I should be sure, but I'm not sure how much yield per mu can be increased.

Hearing Xingqiu's questioning, Han Xiao reached out and rubbed her chin.

There is no big problem with the new fertilizer. Even if it doesn't work, he can still go to the modern friends in the group to buy some high-efficiency fertilizer.

The key is the issue of yield per mu. Hanxiao is not sure about it.

It has only been a year since the land near Guilicheng got rid of salinity, and the soil fertility has not yet been fully restored.

Even using good chemical fertilizers cannot guarantee a significant increase in yield per mu.

It would be great if we could develop new fertilizers.

Xingqiu is very optimistic. The current improved varieties can produce nearly 300 kilograms per mu. In fact, he is quite satisfied.

As for how many acres of output chemical fertilizers can increase, it’s all in vain.

Chapter 723 Office Automation

By the way, Ningguang will send a group of newcomers from the General Affairs Department over for training in a while. Remember to accept them.

After discussing the issue of spring plowing, Han Xiao did not forget to relay to Xingqiu what Ningguang mentioned before.


Yes, desktop computer training.

I see.

Xingqiu suddenly understood when he learned that a group of newcomers from the General Affairs Department would come to Guilicheng for desktop computer training.

Tianquanxing is preparing for the widespread popularization of desktop computers for office work in the future.

It seems that Liyue, the legendary businessman, is also optimistic about the future of computers.

Speaking of desktop computers, Han Xiao couldn't help but think of the scene where she saw staff practicing two-finger meditation around the computer in the office area downstairs.

Speaking of which, Xingqiu.

The desktop computer has been placed in Kuixing Building for a day or two. Many people must have experienced it. What is your feedback?

Overall most people think it's good.

After hearing Han Xiao asking about the Kuixing Tower staff's attitude towards desktop computers, Xingqiu told him truthfully:

Except for a few people who find it difficult to learn how to operate a desktop computer, everyone else has improved their efficiency a lot after learning how to operate it.

Is that so? Have you tried it?

Of course I have tried it and it is indeed a useful tool to assist with office work.

When it comes to desktop computers, Xingqiu also gave high praise.

Just printing files can save staff a lot of time.

However, while praising him, he also did not forget to put forward his own suggestions:

There are still a few functions available now. It would be great if you and Abedo could develop more office software.

Well, I will study it carefully with Abedo and the others during this period. After the Internet is completed, I will launch more office software one after another.

After hearing Xingqiu's suggestion, Han Xiao said that he would pay attention to research in this area.

And he has also thought about what to do. He plans to build an OA-like office system for the staff of Kuixing Tower to replace some of the traditional manual or repetitive business activities of office staff.

In this way, office affairs and business information can be processed with high quality and efficiency, and efficient use of information resources can be achieved, thereby achieving the purpose of improving productivity and assisting decision-making, maximizing work efficiency and quality, and improving the working environment.


Alchemy workshop.

Han Xiao, who came out of Kuixing Tower, went straight to the workshop, and then told the three Abedo people inside the workshop about his idea.

office automation system?

Hearing Han Xiao's idea, Abedo put down the test tube in his hand. Falushan and Angus also closed the books in their hands and raised their heads to look at Han Xiao.

Obviously, they all have a lot of interest in the office automation system Han Xiaokou mentioned.

It's interesting. Please tell me what is the use of this office automation system?

Simply put, this system can be linked to daily affairs through specific processes or specific links, so that the efficiency of official document circulation, approval, and release can be improved, and office management and information can be standardized.

Seeing that Abedo and the others were all interested in the office automation system, Han Xiao quickly introduced its main functions to the three of them.

“Very unique office software.”

As soon as Han Xiao finished speaking, Fa Lushan commented:

If you go by what you said, then the office automation system will be of great help in handling various administrative affairs, file management, etc.

“It sounds really good, but it’s a bit difficult to implement.”

Angus on the side stretched out his hand to rub his chin, and took up the topic in his mouth:

I'm afraid it involves a lot of technology, such as the portal technology I once saw in a book.

more than...

Angus had just finished speaking, and Albedo, who had already read the books on computer knowledge from another world brought by Han Xiao, slowly shook his head.

Portal technology is just one of the relatively simple ones. Information exchange, document transmission, transmission encryption, business collaboration mechanism and workflow are all technologies that are needed for office automation systems.

It seems you know a lot!

Han Xiao was a little surprised to see Abedo speaking out a series of technical names in a familiar manner.

How about it? Would it be difficult for you to develop these technologies?

I'm still busy looking for low-cost substitutes for the manufacturing materials of desktop computers, so I probably won't have time for the time being.

Hearing this, Abedo was a little embarrassed. He still had a big job of reducing the cost of desktop computers that he had not yet finished.

Senior Fa Lushan and Angus, are you interested?

