The problem is that we only have four people now. Even if each person is responsible for building a website with good front and back ends, it takes a lot of time.

No...I think Angus's proposal is very good.

After Fa Lushan finished speaking, Han Xiao finally expressed her opinion.

It's just that his ideas are completely different from Fa Lushan's.

He thought Angus's proposal was the best fit for their current situation.

We have just opened the Internet, and Liyue residents don't know the specific role of the Internet.

We can make the portal a semi-official website.

Thinking of the official websites produced by major government departments in previous lives, Han Xiao's thoughts were suddenly opened;

At that time, we will make the homepage simpler and more beautiful, and then divide it into a news module, Kuixinglou official announcement module, electronic library, etc. This way our workload will be much less.

As for more of what Senior Fa Lushan said, I think we can wait until a group of desktop computer programmers are trained, and then we can build slowly.

It seems like this is the only way it can be done at the moment.

After listening to the conversation between several people, Abedo also believed that Han Xiao's method may not be the best, but it is probably the most suitable solution at present.

After all, in reality, only the four of them know how to program. If they were to devote all their energy to building the website, it would take too much time.

And to put it more arrogantly, each of the four of them is a genius-level researcher, and they can obviously create more inventions that change people's lives.

Asking them to spend a lot of time coding is overkill.

Thinking of this, Abedo couldn't help but turn his head and look at Han Xiao next to him:

Hanxiao, it's time to put the training of desktop computer programmers on the agenda.

Well, I'll consider it.

Hearing Abedo's advice to him, Han Xiao immediately nodded to express his understanding.

Now we really need to train a group of programmers. After all, these people in the Alchemy Workshop are all research geniuses. We can't always tie them to desktop computers. Doing so would be a waste of resources.


On the other side, Qunyu Pavilion.

Just as Han Xiao and the others were discussing how to build the first portal on the Internet, the last negotiation between Ningguang and Columbia on repairing the relationship between the two countries came to an end.

Miss Columbia, regarding the resumption of diplomacy between Liyue and Zhidong, Qixing has reached a consensus and can agree to Zhidong's proposal.

Yeah, this is really great!

When Ningguang said that Liyue was willing to repair the diplomatic relations with Zhidong that had dropped to freezing point, Columbia's face lit up.

After grinding for so long, she finally completed part of the task assigned by Piero the Harlequin.

Please don't be too quick to be happy, Miss Columbia.

Seeing the happy executive, Ningguang immediately asked the other person to wait, and then she took out a list from the drawer on the side and handed it over.

Although Liyue has always valued treating others with courtesy, your foolish executive brought quite a lot of trouble to Liyue.

Furthermore, it has been less than a year since the last incident. Even if Qixing is willing to restart diplomatic relations with your country, Zhidong should express its intention. Otherwise, even Qixing and I will not be able to explain to the residents of Liyue. What?

That's what Miss Ningguang said.

Then please ask Miss Columbia to take a look at this list. If your country agrees to our request, Qixing will have a reason to explain to the people of Liyue.

Hearing Ning Guang's words, Columbia looked solemn and nodded quite sincerely.

Then he picked up the list handed over by Ningguang on the table and prepared to read.

However, after just a brief glance, her brows instantly wrinkled, and the expression on her face became a little solemn.

Chapter 758: Material compensation requested by Liyue

Miss Ningguang, is this list wrong?

Don't worry, Baiwen and the others have been my secretaries for many years, and they will never make mistakes in big matters again.

But didn't I provide a lot of historical documents about Canria sent by Piero before?

Looking at the list of items on the list, Columbia couldn't help biting her lip, her face looking slightly ugly.

On the list provided by Ningguang, Liyue requested a large amount of material compensation on the issue of repairing diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Although Qixing doesn't need much of the special minerals produced during the winter season, it does need a lot of common products.

If they pay according to the list, their entire winter national strength will be affected.

Obviously, hadn't she already paid for a batch of historical documents from Kanria before? Those are extremely valuable ancient books!

Liyue Qixing, who has already received the benefits, is still so ruthless?

See what you said!

Seeing Columbia's slightly 'displeased' expression, Ning Guang slowly picked up the cigarette rod on the table and looked at her with a smile on her face.

The chaos caused by the two executive officers of your country caused us to be shut down in Liyue for more than two months, not to mention that they also released the demon god sealed under Guyun Pavilion and caused great damage to Liyue.

If we really think about it, our losses in Liyue are more serious than the sum of the supplies on the list, right?

Don't think I don't know that Osel didn't hit Liyue Port at all!

After hearing Ning Guang's explanation, Columbia bit her silver teeth secretly, wishing to give the 'old fox' in front of her a hard bite.

According to the intelligence they gathered, neither Osel nor his wife Ba Si caused any damage to Liyue Port or Guili City.

How could the other party have the nerve to say that Liyue had been greatly damaged!

However, Columbia could only say this in her heart and did not dare to say it openly.

After all, regardless of whether Liyue Port and Guili City suffered actual losses, the Fools' act of releasing the Demon God was solid evidence.

Based on this alone, Columbia did not have the confidence to argue with Ningguang on this matter.

And she also knew that some things the other party said were true.

