It's better not to use it. I've heard people say that the new product is for learning knowledge and assisting with office work. I feel like we won't be able to use it at all!

Look at what you said, why can't we use it!

That's right, as the old saying goes, live and learn. There's no harm in learning more!

Soon, someone among the crowd crowded in the square to watch the excitement noticed Han Xiao coming towards the square, and then spread the word about it.

After a while, everyone's eyes were focused on their Tianshu star, and the crowd gradually became quiet.

Master Hanxiao, can you tell us what the new product is!

Suddenly, a shout broke the silence around him.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd seemed to be inspired, and questions came one after another.

Yes, Lord Hanxiao, tell us!

Facing the influx of inquiries, Han Xiao could only press down her hands to signal everyone to be quiet, while using her power to amplify her voice:

Everyone, please rest assured that after we confirm that it can be put into use, we will let everyone experience the functions of the new product as soon as possible.

After struggling through the crowd, Han Xiao finally walked into the newly renovated house.

Haha, are you scared by so many people?

Seeing Han Xiao come in, Xingqiu, who had been waiting in the store for a long time, immediately smiled and teased.

Huh...this is really surprising.

Faced with the teasing of her own child, Han Xiao also put on an unexpected expression.

Although many people told him that Liyue people paid high attention to new products, he never expected that just the completion of the store decoration would attract so many people to watch.

Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's check and accept it first to see if the talisman is what you want.

Xingqiu didn't say much on this matter, but quickly changed the topic to business.

Chapter 741: Open for business

After hearing Xingqiu's suggestion for acceptance, Han Xiao had time to take stock of the interior of the house.

The walls are painted white, and there is a warm yellow wooden floor under the feet.

On the ceiling, electrified incandescent lamps are hidden under translucent shades.

Redwood tables are placed side by side on both sides of the wall, and the tables are partitioned by templates into small spaces for single use only.

There are also accessories such as monitors, keyboards and mice.

Under the table is a metal case.

It can be said that the interior decoration of the room is somewhat different from Liyue's usual decoration style.

In the words of Han Xiao's previous life, the decoration of this room is a little bit of a combination of Chinese and Western styles, which looks a little strange.

And coupled with the rows of computers, he always felt like he had gone to some 'black Internet cafe'.

At most, the environment of this ‘black Internet cafe’ is better.

I plan to put a few more bookcases and sofas in the innermost space of the room so that guests can sit here and read when they are tired.

Seeing his little boy looking up and down at the decoration of each room, Xingqiu did not forget to tell Han Xiao about his next plan.

Obviously, the interior decoration of the room is designed to look like a combination of Chinese and Western styles, which is probably related to my childhood.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask:

Xingqiu, did you design the decoration style here?

I designed it. What do you think of my design?

...Why do you think of doing house decoration design?

Seeing Xingqiu's interested expression, Han Xiao did not answer, but decisively changed the subject.

Fortunately, there was no flaw on his face during this process, so Xingqiu did not realize the hidden meaning in his words, and told his thoughts directly to his child:

Recently I have seen a lot of paintings painted by Abedo during this period, and I feel very inspired. At the same time, I also have a lot of artistic inspiration in my mind.

It just so happens that you want to build an Internet cafe. I'm thinking that I will do the decoration design.

After just explaining his reasons for taking over the task of decorating and designing the 'Internet Cafe', Xingqiu seemed to have remembered something and quickly asked:

Is it true that the style I designed doesn't suit your taste?

Probably a little bit.

Han Xiao raised her hand and made a gesture with her fingertips towards the universe.

As a young master who was specially trained since childhood, Xingqiu has dabbled in music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

At first, Han Xiao thought that in terms of cultivating the four cultural qualities, she just lacked a little talent in books.

However, now this room is decorated for Xingqiu in a neither Chinese nor Western style. It is obvious that there is still something wrong with the aesthetics of the painting.

It doesn't look good?

It's just average!

Xingqiu's face suddenly fell when he realized that Han Xiao was not joking. He clearly had very high intentions when designing.

How come the perfect combination of ancient Liyue and modern Liyue doesn't look good when it comes to my own hair?

Do you want to dismantle and reinstall it?

That's not the case.

Although there is something wrong with the decoration, it is actually just a sense of fragmentation in the shape of the furniture. When the time comes, it will be better to change the shape and style.

And now the residents of Guili City know that the 'Internet Cafe' has been basically renovated and should be open for business in a few days.

Now if it is announced that the renovation will continue, there may be a small stir.

Okay, when do you plan to open for business?

Seeing that Han Xiao felt that the decoration problem would not prevent the 'Internet Cafe' from being officially put into use, Xingqiu asked about the other party's plans while secretly thinking that he would chat with Shaoyin and Abedo more to cultivate some aesthetic qualities.

If there's no problem, we'll open the business the day after tomorrow.

