At least in these historical documents, Han Xiao saw a very familiar name.


The book records that when the one-eyed king Ilmin became incapacitated, it was the Alberich family who did not bleed the blood of the king who stepped forward to serve as regent.

Tsk tsk!

Seeing the records in the literature, Han Xiao couldn't help but marvel.

This was really beyond his expectation.

Chapter 761 The Secret of the Yusan Family

Because before the time travel, Han Xiao's version of the game at that time was only the Yuanxia Palace version, so his knowledge of Kaia was still only that Kaia was a chess piece sent to Mondstadt by Kanreia. Currently, he chose Kaia because of Diluc's father. Make a clean break with the past.

Not much is known about other aspects, let alone what Kaia's surname Alberich means in the country of Camria.

Only now, from the collection of books preserved by Piero, the former court mage of Canrea, did Han Xiao understand the secret of Kaia's surname.


Although this surname is not the surname of the royal family of Camrea, it is the surname of a great nobleman who can stir up the whole of Camrea after the last king of Camrea, Ilmin, became incapacitated.

I have to say that Han Xiao was indeed a little surprised after seeing the contents recorded in the book.

But at the same time, he also understood why Kaia's first destiny seat in the game was named after [Excellent Bloodline].

Come to think of it, the Alberich family can become the regents of Camrea. How can this bloodline not be outstanding?

Mona's voice in the game also proves this.

In Mona's voice, Kaia's destiny seat is [Peacock Feather Seat], which symbolizes nobility but also gorgeous cover-up.

In other words, Kaia thought he had completely made a clean break with the past, but on the fateful day, he still had to make his own choice.

It should be said that they are worthy of being the Yu Sanjia at the beginning of the game. Their identity is indeed quite astonishing!

Looking at the records about the Alberich family in historical documents, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh in her heart at the foreshadowing that had been laid in the game.

But then again, isn’t there something that Amber hasn’t revealed yet?

Thinking that the identities of the other two members of the Yusan Family were not simple, he couldn't help but wonder if there was a hidden thread in Amber, the fire girl in the game.

After all, the identities of the other two members of the Yusan family are not simple.

Lisa Mintz.

A rare genius scholar in the Xumi Order in two hundred years, not only has outstanding strength, but also discovered the secrets hidden in certain knowledge during the process of exploring magic, and paid a high price.

And the Eye of God hanging around her neck has become an abyss hanging in Lisa's heart exuding a sweet fragrance.

Kaia Alberich.

His status as a noble of Camria has now been fully confirmed. Although he is not of royal blood as netizens once speculated, the blood of a noble family like the Prince Regent is indeed very noble.

Each of these two people holds extremely important secrets, which makes Han Xiao have to wonder if Amber, who is also from the third family of the Royal Family, has secrets that have not yet been revealed.

You must know that Amber's grandfather, the founder of the reconnaissance team of the Knights of the West Wind, has been missing since the Black Fire incident.

No one knows where the other has gone.

If the identities of the three Yu family are not simple, then Amber's grandfather may appear in the future.

For a time, Han Xiao had a new understanding of Mondstadt, a city that seemed extremely free and unorganized.

The bloodline of the great nobles of Camria, the witch who possesses forbidden knowledge, Ms. Alice who wanders on the border of Teyvat, and the artificial human Albedo of the Golden Reindot.

All of these obviously problematic missions were concentrated in Mondstadt.

It should be said that he is worthy of the unpredictable Fengshen.

Is it true that Mondstadt is both the beginning and the end of the journey, as some fundamentalists speculated in previous lives?

It seemed like it was time to find an opportunity to test the alcoholic poet.

Thinking of someone who often came to Guilicheng to have a drink with Zhongli in recent years after his retirement, Han Xiao had some plans in mind.


Just as Han Xiao was thinking about how to get Wendy, the Riddler, to reveal some secret information, Xiang Ling finally finished her order and walked into the box.

Sorry, Brother Hanxiao!

She reached out to push the door of the private room. As soon as she entered, Xiang Ling expressed her apology to Han Xiao in a very sincere tone:

“There are a lot of customers today, so I’ve kept you waiting for a long time!”

It's okay, I disturbed your work.

Hearing Xiang Ling's apologetic words, Han Xiao immediately waved his hand to indicate that the other party didn't need to pay attention at all. He came to the door this time because he suddenly thought of something.

Brother Hanxiao, why did you come to see me this time?

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't care, Xiang Ling didn't say much, but stretched out a chair and sat down, while looking at him with curiosity.

As the takeout business has gradually taken root in Guilicheng, Hanxiao, who is a bit lazy, basically uses takeout to solve his meal problems except for breakfast.

I haven't seen this kind of door-to-door behavior for a long time.

So Xiangling was very curious about why Han Xiao did not choose takeout today, but instead came to the door in person.

That's right, I have a recipe for a drink here, and I'd like your help to make it.

As Han Xiao said this, he took out a thin piece of paper from his jade pendant and handed it over.

Hey, the recipe for the drink?

Full of curiosity, Xiang Ling reached out and took the paper recording the formula, and then started reading, muttering in a low voice:

Sugar, caramel, caffeine, phosphoric acid, glycerin...

After reading the entire formula, a look of understanding flashed across her eyes.

Brother Hanxiao, this seems to be a sparkling water drink?


Seeing that Xiangling quickly understood the formula, Hanxiao gave it a thumbs up without hesitation.

