Abedo did not say what the specific situation was, but it seemed that Keli was detained for seven days at a time this time.

In this regard, Han Xiao could only clasp her hands and pray for Keli.

Hope everyone is okay.

When Abedo came back, he took the research plan Han Xiao gave him and rushed into the workshop.

the other side.

The construction of the new city is still proceeding in an orderly manner every day, and the basic urban outline has already taken shape.

Have you heard about it? It seems that Mr. Hanxiao is going to hold some kind of party?

I've known this news for a long time. I have a relative who is the secretary of the General Affairs Department. I heard that Master Keqing is leading people to build a venue.

And Lord Hanxiao seems to have even invited Mr. Yun.

Yes, I saw that Mr. Yun seemed to be holding a bunch of information and discussing something with the guest at the Hall of Rebirth. Maybe it was a new play.

That's great. I like listening to Mr. Yun's plays the most!

The news that Hanxiao was going to hold a gala had spread among the workers. In addition, they often saw Yun Jin, Keqing and others busy, which made them sure that the news was true.

Hanxiao, have you determined the specific time of the party?

In the office, Keqing picked up the water glass and drank a few sips. After her throat felt less dry, she asked.

Okay, it will be in three days.

I have prepared the venue, but are you sure about it? Don't screw it up.

Ke Qing was still a little uneasy when she heard Han Xiao say that the party would be held in three days.

After all, the current population of the new city is over one million.

The scene of so many people gathering together is not a small one. If it is not handled properly, the whole party will fail.

Don't worry, I know what's going on.

You come with me!

Regarding Ke Qing's worries, Han Xiao said she didn't need to worry, and stood up and motioned for the other party to follow her.

Soon Han Xiao brought Ke Qing to the temporary workshop.

Why did you bring me to the workshop?

Let's see a new technology.

Han Xiao smiled mysteriously at Ke Qing, then reached out and pushed open the closed door of the workshop.

Albedo, I'm here with Keqing!

Abedo, who was working in front of the research desk, raised his head when he heard Han Xiao's voice, put down his work and said hello to Ke Qing.

Hello, Miss Keqing, I am Albedo, the alchemist of the Mondstadt Knights, and I am currently employed by Han Xiao.

Hello, I am Yuheng Xingkeqing. Nice to meet you Mr. Abedo.

Keqing didn't know that Abedo had been to Xincheng before, but she didn't expect that Han Xiao would hire Abedo?

Now that we all know each other, let's talk about new technologies first.

After seeing the two of them briefly getting to know each other, Han Xiao quickly urged Abedo to demonstrate the new technology they had researched to Ke Qing.


Abedo nodded, then unfolded a small curtain in front of Keqing, and then took out an object with a black lens from the side.

Chapter 62 This is art!

What's this?

Looking at the strange machine in Abedo's hand, Keqing was a little confused.

This is a product that Han Xiao and I slightly modified from the video camera that was passed down from Fontaine.

Hanxiao calls it a projector.

What does this projector do?

Let me show you how to do it.

Following Abedo's demonstration, Keqing quickly understood the principle of the projector.

Is this Fontaine's technology?

Yes, we just made a simple modification.

Abedo nodded.

Fontaine has already produced a photo camera that can freeze the image and a camera that preserves the image.

So Abedo made a simple modification according to Han Xiao's idea and made a projector.

Through a curtain made of special alchemical materials, the projector can play the previously recorded images on the curtain.

Is the technology at Fontaine so advanced?

Hearing that the projector was modified from Fontaine's machine, Keqing felt a little more anxious.

It's probably just a feeling that I seem to be lagging behind.

Isn't Liyue already changing?

Seemingly sensing Ke Qing's anxiety, Han Xiao walked to Ke Qing's side, reached out and patted her shoulder to comfort her.

In Han Xiao's opinion, among the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat, let's not talk about other things, let's talk about technology. It is estimated that Fontaine is already in the steam age, and may have climbed to the electric power stage.

On the other hand, Liyue and other countries are still relatively backward.

