[Dip—The data center is fully activated. ]

Albedo, are you okay?

It has been prepared for a long time!

Hearing Han Xiao's call, Abedo quickly typed commands on the keyboard of his desktop computer with both hands, inputting a large number of network protocols that had been written long ago into the instruments linked through cables.

After a while, the display on the instrument inserted into the Heart of the Grass God lit up, and a visualized four-layer model structure appeared on it.

By the way, why do you want to add a display screen to the machine?

After entering the agreement, Abedo stopped what he was doing, first glanced at the four-layer model structure that was rotating on the screen, and then turned his eyes to Han Xiao who was aside.

He was a little curious about the purpose of having a display screen. Is it just for good looks?

“Of course it’s for the convenience of future maintenance!”

Regarding Abedo's doubts, Han Xiao answered readily.

The main reason why he did this was to visualize the application layer, transport layer, network layer and network interface layer of the TCP/IP protocol to facilitate future maintenance.

After all, the underground testing ground is an important part of Guili City, and only a few people know about it currently.

When the time comes, the maintenance work will definitely not be left to outsiders. For the convenience of future maintenance, visualization will help them save a lot of time.

That makes sense.

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Abedo also understood the reason why the other party did this.

Hanxiao, is the Internet now connected?

Not even close.

Han Xiao pointed to the desktop computer that Abedo had just taken out, and then took out a small box the size of a palm.

Just wait until I divide the IP address into segments and then set up the switch.

Chapter 756: Connecting to the Internet for the First Time

As Han Xiao advanced in an orderly manner, a large machine equipped with the Heart of the Grass God as the central processor began to operate.

The functions required by the Internet are also being officially accessed little by little.

On today, an ordinary day that is not much different from usual, Han Xiao and Abedo started the first year of Liyue Internet.

“We’ve sorted out the internet!”

Looking at the various machines that had started working, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

Ever since he and Abedo worked together to generate electricity, he had been dreaming about when the Internet would be reborn.

Now, after nearly two years of preparation, Han Xiao, Albedo, Fa Lushan and Angus finally reproduced the Internet and desktop computers in a very short period of time.

It can be said that starting from today, Liyue has half-stepped into the information age.

Although this development route is a little biased.

After all, Liyue's industrial age has not yet fully begun, and it has detoured into the information age by relying on black technologies such as alchemy, mechanism, and runes.

Thinking about it, it was thanks to the numerous black technologies in the Teyvat continent where they were located, otherwise Liyue would have been ruined long ago with Han Xiao's running and jumping method of propulsion.

Let's go Han Xiao, go back to the workshop and inform Fa Lushan and the others that it's time to put out the things we prepared before.

Hearing Han Xiao's emotion, Albedo was equally excited, but despite his excitement, he did not forget about business.

It’s time for the program they used to support the Internet to officially meet with Liyue Volkswagen.

Well, let's go!

As Han Xiao agreed, the two quickly got on the rail car and left the underground testing site, and quickly walked towards the alchemy workshop.

After passing through the bustling crowd, they appeared in the workshop after a while.

Farushan, Angus!

As soon as he half-stepped through the door of the workshop, Han Xiao shouted their names loudly and impatiently.

Hurry up and turn on the Ethernet switch, we are connected to the Internet!


Fa Lushan was startled when Han Xiao suddenly called her name out loud. However, after hearing the content of the other party's words clearly, her delicate and quiet face suddenly flushed due to excessive excitement, which caused the blood to flow faster. flushed.

Is the Internet really open?

Of course it's true. How can I lie to you?

Seeing that Fa Lushan was excited and looked a little unbelievable, Han Xiao smiled brightly.

Angus on the side had already sat in front of the desktop computer and opened the network adapter options.

Hanxiao, where's the IP address?

It's been prepared for you a long time ago!

Upon hearing Angus's call, Han Xiao immediately handed him one of the first batch of IP addresses he had copied on the road.

After coming back to her senses, Fa Lushan also rushed to the desktop computer, pulled up a chair and sat down, watching Angus's operations seriously.

Enter a series of required values ​​such as IP address, subnet mask, etc.

Soon, several people present saw that the disconnected icon in the lower right corner of the desktop computer changed to a connected state.


Angus, please wait for my operation first!

Seeing the changes in the desktop computer in front of Angus, Fa Lushan hurriedly opened the computer in front of her, then reached out to search for a long time before taking out a memory similar to a USB flash drive from the Eye of God space.

Insert the 'U disk' into the interface of the desktop computer, and she quickly imported the website programs and architecture she had written before into the data center space.

Maybe it's because there are only a few of them connected to the network in Liyue at the moment, or maybe it's because the performance of the God's Heart brand 'processor' is too superior.

