[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Just ask Uncle Zhongli to send you the Eye of God.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Don't mention it, that thing has the same pitfalls as some of my weapons, so it's better not to use it.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Didn't you say you wanted to stay in bed before? Why did you suddenly think you needed strength?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: It's not because of Zhiyi that I realized that I am different from before. Many people are staring at me.

At this moment, a ding sound suddenly came from the chat group.

[I can’t help my wife join the group chat]

Hey, it’s a newcomer!

Chapter 63: The newcomer who died in society

It was precisely because of the reminder that Han Xiao and the others realized that another month had passed.

Fortunately, I seem to have found someone new this time.

[I Can’t Conquer My Wife]: “It’s actually a chat group. Ahem, as an all-rounder with a little knowledge, if you want to know any information, you can chat with me privately.”

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Is this kid crazy?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Well, it's hopeless. My brain must have been hit when I traveled through time!

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: I guess I saw the chat group expanded, so I took a screenshot!

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Screenshot +1

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: +2

[I Can’t Conquer My Wife]: Ah...are you all Hanxiao?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Yes, are you surprised or surprised?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: I really want to die. What should I do? It's so embarrassing.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: It will pass after you bear it for a while. Let me introduce you to the rules of the group first.

Seeing the newcomer's sudden social death, Han Xiao couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth, and at the same time she was glad that she was among the first ones to come in.

Otherwise, he might be the one who dies.

Han Xiao in other worlds also had the same idea, especially Han Xiao in the World of Warcraft. He was especially grateful to Chromie's pursuit for helping him develop a cautious character.

Otherwise, he would probably die.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, the nickname Newcomer is added with the track. Could it be that he comes from the continent of Samria?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Yes, that's it.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Looking at your name, could it be that you learned the legendary Yaha Katsuma style?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Unfortunately, I was born in the east like Lisha. I was picked up by the Seventh Sister because of the war. Now I am a member of the Body-Eating Snake, and I have no chance to learn the Eight-Leaf Sword.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Good guy, the person who formed the association was adopted by the Seventh Sister.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Is it possible that after the Imperial Peach Blossom Sword and Kezhou Qingqinggai, another association will produce injection guns?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Let's change the topic, TAT, what were the big guys talking about before.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: I just want to control a little power, but I'm afraid of being tied to death with the Eye of God, and I don't have it either.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Hey! It's easy. I'll think about it with the force guide here.


Han Xiao's eyes lit up, why hadn't he thought of this before?

The force guide is a mechanical component embedded in a crystallized circuit and naturally replenishes energy as it is consumed.

Teyvat not only has minerals containing elements, but there are also various elements floating in the air.

He can definitely use alchemy and machinery to make a 'multi-element version of the Eye of God'.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao quickly asked for help from herself from Locus.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Kneel down and ask for theories related to guidance!

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Wait a moment, I will upload Dr. Russell's theory to the store.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Wait a minute, aren't you a member of the association? How do you know Dr. Russell?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Levi and I know each other. When he went to Libel to cause trouble, I followed him secretly, and then got the information back.

Soon, Han Xiao bought some of the most basic information uploaded by Locus World.

Zhiyi's incident reminded him that he was different now.

In the past, Han Xiao was a slightly famous puppet master in Liyue, but now he is in charge of all affairs in the new city, and he will even become a seven-star in the future.

There are definitely many people who are secretly eyeing him.

Not to mention, the fact that the Fools started plotting against Liyue more than a year before the plot of the game started is a dangerous reminder.

If all the fools can keep an eye on Uncle Tian, ​​they can also keep an eye on him.

That's why Han Xiao thought about getting some strength to defend herself first.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

On the morning of the third day, the workers who had been notified early that they were on holiday today discovered that the new city, which had already begun to take shape, was very lively at this time.

Many Qianyan troops are hanging lanterns, ribbons and other decorations on the flagpole.

More than a dozen huge white cloths were erected on the vast plains in the distance.

We're really going to have a party.

Yeah, but what are those white cloths for?

Who knows, but it should be useful.

These workers who usually worked on the construction site looked at the busy Qian Yanjun with curiosity, and they were also looking forward to the evening party.

