In addition to showing sincerity to me, I always feel that Colombia has another purpose, which is to come to me for a showdown to confirm my identity.

Faced with Han Xiao's questioning, Ruotuo Dragon King thought of the change in the other party's expression at the end of the conversation, and finally revealed his guess.

It's interesting. I probably understand what she is thinking.

After learning that Columbia's expression changed in the second half of the conversation with Dragon King Ruotuo, and that her words were a little more probing, Han Xiao thought for a moment and guessed the reason for the change in the other party's attitude.

Is it because she noticed my identity?

On the other side of the phone, hearing Han Xiao's somewhat surprised tone, Dragon King Ruotuo expressed his speculation thoughtfully.

He knew very well that there was only one special point about him that could make Columbia care so much, and even make the other party come to him directly.

That means he has awakened from wear and tear.

Perhaps most people in Teyvat don't know what wear and tear is, but as an executive on par with the Demon God, the girl must know what wear and tear is.

Well...probably so.

Regarding Ruotuo Dragon King's speculation, Han Xiao also said that this was what he had thought of before.

Will this affect you?

Hearing Han Xiao admit that this was what he was thinking, Ruotuo Dragon King's expression condensed, and there was a murderous intent in his tone.

If the problem is serious, why don't we work together to keep her in Liyue completely.

Wear and tear is a terrible curse in the eyes of the top people in the Teyvat continent, and it is still the kind that has no solution.

If anyone knew that Liyue had mastered the method of eliminating wear and tear, the commotion it would cause would not be as big as usual.

That's why Dragon King Ruotu asked Han Xiao directly if he wanted to keep Columbia completely.

After all, if the two of them join forces to launch a surprise attack, the other party will most likely not be able to escape.

That's not necessary.

Seeing that Dragon King Ruotuo was thinking of using violent means to break the situation, Han Xiao quickly refused, while not forgetting to explain:

Your Excellency Dragon King, I have actually been mentally prepared for this.

Just like Ruotuo Dragon King said, Han Xiao also understands how much impact having the means to eliminate wear and tear will have on the top people in Teyvat Continent.

He had previously considered whether to let Ruotuo Dragon King avoid the limelight and try not to show his face.

But later Han Xiao himself rejected this idea.

Because he knew very well that Ruoduo Dragon King's recovery from wear and tear might be able to be hidden from the people on the nearly ninth level of the continent, but it was a bit unrealistic to hide it from the top group of people in the Teyvat continent. .

Even if Dragon King Ruotuo does not appear in Liyue but chooses to live in seclusion with the immortals, at most it will only delay for a while, and it will only be a matter of time before he is discovered.

Since concealment could not be concealed, Han Xiao simply did not let Ruotuo Dragon King deliberately hide his whereabouts, and directly decided to let him appear in Liyue openly.

The decision you made... is very courageous!

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Ruotuo Dragon King couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Although he knew from Zhongli that Han Xiao was bold and unrestrained in the past, he didn't expect that he would still be so casual about wear and tear.

Hehe... I don't think anyone would dare to come to Liyue to cause trouble now, right?

Regarding Ruotuo Dragon King's ridicule, Han Xiao on the other side of the microphone laughed playfully, his words full of confidence.

He really wasn't worried about people from other demon god levels coming to Liyue.

After all, there are now three demon gods in Liyue, both covertly and covertly. So what if others know that Ruotuo Dragon King has recovered from the wear and tear.

Zhongli and Dragon King have regained their peak strength. The strength of these two people is at the top of the Teyvat continent, and he, the new demon god, has already touched the top level of strength.

If anyone dares to come to Liyue to cause trouble, teach him how to behave, or just take a seat in Guyun Pavilion.

So Han Xiao is not worried about others knowing that Ruotuo Dragon King has recovered from the wear and tear.

But what he didn't expect was that Columbia would realize the Dragon King's true identity so quickly.

Obviously, many demon gods have appeared in the Liyue area, such as Marcusius, who was also 'missing' in the eyes of other demon gods.

Logically speaking, shouldn't she first make a guess before confirming her true identity? Why did the other party target Ruotuo Dragon King instead of others?

This should be related to the girl's race.

Knowing that this was what Han Xiao was wondering about, Ruotuo Dragon King had some guesses.

The two of them were far apart during the Lantern Festival before, and he didn't notice it for a while. But after the other party came to him today, he realized that this executive named Columbia didn't seem to be that simple.


Hearing what Dragon King Ruotuo said, Han Xiao suddenly became interested and quickly asked:

Is that girl not a human being?

It's probably not human, I'm sure of that.

Then, Mr. Dragon King, do you know what the other person's race is?

I dare not draw a conclusion now. After all, that race has disappeared for thousands of years.

Regarding Han Xiao's questioning, Ruotuo Dragon King did not immediately give an answer, and his tone of voice was also somewhat vague.

Some features of Columbia did resemble a race he once knew, but as far as he knew that race had long since disappeared into history.

Logically speaking, there should be no survivors.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Dragon King Ruotuo spoke directly:

Don't ask about the other person's race for now. I'll tell you after I figure it out.

Now let's think about how to deal with the Colombian problem.

Don't worry about her, let's see what she plans to do first.

Chapter 722 Spring Plowing

After ending the call with Dragon King Ruotuo, Han Xiao immediately called Ningguang and informed the other party about Columbia's coming out of Beiguo Bank.

Ningguang also received the information from the informant, so she also attached great importance to this matter. She immediately said on the phone that she would send intelligence experts to investigate the other party's next actions.

