Hearing Keqing ask about the cost of her desktop computer, Han Xiao estimated a rough price in her mind.

He did not quote randomly. The cost of materials to manufacture a computer now would cost Paimon two months of food expenses, which is 600,000 molas.

After all, Han Xiao's previous task was to manufacture a desktop computer, so they used some relatively expensive alchemical materials and metals.

If we want to reduce prices in the future, we will need Abedo and others to experiment bit by bit and find low-quality alternatives to various materials.

Eight hundred thousand for one...it's indeed a bit expensive.

After learning the price of a desktop computer, Keqing couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Desktop computers are indeed expensive, but their functions that can greatly improve the efficiency of workers are very attractive to her.

Seemingly sensing that Ke Qing was already agitated, Han Xiao hurriedly hit the railroad while it was still hot:

The function of a computer goes far beyond simply printing documents. In the future, it will also be able to perform multiple functions such as instant messaging and remote conferencing.

“It’s definitely the best choice for office use.”

Well... let's get two hundred units first!

Hearing Han Xiao say that desktop computers will have more office functions in the future, Ke Qing thought about it again and again and finally decided to purchase a batch first to try.

If the functions of the computer are really as useful as Han Xiao said, then I will just buy more.

no problem!

Seeing that Keqing was talking about two hundred units at a time, Han Xiao couldn't help but feel happy.

Eight hundred thousand, two hundred units...160 million molas!

Converted into real money, it is 16 million yuan, which is equivalent to about 80,000 units.

After all, Liyue was wealthy. Although the price was not the most expensive in Han Xiao's previous life, it was indeed a bit higher than the average price.

However, considering that this is currently the most technologically advanced creation in the Teyvat continent, the price suddenly becomes much more reasonable.

Well... no one wants to monopolize it, he is so confident!

very good.

Keqing nodded, then pointed at the computer screen and asked:

But you have to take some time to teach the staff how to use desktop computers.

You can rest assured about this. During this period, Abedo and I will take some time every day to teach you how to operate.

At the time of introduction, I was designing a typing game for you to practice in private. It's not difficult to master it.

After hearing Han Xiao's words, all the staff present nodded hurriedly and expressed that they understood.

Many people are even gearing up for the arrival of desktop computers.

emmm, how should I put it?

After working in Guilicheng for more than two years, the staff of Kuixing Tower has already reached a consensus.

That is to say, when working in Kuixing Tower, you have to be mentally prepared to receive new things at any time.

After all, their immediate boss, Master Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, is a genius alchemist as famous as Master Abedo.

The two of them often come up with all kinds of novel inventions.

If you cannot adapt, you may be eliminated by others in the future.

After the demonstration, Han Xiao did not take away the two desktop computers and printer, but left one in Kuixing Building for everyone to experience.

As for the other station, Keqing took it back to Liyue Port to find Ningguang funding.

After all, 160 million Mora is not a small number, and she also wants to discuss with Ningguang and the others how to use desktop computers to improve the work efficiency of various departments.

So after Han Xiao and the others left Kuixing Tower, Ke Qing took a computer and printer and drove an electric car towards Liyue Port and sped away.


The next day.

The sun had just emerged, around eight o'clock.

Han Xiao was having breakfast when she received a call from Ning Guang.

Ningguang, call me so early?

It seems that Keqing has already demonstrated the desktop computer to you?

After a few simple greetings, Han Xiao, who understood Ningguang's intention, asked straight to the point.


Qunyu Pavilion.

Looking at Keqing who was resting here last night, Ningguang chuckled.

I have seen the desktop computer and printer that Keqing brought back.

You've seen it all, how do you feel?

A very powerful invention. Congratulations to you and Albedo's R\u0026D team for developing another creation that amazes the world.

Facing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ningguang spoke words of praise without hesitation, and the praise was overwhelming.

It has to be said that the other party started out as a street stall. Even after so many years, he is still very good at speaking good words.

There is no need to say more words of praise. Let's talk about your decision first!

Han Xiao almost couldn't hold on to Ning Guang's series of compliments and quickly stopped the other party to talk about business.

Are you talking about Keqing's proposal to purchase two hundred units? The other seven stars and I have agreed to this purchase plan.

Chapter 717 Bargaining

You agreed so readily. It seems that you are really optimistic about the prospects of desktop computers.

Hearing Ning Guang happily say Qixing's joint decision, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth rose slightly.

One hundred and sixty million molas are obtained!

Liyue has always had information sources about the situation in various countries in Teyvat Continent. I also have some knowledge of Xumi's void system.

On the other end of the phone receiver, Ningguang was holding the phone in one hand, and holding the cigarette rod in the other hand, he brought it to his mouth and took a sip.

Her beautiful face was hidden in the smoke, making her expression unclear.

After seeing the desktop computer that Ke Qing brought back and demonstrating it in public, Ning Guang became acutely aware that Han Xiao's invention should have been inspired by the void system.