Take care of the field over there, Albedo, you are using rock elements to make some chairs!

At the main venue of the party, Ke Qing was loudly directing the Qianyan Army to make final preparations. At the same time, he did not forget to instruct Abedo to use rock elements to shape chairs one after another.

Hold on.

Abedo's God's Eye lit up, and then chairs tamped with earth appeared on the flat open space.

Someone will cover the chairs with cushions.

Hang up the colorful flags over there too!

When Han Xiao arrived at the venue, what he saw was Ke Qing holding a horn in one hand and waving it with the other.

Han Xiao, you came just in time!

Seeing Han Xiao arriving, Ke Qing trotted all the way to his side.

Here is the activity expense details. You can hand it over to Ningguang for reimbursement later.

no problem.

Taking the detailed document of funds handed over by Ke Qing, Han Xiao nodded, and then asked:

Is there anything I've missed?

It's not clear yet, but the time is so tight and we only have half a month to prepare.

As she said this, Ke Qing looked at Han Xiao with some dissatisfaction.

In her opinion, there is too little time left for her, and she can only do this at present. If she has enough time, it can be better.

I don't have that much time to prepare.

Forget it, we have set up the stage for you, and then it's up to you.


Han Xiao nodded.

The stage is set, now it’s up to him to perform.

As the sun slowly sets over time, the lanterns on the colorful flags also light up.

The entire new city was suddenly enveloped in an orange light.

Under the protection of Qianyan Army, the workers lined up and walked into the wide and flat conference venue one by one, and sat down on the 'chairs' built by Abedo.

After a while, the originally wide plain was replaced by a black crowd.

The scene was extremely lively.

Right in front of them, there were a dozen huge white curtains and a makeshift high platform.

Backstage, Yun Jin, Yan Fei, Ke Qing, Abedo and others all focused their attention on Han Xiao.


Feeling the encouragement from everyone's eyes, Han Xiao took a deep breath.

Then, I'm going to do it!

Chapter 64 The party begins

Turn the spotlight on Han Xiao!

Watching Han Xiao step by step from the backstage to the big stage, Abedo, as the 'chief director' of this party, directly issued his first order.

Soon, the two Qianyanjun turned the wooden handles respectively, and the lanterns with conical covers hung on the flagpoles on both sides of the stage turned to Hanxiao.

Two bright lights were projected on Han Xiao's body, which was quite conspicuous in the night.

At least the workers who were still a little noisy in the audience became quiet after seeing Han Xiao come on stage.


Holding the portable loudspeaker modified by Albedo, Han Xiao first performed a wave of tactical throat clearing.

no way.

It was the first time that he was facing nearly a million people, and he was also embarrassed.

But being nervous is not a problem, so Han Xiao tried to calm down, raised the loudspeaker to his mouth, and started his speech:

Good evening to all residents of Liyue, I am Han Xiao, the person in charge of Xincheng District.

Everyone is welcome to attend this gala.

This party is to thank everyone for their hard work over the past few months. Without your hard work, the new city would not be built so fast.


Seeing Han Xiao's words getting smoother and smoother, Ke Qing reached out and brushed the hair beside her ears, and deliberately joked with a smile on her lips:

Hanxiao is okay, he talks in one way.

I didn't expect Han Xiao to be so good at talking.

Yun Jin on the side also nodded in agreement. Anyway, she had never heard of Han Xiao having so many nice words before.

Han Xiao has a strong learning ability.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Abedo, who was directing the Qianyan Army to mobilize the 'spotlight', explained without looking back.

The total time he spent with Han Xiao was almost two months. He had long discovered that Han Xiao's learning ability was much higher than ordinary people.

Although Han Xiao had taught herself alchemy for a period of time before, she was only half-experienced.

After two months of systematic study, Abedo found that the other party's alchemy level had increased at a speed beyond ordinary people.

At least in his opinion, Han Xiao's current alchemy level has almost caught up with Timaeus.

This is simply unreasonable!

Abedo, who couldn't find the reason after searching for a long time, could only think that Han Xiao had a learning talent far beyond ordinary people.

So he was the least surprised when Han Xiao said a series of speeches on the stage.

That's it, wouldn't it be enough to learn how to speak a little and add a little courage?

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