In Piero's view, demons are just creatures that are stronger than humans under the laws of nature.

What is really worth paying attention to is the maintainer of heavenly law above the demon god.

After all, the Maintainer of Heavenly Law was the real culprit who destroyed Kanria in the first place.

But even those who are as strong as the maintainer of heavenly law can only obey the laws set by heavenly law and cannot resist.

However, now there is a being in the continent of Teyvat who can confront the laws set by heaven.

The level of his power was so high that Piero could not imagine it.

After understanding this, he seemed to also think about why Morax chose to change the contents of the contract when he signed the contract with the Queen.

Because the other party probably saw the second way in that Tianshu star.

That's why Morax did not choose to hand the Heart of God directly to the Queen, but let them fools send people to fight for it. Whoever wins will get the Heart of God.

After thinking about this, he understood that the other party was betting on both ends!

And unlike their foolish plans, Morax seems to rely more on Han Xiao who has the ability to resist the laws of nature.

The problem is that I can't think of how to avoid the Dragon King's sight to get in touch with the Tianshu Star in Guili City.

Colombia, who didn't know what Piero was thinking, couldn't help but explain the difficulties she encountered in detail after hearing her colleagues' instructions to not rush into action.

Helping others remove wear and tear from their bodies may sound like a fantasy.

But the facts tell them that there are indeed people on the Tidutu Continent who have this kind of cheating ability.

This is simply beyond Colombia's imagination.

Only after she calmed down did she realize that this was not good news for the fools.

Han Xiao has used his special abilities to save Ruotuo Dragon King from the wear and tear of corrosion.

If there is one, there will be two.

Maybe next, she might be able to see those Yaksha and Demon God's relatives in Liyue who had sacrificed their lives for Liyue.

Facing a treasure-like existence like Han Xiao, Dragon King Ruotuo probably has the most say.

Columbia thinks that maybe this is the main reason why the Dragon King has been monitoring her, in order to prevent any contact between her and the Tianshu Star.

Then just wait, sooner or later you will find the right time.

Unlike Colombia who seemed slightly impatient, Piero seemed very patient.

For Han Xiao, who has the ability to compete with the laws of heaven, it would be hell if Dragon King didn't take him seriously.

However, he did not let Columbia give up on this mission.

The so-called opportunities are all created by people. As long as the girls continue to wait, they may not have a chance to get in touch with Han Xiao.

What about the follow-up plan of the Fools?

Columbia on the other side of the phone frowned slightly when she heard that Harlequin asked her to stay in Liyue to find an opportunity to contact Han Xiao.

The Fools are currently executing the Heart of God's plan, and the plan also requires her to interact with another descendant, the traveler who has just arrived in Xumi.

Traveler, I will find someone to take over your mission. The most important thing for you now is to get in touch with Han Xiao. It is best to be on good terms with him.

Facing Colombia's questioning, Piero's tone was extremely solemn.

Don't forget that Her Majesty the Queen and you and I are also suffering from wear and tear, which has led to some decline in strength. If we can get Han Xiao's help, it will be of great benefit to our subsequent plans.

Hearing this, Columbia's expression also became serious.

She knew Piero was right.

Whether it is the two of them or Her Majesty the Queen, they are also eroded by the law of wear and tear, resulting in a decline in strength.

Now that we know that Hanxiao can eliminate wear and tear, this is definitely great news for Zhidong Kingdom, which is determined to resist the laws of nature.

Compared with this matter, the importance of contact with another descendant has to be moved back slightly.

Thinking of this, Colombia quickly assured Piero:

I know, I will find a way to get in touch with Han Xiao as soon as possible and make good friends with each other, but...

As she said that, she couldn't help but asked hesitantly:

The trouble that Rosalin and Dadalia caused in Liyue was not small. Even if Ningguang and the others agree to reestablish diplomatic relations with us, Zhidong, what if Hanxiao still has a grudge?

Don't worry, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!

That Tianshu star is now vigorously developing industry and technology in Liyue. Although I don't know why Morax didn't stop it, the other party's actions are obviously on the opposite side of the keeper of heavenly principles.

Under this general premise, I don't think the other party will mind the little friction we had before.

Regarding Colombia's concerns, Piero seemed very confident.

He didn't know why Morax agreed to Han Xiao to promote technology and industry in Liyue, but this obviously violated the taboo of the maintainers of heavenly principles.

In other words, in the eyes of the maintainers of heavenly principles, both Zhidong and Liyue are unstable factors.

Piero believed that Han Xiao himself knew this.

Zhidong has been openly resisting the laws of nature. If we help them eliminate the wear and tear, Zhidong's ability to resist will be stronger.

The time when Liyue is hit will be postponed.

Using the power of Zhi Dong to delay the attack of the Heavenly Principle Maintainer should be an easy strategy for the Tianshu Star to think of.

Chapter 760: Training Programmers

After getting the material list from Colombia, Piero couldn't help but click his tongue at Liyue's Lion's Big Opening for the first time.

But after careful consideration, he finally chose to sign the material list after the negotiation agreement.

Although the supply list provided by Liyue did contain a lot of supplies, considering that only the supplies could be exchanged for Han Xiao's side to no longer be hostile, it seemed to be quite cost-effective.

