
When she learned that Ruoduo Dragon King had lost his mind due to wear and tear a long time ago and was sealed by Morax himself, Columbia's small mouth opened slightly and could not be closed for a long time, and the pupils under the curtain also trembled a little.


What's wrong.

I think I might have seen a ghost!

What nonsense are you talking about!

The clown on the other end of the phone was speechless. He thought the girl had found some clues, but what happened after waiting for a long time?

You are a demon-level being. Even if there is a ghost, you can fight it back.

No, no, no...I really saw a ghost this time!

Faced with Piero's 'encouragement', Colombia repeated what she had said before as if she had lost her soul.

Pierro, you know that I have a special status. I can clearly feel the dragon energy exuding from the demon god.

The only one in the Liyue area who possesses that level of dragon aura is Ruotuo Dragon King, one of the former Seven Dragon Kings. I'm absolutely not wrong!

Silence, as Columbia's words fell, both sides of the phone fell into a strange silence.

Only the sound of heavy breathing was left.

After a long time, the clown Piero finally spoke and asked slowly in a hoarse voice:

Columbia, do you know what you're talking about?

I know.

Then let me ask you again, are you sure your judgment is not wrong?

I am sure!

After hearing Colombia's decisive answer, Piero's face gradually became serious.

Do you know what you mean, Columbia?

It means that someone has cured the wear and tear method that is unsolvable in the continent of Teyvat.

Check, the mission has changed. You can leave the cell phone issue later. Your first priority right now is to find out for me whether the person staring at you is King Ruotuo!

I see.

Seeing that Piero was even willing to move the mobile phone business back in order to find out whether the other party was King Ruoduo, Colombia immediately accepted the task with great solemnity.

At the same time, she couldn't help but have many speculations in her heart.

Could the identity of the demon god in Heyu Tea House who has been staring at him since the Hai Lantern Festival really be the Dragon King Ruotuo who had already lost his mind due to wear and tear?

If so, then things are really big.

Chapter 720: Columbia walking out the door

After hanging up the communication with Harlequin, Columbia put away her phone and sat on a chair, holding her elbow with one hand and holding her chin with the other hand, deep in thought.

In this communication she received two tasks from Piero.

One is to discuss the purchase of mobile phones and signal equipment with Liyue Qixing.

This task shouldn't be too difficult.

Columbia has learned through several retained staff members of Beiguo Bank that there is a store specializing in selling mobile phones in Liyue Port.

This means that Liyue Qixing’s views on mobile phones are not kept secret, but are chosen to be popularized by the public.

Since Liyue can sell mobile phones, Zhidong can naturally do the same.

Although the relationship between the two countries has dropped to a freezing point due to Rosalin, it is not a severance of diplomatic relations after all.

Therefore, Columbia felt that it was still possible for them to purchase large quantities of mobile phones and signal equipment from Qixing in the winter.

The task of purchasing mobile phones is not difficult for her. The key is that another task mentioned by the clown is the main reason for her headache.

Confirm the demon god who has been staring at him since the Sea of ​​Lanterns Festival, and find out whether the other party is the Ruoduo Dragon King who lost his mind due to wear and tear and was sealed by Morax.

According to Columbia's own judgment, the Eighth Demon God who poses a great threat to herself and has the aura of a dragon in his body is the Ruoduo Dragon King.

But in this case, the problem was placed in front of her.

Ruotuo Dragon King lost his mind due to wear and tear. If Zhongli had a way to remove the wear and tear, he would not have chosen to seal his comrades.

And do you really think that wear and tear is so easy to eliminate?

We must know that wear and tear is a law set by nature. Once it gets stained, it can only be passively endured and cannot be rid of.

If the demon god who has been staring at him is really the Dragon King Ruotuo, it means that Liyue already has a way to eliminate the wear and tear.

So this is the reason why Columbia thought she encountered a ghost story before.

It seems that we need to strike up a conversation with the other party and talk about it in person.

Thinking of this, she jumped off the chair and walked to the door, opened the door and called her adjutant's name:


Deng Deng Deng——

Soon, the adjutant Anna, who heard Columbia's call, ran up the stairs with hasty steps.

Girl, what do you want from me?

The weather is nice today, come and go for a walk with me.

Going out?

Upon hearing Columbia's instructions, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the adjutant Anna.

As a personal adjutant, she knows that her immediate boss has always been a boss with the attribute of staying at home.

In the past, I couldn't move as much as I could.

What kind of wind is blowing today? Are you squatting at home and getting ready to go out?

Fortunately, despite being surprised, Anna still asked quite dutifully on the surface:

Girl, where do you plan to go?

Let's go to Heyu Teahouse opposite Beiguo Bank. I want to see Liyue's storytelling skills.

