Lisa, if I remember correctly, you said that the desktop computer made by Hanxiao and the others has the shadow of the Void System in it.

The Void System is also called by you to be a relic of the previous God of Grass, that is, a creation of the gods.

Han Xiao and the others are now powerful enough to imitate the gods' creations?

Although from the current point of view, the desktop computer can only be said to be a semi-finished product, Han Xiao and the others are able to create a product similar to the void system with the help of alchemy and mechanism. It is also a feat.

After silently comparing the desktop computer and the void system in her heart, Li Fang corrected Qin's statement.

The desktop computers that Han Xiao and the others are currently researching are not yet complete enough, and they cannot yet be praised as being comparable to the creations of the gods.

Maybe when Liyue lays down the network architecture, the performance of desktop computers may not be as bad as that of the Void system.

Even a semi-finished product is powerful enough, but why didn't Abedo send the news back this time?

Qin doesn't care that Lisa's desktop computer is a semi-finished product. She only knows that the void system is very powerful, so the desktop computer, which is called the opponent's semi-finished product, probably also has its own unique features.

That being the case, why didn't Albedo send the news back to Mondstadt?

It was obvious that the other party had never forgotten to share information with Mond.

It's probably because even Abedo himself didn't expect that a desktop computer could be developed in such a short period of time.

Lisa thought Qin's doubts were normal.

As a researcher, Abedo would definitely not take out half-finished things, as that would be too embarrassing.

At least it will take until the desktop computers are connected in series to form a network before the message can be sent back.

At the same time, she also understood why the other party had asked her to trade library knowledge before, probably just to enrich the storage capacity of the database behind the desktop computer.

Let's go get one and try it out.

Unlike Lisa, considering the excellent record of the products invented by Han Xiao and others, Qin still felt that it would be better to get one and come back to experience it for herself.

At first, we did not catch up with the simultaneous promotion of mobile phones, so Mondstadt is still laying lines throughout the territory.

If the desktop computer is really as powerful as Lisa commented, nothing can be missed this time.

Is that so? Let's go find Diluc. I think he may be ready to leave for Guili City now.

Senior Diluc, are you sure?

Qin, don't forget that the relationship between Diluc and Hanxiao is extraordinary. Chenxi Winery has the exclusive right to sell many things.

Okay, I'll ask Kaiya to go to Chenxi Winery.


Half a month passed quickly.

Residents of Guili City now have an extra after-dinner activity every day, which is to take a walk in the square at night to see how the construction team is progressing.

After half a month of waiting, their curiosity not only did not subside, but became more intense.

And during this half month, Han Xiao and Abedo were not idle either.

While the four people were optimizing various functions of the desktop computer, they were each writing new software that they were going to install on the computer.

For example, Angus has completed a set of back-end software for registration, timing and money deduction.

Fa Lushan took advantage of her expertise in text research and compiled a library classification method similar to the picture method in Han Xiao's previous life, and wrote it into a program to be installed in the electronic library.

Abedo even used his artistic talents to complete a series of software and hardware such as players, decoders, and image conversion devices.

As for Han Xiao, he only completed one search engine development project that looked simplest but was actually the most complex in the past half month.

To put it bluntly, today’s desktop computers have undergone earth-shaking changes from those half a month ago.

However, they were very happy developing the program, and the staff who received training in Kuixing Tower suffered.

Chapter 738: Typing Game Software

In fact, there were not many softwares that could run on the desktop computers originally built by Han Xiao and Abedo.

Chief among them are office automation systems and email applications like Gmail.

In addition, there are only some functions that come with the computer, such as creating new text documents.

As for games, Han Xiao did not add classic mini-programs such as Minesweeper and Hearts to her computer.

The only thing loaded was an ancient application used to teach typing, which was the game of whack-a-mole he played when he first came into contact with a computer as a child in his previous life.

It has to be said that in order to train the staff in Guilicheng to become familiar with the keyboard operation methods and typing speed as soon as possible, Han Xiao had to go through the memories of her previous life for a long time to find this almost forgotten game application.

Facts have proved that his efforts were not in vain.

Most of the staff who received training enjoyed this typing game.

Emmm, maybe this is also related to Han Xiao adding some small changes to the game of whack-a-mole.

In order to further stimulate the trained staff's interest in practicing typing, he did not increase the gameplay of whack-a-mole, but only added a small ranking function.

Although it is only a small change, Han Xiao knows very well how many people's mentality the ranking will stimulate.

And the fact was not beyond his expectation. A simple ranking made all the staff who received training go crazy and get involved.


One day, when Han Xiao was discussing the next software development plan with Abedo and others in the alchemy workshop, his secretary Xu Wan suddenly came to the door.

