convinced herself in her heart, saw a fleeting look of disappointment on the other person's face.

He thought the other party was still depressed about not being able to teach runes.

This made Han Xiao start thinking immediately and quickly expressed his thoughts:

Senior Fa Lushan, if you want to teach runes, I have a suggestion.

Oh, what suggestions do you have? Tell me quickly!

When Han Xiao suddenly mentioned that he had a way for her to teach runes, even Fa Lushan, who had already decided to take on the task, immediately became interested.

Who makes her more interested in teaching her own subject than teaching machine language for desktop computers?

It's like this. There is a school for children in Guili City. I wonder if you have heard of it, Senior Fa Lushan?

So this is it!

When Han Xiao mentioned the school for children in Guili City, Fa Lushan instantly understood what he was thinking.

Although she didn't go out much after arriving in Guili City, basically running between the workshop and home, she still had a little understanding of the facilities in Guili City.

Naturally, Fa Lushan had heard of the school established by Han Xiao.

It is a school that integrates elementary and basic education for infants and underage children.

Perhaps the student pool is not as outstanding as that of the Imperial College, and most of its courses are basic education, but this does not mean that there are no advanced courses within the school.

She knew that Albedo had a temporary alchemy professor at the school, and she heard that he had actually found several students with similar talents to his student Timaeus.

In addition, the school also has Yan Fei, a well-known legal expert, who is also teaching, and of course there are several other local professionals in Liyue.

They also found relatively outstanding talents among the students.

Han Xiao's suggestion couldn't help but make Fa Lushan feel a little moved.

Rune literature is relatively unpopular, and there are very few people in the teaching academy who are willing to learn it. But maybe there are students in the Guilicheng school who are interested in rune literature?

not to mention...

Thinking of Principal Zhongli, whom she had met by chance and had a brief academic conversation with, Fa Lushan felt that Han Xiao's suggestion was very suitable for her.

Just a few words with Principal Zhongli solved a problem that had troubled her for many years.

This made Fa Lushan couldn't help but sigh that Liyue was really a land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons. The principal of a school had such profound knowledge that even impressed her.

If you work in a school like Abedo, it seems to be a good idea.

At that time, she can try her best to stimulate students' curiosity about runes while teaching, and at the same time, she can also look for some good ideas.

And he can also go to the knowledgeable Principal Zhongli to solve his doubts.

Thinking of this, Fa Lushan nodded to Han Xiao without hesitation and said:

Hanxiao, no need to say more!

I promise to teach runes in school!

That's great, you won't be disappointed, Senior Fa Lushan!

Seeing that Fa Lushan agreed so simply to teach at the school, Han Xiao's face immediately smiled brightly.

At the same time, he also turned his attention to Angus:


Uh...I don't have to for now!

Seeing Han Xiao's eyes turning to him, Angus quickly shook his head in rejection.

Chapter 767: Criteria for Recruiting Students

Well, why don't you go?

Seeing that Angus was not going to teach at the school, before Han Xiao opened her mouth, Fa Lushan at the side couldn't wait to ask:

Maybe you can meet some good prospects in school.

No, I'm not used to showing up in front of outsiders.

Angus shook his head and still rejected Fa Lushan's suggestion.

You also know my situation. There are still rumors about me and Abedo in the city.

When the other party said this, Han Xiao and Fa Lushan both remembered some strange rumors that had been circulated in Guili City, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became a little strange.

After inviting Angus to Guili City from Longji Snow Mountain, his life trajectory has been very stable.

It's basically a home and a workshop. At most, I occasionally go to the official warehouse to look for materials that are not available in the workshop.

It's just that if you go to the warehouse more often, you will inevitably be seen.

Since Angus and Abedo looked alike, there was a strange rumor in the city when they came and went.

That is, the well-known alchemist master Abedo is suspected of mastering the art of clones, which allows him to control two bodies to appear in different places at the same time.

Fortunately, this oolong was quickly clarified, and people discovered that it was not Master Abedo who mastered the clone technique, but that he also had a brother Angus who looked very similar.