After handing over the investigation of Columbia to Ning Guang, Han Xiao hung up the phone and walked towards Kuixing Tower.



As soon as he walked into Kuixing Tower, Han Xiao heard a series of keyboard tapping sounds, but the sound sounded intermittent and the speed was a bit slow.

Have you already started practicing?

Hearing the familiar sound of the keyboard, Han Xiao raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and then walked in the direction of the source of the sound.

Soon, when he came to the office area, he saw that except for some staff who were busy with their work, other free staff were sitting in front of a row of desktop computers against the wall, all of them typing with their two fingers. Hitting the keyboard.

As for the speed... it's very, very slow.

However, Han Xiao did not dislike their slow typing. Instead, she leaned against the wall with her hands folded in front of her chest and her face was filled with relief.

It doesn't matter if your typing speed is slow, practice makes perfect.

The more you practice, the better.

He was gratified that the employees at Kuixinglou were quite receptive to new things and were willing to try them.

Well, the lecture will start tomorrow.

By the time these people learn how to do it, the training people sent by Ningguang will arrive soon, and they will lead the new ones with the old ones.

Oh yes, I almost forgot about the typing software.

Remembering that she promised Ke Qing to write a software for learning typing, Han Xiao quickly listed this matter as one of the things that must be completed as soon as possible in the near future.

After standing there for a while and watching the employees typing at a rapid pace, he returned to his office and called his secretary Xu Wan to the office.

Xu Wan, why didn't I see Xingqiu in the building? Where have they gone?

Master Hanxiao, Secretary-General Xingqiu is leading people to inspect this year's spring plowing in the planting area outside the city.

Spring plowing!

After hearing Xu Wan's report, Han Xiao was stunned for a moment, then quickly reached out and patted his forehead.

During this period of time, he has been busy studying desktop computers. How could he forget such a big thing as spring plowing?

After all, as the old saying goes, if you are not busy with plowing in the spring, your face will turn yellow after autumn.

Fortunately, my own family is reliable and I took people to inspect the planting area early, otherwise something big would have happened.

Thinking of this, Hanxiao couldn't help but feel a little lucky. It was really profitable for him to be the secretary-general.

To say that he can provide a plan for the future development of the city, it is not impossible to manage urban government affairs after more than two years of training.

But the problem is that Han Xiao doesn't like the daily paperwork, and he would rather spend more time in the alchemy workshop with Abedo and the others to study.

Thanks to Xingqiu, the great butler, otherwise he, a hands-off shopkeeper, wouldn't be able to forget such a big thing as spring plowing.

When Xingqiu comes back, remember to inform him and ask him to come to my office. I have something to ask him.

Okay, Lord Hanxiao!

After seeing off his secretary Xu Wan, Han Xiao just picked up the official documents on his desk that had been corrected by Xingqiu and started to read them.


About three hours passed before Xingqiu opened the door and walked into the office.

Han Xiao, I heard from Xu Wan that you wanted to see me if you have something to do.

Sit down and rest first, don't be in a hurry.

Seeing Xingqiu walking into the office, Han Xiao quickly put down the documents in her hands and stood up. She quickly walked around the desk and pulled out a chair for her child to sit down.

Then he walked over, picked up the water bottle, poured tea for it, and asked:

How is the progress of spring plowing?

It's not bad. All the land reclaimed last year has been sown with new seeds...

Xingqiu reached out and took the tea cup handed over by Han Xiao. After taking a small sip, he revealed the situation of his inspection today:

In the next few days, I plan to take people to see if we can open up a few acres of new land.

Why...could it be that the city's food reserves are not enough?

Han Xiao couldn't help but be a little surprised when he learned that his family was planning to continue to open up new fields.

He remembered that the yield per acre last year was about 200 to 300 jins. According to the agricultural department, it is estimated that the first batch of crops can be planted, which means that the land has been restored.

This year's yield should increase to about 330 kilograms per mu.

Although it still doesn't reach the lower limit of the high-quality seeds that Han Xiao bought from other people in the group that can produce 600 to 1,000 kilograms per mu.

But the yield of 330 per mu is not bad. Guili City now only has a population of about one million, so it stands to reason that it is enough to be self-sufficient.

The food reserves are sufficient, but it would also be good to open up more land to grow other food crops.

Xingqiu rolled his eyes at Hanxiao quite speechlessly. Since he was a child, he had been addicted to doing experiments with Abedo and the others, and he didn't care at all about some affairs in Guili City.

As the saying goes, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are if you don't live in a family. Guili City is in a period of rapid development. There is news from the statistics department that the city's population may exceed 1.5 million this year.

Now is the spring plowing period, so there is no need to open up more land to grow food. By then, Guili City will have to spend money to buy food.

Although Guilicheng has plenty of funds due to the various alchemy products that Hanxiao and the others have researched, no one's house is affected by strong winds, so it is certainly better to save money.

That's it.

After listening to Xingqiu's explanation, Han Xiao also reacted and immediately sent good news to his family.

I will discuss with Abedo and the others to see if we can produce better fertilizers in the near future to expand production per acre.

Are you sure?

In addition, how much do you think the new chemical fertilizer can increase the yield per mu?

Seeing that Han Xiao planned to let Abedo research new fertilizers, Xingqiu suddenly became interested.

It would be a good thing if they could research better fertilizers to increase yields.

After all, no one would complain that their own grain production is large, right? Even if they can't use it here, they can still sell it to Inazuma at a discount.

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