Chapter 754: Line laying nearing completion

Kanria's historical documents and drawings of some of the creations?

After learning what kind of gifts Columbia brought from Zhidong through Ning Guang's narration, Han Xiao also seemed a little surprised.

He had heard from Zhongli that Piero the Harlequin had once served as the court mage of Camria.

What Han Xiao didn't expect was that in order to ease the tense relationship between Liyue and Zhidong, the other party was actually willing to take out the remaining 'heritage' of his homeland as a gift.

Yes, it seems that Zhidong really attaches great importance to repairing the relationship between the two countries with Liyue.

Han Xiao was also surprised to hear that, and Ningguang also let out a sigh.

Sometimes she really couldn't understand the operation of Solstice Kingdom.

Judging from the fact that Piero took out the gift that he had treasured for many years, Zhidong valued the diplomatic relations with Liyue very much.

In this case, why didn't you restrain yourself when you sent the lady Rosalin and the young master Dadalia?

The relationship between the two countries must be brought to a freezing point.

Well... I can only say that people's hearts are hard to control.

Han Xiao, who knew more about Ning Guang and Yu Zhi Dong's operations, understood the twists and turns.

The ostensible purpose of the lady and the young master coming to Liyue was naturally for the Heart of God, but in fact the Ice Queen was more concerned about Morax's attitude towards Tianli.

As long as it can be confirmed that Yan Shen and Li Yue are not on the side of heaven, it is enough for Bing Shen.

It doesn't matter if one or two of the Heart of Gods are missing.

Of course, this is what the Ice Queen and Piero Harlequin think at the top level.

Although the lady and the young master also hold high positions, they are still a few seats behind the executive officer. They are not particularly clear about the overall situation. They only know that the Queen ordered to obtain the Heart of God.

In addition, the lady was swollen due to the wind god's release of water at that time, and Dadalia was a pure martial arts fanatic.

That's why two people chose to make a big fuss after being tricked by Han Xiao once.

For the lady and the young man who served her loyally, although they caused a lot of trouble, the Ice Queen would not blame them for this.

It's just that the two of them had no scruples about making a big fuss in Liyue, but the clown Piero had no choice but to clean up the mess they made.

After all, he couldn't guarantee whether Liyue's Rock God would switch to the Tianli side because of the quarrel between Dadalia and Rosalin.

In order to put an end to this, Piero took the opportunity given by the Queen's order to prepare Liyue to repair the diplomacy between the two sides, and for this purpose, he used a treasure that he had treasured for many years.

So you agree to trade with the other party?

Although Han Xiao didn't speak clearly, Ningguang still heard the hidden meaning behind the other party's words.

I agree, why don't I agree, those historical documents are very useful.

Hearing Ning Guang's rhetorical question, Han Xiao did not hesitate to express her position.

That is a collection of books about Kanria, and it is first-hand information about this godless country. Its preciousness is self-evident.

Maybe Zhongli knew a lot about Kanrea, but it was a pity that he was unwilling to mention what happened in Kanrea, or he couldn't because of the contract.

But no matter what the reason was, Han Xiao couldn't get any specific information about Kanria from Zhongli. At most, he could only get a few words from time to time.

Now, the Harlequin Piero has taken out some of the historical documents he kept that record the history of Camrea. This is an excellent opportunity to understand the past history of Camrea.

Han Xiao would naturally choose to agree.

But this is Kanria's knowledge after all, Han Xiao.

Regarding Han Xiao's decisive tone, Ningguang was still a little unable to make up his mind.

Five hundred years ago, Kanriya silently destroyed the country. The reason behind it has always been a mystery. If we accept the things sent by the other party, will it be detrimental to Liyue?

Probably not.

Hearing Ning Guang's worry, Han Xiao immediately spoke to comfort him.

After all, the other party didn't know the reason, so he didn't know it either.

There are two main reasons why there are very few records of the destruction of Kanria in the Seven Kingdoms.

First, the seven earthly gods were the ones who followed the response of the maintainer of heavenly principles and went to destroy Kanreia.

Naturally, we won't record too many such disgraceful things.

Secondly, at that time, the seven countries were all invaded by the Abyss, and they had too much time to take care of themselves. How could they have the spare time to care about the affairs of other countries.

It is for these two reasons that the demise of Kanria five hundred years ago seemed silent.

In addition, as for Ningguang's worry that accepting Kanriya's 'relic' would cause disadvantage to Liyue, Han Xiao doesn't think so.

Since Piero the Harlequin could choose to serve under the Ice God, one of the former 'murderers', it meant that he knew very well that although the Seven Gods were the 'perpetrators' of destroying Camrea, most of them were incapable of doing so.

The real person behind the scenes is the maintainer of heavenly law who sits high on Sky Island.

In order to avenge Tianli, the other party would not choose to harm Liyue during this time period, resulting in the emergence of a powerful enemy in Zhidong.

Okay, I know what to do.

Although he didn't quite understand why Han Xiao could be so certain, considering that the emperor who was retreating stood behind him, Ningguang still chose to trust the other party's judgment.


Han Xiao did not pay too much attention to the subsequent negotiations between Ning Guang and Columbia. Anyway, the resumption of diplomacy with Zhi Dong would not have much impact on Liyue.

However, judging from the many ancient books and documents about Kanria that were later sent from Liyue Port, it seems that they must have reached an agreement.

After hiding all these ancient books in the library next to the underground experimental center in Guili City, Han Xiao turned his attention back to the desktop computer.

As he continued to write code for more than ten days, Liyue Millennium's electronic program had its initial version and was put into use in Internet cafes.

