It doesn't matter to Han Xiao at all.

In fact, Abedo didn't know that Han Xiao's learning talent was entirely due to the 'plug-in'.

As mentioned before, in addition to spending points to purchase items in chat groups, you can also purchase conceptual items such as physical fitness and talents.

Naturally, learning talent also counts.

Because there are many things to learn, such as the alchemy of World of Warcraft, the puppet theory of the World of Machinery, and the teaching materials provided by Albedo now have more basics.

Hanxiao had a hard time studying at first.

In the end, he purchased the learning talents of everyone in the group at his own suggestion.

One Han Xiao's learning talent may not be enough, but when several are added together, it makes a completely different difference.

on the stage.

To be honest, it's my first time hosting a party with so many people, so I'm still a little nervous.

Master Hanxiao, come on!

We are all listening!

Hahaha, Master Hanxiao, come on!

Hearing Han Xiao's self-deprecation, many people in the audience smiled knowingly, and some workers who were more relaxed started shouting.

I can't rush, I can't rush.

Han Xiao waved her hands repeatedly and replied angrily, causing the audience to laugh again.

When the laughter gradually subsided, Han Xiao turned the topic back to the party.

I said before that our party is a little different from the usual festivals in Liyue.

I believe everyone also wants to know what is different, right?

Without further ado, I declare that the first residents' gala of the new city is officially opened!

After saying that, Han Xiao bowed to the audience, then slowly retreated backstage, and the lights on the stage dimmed.

The workers who came to participate had a lively discussion while waiting for the party to begin.

I don't know what the difference is in what Lord Hanxiao said.

The spectators nearby also participated.

I do believe Master Han Xiao. I have never seen such an approachable big man.

Another addition on the other side:

You were the one who made the most noise just now. Are you afraid that you still want to see Mr. Han Xiao perform for you in person?

Hahaha, I don't dare!

Everyone laughed.

Although there were not many lights at the scene, it was very lively.

They are all workers who came to work in the new city. Although many people did not know each other before, they seem to be familiar with each other now.

Perhaps the party hasn't even started yet, but Han Xiao has already achieved a small part of his goal.

While everyone was still talking privately.

A melodious guzheng sound suddenly came from the large speakers on both sides of the stage.

The audience who were still whispering among each other subconsciously raised their heads.


The lights on the stage came on again, and the musicians invited by Han Xiao had already played their instruments to form a simple and beautiful melody.

at the same time.

The white curtain at the venue lit up at the same time, and the scene of Gui Liyuan appeared on it.

Just when everyone was stunned by this novel display, a distant singing voice suddenly sounded:

A tree of grudges stands alone in the clear day.

The singing sounded from far to near, and Yun Jin slowly walked onto the stage, singing a completely different melody from the past.

...I wish I could wait for a thousand years in vain and enjoy the lights together.

Accompanied by Yun Jin's clear and melodious singing, a scene of changes in the world emerges on the white screen.

The old site of Guiliji, the broken stone monument, the prosperous Liyue Port and Zhongli drinking alone under the moon.


Listening to Yun Jin's singing, Ke Qing couldn't help but turn her head and look at Han Xiao:

Is this song about the emperor?


The song is good.

Keqing nodded. Although the singing method of the song was a bit 'new', the melody was surprisingly good and the lyrics were also well written.

that is...

She was still a little puzzled when she saw Zhongli, who appeared on the white screen and was drinking wine at the moon.

You also invited Mr. Zhongli to shoot such a trendy thing?

That's not true. I just recorded it casually.

Han Xiao shook her head violently.

Well, they say they were recorded casually, but they were actually secretly photographed.

Recently, Zhongli travels back and forth between Xincheng District and Liyue Port every day, both to cast Mora and to tell Yun Jin about the past history of Guiliyuan.

I feel quite embarrassed when I think about it.

So Han Xiao arranged for Yun Jin to sing a song at the beginning of the party to 'praise' the emperor in a small way.

As for the scene, he happened to see Zhongli drinking alone under the moon and recorded it once.


Based on Han Xiao's judgment, Zhongli was probably too lazy to pay attention to his candid filming behavior.

Chapter 65 Yun Jin’s Thoughts

Yun Jin suddenly switched from acting to singing, and she sang so beautifully, which directly surprised the audience.

I didn't expect Mr. Yun to sing so well.

Who says it isn't?

Don't just listen to Mr. Yun's voice. The lyrics are about Prince Yan!

I have to say that the audience who came to work in Xincheng District really felt the surprise Han Xiao said.

The melody and vocals match the scene presented by the white screen.

The audio-visual experience is overwhelming.

After the song ended, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

Yun Jin suddenly put her finger to her lips, and her figure was also reflected on the white screen behind her.

In an instant, the whole place fell silent.

It was as if the excitement and hustle and bustle before had never happened.

As expected of Ah Jin, she's amazing.

Backstage, Han Xiao couldn't help but stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers.

After all, he is Liyue's famous character, and there is no one with such top-notch field control ability.

Even the research and development costs are not small.

Albedo on the side couldn't help but complain.

You know, in order to solve the problem of simultaneous projection, he spent countless materials in the workshop to come up with it.

But it's worth the money, isn't it?

Han Xiao shrugged quite nonchalantly. Anyway, the party was funded by Ningguang, and it was not his money.

Not distressed.

Han Xiao and Ke Qing were chatting in the background, and Yun Jin on the stage also started her real performance today.

Today, I brought a new play. I hope everyone can remember the tragic deeds in Guiliyuan.

Then please enjoy, The Legend of the Phoenix in Liyue!

In the most remote corner of the party venue, Zhongli and Mandrill were standing in the darkness, looking at Yun Jin who was singing gracefully on the stage.

Emperor, what was the song just now?

Hanxiao made it, it's quite pleasant to the ear.

Zhongli's thoughts were a little wandering. The first song arranged by Han Xiao made him couldn't help but recall the scene from the past.

But only a little bit.

Putting his thoughts back, Zhongli turned to look at Mandrill standing next to him.

Mandrill, you can actually get in touch with more people.

But the karma on my body, Emperor...

Mandrill was just about to explain to Zhongli that the karma on his body was not something mortals could touch, but he realized it mid-sentence.

His karma seems to be under control now?

Seeing Mandrill react, the corner of Zhongli's mouth inadvertently curved.

Let's turn our attention back.

With Yun Jin's song Feng Ming Ji in Liyue, the excitement of the party became more and more intense.

Each simple yet innovative program was staged one by one under the arrangement of 'chief directors' Abedo and Han Xiao.

At the same time, the host also invited the audience to come on stage to participate in various interesting mini-games.

Soon the party came to an end.

Time is always short, and our party is coming to an end today.

Han Xiao, who returned to the stage, said goodbye with a hint of emotion.

But our new life has begun, and I hope we can still get together here next year.

“Celebrating our new home together!”

I now declare that the first New Town Gala is over!

When they learned that the party was over, although the audience felt that they had not seen enough, they also lined up and walked out of the venue in an orderly manner.

What a pity. It feels like time has passed in the blink of an eye.

Yes, today's party is very innovative.

Also, why didn't I get picked in the games that I participated in on stage? I feel like the people who were selected didn't have as much knowledge as me.

Hahaha, it's just you, pull him down.

The audience lined up and discussed the content of the previous party.

When they walked out of the venue, they found that the buildings in the new city had been decorated with colorful ribbons and lanterns.

The vaguely prototyped streets are lined with stalls of all kinds.

There are stalls offering little clay dolls for throwing rings, delicious food shops, etc.

The crowd, who had not yet enjoyed themselves, suddenly cheered loudly.


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