As expected of a chef, he is so sensitive even when it comes to drinks.

I believe everyone has noticed that the drink formula Hanxiao gave Xiangling this time is actually the formula of the famous 'Fat House Happy Water'.

Emmm, as to why he suddenly thought of coming to Wanmin Hall to ask Xiang Ling to make Coke, the answer is actually very simple.

Now that the Internet has been opened, programmers will need to be trained. I believe that Liyue residents will be able to enjoy real network services soon.

Since the Internet was mentioned, Han Xiao naturally thought of Feizhai Happy Water, which was deeply tied to the Internet otaku after being ridiculed in his previous life.

Thinking that he seemed to have not tasted the taste of Bingkuole for many years, he hurriedly ran to Wanmin Hall to find Xiangling for help.

I just hope that the other party can reproduce it in a short time.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but look expectantly at Xiang Ling, who was thinking seriously about the formula:

So, are you sure you can make Coke?

Is this drink called Coke?

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Xiang Ling was stunned for a moment, then reached out and patted her chest, her face full of confidence.

Don't worry, Brother Hanxiao!

“This drink recipe is not difficult to make and can be whipped up in no time!”

Chapter 762 Kanria and Northern Europe

Brother Han Xiao, please wait a moment. I'll go get the ingredients to try.

After carefully reviewing the ingredients in the formula and discovering that she had these ingredients in her small warehouse, Xiang Ling hurriedly left the box without saying a word.

I even forgot to close the door when I left.

This girl is still so hot-tempered.

Facing Xiang Ling who quickly disappeared into the box, Han Xiao shook her head helplessly, stood up and closed the door of the box ajar before returning to her seat and reopening the book recording the history of Kanria.

I have to say that the content recorded in these documents is really interesting.

In addition to helping him figure out the origin of Kaia's surname Alberich in Camria.

Other records about the royal family are also interesting.

Especially the one-eyed Ilmin, the last king of the Black Sun dynasty of Qenria.

I always feel like I have heard this name somewhere.

Looking at the very familiar name in the document, Han Xiao couldn't help but search for the memory of his past life in his mind, but unfortunately he couldn't find the corresponding source after searching for a long time.

Fortunately, he had other options.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao directly opened the chat group and prepared to seek help from the group friends.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Ahem...Is anyone here?

Soon, someone in the chat group responded to him.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Yes, what happened to Yuanxiao?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: No, I just want to ask if any of you have heard of the name Yi Ming. I always feel like I have seen this name somewhere before traveling through time.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Ilmin... is a bit unfamiliar, I only have a little impression of it. It seems to be a name that appeared in the myths of the previous life.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: If it's a name from mythology, then ask a few of the people in the group who are still on modern Earth.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: +1, I think this name was probably something we accidentally saw while flipping through the mythology books when we were in the second grade of middle school before we traveled through time. At the time, we didn't do in-depth research on the mythology, so it was very unclear. normal.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Hmph... You have to ask the right person. You are not familiar with the name Ilmin, but I am!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Yes, I almost forgot that the world where Youxiao lives is a mixture of myths from all over the world. It seems that even Cthulhu is included.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Tell me, Youxiao!

[Game King·Hanxiao]: Legend has it that in 772 AD, King Charles launched a war against the ancient Saxons, a Germanic people at that time, and destroyed the sacred tree in the Saxon pagan faith, and the name of this sacred tree was [Iraqi] Ermin Sur].”

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Ilmin Sur is also known as the Pillar of Ilmin. It is rumored to be a carved ash tree, covered with gold and silver treasures. It is considered to be the sacred tree that supports the entire world.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: ...Yectrasil?

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: That's right. Ilminsur has the same status as the world tree [Yggdrasil] that is familiar in Nordic mythology, which is also a Germanic mythology. In other words, they have the same origin.

[Fallen Knight·Han Xiao]: No wonder, let me tell you why we have an impression of the name Ilmin. I guess we accidentally saw it when we were reading Norse mythology before.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It was a big help!

After expressing his gratitude to You Xiao and others in the group, Han Xiao closed the chat group and returned his attention to ancient books and documents.

The one-eyed Ilmin...hehe, that's really interesting.

This time, with the reminder from everyone in the group, he finally understood why he thought he had seen the name Yi Ming somewhere before.

The World Tree, One Eye, and Nordic mythology both belong to Germanic mythology.

Good guy...this is a real Teyvat version of Odin!

Almost instantly, Han Xiao remembered the scene in the main line of the game where the Abyss Religion's upside-down idol was sacrificed.

It is said that Odin once hung himself upside down on one foot on the World Tree for nine days and nine nights, and used his own blood as a sacrifice in exchange for runes.

He happened to resurrect Queen Dacishu and heard an explanation while chatting with her.

The sage hanging upside down in the tree gained the intelligence to write runes and control the spirit of speech. The kingdom built along the roots of the tree finally gave a glimpse of the secret of the devil.

Reindot, Alberich, Dainsreb, Albedo and Irming.

After reacting, Han Xiao silently listed all the people she knew related to Kanria.

Finally, he realized that the names of these people seemed to be related to Germanic mythology.

Irmin won't go into details. One Eye and the World Tree alone can connect him with the Nordic god Odin.

Albedo represents the albino in alchemy, which is very suitable for his title of son of chalk.

The name of the Sword of Doom, Dainslef, is also very interesting. The English name of the magic sword held by King Hegni of Denmark in Norse mythology is (Dainslef).

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