Gorgeous fireworks exploded in the night, seeming to announce the arrival of the night market.

The next day.

After a night of hustle and bustle, the new city seemed quite quiet in the morning.

Everyone fell into a sweet sleep.

After all, today is the last day of vacation, and starting from tomorrow they will be engaged in intense work again.

However, compared with before, many people have more expectations for the new city.

Because Han Xiao personally promised them at the party that the new city would be their future home, and he looked forward to having everyone gather at the party again next year.

Hanxiao, wake up.

In the office, Yun Jin looked at Han Xiao who was lying in a chair and collapsed into a puddle, with a look of helplessness on her face.

I was obviously full of energy yesterday, but why am I so exhausted today?

I am already a salted fish, Ah Jin.

Han Xiao, who was lying on the chair, didn't even open her eyelids when she heard Yun Jin's voice, and her voice seemed weak.

As soon as the party ended last night, Han Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt a lot more relaxed.

But what followed was a burst of fatigue, as if suddenly there was nothing to be excited about.


Seeing that her childhood sweetheart looked like a loser, Yun Jin sat next to Han Xiao, stretched out her index finger and tapped his forehead 'hardly'.

It's not like you can rest whenever you want like before.

The daily lives of the more than one million residents in the new city are all on your shoulders. Get up quickly.

I don't want to get up.

Han Xiao tilted her head and pretended to be dead.

How old are you to be so willful!

Seeing this, Yun Jin could only reach out and grab Han Xiao's palm and pull him up from the chair.

How will you manage the people below after they see you like this?

Okay, okay, I'll just get up.

Feeling the softness in her palms, Han Xiao opened her eyes and made her own promise.

That's right.

Yun Jin nodded with satisfaction and then got down to business.

By the way, I'm going back to Liyue Port soon.


Han Xiao was stunned and became more energetic. She quickly asked:

Why are you leaving so soon? A Jin, don't you plan to spend two more days in the new city?

No, this trip to Xincheng District has benefited me a lot.

I need to cash in these gains quickly.

Faced with Han Xiao's request to stay, Yun Jin expressed her thoughts.

Through this Xincheng District Party, she not only talked a lot with Zhongli about the history of Guiliyuan, but also wrote The Phoenix in Liyue.

At the same time, it also made Yun Jin feel that this was the path she would take early in the future.

He sings about all kinds of things in the world and is still loved by people.

So Yun Jin wanted to return to Liyue Port to have a good talk with her father.

Perhaps my father, who is suffering from a lack of ideas for drama writing, can also be inspired to write more moving dramas.

Chapter 66 Han Xiao almost became the arms leader

In the following days, all the workers working in the new city always discussed some interesting things about that party from time to time in their spare time.

They all fantasize about having another party when the new city is built.

Especially the white screen that spreads the picture truly allowed them to experience the enjoyment of a movie theater in Hanxiao's previous life.

Xincheng office area.

Han Xiao was sitting in the office looking at documents, and she couldn't help but miss Yun Jin who had returned to Liyue Port.

Well, to be precise, it was Yun Jin’s cooking.

There was no way, before Yun Jin came, he ate very simple meals three times a day.

Yun Jin took over the job of taking care of Han Xiao as soon as she arrived.

During those few days, Hanxiao had a great time eating every day.

Now that the other party has left, Han Xiao's living standard has dropped back to its original level again.

How can you let him not miss you?

Toot toot—

Just as Han Xiao's thoughts were running wild, the beeping communication device on the table suddenly rang.

Who is calling this?

With some curiosity, Han Xiao connected the communication.

It's Han Xiao, I'm Ningguang.

Why did you remember to contact me?

Han Xiao was a little surprised to hear that it was Ning Guang speaking on the other side of the communication device.

He had previously asked the Han family's children to take the Dudu communication device back to Liyue Port and hand it over to Ningguang.

But in the past few days, there has been no movement from the other party.

I didn't expect that the communication device would suddenly be activated today.

The party in Xincheng District was well organized.

