Although the method of inverting the world bubble is not difficult, he can master it by himself if he slowly explores it.

But the other party's willingness to teach also saved him a lot of time.

Han Xiao still needs to remember this friendship.

No need to be polite, I'm just making an investment. If your prediction can come true, maybe your world and mine will meet in the sea of ​​​​stars in the future, right?

Su on the other side of the mirror waved his hands repeatedly after hearing Han Xiao's thanks, indicating that the other party did not need to be so solemn.

It's also a good thing to have an extra ally in the sea of ​​stars.

Oh, Mr. Su, do you really believe that I can lead the world through the assessment?

Who knows.

This time, Su also acted as the Riddler in front of Han Xiao.

Chapter 710 Han Xiao’s inspiration

After continuing to briefly communicate with Su, Han Xiao turned off [Starry Sky 1.0].

Has the deal between you two been settled?

Just when he was about to take a rest, Zhongli's voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Immediately afterwards, Han Xiao saw the other party's figure appearing in front of him.

Yes, Mr. Zhongli.

Han Xiao nodded calmly when she saw Zhong Li appearing.

I have learned the art of inverting the world bubble from Mr. Su.

Very good, then you and I should have a good talk!

Zhongli, who appeared in the room, walked to the sofa and sat down. He then crossed his arms across his chest and looked at Han Xiao with a serious face:

Tell me, how did you get in touch with the observer, Mr. Su, as well as Honkai Impact, the Sea of ​​Trees, the screening mechanism, etc... How much do you know?

Well, I actually only know a general idea. I'm not particularly clear on the specific details.

Faced with Zhong Li's questioning, Han Xiao didn't hide anything and directly said that she only knew a rough idea of ​​the collapse of the world.

He really wasn't lying this time.

Han Xiao's understanding of Honkai basically comes from the plots in previous games.

It's just a game. It's normal to often create some riddles and let you analyze the meaning yourself.

It's like the tree-sea system.

Although Han Xiao knew about the existence of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of ​​Quantum as early as in the game, he has never had personal contact with each other until now.

Seeing that Han Xiao was telling the truth, Zhongli did not refute, but changed the topic to another matter.

So what's going on with the inversion world bubble?

The continent of Teyvat is not so dangerous that we need to resort to this method of drinking poison to quench our thirst, right?

Isn't this just to give Teyvat the last resort to save his life?

Hearing Zhongli mention the inversion world bubble, Han Xiao calmly gave his explanation:

If the next creator can stabilize the world, I will naturally not use such extreme measures.

But everything is just in case, Mr. Zhongli, don't you think so? seems that you know Teyvat very well.

Suddenly hearing the word creator from Han Xiao's mouth, Zhongli couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Although he knew that Han Xiao, as a descendant, might know a lot of secrets, he really didn't expect that this little kid knew a lot.

Even some situations on Sky Island are clear.

Well... I just know a little bit more about it than the average person!

Really, then do you want to tell me about Solomon's problem?

Seeing that Han Xiao was still smiling playfully in front of him, Zhongli sneered decisively and spoke directly to the point.

this and that...

Han Xiao, who was caught off guard, forgot how to explain for a moment and hesitated for a long time, unable to say a complete sentence.

Forget it, let's get down to business.

Fortunately, Zhongli didn't plan to worry too much about this 'little thing' and simply skipped the topic.

Tell me specifically what preparations are needed to perform the inversion technique.


Hearing that Zhongli wanted to learn more about the art of inverting the world bubble and did not intend to pursue his own little 'scheming' in naming, Han Xiao quickly gave a brief summary of the method Su told him.

The technology for manipulating energy and the etheric anchor that stabilizes the world.

After learning about the preparations required to reverse the technique, Zhongli couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Han Xiao's physical body has reached the level of a demon god and is still improving. It is indeed a good choice to use it as a container for the inversion world bubble in the future.

And his own power is probably no less powerful than the two powers of imaginary numbers and quantum mentioned by observer Su.

In other words, Hanxiao also possesses the technology to manipulate energy.

All that is left is the ether anchor that controls the stable world.

To be honest, after hearing Han Xiao's explanation of the concept of etheric anchor points, Zhongli immediately felt that the effect of this thing was very similar to that of earth veins.

This is not that he is forcibly adding a connection between the two things, but that the two do have many similarities in functionality.

The etheric anchor point can use the information of the thing and the same amount of energy to copy things. The body of the person copied by the etheric anchor point will decay and disappear like sand when he dies.

And the etheric anchor that owns his information can replicate the person again.

Leylines also have these abilities.

Therefore, Zhongli suspected that the ley lines might be the etheric anchor points in the Teyvat continent.

Han Xiao, do you still remember what you promised me before?

Of course you remember not to delve into the forbidden power of the earth's veins and abyss!

