To be honest, Anna felt a little unrealistic.

Liyue Qixing is not such an easy person to get along with!

Well... there is an old saying in Liyue that is very good, everything depends on man-made things, right?

Hearing the concerns of her subordinates, Columbia acted very calmly.

The relationship between the two countries gradually got along. Although the relationship between Zhidong and Liyue is a little bit different now, it has not reached the point where they will never be in contact with each other until they die.

Anyway, Piero the Harlequin had promised her before she came that if it was determined that electric lights and electric vehicles would be beneficial to the future development of Zhi Dong, it would be worth paying even a little extra now.

Ana, go back.

Taking one last look at the bustling night scene of Liyue Port, Columbia turned around and walked towards the North Country Bank.

There is still an important negotiation waiting for us tomorrow.


The next day.

Just as the residents of Liyue got up early to start a new day of life as usual, Columbia and her adjutant Anna also set out from Beiguo Bank and came all the way to Yujing Terrace.

As soon as they arrived at the guide's location, they saw the guide Buyun who had been waiting here for a long time.

Miss Columbia and Miss Anna.

Seeing Columbia and the two of them, Bu Yun immediately walked up to them and said with a smile on his face:

Master Ningguang has given instructions, you two can just board the floating platform directly.

Oh, you've been waiting for me to come to your door for a long time.

Hearing that Buyun seemed to have anticipated their arrival, Columbia immediately raised her eyebrows.

It should be said that it is indeed the Tianquan Star of Liyue Seven Stars. The information was obtained very quickly.

Come on Anna, let's go meet this Lord Tianquanxing again.

Not paying attention to Buyun beside him, Columbia stepped directly onto the floating platform.

As the floating platform rose, they soon arrived at Qunyu Pavilion, and under the guidance of secretary Bai Shi, they saw Ning Guang waiting in the office.

It's been a while, Miss Columbia.

Seeing the executive officer and her secretary being introduced by the secretary, Ningguang held a cigarette rod in one hand with a polite smile on his face.

It seems that Miss Ningguang finally believes that I came to Liyue this time to repair the relationship between the two countries.

Seeing the polite Ning Guang, Columbia asked Anna with a smile while instructing Anna to follow her secretary Bai Shi to wait outside the room.

I still believe in His Excellency Dragon King's judgment.

Faced with Columbia's rhetorical question, Ningguang calmly spoke out the name Ruoduo Dragon King.


Seeing Ningguang who was extremely calm and moved out of Ruoduo Dragon King, Columbia secretly clicked her tongue, but she soon changed the topic:

Miss Ningguang must know the purpose of my coming here, right?

For electric lights and electric cars?

Yes, I wonder if Miss Ningguang is willing to make a deal with Zhidong?

Dong dong dong——

The moment Columbia's words fell, Ningguang tapped the cigarette rod on the table and looked at him with a 'surprised' look on his face:

Miss Columbia, there seems to be something wrong with what you said.

Oh, I don't know what I said wrong?

I understand that Zhidong wants to do business with Liyue about electric lights and electric vehicles, but you didn't mention a word about the trouble Zhidong caused in Liyue. Isn't this a little bad?

As he spoke, Ningguang put down the cigarette rod in his hand and his face became serious:

Now that the relationship between Liyue and Zhidong has not been restored, does Miss Columbia think that I will do business with you, Zhidong, regardless of past grudges?

Please rest assured on this, Miss Ningguang.

Seeing Ningguang take the initiative to bring up the matter of hostility between the two countries, Columbia immediately spoke up and promised:

In order to restore the friendship between the two countries, Zhidong has prepared gifts. I believe Miss Ningguang you will like them.

I'm quite curious about this. Could you tell me what the gift is?

Chapter 753: Winter’s Gift

Ningguang was really curious about the gift that Columbia mentioned.

You must know that Liyue has a vast territory and rich products.

Although the land area in Zhiwin is not small, due to the natural environment of year-round ice and snow, the materials in the country are not particularly rich.

So she wanted to know what kind of gifts the other party had prepared to ease relations between the two countries.

After all, they, Liyue, really didn't like the gifts on the side.

I think you won't be disappointed.

Hearing that Ning Guang was questioning whether he could come up with anything good, Columbia seemed quite calm.

Of course she knows better than Ning Guang what is going on in Zhi Dong.

If you really give out supplies or ores as gifts, I'm afraid Liyue won't even take a look at them.

Because it’s really hard to get rid of Zhi Dong’s ‘poor’ products.

Therefore, in order to ease the relationship between the two countries this time, Zhi Dong... No, it should be said that Piero the Harlequin is personally responsible for selecting the gifts. She believes that with the Harlequin's courage, the gift chosen by the other party will not be too bad. It will probably cause a lot of bleeding. .

Facing Ning Guang's confused eyes, Columbia slowly took out a paper document folded into a small square from her arms and placed it on the table.

This is a gift for which Piero was personally responsible.