It has to be said that Ningguang's judgment of Liyue Millennium's love in the hearts of Liyue people is quite accurate.

The day after the program was loaded into the desktop computer, the traffic of the Internet cafe once again increased significantly.

At present, the daily traffic of Internet cafes can ensure that it is full from morning to night.

Even Xingqiu asked him from time to time whether he wanted to expand the scale of the Internet cafe and add more machines to cope with the current situation of full Internet cafes.

It's just that every time Han Xiao chooses not to consider expanding the scale.

The reason is simple.

He was waiting for news from Keqing.

After nearly a month of laying the line, Han Xiao estimated that Ke Qing, who was familiar with the road, should have pushed the project to the end.

In other words, the Internet will soon be successfully built on the continent of Teyvat.

In order to ensure that the Internet cafe can be integrated into the Internet as soon as possible, Han Xiao just suppressed the idea of ​​​​expanding and planned to see how the actual use of the network was.

Chapter 755: Agreement Construction

It has been more than a month since Keqing led the construction team to lay fiber optic lines throughout Liyue.

Although from a normal perspective, one month is simply not enough time to cover the entire territory of Liyue with optical fiber lines.

But fortunately, Han Xiao had already informed Ke Qing of his future plan to lay Internet lines before the Hai Lantern Festival.

At that time, in addition to expressing her indignation about the matter, the purple cat Maotou also did some planning and digging in advance.

So the progress of laying optical fiber this time is actually not slow.

At least since the last time Han Xiao called to inquire about the progress, there was still no paving from Nantianmen to Tianheng Mountain in Keqing.

I think in a few days, the entire Liyue main line network will be paved.

Sure enough, a few days after talking to Ningguang to discuss whether to agree to Zhidong's proposal to repair diplomatic relations between the two countries, Han Xiao, who was planning the next batch of software content at home, received a call from Keqing.

Hanxiao, all the main fiber optic roads have been laid to Liyue Port!

Thank you for your hard work, Keqing!

Hearing the good news from the other side of the phone, Han Xiao's face flashed with joy, and she repeatedly comforted the other party for their hard work during this time.

Tianheng Mountain.

Looking at the nearby Liyue Port, Keqing held her mobile phone in one hand and put it on her waist. Her eyes were fixed on the construction team that was laying the last distance, and she said angrily:

It's not too hard, as long as you don't do it to me again!

Counting this time, she has already made four trips back and forth on the Liyue map waiting for the construction team.

If she keeps running like this, Keqing feels like she is really going to bite someone!

After all, she spent the entire last year laying lines, and other civil engineering projects were completed on the road.

Even Ke Qing, who is very serious and responsible about her work, is a bit overwhelmed by this model of eating, sleeping and working outdoors.

She misses working in the office so much now.

Don't worry, as long as there are no problems with the lines, there won't be any big changes in the next few years.

Wait a minute, is there a chance that there's something wrong with the line?

Han Xiao's comfort not only did not reassure Keqing, but made her even more nervous.


Whoever puts Keqing in charge is the construction in various places in Liyue. If the lines are broken, she will be responsible for repairing them.

Well... Generally speaking, the chance of breaking is not very high.

After hearing Ke Qing's question, Han Xiao thought about it for a while before slowly giving her answer.

Unless there are some irresistible factors, such as a group of treasure thieves digging out the line, normal line aging will take at least ten years.

Very good, I will inform Yao Guang and Kai Yang.

Knowing that unless it was a natural or man-made disaster, it would take at least more than ten years for the lines to deteriorate. Keqing immediately decided to join forces with Yaoguang and Kaiyang to continue the rectification campaign to clean up the treasure stealing gang throughout Liyue.

Although the establishment of Guili City has led to the elimination of many large groups of treasure thieves, it has not yet reached the point of being banned.

She didn't want to lead the construction team to re-lay the lines every now and then because of the treasure stealing group. long as you're happy.

Faced with Ke Qing, who was determined to clean up the activities of the treasure stealing group in Liyue, Han Xiao was fine.

Anyway, the treasure-stealing group’s problem has always been scabies, so the other party can do whatever they want.


Three days later.

A month and a half had passed since Keqing took the construction team out, and Han Xiao finally received the news from Keqing that it was completely completed.

After receiving the news, he went directly to the alchemy workshop and took Albedo, who was still working on the realization just now, to his home.

The two went down to the underground of Guili City through the secret passage in Han Xiao's house, and then took a rail car to the underground testing site.

Hanxiao, what's the matter with pulling me out in such a hurry?

After arriving at the underground testing site, Abedo, who had been quiet all the way, asked his question.

Of course it's a good thing. The fiber optic lines have been laid in Keqing, and now we're just waiting for us to carry out the final debugging!

I see!

When he learned that the fiber optic network had been laid, Abedo immediately showed a look of surprise, and then he realized what he was doing and urged:

Then what are we waiting for? Let's get started!

As he spoke, he directly reached out and took out a desktop computer from his God's Eye space, and then connected it to the machine in the experimental field through a cable.

I will be responsible for building the architecture, Abedo, you will be responsible for writing the TCP/IP protocol.

no problem.

After the division of labor was completed, Han Xiao and Abedo began to devote themselves to their own parts of the work.


As various machines that had been prepared in the experimental site were started one after another, the Heart of the Grass God, which was originally glowing, was quickly embedded into a container made of glass by Han Xiao.

Then, as if he was reinstalling the insertion bolt of Unit 1, he inserted the entire glass container into the gap of an instrument with silky movements.

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