Sir, I remember the radio...

The sound heard on the radio was a little distorted, but it was interesting to hear it live.

Please wait a moment, I will make arrangements right away!

Seeing that her boss had made up her mind, Anna did not try to persuade her anymore, and turned around to go find Ekaterina to get some cash.


Anna moved very quickly, and in a short time she took Maura and Columbia out of the gate of Northland Bank.

The two then walked along the wooden corridor, crossed the overpass, and descended the spiral staircase to Heyu Tea House.

There are rumors that in the era of great rescue, the emperor once used a miracle to cut a long knife handle from stone amber, and because the emperor used it to cut a corner of his mountain peak, he named it the Blade of Peak!

As soon as they arrived at the teahouse, the storyteller's voice carried along the wind and reached Columbia and the others' ears.

But she didn't seem to hear it. She walked straight to a table in the corner of the teahouse and looked at the big man looking at her with a smile and asked:

Hello, can I sit down here?


Ruotuo Dragon King, who had transformed into a human form, saw the executive girl appearing openly and openly in front of him, his eyes full of amusement.

It has been more than a month since he shocked the opponent at the Lantern Festival.

This executive of Fools, who has a strength comparable to that of a demon, has never walked out of the North Country Bank's gate.

Apparently she knew she was being targeted.

Originally, Ruotuo Dragon King thought that the other party would continue to stay peacefully at Beiguo Bank, but he did not expect that the other party would suddenly come out and come straight to him today.

Tsk...it seems like the other party can't bear it anymore!

Just as Ruoduo Dragon King was looking at Columbia with great interest, the girl who had received the consent sat unceremoniously on the opposite side of the table and asked with an undiminished smile:

What do you call me sir?

Just call me Zhongwu.

Although he didn't quite understand the reason why Columbia appeared in front of him now, Ruoduo Dragon King was not in a hurry. He wanted to see which song the other party sang.

Seeing that Ruoduo Dragon King didn't immediately speak to drive her away, Columbia secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Not bad, at least it’s not the worst situation, we can still talk about it!

Mr. Zhongwu, after a month of investigation, you should be sure that my visit to Liyue this time is really with the idea of ​​​​improving the stiff relationship between the two countries.

Improving relations between the two countries?

Ruotuo Dragon King couldn't help but be happy when he heard:

Miss Columbia, it seems you haven't left the house for more than a month. Is this how you are trying to improve relations between the two countries?

Or is it because of me that you can't act?

Mr. Zhongwu, you misunderstood.

Columbia was already prepared for King Ruotuo to call out her name, and after hearing the other party's question, she quickly explained:

My colleagues have caused a lot of trouble in Liyue before. Qixing's current attitude towards Zhidong is not something I can change immediately.

Instead of making too many mistakes and making too many mistakes, it's better to be calm and show sincerity. Do you think this is the right thing to do?


Hearing this, Dragon King Ruotu couldn't help but sneer.

So now you think you've been dormant enough?

I don't dare. I just want to convey Zhidong's sincerity to Qixing through Mr. Zhongwu. Zhidong will not give up a future ally.

And the actions of us fools before were also tacitly approved by that person, weren't they?

If it weren't for...his acquiescence, you wouldn't have been able to enter Liyue some time ago.

Seeing Columbia talking about the actions of the Fools in Liyue, Dragon King Ruotu immediately clicked his tongue.

If it weren't for Zhongli's tacit approval behind the quarrel between the Fool and the ladies, he would have driven the girl out of Liyue as soon as he woke up.

He is the Dragon King Rudo.

Noticing the strange pause in Ruoduo Dragon King's words, Columbia's eyes narrowed, and she vaguely felt that her suspicion was being confirmed.

Chapter 721 The cold night was well prepared

Really? Columbia is talking to you directly!

In Guili City, when Han Xiao was about to go out to Kuixing Building to see how the staff in the building were doing with their desktop computers, he received a call from Dragon King Ruotuo.

Han Xiao was slightly surprised when the other party opened his mouth.

The executive girl who had not taken any action before the Sea Lantern Festival actually chose to contact the Dragon King Ruotuo openly.

I didn't expect that she would come directly to the door.

Hearing the surprise in Han Xiao's words, Ruotuo Dragon King on the other end of the phone also understood why the other party felt strange.

Because even he himself didn't expect that Colombia would choose to come to him personally to have a showdown.

Your Excellency Dragon King, what did Columbia say to you?

Basically, she assured me that she was sincere in repairing the relationship between Zhidong and Liyue this time, but...

Having said this, Dragon King Ruotuo paused subconsciously, as if it was difficult to speak the next words.

But what?

Hearing that Dragon King Ruotuo suddenly became hesitant, Han Xiao quickly asked.

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