Faced with Zhong Li's abrupt inquiry, Han Xiao did not hesitate and directly stated the promise he had made.

Please rest assured, Mr. Zhongli, I will not use the inversion technique unless absolutely necessary.

I can trust you on this.

Hearing Han Xiao's assurance, Zhongli nodded slightly.

Although this little brat often dug holes for him or made big news, the other party did what he promised him.

Even if Han Xiao wanted to study the heroic transformation plan that required the power of earth veins before, he only went to the border area of ​​Teyvat to conduct research after obtaining his consent.

But... Zhongli still has a question.

The technology of inverting the world bubble is not particularly difficult. Even the observer Mr. Su said that if Han Xiao wants to study it, he can master it by himself at most by spending a little time.

Logically speaking, there was no need for Han Xiao to be so eager to contact Su who was outside the world and obtain the inversion technique from him.

Why is he so anxious?

Thinking of this, Zhongli expressed his doubts to Han Xiao.

Actually, it's nothing. I just deduced a method that passed the examination, and this method requires inversion technology as a prerequisite, so I went to find Mr. Su and asked him to teach me the inversion method.

Faced with Zhongli's questioning, Han Xiao pondered for a moment and finally decided to tell the truth.

Because she could not improve her strength immediately, and now Yingmei has traveled to her fourth country, she is about to complete her trip.

No one knew what would happen to Teyvat after Yingmei finished her journey to the Seven Kingdoms, so he wanted to save a glimmer of hope for the entire continent before the other party's journey was over.

At first, Han Xiao was not particularly anxious about finding inversion technology. After all, Yingmei still had plenty of time to travel to the Three Kingdoms.

However, while searching for Su, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a way to skip classes in response to the assessment mechanism.

And the inversion technique is a more important part of this method of skipping classes.

That's why Han Xiao put a lot of energy into finding the coordinates of Su's location.

Chapter 711 The two people signed a contract again

Passed the assessment?

As soon as Han Xiao finished speaking, Zhongli's eyes instantly became more serious.

In his previous conversation with Su, what concerned him the most was what the other party said about the assessment mechanism set by the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

That's what can really threaten the world.

At the same time, it may also be an existence that both Fanes and the maintainers of heavenly principles are afraid of.

It can be said that after learning that there is this kind of assessment rule outside the world of Teyvat that is close to 'the living must be destroyed', even a calm person like Zhongli feels very tricky.

Because this thing is so strong that it makes no sense!

If you pass the assessment and take off from the world, if you fail the assessment, you will go straight to GG.

And according to what Su said, most of the outside world would not be able to pass this extremely harsh assessment.

Now Han Xiao actually said that he had deduced a method to pass the examination. How could this not make Zhongli act extremely serious?

Han Xiao, are you sure that the method you deduced to pass the examination can be successful?

According to my estimation, the probability should be quite high.

Seeing Zhong Li asking her such a serious question, Han Xiao made some calculations in her heart, and then nodded slowly.

I can't guarantee 100% of the method I came up with, but the success rate is at least much higher than the chance of surviving the test directly.

Can you tell me what solution you came up with?

Before Han Xiao could speak, Zhong Li changed the subject:

Of course, if you feel you need to keep it secret, just pretend I didn't ask.

That's not necessary, Mr. Zhongli.

Han Xiao quickly waved his hand to indicate that the other party did not need to be so careful. No one except him could use the method he came up with even if he said it.


As Han Xiao waved his right hand gently, a blue light ball composed of power appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Mr. Zhongli, you haven't forgotten this, have you?

This is your power to eliminate wear and tear. Naturally, I will not forget it.

Of course Zhongli was familiar with the power in Han Xiao's palm.

After all, it was this power that allowed him and Ruotuo Dragon King to get rid of the trouble of wear and tear.

Yes, Mr. Zhongli didn't think that my power level was extremely high before. I can tell you here with certainty that your guess is accurate.

Randomly manipulating the ball of light to spin around in his hand, Han Xiao proudly explained to Zhongli the nature of the power in his hand.

Although my current power is not very strong, it is on the same level as imaginary numbers and quantum in terms of personality.

That is to say, it is the third pole of power in the universe of the tree sea system.

What does this have to do with your need to reverse the spell?

Hearing this, Zhongli was still a little confused.

He had known for a long time that Han Xiao's power was extremely high in nature, but he still didn't quite understand the connection between this and the opponent's need to reverse the spell.

it's actually really easy...

Anyway, the topic had been completely discussed, so Han Xiao no longer concealed anything and bluntly stated the method he thought of to skip class.

If the continent of Teyvat really cannot avoid the test, and even the creator cannot save the world, he plans to invert the entire world into his own body.

Then with the help of this special state, he directly takes over the control of the entire world.

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