Ningguang did not answer Han Xiao directly, but praised Han Xiao for the party he held.

Do you, Master Ningguang, know this little thing?

It's a small matter, I don't think so.

To put it aside, the new performance format at the party was very popular.

After hearing what Ningguang said, Han Xiao understood what the other party meant.

It seems you are attracted to the projector.

You could say that.

On the other side of the communicator, Ning Guang smiled at the communicator.

She was interested in more than just the projector.

After thinking carefully, Ningguang decided to explain his purpose to Han Xiao clearly.

Hanxiao, I heard that you and Abedo signed an employment agreement, how about letting me take over?

No need to talk!

Upon hearing that Ning Guang wanted Abedo, Han Xiao decisively refused.

What a joke, how can you sell the cakes I made?

Albedo was hired by me in exchange for the benefits of the new city. You should give up this idea.

But I have a suggestion here. I wonder if you want to hear it.

Oh, tell me then.

Ning Guang was not annoyed at being rejected outright, but instead attached great importance to Han Xiao's suggestions.

Did you know that I have been studying alchemy with Albedo recently?

Yes, I also know that someone has produced a lot of dangerous items.

Information is fast enough, so you should also know the lucky star in my hand.

Of course I know.

How could Ningguang not know about the lucky star in Han Xiao's hand.

Han Xiao was tight-lipped, but don't forget that there is a little kid named Xiao Keli here.

In the recent correspondence with Captain Qin, Qin was quite 'complaining', saying that Keli's destructive power had become much stronger after returning from Guiliyuan.

Many people have complained to her that no fish have been seen in Xingluo Lake recently.

For this reason, Qin could only invest in purchasing a batch of fish fry and put them into Xingluo Lake.

Seeing that Ning Guang knew Lucky Star, Han Xiao's face was suddenly filled with a smile, and her tone of voice became a bit 'flattery'.

How about it, are you interested in collaborating?

Of course there is interest.

Naturally, I am very interested in the lucky star Ning Guang.

After all, it can be seen from Qin's words that the destructive power of Lucky Star cannot be underestimated.

How do you plan to cooperate?

I heard from Keqing that you are currently building a final machine for your Qunyu Pavilion. I have several new weapon designs here. I believe you will like them.

Ningguang was shocked when he heard Han Xiao say that he had several designs of new weapons in his hand, and quickly asked.

More powerful than the lucky star on your hand?

Naturally, my newly designed flying thunder cannon is not only cheap, but it is also equipped with my newly developed No. 41 explosive formula. The effect is expected to be twice that of the previous one.

How about it? This will not only help your Qunyu Pavilion, but also greatly improve the defense power of Liyue Port.

Thunder Cannon...

After listening to Han Xiao's introduction, Ningguang first murmured to himself, and then said to the communication device with a solemn expression:

Hanxiao, this thing must not be sold outside.

That's why I recommend it to you.

On the other end of the communication device, Han Xiao curled his lips. When it came to the safety, he was much clearer than Ningguang.

The Flying Thunder Cannon was a famous 'heartless cannon' in the previous life.

Not only is it cheap, but it is also quite powerful.

The reason why we chose to cooperate with Ningguang Tan was to add some defensive strength to Liyue Port.

As for selling to other countries?

Sorry, Han Xiao said that this thing was a controlled product as soon as it was born.

Anyway, the way Yan Fei looked at him in the past two days was not quite right, and she felt like she wanted to rush up to him at any time and shout, 'You are breaking the law, do you know?'

Okay, you make a price.

After listening to Han Xiao's brief introduction to the flying thunder cannon, Ningguang agreed simply after thinking briefly.

The funding for the new city will be increased by another 20%.

You have a good idea!

make a deal.

Facing Han Xiao's lion's big mouth, Ningguang said angrily at first, but still agreed to the condition.

She is indeed the top rich woman in Liyue.

For a moment, Han Xiao was also impressed by Ning Guang's 'mooqi', and almost had the idea that I didn't want to work hard.

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