Seeing that Abedo really didn't have much free time for the time being, Han Xiao immediately turned to look at Fa Lushan and Angus.

How about the three of us come up with an office automation system?

Yes, text research is my job. Leave the technologies such as information exchange and official document transmission to me.

That's okay with me too.

Fa Lushan agreed to participate in the research on the office automation system, and Angus naturally would not lag behind.

Then everyone will write a plan when they go back. Tomorrow we will meet for a seminar to determine the general functions of the software.

After finishing the research team on the office automation system, Han Xiao just turned her attention back to Albedo:

By the way, Abedo, didn't you say you were looking for low-cost alternatives to desktop computer manufacturing materials? Have you found any results?

“I’ve found a replacement for one of the materials and I’m still experimenting with the rest.”

When Han Xiao asked about the progress of his research, Abedo calmly stated that he had found one.

The speed is quite fast. How much cost can be reduced now?

Seven percent.


Knowing that Abedo had reduced manufacturing costs by 7%, Han Xiao couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The other party was able to find a substitute for manufacturing materials in such a short period of time, which was not slow.

However, reducing the cost by 7% is not enough. The cost of the entire computer is still too expensive.

It would be best if the manufacturing cost could be reduced to about 50% in terms of materials.

This is about 300,000 molas per unit, which is equivalent to 30,000 units in the previous life.

Although it was still expensive, Liyue's industrial system was not as developed as in the previous life. He would be satisfied if he could produce 30,000 units.

Fifty percent...

After hearing Han Xiao's goal, Abedo couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

It is not an easy task to directly reduce manufacturing costs by half.

Let me give it a try!

Come on, I believe you can do it!

Seeing Abedo's hesitation, Han Xiao gave him a thumbs up without hesitation to encourage him.

Chapter 724 Silicon Material

After encouraging Albedo, Han Xiao discussed the architecture plan of the office automation system with Fa Lushan and Angus.

After roughly finalizing a prototype architecture design that all three of them were relatively satisfied with, he turned his attention to Albedo. There was something he forgot to ask just now:

Albedo, how many desktop computers are currently produced?

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo flipped through the documents on the bookshelf next to the experimental table, and soon found the documents sent by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun from Mingyun Town:

It's not a lot, about fifteen a day.

Only fifteen?

Han Xiao narrowed her eyes slightly, and the expression on her face seemed a little dissatisfied.

Are desktop computers produced in such low quantities?

The production line in Mingyun Town is currently mainly supplying parts for steel steamships. The production line for desktop computers is still part of the production line squeezed out from the handguns.

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed a little dissatisfied with the manufacturing speed of Mingyun Town, Abedo immediately stood up and said something fair.

He and Han Xiao have developed a lot of things in the past two years.

Although the production of small accessories such as induction cookers and electric lights has been completely stopped in Mingyun Town, merchants have chosen to set up their own factories for production.

But not some big items.

For example, weapon categories such as handguns and terminal machines, as well as large appliances such as electric vehicles.

Of course, in addition to the above-mentioned products, currently nearly 70% of the production lines in Mingyun Town are working overtime to produce steel steam ship accessories.

Therefore, the output of the Mingyun Town Alchemy Factory has now reached saturation.

To put it more simply, there is a shortage of manpower within the alchemy factory.

And in addition to the insufficient production capacity of the alchemy factory, there is another main reason that restricts the production of desktop computers.

That's the material issue.

Previously, Han Xiao and Abedo's goal was to manufacture desktop computers, so the cost of materials was not considered at all.

This results in the fact that the materials required for a current computer are not only expensive but also scarce in stock, and it is normal that production has not been able to increase.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Hanxiao asked Albedo to find low-cost substitutes for the materials.

Well... Abedo, you can try using quartz sand.

Recalling that the materials used to make chips in previous lives were mainly silicon, Han Xiao suggested that Abedo try using quartz sand.

There are a large number of crystal mines in Liyue and Mondstadt. The crystal itself is a kind of quartz material, and the silicon material can be extracted using high temperature.

If silicon chips can be produced, the cost will be reduced a lot.

Quartz sand? I will try this material to see if it works.

After hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Abedo picked up the notepad and recorded this material.

If you can make high-purity silicon materials, I think it shouldn't be a big problem.

Compared with Abedo's uncertainty, Han Xiao seemed confident.

After all, the material used in chips in the previous life was silicon material extracted from high-purity quartz sand. As long as Abedo can extract the silicon material, the manufacturing price of the chip should be saved a lot.

As for the photolithography machines needed to manufacture chips, he doesn't really care.

The photolithography machine is indeed very sophisticated, and the Teyvat continent does not have the ability to manufacture it.

However, they have almost black-tech runes and alchemy technology here. In the past, when making chips, they used alchemy technology to etch objects into shape in one go. The finished product is completely worthy of the photolithography technology of the previous life.

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