It does need to continue to be purified!

Sensing that the silicon material was not pure enough, Han Xiao did not hesitate to take out the chemical reagents she had purchased from her friends in the modern world from her jade pendant.

Let me give it a try!

With that said, he took the silicon materials and chemical reagents to the hazardous materials laboratory nearby that had recently been separated by glass.


The light of power in Han Xiao's right hand flashed, and the originally massive silicon material instantly made a crunching sound as it was being crushed, and then turned into powder and fell into the tray on the experimental table.

Then he poured the silicon powder in the tray into the experimental box and sealed it, and then poured the chemical reagents in his hand into the flask beside it.

Gudong Gudong——

After Hanxiao added some reagents, the chemical reagents in the flask immediately began to react, and the liquid in the flask kept rolling and generating gaseous hydrogen chloride gas.

Under the watchful eyes of Abedo and others, he took out the connecting tube and introduced the gas into the sealed experimental box to start the chlorination reaction.

Soon, in the transparent experimental box, the original powdery silicon material changed and formed liquid silane.

It has to be said that in order to better learn alchemy, Han Xiao's mastery of chemical experiment techniques is already close to that of a student majoring in chemistry in his previous life.

As the liquid silane formed, Han Xiao connected another pipe to the experimental box, then opened the valve and flowed the silane into a new flask to start distillation. At the same time, he did not forget to add chemical reducing reagents.

Finally... after a series of tedious operations, he got a piece of silicon material in his hand that looked no different to the naked eye.

Albedo, would you like to see if this material can be used?


Reaching out to take the silicon material handed over by Han Xiao, Abedo used the analysis function of his glasses to carefully observe the material in his hand.

When he saw that the glasses analyzed that the purity of the silicon material in his hand was as high as 99.999%, he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction on his face.

Ninety-nine percent, pure enough!

Huh...that's good!

After receiving Albedo's affirmation, Han Xiao let out a long sigh of relief, and then he turned to look at Fa Lushan and Angus:

Senior Fa Lushan, Angus, let's help Albedo purify the silicon material!


no problem.

After hearing Han Xiao's request, Fa Lushan and Angus did not hesitate, took off their goggles, put on auxiliary glasses and walked to the experimental table.

The two of them worked together under Han Xiao's arrangement, and within a short time they had purified all the silicon materials that Abedo had fired before.

As for the final step of turning silicon material into silicon wafers, Han Xiao did not use the mechanical manufacturing method in his previous life.

Of course, he didn't have that option.

So Han Xiao used his power to combine with alchemy, and used a black technology method to cooperate with Abedo to make these silicon materials into single crystal silicon rods.

With the help of power, these single crystal silicon rods are cut and ground into the most important wafers for making chips, diodes and other components.


After helping Abedo get the most important purification step of the material, Han Xiao handed over all the follow-up work to him.

He himself took Fa Lushan and Angus back to the desktop computer to continue developing the office automation system.

As for Abedo himself, the other party has already begun to test whether the newly obtained silicon wafer material works in front of the experimental bench.

If it works, the cost of desktop computers is estimated to be reduced by at least 40%, or even more.

After all, the accessories in current desktop computers are all directly melted from expensive alchemical materials. If they can be replaced with silicon materials that can be purified using only quartz sand, the cost will naturally be greatly reduced.

Time passes slowly.

The three people on Han Xiao's side continue to develop the office automation system, while Abedo on the experimental bench is working on the research and development of silicon materials.

The sky outside the window gradually reflected the red light of the sunset.

It's getting late, let's get here first today.

Turning his head to look at the sunset reflected in the workshop through the window glass, Han Xiao stopped typing on the keyboard, raised his hands and stretched, and said to Fa Lushan and Angus.

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Fa Lushan and Angus looked out the window and realized that it was indeed very late outside. Then they stopped what they were doing with some reluctance.

There is only the last bit of work left, how about we work overtime at night?

Fa Lushan said with some pity.

After a whole day of writing, the remaining modules of the entire office automation system are basically completed, and the rest is the final stage such as packaging.

There's no need to be in such a hurry.

Upon hearing Fa Lushan's suggestion, Han Xiao immediately raised her eyebrows and looked at the other party in surprise.

Good guy, he really didn't expect that there are people who like to work overtime.

Even if you finish it today, you still have to test it tomorrow, so just leave it until the end tomorrow.

Chapter 731 Han Xiao: As long as the program can run

The next day, when Han Xiao got up, washed and ate, he walked to the alchemy workshop with his hands behind his back.

Fa Lushan and Angus had already been sitting in front of the desktop computer, typing on the keyboard.

Seeing Han Xiao's arrival, Angus said directly:

Fa Lushan and I have finished writing the last bit of code, and we're just waiting for you to package the program.


Knowing that Fa Lushan and Angus had finished the matter early in the morning, Han Xiao couldn't help but curl his lips. Why didn't he realize that these two people had the potential to work as 996 workers before?

Okay, let me check.

Now that Angus and the others had finished the software program, he didn't refuse and sat directly in front of a computer to copy the written program and start packaging it.

After the packaging was completed, Han Xiao started testing and checking for bugs.'s not that he doesn't believe in the skills of Fa Lushan and Angus.

