Chapter 739: Diluc’s views on computers

So Hanxiao, can you give us a detailed introduction to the situation of having a desktop computer?

After complimenting Han Xiao a little, Kaiya asked with a serious face.

This was the main purpose of their coming to Guili City. After all, he had said before that he did not brag about it randomly, that is, the reputations of Han Xiao and Abedo were indeed very great in Liyue and Mondstadt.

Many of the things they invented have brought great convenience to the people of both countries.

Among them, electric vehicles and mobile phones naturally bring the greatest convenience.

Both improve travel efficiency and reduce transportation costs.

Another one is to realize remote calls anytime and anywhere.

Now Han Xiao and the others attach great importance to desktop computers, and judging from the information they received from Lisa, this thing may bring greater changes to the people of Liyue and Mondstadt than mobile phones and electric cars.

Sometimes too drastic changes are not necessarily a good thing, so Kaiya wanted to get accurate information from Han Xiao, one of the inventors of desktop computers.

I see.

After hearing Kaia's reason for coming to Guili City, Han Xiao nodded first, and then he turned his attention to Diluc.

Diluc, are you here for this reason too?

My purpose and that of the Knights are not the same.

Seeing that the topic shifted to himself, Diluc shook his head slightly to deny Han Xiao's speculation.

Rumors about desktop computers are widespread, but almost all of them do not deny that desktop computers can assist in office work.

The Chamber of Commerce of Chenxi Winery is relatively large in Mondstadt. Naturally, I would like to see the machines that increase work efficiency.

If possible, it would be best to see the real thing, right?

When Diluc said this, Han Xiao immediately understood the other party's plan and couldn't help but joke.


Facing Han Xiao's teasing, Diluc did not deny it, but simply said yes.

I already understand everything, that is, both of you actually want to see the real situation of desktop computers.

It would be great to see the real thing.

Kaia smiled and nodded. He was ordered to come here this time to see if the actual desktop computer was as Lisa guessed.

If so, they in Mondstadt can't afford to lag like a mobile phone this time.

No problem, please wait a moment.

Since both Diluc and Kaia wanted to see the true appearance of the desktop computer, Han Xiao happily agreed to their request.

He then called his secretary Xu Wan, and then left the office after giving a few instructions.

Not long after, several staff members brought a computer in from downstairs and installed it under the watchful eyes of Han Xiao and others.

Boy, this is the desktop computer you want to see.

After the staff left, Han Xiao stood up and led Diluc and Kaia to the desktop computer, introducing them to them with a smile on his face.

After hearing Han Xiao's introduction, Diluc and Kaia couldn't help but focus on the weird machine in front of them.

Compared with mobile phones, desktop computers seem to have a lot of accessories.

The most important ones are two rectangular objects. One is covered with a metal shell, and the other is inlaid with a transparent panel similar to glass.

The two are connected by a cable, which is also connected to a long key board engraved with text and a small thing with a roller that can be held by hand.

Is this a desktop computer? It seems to have a very complicated structure!

Carefully looking at the machine in front of him, which Han Xiao called a desktop computer, Kaiya rubbed his chin with one hand, and there was an inexplicable luster in his one eye without an eye patch.

As a member of the Alberich family, the regent of Camrea, even though he was abandoned by his biological father in Mondstadt when he was very young, he had heard some information about Camrea from the other party.

Among those ancient and even fragmented information, Kaia couldn't help but recall a casual complaint made by her biological father when he was conducting research.

[Damn, the amount of calculation is too huge, I wish I still had one... ]

Although Kaiya's memory was a little fuzzy because his childhood memories were so long ago, he felt that his biological, it should be said that Kanrea once had something similar to the desktop computer in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Kaiya recalled her biological father because of the desktop computer. After hearing the other party's sigh, Han Xiao reached out to press the start button and introduced the two of them:

It just looks complicated on the outside, but it's actually quite simple on the inside.

I'm afraid this kind of simplicity is simple for alchemists like you and Albedo. I don't think its structure is simple.

Hearing Han Xiao commenting on the desktop computer as a simple creation, and then looking at the screen that had already lit up, Diluc couldn't help but shake his head.

He had no idea how this thing worked, and only genius alchemists like Han Xiao and Abedo believed that the structure of a desktop computer was simple.

Would you like to try it out?

Han Xiao didn't care about Diluc's rebuttal. He just smiled and stepped aside, extending an invitation to the two of them.

Behind Han Xiao, the desktop computer on the desktop was emitting this faint light.


In the office, Diluc, Kaia and Han Xiao reappeared next to the sofa. The desktop computer behind them was still on, and the Whac-a-Mole game interface was still on the screen.

“How does it feel after actually experiencing it?”

Looking at Diluc and Kaia sitting back on the sofa, Han Xiao just asked them about their thoughts after using a desktop computer.

“Really extraordinary!”

Diluc glanced at Kaia first, and was the first to express his feelings after experiencing it.