The Void System is an invention that every Xumi people who have studied in Xumiliu are reluctant to part with after returning to Liyue.

Moreover, it is said that the void system was the creation of the great Cishu King, the first-generation grass god.

So when she saw Han Xiao leading the R\u0026D team composed of Abedo and others to create a desktop computer that was very similar to the Void System and an Internet that had not yet been implemented, she knew that this was another good opportunity for Liyue to take off.

In fact, not only Ning Guang knew it clearly, but the other seven stars who had been in office for many years also knew it.

In the entire Seven Stars, only Keqing, a Yuhengxing who took office just a few years earlier than Han Xiao and didn't care much about foreign intelligence, knew very little.

Therefore, after Keqing brought a desktop computer and demonstrated it in front of everyone in Qixing, Qixing, including Ningguang, agreed to Han Xiao's offer without hesitation.

Eight hundred thousand molars per unit is indeed a bit expensive, but it's money well spent.

Anyway, Liyue, which has many emerging businesses in its hands, has no shortage of Moura.

Well, if you want to achieve the effect of the void system, you have to wait until the Internet is laid out to achieve it step by step.

Han Xiao was too lazy to refute the fact that everyone who knew something about Xumi regarded the Internet as an invention borrowed from the Void System.

There is no way, who let the Void System come out first in the Teyvat Continent? This image probably cannot be changed.

Then I'll wait and see your good news.

Seeing Han Xiao's confident speech, Ningguang first praised him, then changed the subject and directly talked about the purchase price of desktop computers:

Speaking of which, Hanxiao, can't the purchasing price of desktop computers or computers really be cheaper?

No... Tianquanxing, who is extremely wealthy, also has to worry about this?

Leng Buding heard Ningguang's words to lower the price, and the upward curve of Han Xiao's mouth dropped rapidly.

Good guy, the other person said so many good things before, so the co-author is waiting for him here!

This money is official funds, not my own money.

Faced with Han Xiao's attempt to dispel her desire to negotiate a price by raising her status and face, Ningguang remained unmoved.

If she was the one who purchased the desktop computer, then maybe eight hundred thousand molars would be enough to buy one.

But now it is Liyue's official purchase, and the money is taken out of taxes, so Ningguang can naturally save a little bit.

With this idea in mind, Ningguang quickly demonstrated the intelligence gathering capabilities of an excellent businessman:

Hanxiao, Guili City recently purchased a large amount of precious alchemy materials and minerals. Am I right?

Then what?

Hearing Ning Guang's words, Han Xiao's expression suddenly changed, and he secretly cried out in his heart. He now had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Ningguang's next words confirmed Han Xiao's premonition was correct.

According to my estimate, the total price of this batch of materials will not exceed 100 million molara.

Even including your previous inventory, the material cost of 800,000 units is not enough, right?


Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue, and immediately spoke to try to save the situation:

Ningguang, you haven't calculated the research and development expenses yet!

...You two stop for a second!

Just when Ningguang and Han Xiao were arguing with each other, Keqing who was standing by the side finally couldn't stand listening any more, and quickly interrupted the conversation between the two, complaining angrily:

If I remember correctly, you two guys are not short of money at all. As for being so fussy about this small amount of money?

She really couldn't stand it anymore. It was clear that Ningguang and Han Xiao didn't care about money at all in the past, and they sometimes used their personal money to subsidize the official finance.

Why can't we give in to each other over this small amount of money today?

As for, very so!

Hearing Ke Qing's complaints, Ningguang put down the cigarette rod in his hand and looked at the other party with a serious face:

This is not a matter of money, this is a matter of dignity as a businessman!

That's right!

Han Xiao, who was on the other side of the phone's microphone, also responded very loudly.

I shouldn't have said this!

Keqing reached out and covered her face with 'pain' on her face.

The dignity of a businessman...

You might as well say that this involves a matter of principle, which is more tenable!

Seeing that Keqing put out the fire, Ningguang and Hanxiao started bargaining over their phones again.

As for our cat lady?

She had become completely silent amidst the increasingly loud voices from the two of them, choosing to empty her mind.

In the end, after some fierce bargaining, Han Xiao and Ning Guang ended the argument with the price of 720,000 molars per unit.

After a small round of bargaining, Ning Guang was in a very happy mood, not because she had cut off the price of 80,000 yuan, but because it had been a long time since she had bargained with someone like this regardless of her status.

It feels like a dream back in time.

As for Han Xiao, although a small part of the money he received was cut off, not only was he not depressed in his heart, but he was as happy as Ningguang.

Desktop computers now have finished products, and the next step is to start looking for substitutes for various materials.

Abedo is very familiar with this kind of thing. Han Xiao estimates that the cost price of a desktop computer will be reduced by at least 50% before long.

He still made a lot of money. This is the victory of technology!

That's enough of the topic of desktop computers, let's move on to the next topic.

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