This makes it really difficult for Liyue people who have never been exposed to the concept of telephones to master it in a short period of time, and it is understandable that the adaptation rate will be low.

Even in the previous life, there were some remote mountainous areas and some elderly people who didn't understand it, let alone the Liyue people who were still in ancient society.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao finally understood why Xingqiu had delayed the release of desktop computers.

Is co-authoring because they are afraid of iterating too fast and causing Liyue people to be unable to adapt quickly?

But Xingqiu... didn't you say that there are already heads of large chambers of commerce who value desktop computers very much?

What they value is the improvement in work efficiency brought by desktop computers, and they ignore the acceptance of the work at the grassroots level.

In response to Han Xiao's inquiry, Xingqiu rolled his eyes at him rather helplessly.

You must know that young people are the quickest to accept new things, but those who can climb to the middle level of major chambers of commerce have not worked for many years. It is unrealistic to ask them to change their work patterns in a short period of time.

The reason why the staff of Kuixing Building can adapt in such a short period of time is because Guili City was founded less than three years ago. Basically, most of the staff are young and belong to the category of young people, so they can naturally adapt quickly.

Even the people Ningguang sent to receive desktop computer training were newcomers, which proved that the other party had already thought of this and had begun to pave the way for changing the office model in the future.

This is the formal way of training.

Although the leaders of other chambers of commerce have good vision, they are still a little anxious and have not considered the actual situation.

According to your opinion, how long will the desktop computer be delayed before it is released?

After listening to Xingqiu's opinion, Han Xiao frowned and asked.

Don't tell me that it will take at least several years. This time is too long.

That's not the case.

Xingqiu waved his hands repeatedly to indicate that Han Xiao was not so extreme.

What I mean is that at least now the official level has popularized the use of desktop computers, and then slowly promoted it to the outside world.

Or you can think of a model that can be accepted by the people of Liyue in a short period of time.

Chapter 736 Electronic Reading Room and Multimedia Playback

Let the people of Liyue accept it in a short period of time and teach them subtly how to use desktop computers?

This requirement is not difficult to achieve.

After listening to Xingqiu's suggestion, Han Xiao quickly came up with the idea that there were many methods in his previous life to help him grow smaller.

For example, microcomputer courses are offered in schools.

After all, young students are the stage in a person’s life where they are most receptive to new things, so it is actually best to start popularizing them with them.

However, Han Xiao rejected it as soon as he thought of it.

Starting with children is indeed the best way to popularize it, but when he thought about the tragedy in his previous life that he paid money to build a computer room when he was in elementary school, but the computer room was not put into use until after he graduated from elementary school, he decided to give up this method.

emmm... It's definitely not the reason why Han Xiao hasn't enjoyed this treatment.

The real reason is that this kind of promotion method is too slow to take effect and can only be used as a long-term training method.

In addition to the slow-effective computer courses, there is another method that Han Xiao is very attracted to.

That is to open an Internet cafe.

Of course, Han Xiao doesn't plan to be in an Internet cafe that has a lot of games. Entertainment methods like games can be left for later.

The Internet cafe he thought of was actually more like a disguised combination of an electronic library and a multimedia classroom.

Internet cafe?

After hearing about the method that his family had come up with, Xingqiu asked with great interest:

Can you tell me more about it?


Seeing that Xingqiu wanted to know the specific situation of the 'Internet Cafe', Han Xiao nodded directly and then introduced his idea to him.

Xingqiu, you should know about Mondstadt's great library.

Of course, Mondstadt's great library is very famous throughout the entire continent of Teyvat.

That's good. The Internet cafe I want to build has such a function, but this library is a virtual one.

Han Xiao's idea is very simple. He now has the knowledge that Albedo recalled from the Mondstadt Library, and Fa Lushan also has part of the Sumeru knowledge.

If you add Liyue's knowledge and use it with a desktop computer, you can build a Liyue electronic library that is no less than the Mondstadt Library.

People in Liyue in Jieshi can search for e-books simply by sitting in front of a desktop computer and searching for the knowledge they want in the search bar.

This not only makes it easier for people to find books, but also keeps books containing knowledge relatively intact.

Kill two birds with one stone!

It's interesting, I'll write it down first.

As Han Xiao finished explaining the functions of the electronic library, Xingqiu took out a quill and paper from his God's Eye space without saying a word, and wrote down his suggestions for teaching children in detail.

The other party had acquired a lot of knowledge from Mondstadt and Xumi before, and he was preparing to build a library modeled after Mondstadt.

Now, Xingqiu thinks it is better to store these books safely and use a desktop computer as a tool for reading books.

As for the problem that the content of these books is too large, it is better to leave this matter to the family.

In the past few days, he had discovered that the storage on the desktop computer that Han Xiao left in Kuixing Tower contained many books that taught others how to handle government affairs.

The e-library I mentioned in my novel is really not just a random thought.

I have roughly understood the functions of the electronic library, but what about the functions of the multimedia classroom?

Confirming that the e-library seemed to be useful, Xingqiu quickly asked about the second function that his family had mentioned.

This is easy to understand. It's actually a theater-like model.