Liyue is the commercial capital of Teyvat, and trade is extremely prosperous. The sudden shutdown for two months has indeed caused great losses.

Miss Ningguang, can't we reduce it a little for the sake of that batch of ancient books and documents?

The conditions given by us in Liyue are already very loose. Any further reduction or reduction will show that your country's sincerity in wanting to repair the diplomatic relations between the two countries is a bit lacking, Miss Columbia!


Hearing this, Columbia clicked her tongue in displeasure, and she couldn't help feeling a little resentful towards Rosalin and Dadalia who had come to Liyue to cause trouble.

You said that you were just making trouble, but in the end, you were tricked into doing so, so you should retreat when you know you will suffer a loss.

There must be a big wave to release the demon god, and even lead him to attack the city of Liyue.

Her current passive situation is all the fault of those two fools!

Thinking that she would be restrained everywhere when she came to Liyue, even Columbia, who used to not take anything seriously, felt the urge to hit someone.

Rosalin has fallen into the land of Rice Wife. As the saying goes, dust will return to dust. Since the other person is gone, she is too lazy to argue with him.

As for Dadalia...hem!

Just because Emperor Yanwang has a contract with Zhidong, this Dada Duck can do things without worries.

It's okay now, Ren Yanshen is no longer in charge, and this matter has directly become a handle in Qixing's hands!

Recalling the reason why Dardalia released the Demon God from the intelligence, Columbia clenched her fists tightly, wishing she could kill him right away and hang him up to give him a few hard whips with a small whip.

After silently making up her mind to give Dadalia a good beating when she returned to Winter Solstice, she slowly picked up the pen on the table and signed her name on the supplies list under the glare of the gaze.

I hope Liyue and Zhidong can maintain a long-lasting friendship this time!

After seeing Columbia sign her name, Ningguang's face immediately showed a warm smile.

Miss Ningguang, I still have to report the negotiation status to Zhidong Headquarters, so I won't interrupt you for now!

Facing the suddenly enthusiastic Ning Guang, Columbia tensed up her little face and stood up to leave.

Go slowly and don't send me away!


Northland Bank.

Returning to the station with the terrible feeling of being cheated, Colombia dove into her room, and then picked up her cell phone to contact Piero.

Soon, Harlequin, who was far away in Solstice, answered the phone.


Well, it's me.

What happened?

Liyue has agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations with us.

Well done.

After hearing Colombia's report, Piero on the other end of the phone immediately praised him.

Don't rush to be happy yet, Liyue has put forward quite a few conditions.

Oh, can't the ancient books and documents I brought out satisfy them?

Yes, Qixing is clinging to what Dadalia and Rosalin did in Liyue and made a lot of demands.

Hearing this, Columbia sighed feebly.

Anyway, I have agreed to the conditions proposed by Liyue. I will report the supply list to you later. If you think it is not possible, I will try to continue talking with the other party.

It seems that Liyue asks for a lot, doesn't it?

Hearing what Columbia said, Pieren immediately understood that his colleagues must have suffered a heavy loss from Seven Stars.

Anyway, they asked for a lot of supplies. I thought that if I continued to entangle with the other party to repair the relationship, it might become a scandal, so I agreed first.

Okay, please send me the supply list first.

Piero didn't care much about material issues.

Their Fools are a large organization spread across the seven countries.

Even if Columbia says that Liyue needs a lot of supplies, so what? The worst thing is to get some from other countries.

There are three demon gods in Liyue behind the scenes, two of them are the top martial gods in the mainland. They really don't want to provoke them, but other countries are not as lucky as Liyue.

After briefly thinking about the solution to the matter, the clown Piero put the matter behind him and turned to the microphone to ask Colombia about another matter:

Columbia, have you made any progress regarding your contact with Han Xiao?

not yet.

After hearing Piero ask her about her mission to contact Han Xiao, Colombia immediately said that there was no progress at all.

She had been monitored by Ruotuo Dragon King before, but now he has left.

But Columbia estimated that as soon as she left Guili City, Ruotuolong Wangba would come to her door again.

Chapter 759 Eliminating the Meaning of Wear

It's okay, you have enough time, no need to rush.

When he learned that Colombia had not been in contact with Han Xiao for several months after going to Liyue, Piero did not criticize her too much, but instead advised him to take his time.

When Dotore came back from Xumi, he told him that the Queen attached great importance to Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, who not only had the strength to reach the level of a demon god, but also seemed to have the means to resurrect the fallen demon god.

Faced with this special being with strange methods and powerful strength, Piero did not expect Colombia to get in touch with the opponent in a short time.

Not to mention that the girl later discovered that Han Xiao also had the terrifying ability to eliminate wear and tear.

At that time, he knew that it would be difficult for Columbia to see him.

A descendant who can resurrect the fallen demon god is certainly worthy of their friendship, but the meaning of being able to eliminate the existence of the law of wear and tear is completely different.

You must know that wear and tear is a law set by nature. Over the years, no matter how many amazing geniuses Teyvat has produced, they have been unable to break this iron rule and have fallen under wear and tear.

Now they unexpectedly encountered a being who could eliminate the effects of wear and tear with their own power.

This is no longer a question of whether to be friends or not, but is Tianshu Xing Hanxiao really still a human being?

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