emmm, how should I put it?

It was probably equivalent to signing an attachment contract with Han Xiao when the Teyvat continent was about to be destroyed, and at the same time handing over management rights to him from Tianli.

Han Xiao, who has obtained the right to manage the world, will wait until she becomes stronger and then use her power to infect the entire world of Teyvat, and then release it and nail it to the 'tree'.

Boy...there's something about this operation.

After listening to Han Xiao's entire plan, Zhongli couldn't help but be a little stunned.

He really didn't expect that the other guy would come up with such a cool move.

But having said that, this is indeed a method of 'skipping class' that only Han Xiao can use.

Because his power is no less than the power of the third pole of imaginary numbers and quantum.

As long as Teyvat is imbued with Hanxiao's authority, it is equivalent to changing his 'nationality' and becoming a third party different from other worlds in the tree.

Naturally, the laws of the tree of imaginary numbers cannot be expanded upon.

After all, the tree and the sea are still competing, and he must not be willing to see Han Xiao form an alliance with the Quantum Sea by attacking the 'third country'.

This is extremely uneconomical for the tree of imaginary numbers.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to keep this world and let Han Xiao be in a neutral zone.

Therefore, Teyvat can take this opportunity to achieve a 'superposition state' that exists on the tree but is not evaluated by the tree.

After fully understanding Han Xiao's thoughts, the sense of urgency brought by the assessment mechanism to Zhongli finally dissipated a lot, but at the same time it also made him have some questions:

This is indeed a method that only you can use, but to achieve your goal, I'm afraid your current strength is not enough, right?


Han Xiao nodded and did not deny Zhongli's speculation.

Although the power he now possesses can indeed be said to be the third level that is different from Shu Hai, his current strength is far from enough if he wants Shu and Hai to treat him on an equal footing.

According to Han Xiao's own estimation, in order for Shuhai to regard him as a neutral third-party existence, the Heart Flower would have to transform at least two more times.

Before that, if Tiyvat was tested first and was about to fail, then Han Xiao could only use inversion to accommodate Tiyvat into his body.

When his strength is enough to be equal to Shuhai in the future, Tivat will be able to see the light of day again.

That's not bad.

Knowing that even if Han Xiao was weak, he could still help Tiyvat survive and wait for the 'day of rebirth', Zhongli nodded with satisfaction.

In any case, Han Xiao, who has learned the inversion technique, has reserved a trump card for Teyvat that leads to the future.

Moreover, this method of skipping classes is safer than some of the cheating civilizations that the observer Su said to pass the assessment, and at the same time, it will not cut off the potential of the world.

As for the trivial matter that Han Xiao will become the new manager of the world, or the third throne, he doesn't care at all.


Thinking of this, Zhongli gently raised his right hand and grabbed it in the void, and a contract document filled with Morax's power appeared in his hand.

Come and sign a contract with me.

Mr. Zhongli, what are you doing?

Your idea is certainly good, but the current situation in Teyvat is not that bad, right?

Seeing Han Xiao looking at him with some confusion, Zhongli looked at him with a smile and slowly explained:

The inversion technique is a last resort after all. I hope you will not use this technique before Teyvat reaches a desperate situation.

Chapter 712 The new contract between Han Xiao and Zhongli

Uh...Mr. Zhongli, do we really need to make it so formal?

Seeing Zhongli take out the contract document that exuded the power of the Rock God, Han Xiao couldn't help but reach out and scratch his head.

He's not the kind of naughty kid who doesn't listen to other people's advice.

Since he has promised that the other party will not use the inversion technique before Teyvat reaches a desperate situation, he will naturally abide by this promise.

After all, Teyvat is still hanging on the tree of imaginary numbers, and it has not been reduced to a bubble in the world.

Even if Han Xiao were asked to invert, he couldn't do it.

Furthermore, even if he can reverse the situation, isn't there still the Yingkong Twins ahead? They can just wait a little longer, why do they have to be so anxious?

“Sometimes it’s safer to use contracts to regulate things.”

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Zhongli did not hide his thoughts.

Emotionally speaking, he truly believed that Han Xiao would not recklessly use the inversion technique on Teyvat.

It's just that there is a contingency, right?

Maybe one day Han Xiao suddenly changes his mind and thinks that Teyvat is hopeless, and then starts the inversion spell regardless.

Zhong Li said that he did not want to find that the whole world and Han Xiao had become deeply bound to each other when he woke up.

So there are some things that should be paid attention to.


Seeing what Zhongli had said, Han Xiao felt that he should not be so impulsive, but he did not argue too much with the other party. He directly reached out to take the contract document, and then used his power to sign his name on the contract.

Hereby, the contract is established!

The contract is established!

After also using divine power to carve his name on the contract, Zhongli sighed secretly in his heart.

This time, he really fulfilled the oath that he often said in the past, Even if the sky falls, we must complete the contract.


After signing the true 'final contract' with Zhongli, Han Xiao's life got back on track.

