[Secret·Hanxiao]: I may know what abilities Yuanxiao has gained.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao's ability sounds very similar to that of the demigod record officer on the apprentice path.

[One Piece: Han Xiao]: Wait a minute, are you saying that the abilities obtained by Yuan Xiao are similar to the Traveler's Notebook in Xianyu's hand?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Looking at the description, it looks very similar, but I don't know whether it is the specific one.

A demigod record officer on the apprenticeship path?

Han Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and she felt that Wei Xiao's speculation made sense.

Thinking of this, he directly activated his power.

Soon, a book with a cover engraved with complex patterns appeared in his hands.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: We'll know if it's true or not. Let's try it. One of you can start a live broadcast to show me a special ability.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Let me do it. There are many types of magic here. You can try it and see if you can record it.

After confirming the candidate, Mo Xiao quickly started the live broadcast in the group.

As Han Xiao got ready, the other party began to use various magics continuously.

Ice, fire and arcane.

A series of magic with gorgeous special effects flew in Mo Xiao's hands, causing everyone in the live broadcast room to marvel that he was indeed a foot man.

The effect of this spell turret is thrilling to watch!

However, Han Xiao was not among those who sighed.

After Mo Xiao started to cast magic, he immediately activated the ability he had just obtained.

Under Han Xiao's order, the books in his hand suddenly started to flip quickly, and then more magnificent pictures appeared on the originally blank paper.

The content on the picture is exactly the spell that Mo Xiao just cast.

[Original God Han Xiao]: It's confirmed, just as Wei Xiao guessed, all the spells that Mo Xiao cast were recorded by me, and what was consumed was my power.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: This ability is very practical!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I'm a little envious, this is a high-level traveler's notebook!

[jojo·Hanxiao]: It seems that Yuanxiao's ability should also be a record of the conceptual system. What is its upper limit?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: All abilities under my personality can be recorded, but those that are the same or beyond cannot be recorded.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Qiudou Sack, I remember that your position of power in Yuanxiao seems to be in the same class as Shuhai?

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Hiss... So Yuan Xiao, you can actually record the abilities of everyone in Teyvat Continent now.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I took a look and found that each ability can only be used once a day.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: That's pretty strong, okay!

It's really strong!

Seeing that everyone in the group was very optimistic about his abilities, Han Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Because he thinks so too.

His power is at the same level as Shuhai in terms of position, which means that the abilities of other people in Teyvat Continent, including the abilities of the demon god, can be recorded.

Chapter 729: Albedo’s Electric Arc Furnace

Han Xiao, who unexpectedly gained an ability bonus, was in a happy mood for the next few days.


Think about it, after all, anyone who has used a world's power system for nothing and gained considerable abilities will not be happy.

Anyway, Han Xiao felt that she had made a lot of money.

Although he had used puppet technology to accomplish his feat of reacting to elements a long time ago, he had borrowed foreign objects.

Now, with the skill of [Embodiment], which can record the abilities under one's own personality, Han Xiao can really react to elements by herself.

After these few days of experiments, Hanxiao's Heart Flower's recently transformed [Representation] has recorded Xingqiu and Xiangling's elemental combat skills and elemental bursts.

If it weren't for the fact that this kind of thing was too shocking to talk about, he would have had no choice but to go to a facilitator he trusted to do the experiment. It is estimated that the abilities of Fa Lushan and Abedo would not be able to escape and be recorded.

And even Xingqiu and Xiangling, who had played with him since childhood, had shocked expressions on their faces when Han Xiao informed them of his abilities.

He never thought that Jixiao's one random move would bring so many benefits.

Even though the ability to [manifest] did not bring about qualitative changes to his Heart Flower, it greatly improved his ability to deal with enemies.

Thinking of Xiao Xiao, who used to be the villain in the group, Han Xiao couldn't help but lament Ou Huang's good luck in her heart.


One day, the weather was fine.

On a sunny morning as usual, Hanxiao got up from bed early. After washing up and having breakfast, he set out from home and walked towards the alchemy workshop.

Since the last time she decided to develop an office automation system with Fa Lushan and the others, Han Xiao has only been writing the software framework with Angus and Fa Lushan in the past two days in addition to experimenting with new abilities.

Fortunately, several people have experienced the work of writing operating systems. In addition, several people are also very talented, and they absorb knowledge quickly.

So after their struggle these days, the office automation system that was still unformed on the design drawings has begun to take shape.

I believe it won’t be long before office automation system software can be installed on the latest batch of desktop computers produced.

With the vision of paperless office in Guilicheng in the future, Han Xiao walked to the alchemy workshop.

As soon as he entered the workshop, he saw Fa Lushan and Angus sitting in front of two computers, typing on the keyboard.

Looks very experienced!

Hey, are you two so diligent so early in the morning?

Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw Fa Lushan and the two of them getting into work early in the morning.

Hanxiao, you're here, hurry up and get on the computer, the software is just a little bit away!

Hearing Han Xiao's teasing words, Fa Lushan stopped typing on the keyboard, turned around and urged the other party to help quickly.

After the code for several small functions has been written, they can put the office automation system into testing.