Guilicheng Grand Theater has been open to the public for some time, and in a short period of time it has become a very good place for entertainment among Liyue people.

Although the theater still mainly focuses on stage plays, a few films, such as the animated short film I once shot and the narrative film shot by Shaoyin, have been played in the theater.

It even received a lot of positive reviews.

So Han Xiao also plans to continue to add the function of video playback in the 'Internet cafe', and then find someone to record some teaching CDs and videos, so that he can have both life and entertainment.

Oh, this function is not bad!

When Han Xiao finished talking about the functions of the multimedia classroom, Xingqiu was very satisfied and took the quill pen to record this point.

After he finished writing, he carefully put the pen and paper into his God's Eye space, and then raised his head to look at his little boy:

The two functions you mentioned in the Internet cafe are very good. I think you can try them first.

So you agree with my suggestion?

Of course, it doesn't matter if you give it a try first. If the effect is good, then we can promote it vigorously.

Then it's settled.

Seeing that Xingqiu also agreed with his suggestion, Hanxiao immediately decided to adopt the Internet cafe model to promote desktop computers.

And when entertainment options become more abundant in the future, this ‘Internet cafe’ can be transformed into a real Internet cafe.


Xingqiu and Hanxiao are both the kind of people who don't procrastinate when it comes to handling business.

The day after the plan was finalized, Kuixinglou sent a construction team to surround an idle building near Guili City Square and begin renovations.

Such a lively construction project quickly attracted the attention of many Liyue residents.

Looking at the construction team in full swing, some residents could no longer restrain their curiosity and began to discuss privately with their familiar friends.

Do you think Master Hanxiao is going to start promoting the rumored new product again?

I think it's very possible!

I also agree. If you think about it, whether it was mobile phones, phonographs, electric cars or other products before, Master Hanxiao would first send the staff of Kuixing Tower to build the store before starting to sell them!

Doesn't that mean we will be able to experience new products soon!

Mentioning the new product developed by Hanxiao, many residents of Guilicheng had expressions of interest on their faces.

The series of products that their Tianshu star usually launches are well received, and this new product will not disappoint their expectations.

At the same time that the residents of Guili City were looking forward to it, the rumors that once only spread among the people in Guili City had spread to several other countries along with the merchants.

Among them, the first one to receive the news was naturally the Mondstadt area, which is closest to Liyue.

The Commander's Office of the Knights of the West Wind.

Desktop computers can help staff handle official business and get rid of the shackles of paper.

After reading the intelligence document handed over from Qin, Lisa's green pupils could not help but be surprised.

Han Xiao, Albedo, Fa Lushan and Angus, these four are really powerful!

Lisa, do you already understand the functions of a desktop computer?

Hearing Lisa's sudden sigh, Qin soon knew that her best friend had probably seen something!

Chapter 737 New Program Development

Yeah, I probably know what this so-called desktop computer is.

Hearing Qin's question, Lisa nodded slightly.

Although she has not seen the real thing yet, judging from the rumors, she has already made speculations.

This so-called desktop computer is very similar to Xumi's void system in terms of function, but judging from the existing rumors, it should still be a semi-finished product.

Void system...

After getting the reply from her best friend, Qin couldn't help but put her hand on her chin, her face full of contemplation.

I remember that it is a unique product of Xumi, right?

Yes, according to the information I found when I was in school in Xumi, the Void System should be a relic of the former Grass God, the Great Merciful Tree King.

Is that so-called void system very powerful, Lisa?

If you ask me to evaluate it, it is very practical.

Faced with Qin's inquiry, Lisa did not hesitate to tell her best friend about most of the functions of the void system.

For example, sending information over long distances at any time, large data storage databases, super powerful computing power, etc...

In her opinion, the function of the void system is not a question of whether it is strong or not, but a genuine product that is an era beyond the other six countries.

Xumi actually has such a powerful tool!

After listening to Lisa's explanation, Qin was immediately amazed by the powerful functions of the void system.

She had been busy dealing with various affairs in Mondstadt before, and she had only been acting leader for a short time, so she didn't know much about the situation in other countries.

Moreover, Lisa had been very secretive about her time studying abroad in Xumi, and Qin, who was aware of this, did not ask any more questions in this regard.

So today was the first time she fully understood the functions of the void system.

But soon, doubts appeared on Qin’s face again:

Wait a minute, since the function of the void system is so powerful, why did the latest information I received about Xumi show that the Little Lucky Grass King announced the closure of the void system and said that this thing is harmful to the human body?

Perhaps it is because the void system is too advanced that I chose to close it.

Lisa shrugged, her words a little more uncertain.

The information of the Void System has always been the most confidential of the Order, and basically only the six sages know it.

Even a genius like her didn't know about the void system when she was in Sumeru.

If Lisa had chosen to stay in the Order Academy, she would definitely be qualified to know the secrets hidden in the void system.

But now it seems that this secret has been revealed by Little Lucky Grass King.

Harmful to the human body, super computing power, Xumi people can't dream...

Haha, no wonder Little Lucky Grass King chose to actively shut down the void system.

Qin didn't know what Lisa was thinking at this time. She was more concerned about another point now.

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