Therefore, the establishment of a new urban area in Hanxiao also has some meaning of catching up.


Hearing Han Xiao's comfort, Ke Qing temporarily put her worries behind her and turned to look at Abedo and Han Xiao curiously.

So, you plan to use a projector to play the pictures?

To be more precise, it's a movie.


It's a new vehicle for using people to play the role of the story.

This idea is quite interesting.

Ke Qing glanced at Han Xiao in surprise. Liyue didn't have many entertainment options at the moment.

Basically, they are storytellers, novels, operas and music.

This kind of 'novel' that sounds like it seems to be very promising.

If Han Xiao were to know what Ke Qing was thinking, he would definitely tell her that movies are not promising, but a very important art form.

Film is not only a source of popular entertainment, but also a medium for expressing thoughts, cognitions, emotions and values.

Just like what Han Xiao is currently arranging for Yun Jin to do.

Use the reconstruction of ancient stories that happened in Guiliyuan to instill (educate) residents into certain ideas that both Han Xiao and Zhongli agree with.

This efficiency is much higher than other methods.

Then let me arrange this matter.

After roughly understanding Han Xiao's thoughts, Ke Qing took the initiative to take over the task.

Then I'll trouble you, Miss Keqing.

Abedo turned around and pulled a large box of curtains from the ground and placed it at Keqing's feet.

This is two thousand screens. Han Xiao and I have calculated that more than ten large screens can be arranged.

give it to me.

With that said, Keqing picked up the curtain with both hands and left the workshop.

After Keqing left, Abedo crossed his arms on his chest and looked at Han Xiao with a serious face:

Do you have anything else? If not, I will continue my research.

I really have something to ask you.

Do you have any ideas about the remote communication method I imagined before?

Hearing this, Abedo frowned.

It's done, it's just...

Just what?

Han Xiao immediately became excited.

Good guy, originally he just planned to ask Abedo if he had any ideas for manufacturing remote communication tools, but he ended up creating one.

As expected of him, he gave up some of the benefits of the new city in exchange for high-end talents.

I have seen similar ideas in the notes that Ms. Alice left for me. Ms. Alice also proposed manufacturing ideas in the notes.

Following Ms. Alice's ideas, I built the Dudu communicator. It can indeed keep people connected thousands of miles apart as you said.

Abedo first told the source of his ideas, and then talked about the problems he encountered later:

But I found that the Dudu communicator cannot be used at all times, and the number of times it can be used is also limited.

And the materials used are quite rare, so it can't be mass-produced as you mentioned.

After listening to Abedo's story, Han Xiao also fell into thinking.

It doesn't work all the time. This seems to be the reason why the 'signal' is unstable?

There are also times limits and material issues.

I always feel there's something weird about it.

Han Xiao had a vague feeling that some of the 'flaws' on the Dudu communication device were probably intentional by Alice.

Forget it, if you can’t figure it out, stop thinking about it.

Han Xiao, who couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time, decided not to consider this issue for the time being.

Albedo, how many Dudu communication devices can you make now?

About five based on the existing materials.

Abedo thought carefully and then gave his answer.

Then make five Dudu communicators for me first.

Wait a minute, give me four first, and send the remaining one directly to Xiao Keli.

After hearing Abedo say that he could do five, Han Xiao quickly made a decision.

One for himself, one for Keli, his explosive friend, and two for Ningguang and Keqing to discuss business, leaving one for Ah Jin, exactly five.


You said Uncle Zhongli.

Hahaha, isn't there a mandrill? Han Xiao thought without any 'conscience'.

Then come and get it tonight.

No problem, then I'll leave first.

After leaving the workshop, Han Xiao opened the chat group.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Another successful escape from the invincible Hearthstone in front of Chromie!

[World of Jiji·Hanxiao]: Boss NB!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: It's not a big deal if you keep going like this. How about you sit down and have a chat with her some other time?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Hey, if we could just talk to each other, I wouldn't be so miserable.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Let me ask you a question. Teyvat is located on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. How should I choose if I want to gain power?

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