Han Xiao, who had left the matter entirely to Ning Guang, had no idea about Piero's thoughts.

To him, it doesn't matter whether he has a winter ally or not.

Now that Han Xiao has learned the method of inverting world bubbles from Su, Han Xiao's fear of the maintainers of heavenly principles has actually been reduced by most of it.

Perhaps the only thing I care about is the existence of heavenly principles that I don’t know yet.

But even if the law of heaven really still exists, Han Xiao is not afraid of the other party.

If the fight really comes to a life-and-death fight, the worst he can do is lift the table, cut off the continent of Teyvat from the world, and then reverse the world.

As for places like the Dark Beyond Sea...

Hahaha, don't do it.

Therefore, if Han Xiao was developing technology in Liyue before, he might still need to take Sky Island into account to suppress the development speed and keep it lagging behind places like Fontaine.

Then now he is no longer suppressed.

Well... maybe this is what is called having a trump card and being willful.


Turn your gaze back to Liyue.

After discussing with Abedo and others how to establish the first portal network, they quickly put it into action.

Among them, Han Xiao and Angus are responsible for the architecture of the back-end CMS system, while Fa Lushan and Abedo are responsible for the front-end design.

Soon, a simple, elegant and beautiful portal was born in their hands.

After completing the portal, Abedo and others returned to their research projects.

Han Xiao began to prepare books on programming.

After all, the Internet is now open, and they have even built a portal.

Next, it’s time to cultivate a group of programmers who can be used to ‘sacrifice the heavens’.

However, because the books he previously provided to Abedo and others were mostly academic computer-based publications, it would be difficult for ordinary people to get started by reading them directly.

This requires strong logical thinking skills and mathematical skills.

emmm, how should I put it?

Computers are really the more basic things are, the more difficult and cumbersome they are, because the bottom layer of their construction is machine language.

Because the way of thinking and expression of programming in machine language is very different from people's habits, and its written form is all cipher and has extremely poor readability, making programming difficult.

Asking Liyue people to learn this language directly would be making things difficult for them.

So Han Xiao and the others have developed a language compiler that is simpler than machine language.

The books he is currently writing are textbooks on high-level languages.

Combining the knowledge about C language in his previous life, Han Xiao quickly completed the teaching materials for future programmers in Liyue.

The new textbooks are much simpler than the books Abedo and the others read before.

At the beginning, it explains in detail what a network is and the basic principles of computers, and then proceeds to how to build a network and use languages ​​to write programs.

It can be said that after learning the contents of the textbook created by Han Xiao, although you cannot become a terminal maker like a member of the Alchemy Workshop, you can still become a programmer who barbecues in the computer room.

After sorting out the books into a volume, Han Xiao checked them in detail, and after confirming that they were correct, he took the books to Kuixing Tower and found Xingqiu.

Xingqiu, instruct the people below to print a batch of this book.

Computers: From Beginner to Master?

Xingqiu, who was suddenly approached by his friend, was a little surprised and took the book handed to him, and then read out the title on the cover of the book.

He reacted immediately and looked at Han Xiao with a surprised expression:

Is this a textbook for learning computers?

Well, Abedo and I have already created the Internet, but we need to train a group of programmers before promoting it.

After the textbooks are printed, we will first add this course to the school's curriculum to see if there are any students interested in it.

In addition, you can also look for anyone in the society who is willing to learn. As long as your thinking and logic are good, you can try it.


After hearing his family's instructions, Xingqiu opened the book in his hand curiously.

Hmm...I can't understand it!

He knew all the words and symbols on the books, but when combined they became something like a heavenly book.

Okay, I'll make arrangements right away.

Although Xingqiu himself didn't know much about computers, he knew how convenient it was after using various program applications loaded on a desktop computer.

Presumably this textbook teaches people how to write those convenient applications.

In the past, only Han Xiao and the four of them in Guili City knew how to write programs. Some staff at Kuixing Building sometimes didn't know what to do when their desktop computers malfunctioned due to improper operations.

I could only sit and stare, waiting for one of Han Xiao's people to come and repair it.

Now that it's good, I finally thought of training more programmers when I was young. In the future, I finally don't need to trouble the top geniuses of the Alchemy Workshop again and again when I encounter problems.


After leaving the matter to Xingqiu, Han Xiao left Kuixing Tower.

But instead of going home or going to the alchemy workshop, he went straight to the Wanmintang branch.

As soon as he arrived at Wanmin Hall, Han Xiao saw a large number of customers gathering in front of the store to eat.

Xiang Ling!

Brother Hanxiao, why are you here!

You should be busy first. When you are done, come to me in the private room. I have something to discuss with you!


After saying hello to Xiang Ling who was cooking in the open-air kitchen, Han Xiao went directly into the box on the side. Then he took out a historical document of Kanreia from Yu Perry, and looked at the ancient book with relish. Waiting for Xiangling.

The books sent by Piero and kept by him are indeed consistent with their names. Most of them are historical materials of various civilizations collected by the Camria royal family.

There wasn't much hidden knowledge in it, so no wonder the other party took out the book so generously.

However, Han Xiao paid great attention to these books. Although they were only some historical documents, they greatly enriched his knowledge.

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