You guys are busy first, I'm going to check on the situation at Abedo's side.

Han Xiao, who didn't want to get into work immediately, immediately laughed at Fa Lushan's urging, and then walked quickly to the experimental area in the workshop.

At this time, Abedo was squatting next to an experimental bench, and in front of him was a machine that looked like a boiler.

Hey, what did you do, Abedo?

Seeing Abedo squatting in front of the 'boiler' and writing something down on the writing board, Han Xiao couldn't help but asked curiously.

Didn't you tell me to try using quartz sand as a material before? I am making a machine for melting quartz sand.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo replied to him without raising his head, and then continued to record the dimensional data of various parts on the writing board with a pen.

Hey guys, have you started to get started?

Knowing that Abedo was researching a boiler for melting quartz sand, Han Xiao walked to him and squatted down. He kept looking at the 'boiler' in front of him and continued to ask:

So this is the prop you researched?

Well, electric arc furnace, a machine specially used to smelt ore and metal at high temperatures.

Abedo hummed slightly, but the pen in his hand still did not stop.

Among the books Han Xiao brought, electricity was the most foreign knowledge he had learned for the longest time.

So when he heard the other party's suggestion to use quartz sand as a material, he thought of using the high temperature generated by the electrode arc as a prop for smelting ore.

So Abedo took a fancy to the electric arc furnace introduced in the book, a smelting tool with an arc zone temperature above 3000°C.

After all, the melting point of quartz sand is less than two thousand degrees. The electric arc furnace is not only completely sufficient in terms of temperature, but also can effectively remove impurities in the ore.

Ideal for melting high purity materials.


Knowing that the 'boiler' in front of her was an electric arc furnace that Abedo had tinkered with by reading a book, Han Xiao could say nothing but admiration.

He could only lament that a genius is so unreasonable and could reproduce it with just a few sentences of summary in the book.

Don't rush to praise me yet, I haven't tried it yet.

Hearing Han Xiao's praise for him, Abedo used alchemy to create the parts according to the drawing data on the writing board and replied casually.

This thing hasn't passed actual testing yet, so it's too early to praise it now.

While talking, Abedo also installed the newly made parts into the 'boiler' bit by bit.

After installing the last part, he dusted off his hands and stared at the fully formed boiler in front of him with great satisfaction.

It's time to test!

No problem, let's get started!

Seeing that Abedo planned to start the experiment immediately, Han Xiao was not hesitant and immediately walked into the material storage nearby and brought out a bag of quartz sand.

Let me warm up first.

Han Xiao proposed the quartz sand needed for the experiment, and Albedo did not delay and directly connected the 'boiler' to the high-power power supply.

Then he pressed the switch button on the 'boiler'.


The next moment, a dazzling light flashed inside the 'boiler'.

Fortunately, both Han Xiao and Abedo were prepared, and they both put on goggles in unison.

At the same time, the dazzling bright light and the rising room temperature also made Angus and Fa Lushan stop typing on the keyboard.

The two of them followed Han Xiao and Abedo's actions and took out the goggles from the Eye of God and put them on, then left the desktop computer and came to the experimental area.

They also plan to see if the 'electric arc furnace' that Abedo has just developed can smelt ore.


After waiting for about a while, feeling that the temperature in the entire alchemy workshop was already a bit roasting, Abedo immediately called Han Xiao.


Hearing Albedo's voice, Han Xiao raised the bag containing quartz sand in his hand and poured all the ore into the 'boiler'.

Chapter 730: Purification of Silicon Materials

Under the powerful high temperature of the electrode arc, the quartz sand poured in by Han Xiao melted almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and formed a pool of viscous liquid.

Immediately afterwards, these liquids moved forward according to the channels designed by Albedo inside the 'boiler', leaving behind countless impurities of different sizes along the way.

Under the witness of everyone in the workshop, the liquid with impurities removed flows out from the designed outlet of the 'boiler' and slowly cools, eventually forming pieces of gray crystals.


Abedo didn't care that these materials had just come out of the 'boiler'. He directly put on heat-insulating gloves and held the crystals in his hands to observe carefully.

How about, what are the properties of these materials?

Seeing Abedo smelting the first batch of silicon material through the electric arc furnace, Han Xiao asked curiously.

He wanted to know if the material used to make chips in his previous life could also be used in Teyvat.

It feels a little worse.

After checking the silicon material in his hand in detail, Albedo put on his computer glasses and frowned slightly.

Although the electric arc furnace used high temperature to smelt the quartz sand into the silicon material in his hand, after inspection, it was found that there were still some tiny impurities inside the silicon material that had not been removed.

Oh, let me see!

Hearing what Abedo said, Han Xiao quickly put on computer glasses, then reached out to take the silicon material from the other person's hand and inspected it carefully.

At this glance, I found that Abedo was right. There are indeed some subtle impurities inside the silicon material. If it were not for the analysis function provided by the glasses, it would be difficult to detect it with the naked eye.

Now the purity of these materials has reached about 98%, which can be regarded as metallurgical grade silicon materials.

If you want to use silicon to make components such as chips, diodes, thyristors, etc., you still need to continue to purify it to 99.99% of the electronic grade.

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