Xiaoxiao recalled the past in her heart, and Ningguang quickly calmed down and started the second topic.

Han Xiao, the General Affairs Department has a group of newcomers who just joined this year. Now that desktop computers have come out, why not send them to Guili City to help train them?

Send it over for training?


Ning Guang nodded. The future of desktop computers has gradually become clearer. It should be the norm for Liyue to use computers for work in the future.

Now there happens to be a group of newcomers who have just joined the company, so we can let them experience it first.

After their training is completed, the desktop computers at the General Affairs Department will be able to get back on track.

No problem, I'll ask Xingqiu to make arrangements later.

Chapter 718: Radio waves coming from the land of ice and snow

After talking with Ningguang about the arrangements for the newcomers, the two officially ended their business today and started chatting:

Ningguang, is there any news at Beiguo Bank recently?

Are you asking the girl Columbia?


Do not worry.

Hearing Han Xiao ask about the current situation of Columbia, the new executive officer sent by Zhi Dong, a smile flashed in Ning Guang's eyes.

Your Excellency Dragon King has been listening to books at Heyu Tea House recently. The executive officer can't make any waves at the moment.

Oh, there are still storytellers in Heyu Tea House?

Han Xiao felt relieved after learning that Dragon King Ruotuo had been listening to books in a teahouse near Beiguo Bank recently.

The Ruotuo Dragon King, who has gotten rid of the wear and tear, is now returning to its peak strength.

Even if Columbia was as powerful as the Demon God, he would probably not be able to face an Elemental Dragon King who could even match the Martial God Morax.

Therefore, Han Xiao was not worried about Columbia causing trouble. Instead, he became quite interested in the storyteller at Heyu Tea House in Ningguang Hua.

You must know that with the advent of a series of products such as radios, gramophones and broadcasts, Liyue's storytelling, opera and other industries have suffered a big impact in the past.

A large number of people either choose to embrace new industry models or choose to change careers.

Even Dr. Liu Su, a tea doctor who once told stories at Heyu Teahouse, chose to jump to the broadcasting industry to work hard again.

Under this situation, can Heyu Teahouse still recruit new storytellers?

I know what you want to say.

Hearing the slightly surprised tone in Han Xiao's words, Ningguang immediately understood what the other party was thinking and explained in a leisurely tone:

Inventions such as radios and phonographs have indeed impacted Liyue's original market, but there are still a large number of elderly people who are accustomed to the previous lifestyle.

And Yun Jin will go to teahouses from time to time to sing, so time-honored restaurants like Heyu Teahouse are still maintaining their status quo.

I see!

When Ning Guang said this, Han Xiao understood.

Although Liyue is currently undergoing rapid changes, people cannot change so quickly, especially the elderly in Hong Kong whose ability to accept new things is slightly weaker, and it is normal to miss the past.

After thinking about it, he stopped paying attention to this little thing and turned the topic back to the girl Columbia.

Speaking of which, Ning Guang, having His Excellency the Dragon King keep an eye on him is not an option. Can you think of a way to send him back to Winter?

We have also considered your idea, but unfortunately, we can't do it yet.

Before Ningguang could speak, Keqing, who had come to Ningguang's side at some point, immediately interrupted after hearing Han Xiao's inquiry on the other side of the phone's microphone.

Perhaps because of being watched by His Excellency the Dragon King, Columbia has been very calm recently. Basically, he never leaves the house or takes a step back. We can't find any reason to send him back to his country.

Speaking of the fact that Colombia could not be repatriated, Keqing also had a look of pity on her face.

Qixing actually wanted to send the other party back to Winter, but they had already learned from Ruotuo Dragon King that the other party's strength was comparable to that of the Demon God.

An existence of this level must not be left alone.

Although the chaos in Liyue Port was caused by Emperor Yan's personal arrangement, the executive lady was the instigator of this turmoil.

A woman can cause so much trouble, let alone a girl named Columbia who is as powerful as a demon.

Tsk...it's really a bit tricky!

After listening to Keqing's story, Han Xiao couldn't help but smacked her mouth, and her tone became a little more troubled.

If Liyue wants to send Columbia back to the country, she needs to grasp the reasons behind the other party's mistakes.

It's just that the girl is currently being watched by Dragon King Ruotuo and has no chance to cause trouble, so naturally she can't find any chance.

But if His Majesty the Dragon King doesn't keep an eye on her, no one knows how much trouble a girl with demon-god-level strength will cause in Liyue Port.

It would be bad if it caused a bigger mess than the original lady.

It has to be said that even Han Xiao didn't know how to deal with this embarrassing situation for a while.

Yeah, it's very tricky!

Realizing that Han Xiao also had a headache on how to deal with Columbia's problem, Ning Guang also sighed slightly and agreed.

No one in the Seven Stars would not be worried if an executive with a demon-god level of strength and whose relations between the two countries were at a freezing point was allowed to stay in Liyue Port.

The existence of Colombia is like a time bomb, and everyone is worried whether the other party will suddenly detonate.

More importantly, they still have no way to send this 'time bomb' back.

Unless Liyue and Zhidong announce a complete severance of diplomatic relations.

But in that case, a military conflict between the two countries is likely to break out over this matter.

Today, Liyue is in a period of rapid development. Qixing and even Gan Yu, led by Ningguang, are not willing to destroy Liyue's current good situation at this time.

So things in Colombia can only remain so frozen for the time being.


