Recalling the setting of the world of fallen knights, Han Xiao couldn't help but click her tongue.

With Majin's high growth potential and the world's strongest winger Edwys, who has super swordsmanship talent, he is a good sparring partner.

He envied Luo Xiao for being able to find an opponent to compete with him at any time.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao, I remember there are quite a few Demon Gods of Teyvat, and there are laws of heaven above. Logically speaking, you should have no shortage of opponents. Why are you so envious of Luoxiao's fortune?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Would you believe me if I said that I haven't had a few fights since I gained power?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Ah, there is such a good thing!

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Honestly, before I went to the northwest, I almost vomited from fighting. Yuanxiao, how many times have you never moved your hands?

[One Piece: Han Xiao]: It's normal. I haven't fought a few times. Although I did use force during training in the new military camp, I didn't use force after entering the scientific army. I think Han Xiao should be in the same situation as me. Roughly the same.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Hai Xiao guessed right.

Seeing that Hai Xiao had deduced his general situation through his own experiences, Han Xiao did not hide anything and quickly explained to everyone his situation over the years.

Before meeting the chat group at the beginning, Han Xiao was just an ordinary person without the eyes of God, so for the sake of his own life, he rarely left Liyue Port in the past.

Until the arrival of the chat group gave him the opportunity to step onto the big stage in Teyvat.

It's a pity that due to Xi Xiao's arrival, Han Xiao jumped directly to the first echelon and lost the fun of fighting.

After all, at that time, even Dadalia, who had both the Eye of God and the Evil Eye, was beaten like a child by him.

The only ones who can truly be Han Xiao's opponents are demon gods such as Zhongli and Lei Qianqian.

The problem is, don't worry about whether a fight can start or not. Even if it does, a battle at the level of a demon will bring devastating blows to the surroundings.

Therefore, he has never used his full strength since he became a demon god.

Luo Xiao is different. In the world of Luo Xiao Knight, there are demons who can become stronger as long as they work hard after breaking away from the shackles of fate. There is also a world where swordsmanship reaches a certain level and is the strongest.

The remaining demons also have their own methods.

It can be said that Luo Xiao will not lack opponents at all in the future.

This makes Han Xiao, who has never used her full strength, not be envious.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: It can only be said that although the Teyvat continent is turbulent privately, it is still quite stable on the surface.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I understand, Yuanxiao, Haixiao, and Aoxiao, those of you who are engaged in scientific research rarely have the opportunity to take action, unlike us who live in dire straits, and the use of force has become the norm.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Wait a minute, even though I'm from the Blue tribe, I've still experienced many battles. Don't forget that monsters like me gather together.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I am the same as Yuan Xiao and the others. After all, the mainstream of my world is playing cards instead of beating people.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: So it's a good thing to be able to find a sparring partner. I can't fight with someone who can be my opponent.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, Luo Xiao, are you really not going to find an academy to go to school?

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: Well, because I learned the news about the devil in advance, I couldn't break free from the shackles of fate. I was prepared to be completely ruined before, and it would be the same if I couldn't go to school.

[Failed Knight Han Xiao]: It's even more unnecessary now. I've already planned to learn Chinese martial arts from Ye Xiao, and then master Hai Xiao's six moves. Going to school feels like a waste of time.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: I think what Guixiao means is that the academy should have the qualifications to participate in the swordsman competition. Just like the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival in the original book, you can encounter many swordsmen with strange abilities. knowledge.

[Failed Knight·Han Xiao]: Hey, as long as I find Bizhu, it will be fine. There are many people who come to challenge Bizhu every year. I will not be short of opponents then.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Good guy, you are planning to borrow Biyi to help you fish!

Understanding Luo Xiao's thoughts, other people in the group quickly turned the topic to how to find Bizhi as soon as possible.

Seeing this, Han Xiao briefly chatted for a few words before choosing to dive.

If he continued to chat, he was afraid that he would become even more envious of people like Luo Xiao and others who could find opponents.


In the next few days, Han Xiao still lived a three-point life at home, Kuixing Tower and the alchemy workshop.

Since the office automation system has been completed, he, Fa Lushan and Angus will take turns going to Kuixing Building every day to train the staff on how to operate desktop computers.

These people learned quickly and mastered the basic operating techniques in a few days, except that their typing speed was a bit slow.

Faced with this problem, even Han Xiao couldn't solve it.

After all, typing requires practice to make perfect, and there really are no special skills other than practice.

On this day, when Han Xiao and the others were preparing to send someone to Kuixing Tower to teach the staff about desktop computers as usual, Albedo, who had disappeared for several days, finally appeared in the alchemy workshop.

At the same time, he also held some boxy silicon creations in his hands.

Hanxiao, luckily you have lived up to your fate!

As soon as he saw Han Xiao, Abedo raised the creation in his hand with a bright light in his eyes.

Have you finished the silicon components?


Tell me how you did it!

Han Xiao couldn't help but feel surprised when she suddenly learned that Abedo had made silicon components.

The other party has been in retreat these days, so he didn't bother him.

Originally, Han Xiao thought that it might take a while for Abedo to master the silicon material. After all, even in his previous life, this technology took a long time to mature.

Unexpectedly, Abedo completed the final product in just a few days.

It's obvious that Teyvat can handle this without the high-precision machines from his previous life. It's worthy of Dorabe!

Hearing Han Xiao's questioning, Abedo's lips slightly raised, and then he elaborated on his research ideas to the people present.

Since the book given by Han Xiao contained an ominous description of the method of making chips, with only one rough step, Abedo has been trying to find clues to it these days.

