Romani...should be a variant of Romantic, which means romance.

I see, is this romantic?

After hearing this, Zhongli just retracted his gaze from Han Xiao, and then looked at Su on the other side of the mirror.

Mr. Su, I'm sorry for overhearing some of the things you and Han Xiao were talking about before.

I would like to know more about Honkai. I wonder if you would be willing to clear up my confusion.

Han Xiao's matter will be dealt with later, but he is more concerned about Honkai's matter now.

No problem at all.

Seeing that Zhongli wanted to know more about the situation about Honkai, and considering that the other party should have heard a lot of information before, Su did not hide it, and very considerately went over the rules of Honkai under the Sea of ​​Trees system from beginning to end.

The battle between the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of ​​Quantum.

Each 'leaf' on the tree is a world. If it falls off the trunk, it will fall into the sea and become a fragment of the world.

At the same time, a screening mechanism was born on the tree of imaginary numbers, which was Han Xiao's previous dialogue with Su.

The tree will screen civilization through collapse. If civilization fails to pass the screening of collapse, the tree will be disconnected from its anchor point and return to the world bubble state until the world bubble is eroded and disintegrated by the sea.

Of course, collapse is just a manifestation of the tree screening mechanism, which takes on different forms in various parallel worlds.

But most of them have one characteristic, that is, 'everything that lives must perish'.

It can be said that Su's series of popular science made Zhongli, a demon god who lived for more than 6,000 years, feel that the amount of information was too much.

Although he knew that there were other worlds outside Teyvat thousands of years ago, the information about the sea of ​​trees and the screening mechanism was beyond his imagination.

At the same time, Zhongli also inexplicably understood why in the past, whether it was Fanes or the maintainer of heavenly principles, they would do some puzzling actions.

It is estimated to have some connection with the screening mechanism Su mentioned.

I wonder if you, Mr. Su, have observed the world that passed the test?


Hearing Zhongli's question, Su couldn't help but shake his head and let out a long sigh:

I have been observing for thousands of years. I have seen worlds that cheated to avoid assessment, but most of them sacrificed the potential of the future development of their own world.

So far, I have never seen a world that has truly passed the test. Maybe that kind of world is no longer something I can observe.

What will happen to the world where those who use cheating methods to avoid assessment will be like in the future?

It will be safe for a certain period of time, but once the test comes again or encounters an invasion by foreign enemies, this world with no development potential is destined to fall into the sea.

That means the screening mechanism cannot be avoided, right?


No wonder...

Zhongli, who fully understood the way of living in various worlds under the Sea of ​​Trees system, couldn't help but close his eyes.

If he agreed with Han Xiao to ask Su for advice on inverting the world bubble before, it was because he believed in the other party's judgment.

Then Zhongli now truly understood why Han Xiao did what he did.

The opponent was reserving the opportunity for Teyvat to make one last struggle.

Although the continent of Teyvat currently does not have the same terrifying collapse mechanism as Su's world, don't forget that Teyvat has also been suffering from the invasion of the abyss.

Zhongli vaguely felt that there might be a connection between Abyss and Honkai that he didn't know about.

Thinking of this, Zhongli looked at Su solemnly:

I understand everything, Mr. Su, I have one last question.

Lord Morax, please speak.

Can the inversion world bubble mentioned by Han Xiao really be Teyvat's last trump card?

If the world where Teyvat is located is really cut off from the tree due to the assessment, the inversion world bubble is indeed a way to maintain a glimmer of hope at the last moment.

Su, who understood what Zhongli wanted to ask, nodded without hesitation.

That's good!

After receiving the accurate answer, Zhongli sighed slightly, and then repeated his previous words:

Mr. Su, regarding Han Xiao asking you for advice on how to soak the world, I still have the same attitude as before. At the same time, I can also guarantee that the other seven gods should have the same idea as me.

Lord Morax, you should know that inverting the world bubble is a no-brainer.

No matter how bad the method is, it can preserve the last chance for Teyvat, right?

I heard that Lord Morax values ​​the fairness of contracts. I can teach Han Xiao the method of inverting the world bubble, but what can I gain?

Don't worry, Mr. Su!

Before Zhong could leave his mouth, Han Xiao, who had been pretending to be dead for a long time, finally came over and said with confidence:

I will provide you with a sufficient bargaining chip!

Oh, I'll wait and see!

Seeing Han Xiao's confident statement, Su's face also showed a look of interest.

Now he is really curious about what kind of chips can make the other party so confident.

Mr. Su, I will take my leave now and you can continue talking.

Seeing that the two were about to talk about business, Zhongli immediately stood up and moved away from his seat. After giving Han Xiao a look that said, I'll settle the score with you later, he chose to leave.