In short, in a very short period of time, all the data imported by Fa Lushan was stored in the data center in the underground test site of Guili City., Angus, try it now!

Wait a moment, it'll be ready soon!

While Fa Lushan was importing the website data, Angus also pulled out the browser program he had prepared before and started to install it.

As soon as the program was installed, he opened the browser and entered the IP address reported by Fa Lushan just now.

Soon, as the system's built-in jump address prompt came from the computer speakers, the page that originally showed that it could not be linked instantly jumped to an extremely simple page.

Great, successful!

The moment she saw the website she designed appeared on Angus's computer monitor, Fa Lushan couldn't help but clenched her hands in front of her chest and moved them up and down.

Well...Senior Fa Lushan, the page you designed is a bit...thin!

Seeing that the entire browser page on the display screen contained only a few simple text hyperlinks, Han Xiao reached out and rubbed her chin with a confused look on her face.

To be honest, when he said he was weak, he was already giving face to the other party.

To put it bluntly, the website built by Fa Lushan is really ugly.

“This is my first time building a website, and I haven’t done any landscaping design or structural adjustments yet.”

Hearing Han Xiao's comments, Fa Lushan's eyes flashed with embarrassment.

This website program was made by her in private practice. At that time, in order to familiarize herself with the application of hyperlinks and ensure the smooth operation of the background, she did not do any layout or beautification.

As long as it works successfully.

At this time, Abedo, who had been silent, took up the topic.

At the same time, he also looked around at the people present, and finally stopped at Han Xiao.

Hanxiao, now that the network is connected, it's time to proceed to the next step.

No problem, let's all have a meeting!

As Han Xiao's voice fell, everyone came to sit in front of the sofa, and then took out paper and pen to prepare for discussion.


Seeing everyone getting into work one after another, Han Xiao coughed briefly, and then began to host a meeting about Internet development.

Now that the Internet is officially connected, let's discuss how to develop for the Internet.

I'll go first.

Angus was the first to raise his hand, ready to be the first speaker.

I just looked at Falushan's website. I think the first thing we need to do is a portal. We can gather all the content and services that are currently available into one site and display it on the home page of the site.

In this way, users can enter the wonderful online world through the homepage at the first time and find everything they need.

Portal, good suggestion.

After hearing Angus's idea, Han Xiao took out his writing pad and wrote down the functions of the portal.

I have a question. After the portal is built, what will happen to the large amounts of content?

Fa Lushan immediately asked about her worries.

Chapter 757 Construction of Portal Network

As we all know, a portal website is a window website open to the outside world and a popular website for comprehensive information.

The reason why it is called a portal network is because as mentioned earlier, it concentrates the content and services required by Internet users on the homepage of one site.

This allows the public to enter the wonderful online world through this homepage 'door' to find everything they need.

From the current point of view, the establishment of a portal network can better guide Liyue residents to experience various convenient functions of the Internet.

It is definitely an application that is worth building.

However, a problem arises. The Internet has only been launched today. Where can they find enough content to fill the portal?

You can’t just put up a homepage there alone!

What about the content... This is indeed a problem.

After hearing Fa Lushan's worries, Han Xiao and others fell into silence.

Indeed, the main reason why the portal can help visitors learn about the Internet faster is that its homepage aggregates many needed contents and services on the Internet.

Without these, the portal becomes a decoration.

“Can we build it ourselves?”

Angus put his hand on his chin and asked in a tentative tone.

Didn't we build an electronic library and some office applications before?

Those programs need to be installed on a desktop computer before they can be used. How about we store them in the database and use front-end technology to display them on the portal.

In this case, users only need to click on the link to access reading and office services. What do you think?

The electronic library application can be developed, but I don't think it is necessary for the office system.

Regarding Angus' suggestion, Han Xiao felt that it was feasible to add the electronic library to the portal. After all, the previous electronic library system had already built a front-end and back-end architecture.

As for the office automation system, most people cannot use it, so he thinks there is no need to add it to the portal.

This still doesn't work.

Just as Han Xiao finished speaking, Albedo on the side couldn't help but shook his head.

An electronic library alone cannot support the content of the portal. They need at least more content websites.

Can't we build it ourselves?

Seeing that Abedo and Han Xiao did not fully agree with his proposal, Angus then gave his thoughts.

The electronic library is also created by us. We can open an online column of Liyue Daily on the portal, and Kuixing Tower can also create a news window, etc. In this way, the content will be enriched.

Okay, okay, but I think it's a waste of time to do this.

Before anyone else could speak, Fa Lushan, who asked the question, couldn't wait to deny it.

The front-end framework layout of a website, back-end database transfer, etc., all require a little bit of debugging.

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