Under Han Xiao's guidance, the two of them actually operated the functions of the desktop computer.

It has to be said that although it was his first time operating it so he was somewhat unskilled, the applications called software on the desktop computer gave Diluc a very deep impression.

An electronic library where you can browse books just by logging in, a player where you can play teaching videos, an office backend where you can write documents, etc.

This series of features made him understand that the rumors about desktop computers were not exaggerated, and could even be said to be underestimated.

After all, this thing is very helpful for office work and study.

Thinking of this, Diluc looked at Han Xiao without hesitation:

Do you have any plans to sell this now?

Uh... I'm afraid that's not possible for the time being.

Seeing that Diluc was interested in desktop computers, Han Xiao couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Before they could speak, he quickly explained the reason to them.

Chapter 740: Internet Cafe Completed

Currently, the desktop computer can only be called a semi-finished product, and there is still an important function that has not yet been tested. This is why Albedo and I did not include it in the sharing list with Mond.

Facing the confused Kaia and Diluc, Han Xiao directly explained the reason why they did not plan to sell desktop computers to the public for the time being.

Semi-finished product?

Are you sure that a desktop computer with so many functions is still a semi-finished product?

Kaiya seemed a little stunned after hearing Han Xiao's explanation.

Just now, he and Diluc tried to operate a desktop computer with their own hands, and they were amazed by many of its functions.

But even with such a versatile desktop computer, Han Xiao and Abedo still regarded it as a semi-finished product.

So how powerful is this thing after it's formed?

Before the most important function of a desktop computer has not been realized, no matter how many functions it has, it is still only a semi-finished product.

The most important feature?

Yes, the most important networking function has not been completed yet, and it cannot be called a complete desktop computer yet. Xumi's void system?

Hey, Diluc, have you ever used the void system?

Han Xiao was a little surprised because the first person to guess was Diluc instead of Kaia who was in the Knights.

I have traveled to various countries before, and Xumi has certainly been there too.

As if sensing that Han Xiao was a little surprised, Diluc thought for a moment and then explained.

Because his father's reputation was not treated fairly by the Knights, he chose to self-exile and left Mondstadt to wander among various countries.

It was during that time that Diluc went to Sumeru and briefly used the void system.

The networking function you mentioned is very similar to the void terminal.

Well, you can say that.

Han Xiao nodded without denying it, or he was too lazy to explain the specific difference between the two.

Now that you have experienced the use of the Void System, you should understand why today's desktop computers are called half-finished products by Abedo and I.

If compared with the void system, desktop computers can only be regarded as semi-finished products.

At this time, Diluc finally understood what Han Xiao and the others were thinking.

It's true... Desktop computers have quite a few features these days, and every one of them is useful.

But compared with the functions of the void system, desktop computers lack crucial networking functions.

It seems that you have no plans to sell desktop computers for the time being.

Thinking of this, Diluc felt a little regretful.

After the brief experience just now, he already knew that the current functions of desktop computers can actually be used to assist in office work.

It's a pity that Han Xiao and Abedo will not sell the semi-finished products in their eyes.

Once the networking capabilities are complete, we should be able to bring it to market.

This is good news, but how long do we have to wait?

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed to have his own plans for promoting desktop computers, Kaia immediately asked with interest.

Believe me, I won't keep you waiting for too long.

Thinking that Keqing had been leading the construction team to lay fiber optic lines throughout Liyue for half a month, Han Xiao estimated that it would be enough in another month.

A month?

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Diluc, who was deep in thought, vaguely realized that this was a good opportunity, so he asked directly:

If I contribute money and people, can Liyue lay the line to Chenxi Winery?

Of course there is no problem. Abedo can give you instructions on how to construct.

As for Diluc's desire to experience the functions of a desktop computer connected to the Internet at the same time as Liyue, Han Xiao readily agreed.

After all, the contract stipulates the sharing of technology between the two countries, and he will not hold the other party back in this regard.

And to be honest, except for Albedo, there are almost no people in Mondstadt who know this knowledge.

Even if Mondstadt wants to develop on its own, it will have to wait until Albedo returns to Mondstadt.

But here's the problem. In order to help Mondstadt, Albedo's working contract has increased from a few years ago to several decades now.

Over the past few decades, it has been difficult for Mondstadt to catch up with Liyue, which has been developing.

In this way, Diluc and Kaia left Guili City with half good and half bad news.

Han Xiao's life has returned to normal.


A few days later, when Han Xiao was still communicating with Su at home, Xingqiu called and informed him of the news.

After nearly a month of emergency construction, the previously vacant house in Kuixinglou Square has been renovated.

After receiving the news, Han Xiao hung up the contact with Su and opened the door directly to the main square of Guili City.

By the time he arrived at the square in front of Kuixing Tower, many residents had already gathered here to watch the excitement after receiving the news.

The door is open, should we go in and take a look?

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