Every day is basically spent in three places: home, Kuixing Tower and alchemy workshop.

The only difference was that he had a daily routine of briefly communicating with Su through [Starry Sky 1.0] every few days.

As for the reason, it is quite simple.

Whether it was Su or Han Xiao, they knew very well that the other person was probably one of the few beings in the world who could exchange secret knowledge with them.

This gave the two people who had been troubled by countless secrets a good 'venting' object.

On this day, Han Xiao, who returned home as usual, just sat down on the sofa, then took out [Starry Sky 1.0] to contact Su.

When Su's figure appeared on the mirror, he immediately greeted him:

Hey, Su, did you gain anything from today's observation?

Hearing Han Xiao directly call him by his name, Su Ke had long been used to it with his eyes closed.

The two have been communicating for a while and have become quite familiar with each other, so naturally they no longer use honorifics.

It's still the same, everything is business as usual.

What about the collapse of the world?

There is a problem at ME Company. The head of the company, Raiden Ryoma, was arrested and imprisoned due to the scandal of a financial fraud case.

When talking about the world he was in, Su's expression became serious.

Due to the Riddler-like prophecy made before Han Xiao, his observation time of the collapsing world was obviously much longer during this period.

At the same time, he focused his observation on Changkong City in the far east.

After all, if the other party's prediction is true, Changkong City will be the starting point of destiny, so naturally he can't miss this.

Maybe he can see a clue in this so-called 'original place of destiny'.

ME Club has already encountered a problem...it seems there is not much time left before everything starts.

When he learned that Su Observed that Raiden Ryoma, the leader of ME Company, was arrested for financial fraud, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then let out a meaningful sigh.

Su, Changkong City will soon face a devastating disaster. Will you choose to intervene?

Destroying disaster?

Hearing Han Xiao's profound question, Su's heart suddenly trembled, as if he understood something.

In the Honkai world, the only option that can be called a devastating disaster is a large-scale outbreak of Honkai.

Hanxiao, do you mean that Changkong City in the new civilization will usher in the third Honkai outbreak?

I told you before, Sue.

Changkong City is the place where the new civilization comes to pass, and it is also the place where the first and last connection comes.

“Can’t we really change the location?”

Although Han Xiao's words were unclear, Su still vaguely sensed that the disaster in Changkong City seemed to be the most important node of the new civilization, which made his face slightly stiff.

Reason tells him that he should watch rationally and not intervene without authorization.

But his sensibility reminded him that there were countless ordinary people in Changkong City who were about to die.

I have no idea.

Facing Su's questioning, Han Xiao answered extremely decisively.

The Conquering Gem was injected into Raiden Mei's body, and Cocolia on the counter-entropy side would not give up on the experiment of making the other party the Third Herrscher.

Even if there is no Changkong City, there will be other places that will be hit by disasters.

All this depends on Su's own decision. After all, Han Xiao himself is in the world of Teyvat and cannot interfere with the collapse of the world.

Sigh... I will try to prevent disaster from breaking out within the city.

In the end, Su, who did not get accurate advice from Han Xiao, chose a compromise, which was to slightly shift the center of the outbreak to the suburbs of Changkong City.

Han Xiao attaches great importance to Changkong City and even calls it the first and final place of connection of the new civilization. He is very clear about the meaning contained in it.

Changkong City should be the most critical node in the ‘plot’ Gao Wei Will told Han Xiao.

In layman's terms, it's probably similar to the historical transition period.

Su could not directly avoid the disaster in Changkong City. After all, if the entire new civilization went astray because of himself, he would not tolerate it.

However, the so-called small trend is changeable, but the general trend is hard to go against.

Without affecting the overall situation, saving a few more people was the limit of what Su could do.

However, to do this, Han Xiao's help is needed.

Thinking of this, Su couldn't help but slightly opened his eyes and looked at Han Xiao on the other side of the light screen:

I need your help, Han Xiao.

Have you decided?

As long as it doesn't affect the initial and final bond, it'll be fine, right?

It seems that you already understand what the so-called first and last are.

Hearing what Su said, Han Xiao raised her eyebrows slightly.

Don't forget, one of my comrades in arms is Si Yuan!

Hearing this, Su couldn't help but let out a long sigh full of regret.

Han Xiao focused on clarifying the two pronouns initial and final from beginning to end. How could he not guess the meaning after spending so much time with Alicia.

Chapter 713: Successfully developed desktop computer

Han Xiao has no idea how Su will interfere with Changkong City next.

However, considering that the other party already understood the extraordinary importance of this node, he believed that the other party would have their own considerations.

After all, no matter how compassionate Su was, the painful experiences of previous civilizations would make him rational.

Moreover, Han Xiao is currently more concerned about the research and development of desktop computers than the Honkai Impact world that he cannot intervene in and can only watch from the sidelines.

Although Su may not be as knowledgeable as Velvet, Mebius, and Mei Yuan in terms of knowledge.

But after all, he is also a researcher who can participate in the Stigma Project, and he has his own understanding of the Internet.

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