Not knowing that his words made Xingqiu doubt his aesthetics, Han Xiao lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then made a decision to open the business the day after tomorrow.


That night, residents of Guilicheng learned from the evening news broadcast that the 'Internet Cafe' would officially open the day after tomorrow.

Except for some people who have jobs and feel that their culture is poor, many people in Guili City who are quite interested in desktop computers have already made preparations to experience the 'Internet Cafe' on the opening day after hearing the news.

They also want to know whether desktop computers are as helpful for work and study as rumored.

Soon, the time came for the day when the ‘Internet Cafe’ opened for business.

A large number of people came to watch the excitement soon gathered in front of Kuixinglou Square.

Some clever vendors even brought mobile sales carts to the square to sell snacks, and the business was actually quite good.

It's ten o'clock in the morning.

As the door of the Internet cafe was slowly pushed open and a plaque was hung, this experience store built for Liyue residents was officially declared open for business.

With the experience of the previous sales of mobile phones, electric vehicles and other products, apart from the residents who were just watching the excitement, people who really wanted to experience it had walked out of the crowd and came to the makeshift information desk at the entrance of the store, and spontaneously started queuing up to register.

Only a hundred people will be entertained today?

When the queue reached the 101st place, the person in charge of registration made a few words of dissatisfaction appear on the faces of the residents who planned to experience the desktop computer.

It was not easy for him to get in line!

Sorry, because the store currently only has a hundred machines.

Then can I go in and have a look?

Of course you can, if someone leaves you can swipe your card at the front desk to board the machine.

After hearing the explanation from the person in charge of registration, this slightly unlucky resident finally chose to go in and take a look first.

Among the people queuing up behind him, some chose to come back another day, while others also chose to go in and take a look first.


Inside the internet cafe.

When residents of Danggui Licheng walk into the store, the first thing they see is a huge screen hanging from the ceiling.

At this time, a simple tutorial on how to operate a desktop computer is playing in a loop on the screen.

After watching the teaching, these people registered at the front desk and received their own small metal cards.

After a while, a curious Guilicheng resident sat in front of the desktop computers on the upper and lower floors of the Internet cafe.

Behind them there were also many people who chose to watch because they did not have machines.

Batch after batch.

Over time, most have experienced the rumored desktop computers.

At this time, Han Xiao and Xing Qiu were standing side by side on the rooftop balcony of Kuixing Tower, both looking at the endless crowd at the entrance of the Internet cafe.

Hanxiao, what do you think people will say about desktop computers?

I don't think it's too high.

Facing Xingqiu's inquiry, Han Xiao crossed her arms and replied in a faint tone.

Chapter 742: Desktop Computer with Low Rating


Hearing that Han Xiao was not optimistic about people's evaluation of desktop computers, Xingqiu's eyes were filled with astonishment and he asked in disbelief:

I remember that the desktop computer was the most important invention to you and Abedo. How could you not be optimistic about it?

The desktop computer is indeed the most important invention among the four of us, and it is also the highest technological product currently, but this does not conflict with the low evaluation.

Han Xiao sighed slightly as he looked at the first batch of Guili City residents who had experienced the functions of a desktop computer and walked out of the Internet cafe with confused expressions.

Of course he was very clear about the role of desktop computers for Liyue. He felt that it was a weapon that would allow Liyue to develop at a rapid pace again.

Just to prevent humans from relying on the Void System in Liyue, Han Xiao directly cut off most of the entertainment and game functions of the computer.

At present, the only thing left is the video playback function.

However, even if it is broadcast on film and television, there are no suitable videos now, only a series of teaching videos produced by him and Abedo.

Apart from this, the rest of the desktop computer is basically auxiliary tools and a large electronic library.

Want to get a high rating based on these dry functions?

Han Xiao had no hope for this.

It's not that bad...

After hearing his thoughts about having children, Xingqiu felt a little embarrassed and stretched out his hand to scratch his hair. After thinking for a long time, he stammered:

You see, the staff at Kuixing Tower and many heads of chambers of commerce take desktop computers very seriously.

That's a minority after all.

Han Xiao did not deny what Xingqiu said, but they only valued it because desktop computers could help them work and were useful props.

Now it is promoted to the public in Liyue. Both of them look at it from different perspectives, so how can their evaluations be the same.

Hearing this, Xingqiu couldn't help but fall into silence.

He knew that he was right to publish the novel.

Whether it is Kuixinglou or major chambers of commerce, they view desktop computers from the perspective of office tools, and they will naturally give extremely high evaluations.

But what about the people in Liyue who are coming into contact with computers for the first time?

Although they also vaguely know that desktop computers may be office props, they mostly look at it from the perspective of will this thing be useful to me after buying it?

However, does an ordinary family need to buy a desktop computer that can only be used for office work?

Obviously impossible.

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