Piero the Harlequin...the Commander-in-Chief of Fools, the leader of the Eleven Executive Officers.

Hearing the name coming out of Columbia's mouth, a look of solemnity flashed in Ningguang's eyes.

Although this commander-in-chief of fools is no longer active in various countries, no one has ever dared to underestimate his reputation.

After all, their abilities surpass those of all the major executives, and among them there are even executive officers like girls and doctors who are as good as the devil as leaders. The opponents are not inferior in skill or force.

Even if she doesn't want to pay attention to the 'gift' given by this kind of person, she can't do it.

With some vigilance, Ningguang reached out and picked up the paper documents folded into squares on the table and unfolded them.

As the paper document unfolded, she also saw what was written on the document.

After just one glance, Ning Guang frowned instantly.

Nothing else, because the thing on the paper document sent as a gift by Piero the Harlequin really shocked her.

Are you sure your chief executive officer is right?

Covering the paper document on the table, Ning Guang couldn't help but raise his head and look at Columbia, his tone full of disbelief.

It seems that Piero surprised you with a gift?

Wait, you didn't know?

Because Piero said it should be kept confidential, I have not read the contents of this document.

Seeing Ning Guang asking her question in surprise, Columbia immediately tilted her head and said matter-of-factly.

Before coming, Piero had warned Wan not to read the contents on the paper documents, but she still complied with his instructions.

Why, could it be that the gift Piero prepared for Liyue was a surprise?

It's not just a surprise, it's not an exaggeration to say it's frightening.

Hearing the girl's somewhat 'innocent' question, Ningguang didn't know how to judge for a moment, and couldn't even figure out whether the Harlequin sent this gift with good intentions or malice.

Because on the paper documents, what Piero recorded was the catalog of some inventions, compositions and historical documents of Canria, a godless country at that time.

In addition, there are also structural diagrams of mechanical creations presented by the puppet Sandone and some minerals that are only produced in the winter.

Can I take a look?

Seeing Ningguang's statement, Columbia became interested for a while. She also wanted to see what Piero had written that would frighten the other party.


Ning Guang spread his right hand to signal Columbia to do whatever he wanted.

Seeing this, the executive from Zhidong picked up the paper document covering the table.

Oh, Piero is really generous for the first time in a long time!

When she saw the list of gifts recorded on the paper document, Columbia couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and couldn't help but marvel.

Although most of the executive officers of the Fools knew that their governor was born in Camrea, and was also the court mage of Camrea.

But even if the Doctor wanted to borrow Canrea's collection, he would refuse.

It can be said that Piero the Harlequin paid great attention to the written materials in his hands.

Unexpectedly, this time, the other party who had been reluctant to show it to others would actually choose to use these treasures as a gift to repair the relationship between Liyue and Zhidong.

Even from Colombia's perspective, Del Piero did spend a lot of money this time.

After sighing in her heart at the generosity of their executive officer-general, she just put the paper documents back on the table and turned her gaze back to Ningguang.

Miss Ningguang, please rest assured. What Piero has prepared are royal treasures. Although they are precious, they do not involve danger.

Is that so?

After hearing Columbia's assurance, Ning Guang's tense heart relaxed a little, but he still did not give up the caution he should have.

The demise of Kanria was silent back then. Who knows whether it was because of reading some forbidden knowledge that the entire country died instantly.

Thinking of this, she coughed subconsciously, and then said slowly:

The resumption of diplomacy between the two countries is a major event. I alone cannot act arbitrarily. This matter requires a joint resolution by the Seven Stars.

I hope Miss Columbia can wait for a few days until we can discuss it.

No problem at all!

Seeing that Ningguang said that he wanted to discuss it with several other Seven Stars, Columbia readily agreed.

Then I'll wait for the good news you bring, Miss Ningguang.

After that, she stood up and left.


After sending Columbia away, Ningguang sat alone at the table and fell into deep thought while looking at the list recorded on the paper document in his hand.

Historical documents and structural drawings of some inventions of Canria...

The other party was right, that fool and the clown, the general commander, had indeed spent a lot of money this time.

Although there are only a few words about Kanria in Liyue's ancient books, Ningguang still got a glimpse of the prosperity of Kanria from these scattered records.

So she knew very well that the list of gifts sent by the Fools was indeed very important.

Thinking of this, Ningguang dialed Kaiyang, Yaoguang and others in turn and told them about the matter.

It's a pity that Keqing and others don't know as much about Kanria as she does.

So they let Ningguang make his own decision, and Qixing had no other opinions on this.

It seems that perhaps only Han Xiao knows the inside story.

Seeing that the other seven stars didn't know much about Kanria, Ningguang finally called Han Xiao, who she thought was most likely to know the inside story.

Toot toot—

Several ringtones rang, and soon Han Xiao answered the call on the other side.

Hey, who's there?

It's me, Ningguang!

I have something to discuss with you.

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