Mainly because of the program, there is too much uncertainty.

Even senior bald guys sometimes make bugs, not to mention Falushan and Angus, whose skills have not yet reached their peak.

Fa Lushan and the other two people on the side saw this and came over one after another, watching Han Xiao's operation with nervous faces.

The reason why I feel nervous is actually very simple.

The main ones who wrote the operating system at the beginning were Abedo and Han Xiao, and they were at best a scratch.

So if you really think about it, this office automation system is the first software that they have truly participated in core development.

Now Han Xiao is testing the first software they developed, so it would be strange not to be nervous.

Double-click the program icon, enter the administrator account and password, and log in to the backend interface.

Soon, a decent OA backstage appeared in front of Han Xiao.

Instant messaging function, data charts, emails, document management, to-do tasks, personnel management, etc.

It can be said that all the functions that he can think of that are beneficial to the office have been added to the office automation system.

Looking at the large list of function buttons in the program, Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch her lips.

I didn’t notice it during development, but it turned out that he added so many functions to the program!

Phew...let's start the test.

After taking a deep breath, Han Xiao summoned up her energy and sent a request to Fa Lushan and the two for a collaborative test.

There are a lot of functions, so he probably wouldn’t have to test it for several days by himself.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's request for joint testing, Fa Lushan and Angus accepted it without hesitation, then quickly assigned work and started functional testing.

And this test is a full day.

It wasn't until the sun set that Han Xiao and the other three completed the test of the last function.

It's done!

Seeing the reminder that all functions were operating normally, Han Xiao slumped in the chair and didn't want to move at all.

Although the office automation system he designed has many functions, it really doesn't take a whole day to test.

The real reason is that there are too many bugs. I basically spent the whole day fixing bugs, and the total detection time was not even two hours.

“I didn’t expect there to be so many bugs!”

Seeing Han Xiao with a fishy look on her face, Fa Lushan looked a little ashamed, and so did Angus beside her.

They didn't expect that even though they were very serious about writing every functional code, so many bugs still appeared.

You are only thinking about the function of a single unit, without considering the overall operation of the program.

Regarding the mistakes made by Fa Lushan and Angus, Han Xiao felt that it was normal.

When they first wrote the operating system, the two of them were tool workers at the low-level, and the main core parts were designed by him and Abedo.

Therefore, it is not a big deal that logical errors may occur between two people forgetting functions. They can be corrected by practicing more in the future.

And even Han Xiao couldn't guarantee whether there were any bugs in the office automation system he inspected.

But even if he did, he wouldn't bother to take care of it and would fix it later if there was a problem.

In the programming world, Han Xiao believes in one sentence very much.

Don't worry about how your program works. As long as it lights up, don't touch it, otherwise something will go wrong.

Tomorrow, Senior Fa Lushan, please hand over the program to Xing Qiu.



After returning home with a slightly tired expression, Han Xiao immediately fell on the sofa and lay down next to Ge You.

Although I have been a little tired these two days, fortunately, I have solved one more thing, and then I am waiting for the feedback from the staff of Kuixing Building after using the office automation system.

Ningguang has also selected a group of new people from the General Affairs Department and sent them to Guili City for training.

I believe it won’t be long before Guilicheng may be able to achieve a paper-less office.

Now the R\u0026D team of Alchemy Workshop has only one task left for the time being, which is to find ways to reduce the manufacturing cost of desktop computers.

However, Abedo did not show up today. It is estimated that the issue of silicon wafers has not been thoroughly studied.

Since there was no definite news about the situation of silicon wafers, Han Xiao put it aside for the time being and opened the chat group to relax and see what the fellow group members were doing.

Soon, he saw that the group was conducting a 'background check' that every new member would face after joining the group.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Luo Xiao, last time you said that the appearance of the chat group helped you cut off the chain of fate?

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: Well, I guess I'm lucky. Originally, in my world, as long as I knew the devil, I would be bound by the shackles of fate even tighter, making it extremely difficult to break through.

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: To be honest, I was ready to give up completely after I knew I couldn't break through the demon. I didn't expect that the chat group, a product from outside the world, directly helped me.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Does that mean you can improve without limit now?

[Fallen Knight·Han Xiao]: That's right. Anyway, my magic power increased rapidly after I learned the Flower of Heart from Xi Xiao. It's because of the sudden increase in strength that I can only hide in the mountains and dare not move, otherwise it will cause the ground to collapse. .”

[jojo·Hanxiao]: The sudden increase in physical fitness has led to a decrease in control. You can adjust quickly.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: What are you going to do next, or do you have any ideas about getting involved in the plot?

[Fallen Knight·Han Xiao]: If I just broke through the demon, I would be a little interested. Now...forget it, after I control my body, I will probably be able to fight with me. What's the plot? Pull it down!

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Inflate, boy, you are inflated!

[World of Warcraft·Han Xiao]: If a demon can grow as long as he works hard, then with Biyi's talent in swordsmanship, Luo Xiao, you might have a long-term training opponent in the future!

Chapter 732: Silicon components completed

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: Bi he the strongest swordsman in the world? If so, that would be great.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Tsk, tsk, it's great to have a long-term sparring partner!

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