As for Alberich and Reindot, both come from The Ring of the Nibelungs.

The former is the dwarf Alberich who stole the gold from the Rhine, and the latter's title of Golden Reindot refers directly to the gold of the Rhine.

After thinking it through thoroughly, Han Xiao raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

It seems that it would be a good way to try to interpret the history of Canria through Norse mythology in the future!

After all, apart from him, it is estimated that few people can understand the inextricable connection between the two.


While Han Xiao was still thinking about how to conduct an in-depth investigation into the history of Kanria, the ajar door of the private room was pushed open again.

Looking around, he saw Xiang Ling walking in with two cups of bubbling coffee-colored drinks.

Brother Han Xiao, come and try it to see if this is the drink called Coke you mentioned?

Xiangling walked to Han Xiao and handed him a drink in her hand, urging him to take a sip.

Okay, I'll try.

Hearing Xiang Ling's urging, Han Xiao nodded immediately, and then brought the drink cup to her lips and drank it all in one gulp.

How is it? How does it taste?

Seeing Han Xiao drink all the drinks, Xiang Ling looked at him with big shining eyes, nervousness written on her face.

taste good!

Putting down the empty cup in his hand, Han Xiao gave a thumbs-up thumbs up without hesitation.

It deserves to be called Xiangling. The taste of the drink it produces is almost the same as the Coke in the previous life!

After more than ten years, he finally tasted the taste of happy water again.

This feeling is really hard to describe.

Chapter 763: New Programmer

Brother Han Xiao, as long as you are satisfied.

Seeing that the drink she made was approved by Han Xiao, the tension on Xiangling's face finally dissipated, replaced by a bright smile.

Xiang Ling, is this drink difficult to make?

Putting down the empty cup in his hand, Han Xiao immediately looked at Xiangling and asked her question:

No, it's very simple!

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Xiang Ling immediately waved her hand to indicate that the other party was overthinking it.

It's just a sparkling water with relatively more ingredients, which is all that a chef like her can do.

Um... I mean how long does it take for the average person to master preparing drinks, and will there be any difference between using a machine instead of doing it manually?

I think should not be.

Xiangling stretched out her hand to touch her fair face, and thought carefully before giving her answer.

Brother Han Xiao, even though there are a lot of ingredients in the recipe, it is actually very simple to master. And whether there is a recipe for the drink, there is no difference between making it by machine and making it by hand.

That's it. Then do you think it would be feasible if I opened a factory specifically to sell this kind of drink?

Seeing that the chef Xiang Ling gave her evaluation, Han Xiao naturally expressed her thoughts.

Now the Internet is gaining momentum and ready to face the market.

So the so-called fat house happy water must be prepared for the people of Liyue, right?

It's feasible, but the profit may not be very high at the beginning.

Hearing that Han Xiao wanted to sell Coke as a product, Xiangling saw no problem in doing so from her professional perspective.

It's just that the sales of drinks are a bit mysterious. After all, they are all about selling taste.

Moreover, the original price of the ingredients is there, so the price itself cannot be sold too high, and the profit can only be said to be a small profit, unless it can be sold on a large scale.

That's no problem. In terms of taste, I'm still a little confident in the taste of Coke.

Regarding the taste issue, Han Xiao said that she is really confident. After all, humans are naturally addicted to sweetness, and neither the elderly nor children can resist the temptation of sweetness.

The faint sweetness of Coke and the excitement of sparkling water definitely suit the taste of most people!

Brother Han Xiao, if you want to sell it, can I also invest some money?

Eh...why do you think of investing, Xiangling?

Han Xiao looked at Xiang Ling in surprise and asked with concern:

Are you short of money?

Hehe... I've been a little nervous recently.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Xiang Ling also smiled sheepishly, with a hint of blush on her cheeks.

Brother Han Xiao, didn't you give me a palace cookbook during the Hai Lantern Festival? Many of the ingredients on it were of the highest quality, so I've basically spent all the money I saved recently.

I see!

Knowing the reason why Xiangling was suddenly short of money, Han Xiao suddenly realized, and at the same time, she felt that it seemed to be her own fault.

If the other party didn't mention it, he would have forgotten that many of the dishes in those recipes were extremely particular about the ingredients used in his previous life.

For example, the ingredients for famous dishes such as stuffed dace, phoenix eggs, and Kunlun Baofu are extremely expensive.

It can be said that sometimes a dish is lost for a reason.

Thinking of this, he said directly:

Let's just have Coca-Cola sold exclusively by Wanmintang, and we'll split it 50-50.

Brother Han Xiao, this is not okay!

Xiangling shook her head after hearing Han Xiao's plan.

The recipe for Coke was provided by the other party. I just wanted to invest some money and get some dividends. How could I give it 50/50?

The profits from Coca-Cola are not high, and you are short of money because you gave me the recipe I gave you.

Seeing that Xiang Ling seemed to want to say something else, Han Xiao immediately waved her hand to indicate that the matter was settled as it was and there was no need to change it.