Moreover, this Angus is also a talented alchemist master, so he is often mistaken for Master Albedo.

Although the rumor was clarified, the almost indistinguishable appearance between Albedo and Angus was hotly debated behind closed doors.

After all, even if they are twin brothers, there will be some physical differences between them. On the contrary, it is extremely rare that Angus and Albedo cannot tell the difference at all.

Therefore, this is the main reason why the rumors about the two of them persist among the people of Guili City.

At the same time, it was precisely because he heard the rumors in the city that Angus consciously reduced the number of trips.

The reason why he didn't want to teach was to avoid the rumors from spreading again.

Well, if you don't want to go, then don't go.

After listening to Angus's thoughts, Han Xiao finally withdrew the idea of ​​persuading him to take a temporary job in the academy.

This kind of rumor is not a big deal to normal people, but it is a big problem for Angus.

In the previous game, it was because Angus was jealous that Albedo could study normally and make friends in Mondstadt that he thought of replacing him.

Although in reality this trouble has been solved by Han Xiao, there are still sequelae.

That is Angus hates that others regard him as Albedo, which makes him feel as if he is inferior to him in the eyes of others.

Angus, what do you think of this?

Since Angus didn't plan to show up in school, Han Xiao didn't force him. Instead, he turned around and proposed a compromise:

When the time comes, I will select some smart students who are interested in alchemy and send them to the workshop for you to take a look at. If you like any of them, you can keep them and teach them?

It's okay, it's okay...

Seeing what Han Xiao said, Angus also lowered his head and thought about it carefully before agreeing to the other party.

But soon he made his request:

Hanxiao, alchemy is a subject that requires talent. My standards for accepting students will probably be very strict.

If there is no talent among the seedlings that exceeds Albedo's student Timaeus, I will not accept him as a student.

No, do you really think Timaeus' talent is poor?

I read the paper written by that alchemist apprentice in Mondstadt at Albedo. He has some ability, but his talent is really lacking, right?

Seeing Han Xiao looking at him with a speechless expression, Angus looked at him with some confusion.

Abedo has two students, and he has read their past papers. He can tell at a glance that the student named Sugar is more than several times more talented than Timaeus.

It was obvious that Abedo's student named Sugar was just a hair below him and Abedo in terms of talent. He was a rare genius.

Angus felt that Abedo could recruit such a student, and he didn't seek to be better than him. After all, Sugar's talent was indeed high, but he had to be at least a little better than Timaeus, his other student.

If he recruits a student who is less talented than Timaeus, Angus always feels like he has lost.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, that kid named Timaeus is really unlucky to be judged like this by you.

Hearing Angus's thoughts, Farushan couldn't help but shook her head, and couldn't help but scream for Timaeus, whom she had never met.

Albedo would sometimes bring papers to the workshop for correction, so Farushan had also read one or two papers written by Sanduang and Timaeus.

How should I put it? In her opinion, Timaeus can be ranked at the bottom of the upper reaches of the Tiriyas of the Sulon Sect Sipandama Academy.

This result is actually very good.

As for sugar...

Fa Lushan said that she was also envious of Abedo for being able to find such a student!

If her alchemy hadn't been incompetent in front of Albedo, she would have wanted to compete with him as his student, Sugar!, even at the level of Timaeus!

Really, she wasn't as picky as Angus.

Timaeus is indeed one of the best among ordinary people, but among geniuses he is a bit inconspicuous.

When he heard that Farushan was suffering for Timaeus, Angus shrugged and said very rationally:

To put it bluntly, alchemy is a subject that requires talent. If you are not talented enough, it is not enough. This cannot be covered up by a few white lies.

That's true.

Regarding Angus's view, Han Xiao sighed slightly in agreement.

When he first started learning alchemy, he bought a basic remnant of alchemy that was very common in the mainland.

In the past years, there were many people who read these books and taught themselves like him, but they basically didn't learn anything.

Hanxiao is different.

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