Lord Hanxiao!

Xu Wan, why are you here?

Stopping the argument with Abedo and others, Han Xiao looked at the secretary who hurriedly came to the workshop with some surprise.

Lord Hanxiao, there are two guests from Mondstadt looking for you.

Oh, who's here?

Mr. Diluc, the owner of Dawn Winery, and Mr. Kaia, the cavalry captain of the Knights.

It's actually them?

When Han Xiao learned that the visitors were Diluc and Kaia, before Han Xiao could speak, Albedo looked surprised.

It's very rare for these two to act together.


Abedo’s thoughts were also those of Han Xiao.

Due to Diluc's father's affairs, he and Kaia were in a state of 'parting ways'.

In the past, except for some important events, such as the previous snow mountain incident, they rarely acted together.

Han Xiao also didn't expect that the people coming to Guili City to look for him this time would be Diluc and Kaia, the sworn brothers.

What's the big deal when they come together?

Are you here for a desktop computer?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao stood up and said to Abe and the others:

I have to leave for a while and you can continue the discussion.


Abedo nodded. Although he was also quite curious about the reasons why Diluc and Kaia came to Guili City this time, there were still many things waiting to be dealt with.

If you have any questions, you can wait until Han Xiao comes back to ask.

In this way, Han Xiao quickly left the alchemy workshop with Xu Wan.


Kuixinglou Hanxiao's office.

Kaia and Diluc were sitting on opposite sofas.

Diluc, have you noticed that there is a weird machine in front of the staff in Kuixing Tower? Could that be our target this time?

Probably a desktop computer.

Upon hearing Kaia's question, Diluc crossed his arms on his chest and replied with a cold face, and then said unceremoniously:

What do you mean you have to come with me this time?

You can't blame me for this, I actually don't want to come either!

Facing Diluc's slightly indifferent questioning, Kaia immediately raised his hands with an innocent look on his face.

For a person who likes fishing, a business trip is probably a more troublesome official business than leading a team to patrol the wilderness of Mondstadt.

After all, he was even willing to order an extra glass of Afternoon Death in the angel's gift during this business trip.

It's a pity that Kaia couldn't refuse this task.

Who told this task to be ordered by Qin herself?

With the absence of Grand Commander Falga, Qin, the acting commander of Mondstadt, has the final say.

After receiving the mission, Kaia had no choice but to bite the bullet and find Diluc, who was about to leave for the city in person.

And pestered the other party to come to Guili City to find Han Xiao.


Hearing Kaia's explanation, Diluc couldn't help but snorted with a smile.

The Knights are not slow in their actions this time.

Dong dong dong——

Just when Kaia was about to respond to his adoptive brother, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look outside the door, as did Diluc beside him.

They all heard footsteps coming from the distant corridor.

The owner of this office is probably coming.

Kaia and Diluc silently stopped talking and waited quietly for the arrival of the master here.


The sound of footsteps came from far away, and as the door of the office was slowly pushed open, the figure of Han Xiao, the owner of the office, appeared in front of the two of them.

Looking at Diluc and Kaia standing up from the sofa, Han Xiao, who had just arrived at the office, said with a smile on her face:

Diluc and Mr. Kaia, we haven't seen each other for a long time since we said goodbye in the snowy mountains!

Long time no see, Han Xiao.

Hearing Han Xiao greet them, Diluc and Kaia also said hello to him.

After a few simple greetings, the three of them sat down on the sofa again.

I wonder if you two came to me this time to talk about something?

As soon as he sat down, Han Xiao was the first to speak up and bring up the business.

There is indeed something I need to discuss with you, Han Xiao.

Kaiya glanced at Diluc and found that the other person did not intend to speak first, so he took up the topic of Han Xiao.

Oh, what's going on?

Of course it's because of the desktop computer thing.

Oh, did the news spread so fast?

Hearing that Kaia and Diluc came here for the desktop computer, Han Xiao immediately raised his eyebrows, and his tone was a little more surprised.

Since the desktop computer is still a semi-finished product, Abedo and he both plan to wait for Keqing to complete the network laying, and then conduct network tests to confirm that everything is correct before sharing the results with Mond in accordance with the contract.

Unexpectedly, before the network was completed, Diluc and Kaia had already heard about it.

I can only say that Hanxiao, you and Albedo are now so famous in Mondstadt and Liyue that it is difficult not to know.

Seeing that Han Xiao was a little surprised, Kai Ya immediately smiled and gave him a hand.

Mr. Kaia, thank you very much.

Facing Kaiya's praise, Han Xiao waved her hands repeatedly to show humility.

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