He really doesn't like the small amount of money for Coke now.

If you really want to make money, Hanxiao has plenty of ways to do it.

Moreover, as Xiangling is the youngest and the most favored one in their group, what's wrong with her brother giving her sister a little pocket money!

In this way, with Han Xiao's insistence, Coke sales finally settled in Wanmin Hall.


While Han Xiao was discussing with Xiang Ling in Wan Min Tang how to use machines to build a cola production line, Xing Qiu also recruited a group of 'newbies'.

Fourteen-year-old Dai Yang is one of them.

His parents were the first miners who came to leave the original city with the cold night a few years ago.

With the construction of Guili City, their family also had their own new house in the city. At the same time, Dai Yang was also brought here to live by his parents, and became the first batch of students in Guili City School.

Because his brain is relatively active and he can quickly master the knowledge in school, he has always been deeply loved by the school teachers.

This is really not Dai Yang's own praise. Yan Fei, who specializes in teaching law in the school, even planned to accept him as a student. Unfortunately, he did not particularly like law and refused the invitation.

Until the emergence of desktop computers, Dai Yang was immediately fascinated by this magical machine. During this period, he spent almost every day in Internet cafes reading various knowledge in the electronic library.

What made Dai Yang slightly disappointed was that the electronic library did contain various categories of knowledge, even knowledge on alchemy and mechanism.

However, what he wanted to know more was the knowledge of applications in making desktop computers, which were not included in the electronic library.

Until two days ago, the staff of Kuixing Building came to the school to inform that there will be an additional elective course in the future, which will explain knowledge about desktop computer applications.

This time, Dai Yang was excited, and he immediately chose to register in advance.

What he didn't expect was that Kuixinglou invited him over from school the day after he registered.

When he got there, he discovered that he was not the only one who had received the invitation.

Does any of you know what exactly we will be teaching this time?

I don't know. I just know that this time I seem to be recruiting a group of staff related to desktop computers.

I work in Kuixing Building. Let me tell you. I heard that Master Han Xiao has developed another technology related to desktop computers. We are the first batch of students of this technology!

When the Kuixing Building staff member in the crowd broke the news, the entire crowd was in an uproar.

But in an instant, everyone's faces showed excitement and excitement, even Dai Yang was no exception.

Desktop computers, this is currently the most advanced product in Liyue, and what they want to learn this time is actually a new technology developed by Master Han Xiao and others!

While these people were excited, Xingqiu opened the door and walked in.

Chapter 764: Training Instructor

Hello everyone!

When Xingqiu walked in, he saw a group of 'mengxins' with confused eyes in front of him. He was not afraid of the stage and said hello generously.

Then, before anyone else could speak, Xingqiu revealed the reason for summoning them:

The reason for calling you here this time is very simple. Guilicheng will vigorously develop the desktop computer industry and urgently needs to cultivate a group of professionals.

Speaking of this, Xingqiu suddenly stopped, looked around and found that everyone was staring at him, and then continued:

So Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, one of the Seven Stars, decided to recruit a group of young and innovative people to serve as desktop computer programmers, that is, you.

Really related to desktop computers!

Upon hearing the news announced by Xingqiu, everyone present showed excitement in their eyes.

Although someone has previously revealed that this large-scale recruitment should be related to desktop computers, that is just a rumor after all.

Now, the news is finally solid.

Lord Xingqiu, what is a programmer?

While others were still happy, Dai Yang reacted instantly and quickly asked loudly what programmer he cared about most.

Upon hearing this, the others also turned their attention to Xingqiu.

Yes, they were happy just now, but they still haven’t figured out what a so-called programmer is!

Sorry, I don't know exactly what it is.

Upon hearing Dai Yang's inquiry, Xingqiu apologized slightly to everyone present.

There was no way, he really didn't understand what the profession of a programmer was.

I had asked Han Xiao before, but all I got from him was a joke, It's for worshiping the sky.

Before anyone else could react, Xingqiu changed the subject;

But according to Han Xiao, programmers are a profession that will allow you to design the functions you want on desktop computers in the future, just like electronic libraries.

Okay, I won't say any more. Let's start signing the contract now. Those who are willing to participate in programmer training can sign directly, and those who are unwilling can just leave.

As Xingqiu finished speaking, a series of shouts suddenly rang out from the crowd.

I want to sign a contract!

I also want!

Soon, under the guidance of the staff, most people decided to sign up for programmer training.

Only a few people feel that the future of this career is uncertain and choose to quit.

Among those who signed the contract, Dai Yang was the most active and the youngest.

Some people have also asked him why he chose to stay.

In his own words, he is still in school anyway and has two years left until he becomes an adult. If he does a good job as a programmer, he doesn't need to look for a job and can just go to work.

Even if his career development is unclear, he can still go back to study law with Teacher Yan Fei and still not starve to death.

After a while, except for a group of people who left, everyone who remained present signed a training contract.

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