Originally, no matter how he experimented, he could not build a machine that could make silicon materials.

It wasn't until inspiration struck one day that Abedo found a solution.

Chapter 733 Han Xiao: I’m not interested in Maura

Since Han Xiao used silicon wafers made by power-assisted alchemy, although the method was very effective, Albedo was not satisfied.

Because the production of all materials requires Han Xiao's manual operation, it is impossible to achieve mass production.

So in the past few days, Abedo has been thinking about how to use machines to replace the other party's unique production techniques.

However, the production of these machines was relatively high-end knowledge even in Han Xiao's previous life, and was not recorded in ordinary books.

Without a reference, even the genius Abedo was at a loss for what to do.

Fortunately, when Han Xiao used power to make silicon wafers and other components, he also watched the whole process, so he understood the general process.

Therefore, Abedo took the data he recorded and went straight to Mingyun Town to find Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, and with his help, he built a machine that could make silicon wafers.

As for the most difficult task of making chips, he and Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng tried many times but couldn't get it right.

In the end, the two agreed that Teyvat's current industrial base could not complete a high-precision machine like a photolithography machine.

In desperation, Abedo could only return to his old profession and try to use alchemy to replace photolithography machines to etch integrated circuits on silicon wafers.

Speaking of which, the principle of a photolithography machine is not difficult to understand.

It is nothing more than imprinting fine patterns on silicon wafers through light exposure, which is very similar to photo printing technology.

It's just that Teyvat's industry is not yet up to that level of high precision.

Confirming that the machine could not be made, Albedo could only focus on the alchemy he was most familiar with and found inspiration.

He cultivated a group of tiny corrosive creatures that are almost invisible to the naked eye through the alchemy of creation and the biotechnology of another world.

Abedo then placed the microorganisms on a silicon chip and mounted it on a specially built rotating machine linked to a desktop computer.

Through program control, the machine continuously rotates the silicon wafer according to the instructions, and the microorganisms corrode the silicon wafer all the way, and finally get the etching pattern he wanted.

Awesome, Abedo!

After hearing Abedo's experiences these days, Han Xiao couldn't help but give him a thumbs up, and couldn't help but praise him.

He had already been mentally prepared for the fact that he would not be able to build a lithography machine, but he really didn't expect that Abedo's new approach was really unexpected.

Etching, this was an industrial technology in the field of chemical photosensitivity in its previous life.

Unexpectedly, in Abedo's hands, etching would become biotechnology.

It seems that after absorbing the knowledge of biology from another world, Albedo's alchemy of creation has also made a huge leap.

After praising Albedo, Han Xiao quickly asked:

How effective is the chip produced? Can it replace the components on desktop computers?

I tried it and it's totally fine.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo nodded in affirmation.

After creating the first processor chip, he embedded it into a desktop computer to conduct replacement experiments.

Experiments have proven that silicon chips with etched integrated circuits can completely replace chips made of alchemical materials.

What about the cost? How much can the cost be reduced?

After learning that Abedo could rub silicon components such as CPUs by hand, Han Xiao did not forget to ask about the production cost of the other party's components.

After all, the reason why he asked Abedo to make silicon components was to reduce the manufacturing cost of desktop computers.

According to my calculations, if all the places in the desktop computer that can use silicon components are replaced, the cost can be saved by about 64% to 70%.

It's much higher than the estimated 50 percent.

A cost reduction of nearly 70%!

Hearing this, Han Xiao's face immediately blossomed with joy.

This is really good news, so that the cost price of a computer can be reduced from the original 600,000 moles to less than 200,000 molas.

Profits doubled instantly!

Knowing that Abedo had successfully reduced the cost of a desktop computer by more than half, Han Xiao was not the only one who was happy. Fa Lushan and Angus were also excited.

So our research funds can be increased a lot?

Well, excluding the cost and subsequent labor expenses and taxes, each unit is estimated to have a net profit of 20,000 to 300,000 molas.

Hearing Fa Lushan's questioning, Han Xiao estimated the profit in his mind, and then gave a value that excited everyone present.

With a net profit of 200,000 molars per unit, Ningguang and Keqing ordered two hundred units from the start.

In other words, they have obtained research funding of nearly 40 million molas.

Not to mention that this is a long-term project income, and it will be a matter of time before it is measured in billions.

Forty million molas!

Fa Lushan, who was hit by such a dizzying number, quickly covered her forehead with her hands, her eyes were blurred, and she couldn't help mumbling to herself.

This is the first time I have such a large amount of research funds at my disposal...

Not as many as forty million molas.

Hearing Fa Lushan's murmur, Angus on the side retorted calmly.

I think the 40 million will be deducted from the salary you paid us, Han Xiao, right?

Yes, after all, you are all invited by me personally. The expenses must be paid by me and not by the official government of Guilicheng.

Han Xiao nodded. Although from a certain perspective, Guili City actually belonged to him, for the healthy development of the city, he had completed the decoupling of public and private matters a long time ago.

Now the official assets of Guilicheng are used for city construction and paying the wages of Kuixing Building staff, etc.

As for the money Han Xiao earned, even though most of it was invested in the construction of Guili City, it still belonged to him in name.

Therefore, all members of the Alchemy Workshop's R\u0026D team are actually paid with Han Xiao's own money. are quite generous.

Angus couldn't help but click his tongue when he learned that Han Xiao invested most of the money he earned into the construction of Guili City.

It has been some time since he came to Guili City.

During this period of time, Angus knew that Han Xiao was already known as a big businessman, and the assets he held were no less than those of other large chambers of commerce that had been operating for many years.

Unexpectedly, the other party would choose to invest most of its assets into the government for construction.

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