While Han Xiao and Ningguang were discussing Columbia, a conversation was also going on within Beiguo Bank.

In the lounge on the second floor, Columbia, the girl who was being discussed by Han Xiao and Ning Guang, was holding a mobile phone in one hand and said to the clown on the other side of the phone in a brisk tone:

Pierro, even though the lines in Liyue haven't been laid until winter, you can still contact me. It seems that you and the doctor have already worked out some clues about the mobile phone I sent back!

No, not really.

Hearing Colombia's usual ethereal voice, Piero the Harlequin on the other side of the microphone was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke in the negative.

The mobile phone developed by Han Xiao and Abedo contains many confidentiality and self-destruction designs, and it also uses a lot of new knowledge systems that neither Dotore nor I understand.

It's very difficult to crack a mobile phone. Dotore and I don't have any clue yet.

Then how did you contact me via mobile phone?

Knowing that Piero and Dotore had not cracked the secret of the phone, Colombia became even more curious.

Since they didn't crack the secret in the phone, how did they contact her on the phone in the winter?

I asked Dadalia and Sandone to sneak to the border of Liyue and use alchemy to make many devices to amplify signals along the way.

When he heard Colombia ask how he could call her even in the solstice, Piero the Harlequin didn't hide anything and directly told his solution.

Although he was just a court mage in Camrea and not a researcher, he still knew a little bit about technology in the highly technologically advanced Camrea.

If you can't find a way to crack the mobile phone, then you can use alchemy to create a device that amplifies the signal.

Chapter 719 Columbia: Brothers, I’m in hell

Your methods are really simple and crude.

After learning that Piero and Dotore used this method to call her on their mobile phones in the solstice, Colombia didn't know how to evaluate these two people for a while.

To say that the Harlequin and the Doctor are not great, they can create a device to amplify the signal, and even send it all the way back to the winter. This technology is not something that everyone can accomplish.

But if these two people are said to be powerful, Columbia doesn't want to admit it.

After all, if it's so powerful, why don't they crack the phone?

It can only be a temporary expedient.

Piero, who was not aware that the girl was arranging her own plans in his mind, spoke in a very solemn tone:

Columbia, I want to temporarily add a task to you now.

Should I be asked to discuss the mobile phone issue with Liyue Qixing?

Hearing the clown's solemn voice, the girl's eyes hidden under the curtain narrowed slightly. She probably guessed what task the chief executive planned to give her.

That's right.

Piero was not surprised at all that Colombia could guess this.

Despite the girl's dull look in the past, she didn't seem very smart. In fact, that was just a sign that she never cared about most things.

Once it comes to important matters or executive tasks, the girl's brain is relatively easy to use.

I hope you can enter into business negotiations with Liyue Qixing to purchase large quantities of mobile phones. This thing will be of great use to Zhi Dong.

As a court mage who has experienced war, Piero the Harlequin knows very well how important good communication is on the battlefield.

It's not that he doesn't have the means to achieve remote communication, but those methods don't have the universality of mobile phones.

Besides, money is not an issue. Pantalone will let Northland Bank fully assist you.

It's not a matter of money now, Piero.

Hearing that even Pantalone, who only cared about her banking business in the North, was ready to help her get the mobile phone business from Liyue Qixing, Columbia slowly walked to the window and looked at the corner of the stairs not far away. The Heyu Tea House.

The moment she looked towards the teahouse, a burly man suddenly raised his head at the table in the corner of the teahouse and grinned at her with a wanton smile.

I'm being targeted now.

Who are you targeting?

Hearing the solemnity in Colombia's words, Piero the Harlequin couldn't help but frown.

As the third executive officer of the Fools, the opponent's strength is comparable to that of the Demon God.

Morax, who is now hidden behind the scenes in Liyue, and Han Xiao, who is far away in Guili City, deserve the girl's attention.

Judging from Columbia's tone, it seems that the people eyeing her are not Yan Shen and Tianshu Xing, but another stranger?

Yes, he was targeted by a terrible demon.

Looking at the big man grinning at her, Columbia withdrew her gaze and slowly backed out of the window.

The other party has a close relationship with the human incarnation of Morax. I suspect that he is the legendary Dragon King Ruoduo.

After all, in the history of Liyue, only the Dragon King who can stand side by side with the Martial God Morax can make me feel a mountain-like sense of oppression.

Lord Ruotuo, this is impossible!

However, when Colombia expressed her speculation, Piero on the other side of the phone seemed to have heard something extremely unbelievable, and his voice suddenly rose several levels.

Keep your voice down, Piero!

Piero suddenly raised the volume of his voice, which directly hurt Colombia. She had to choose to move the phone microphone away from her ears. At the same time, she rubbed the shell of her ears and complained softly.

Feel sorry...

Tell me, why do you think it can't be Ruoduo Dragon King?

After making sure that the other party had calmed down, the girl put the phone back to her ear and curiously asked her doubts.

You must know that there may have been other candidates for the demon god who can be closely related to the war god Morax in the Liyue area in ancient times, but it seems that the only one who can have this status in Liyue today is Ruotuo Dragon King.

Why did Harlequin react so violently?

Columbia, you rarely pay attention to Liyue's information, right?

Hearing the girl curiously asking him, Piero sighed slightly and asked a question that was not particularly relevant.

Well, what's going on?

Perhaps you don't know that Dragon King Ruotu lost his mind due to wear and tear a long time ago, and it was Morax who sealed the opponent with his own hands.

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