Chapter 709: Learning the Inversion Technique

When Zhongli's figure left Han Xiao's residence, Su on the other side of [Starry Sky 1.0] asked curiously:

Your Excellency Han Xiao, I wonder what chips you would use to exchange for the method of inverting the world bubble?

Although the method of inverting the world bubble is just a means, its function is to save the world after all.

In terms of value, he really didn't know what kind of bargaining chip could make Han Xiao so confident that he would definitely agree to the exchange.

Mr. Su, if I said that you are observing a world that will pass the test in the future, would you believe it?

A world that will pass the test in the future?

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Su couldn't help but feel a little confused. It took him a long time to come back to his senses and ask:

You wouldn't say that Teyvat Continent already has a way to pass the examination, right?

No...I'm not talking about the world I'm in.

Han Xiao shook her head.

If the continent of Teyvat had a way to pass the assessment, there would be no barrier set up by Faness, let alone a maintainer who was about to die.

Then the world you are talking about is...

Of course it is the world that you are most concerned about, Mr. Su.

This is impossible!

After learning that Han Xiao said that the world that would pass the assessment in the future was the current civilization of his world, Su immediately frowned and refuted.

He never forgot to observe the world in which he lived.

Although the scientific and technological level of the current civilization has developed slowly after inheriting the legacy of the previous civilization, he did not see any signs of being able to pass the assessment.

That's because the gears of destiny haven't started turning yet.

Facing Su's doubts, Han Xiao calmly acted like a magician and spoke incomprehensible riddles.

The arrival of the third collapse is the beginning. Four years later, the new world will move towards the star sea in the hands of the end.

Although Han Xiao behaved in an impressive manner, Su was not the kind of person who would kill them all with one blow, not to mention that the other party seemed to have had in-depth communication with the high-dimensional will.

Maybe predicting the future that is impossible to realize in his eyes can be realized in the hands of higher-dimensional will?

Moreover, there were two passages in Han Xiao's words that made him extremely concerned.

The beginning and the end.

Could it be that the other party was talking about the beginning and the end?

Thinking of this, Su couldn't help but ask Han Xiao:

Can you tell me, is this your prediction or the conclusion given to you by higher-dimensional will?

This is not important. In just a few years, you will see the picture you want to see.

So you are now going to use a future that has not yet begun to throw me away?

It hasn't started yet, but it's already been decided. Alicia, Prometheus, etc., Mr. Su, the pre-civilization you were in can be said to have helped the current civilization a lot!

Hearing this, Su couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Han Xiao suddenly mentioned Alicia and Prometheus specifically, which caused a vague 'line' to appear in his mind.

Unfortunately, due to too little information, he was unable to completely grasp the clues. He could only vaguely detect that the other party did not seem to be lying.

I always feel like making a deal with you is like gambling.

Then Mr. Su, are you willing to take a gamble?

why not.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Su shrugged helplessly.

It's just a way of inverting the world. Even if he doesn't say it, Han Xiao may be able to figure it out on his own in the future.

Using a method that may be controlled by the other party in exchange for a prophecy, on the surface it seems like a loss, but once the prophecy comes true, he will make a lot of money.

Therefore, even Su, who was not very fond of gambling, couldn't help but want to take a gamble at this time.

Mr. Su, I believe I will not let you down.

Haha... maybe, let's talk about clubbing in the reverse world first.

Now that he had decided to take the gamble, Su did not continue to pay attention to the hints in Yi Hanxiao's mouth, and directly described to him how to perform the inversion of the world bubble.

Your Excellency Hanxiao, do you know the concept of etheric anchor point?


Han Xiao nodded, and then expressed his knowledge of the etheric anchor point:

“The ether anchor is the channel responsible for transmitting information throughout the world and plays a role in stabilizing the world.”

Yes, if you want to invert the world bubble, you need the ether anchor as the world's locator to help you stabilize the world from disintegration.

Seeing Han Xiao very clearly stated the function of the etheric anchor point, Su couldn't help but nodded slightly. It was convenient to communicate with such a person who knew a lot of information.

In addition to the etheric anchor point, you also need the technology to manipulate energy, and then use your own body as a container to write inverse spells through huge energy and calculations.

An inversion technique?

I will give you the method of making a world bubble. You need to figure out how to invert the world bubble yourself. After all, there will be some differences in each world. The method here may not be completely applicable to your world.

Then I'll trouble Mr. Su.

In the next few days, Han Xiao would receive Su's teachings every night and learn how to make world bubbles from him.

Fortunately, Han Xiao herself is a smart person, especially after adding the talents of other group members in the chat group, her learning ability has improved by leaps and bounds.

In just a few days, he roughly mastered how to create a world bubble, and roughly figured out his own inversion technique.

On this day, looking at Han Xiao's skillful techniques, Su on the other side of [Starry Sky 1.0] nodded with satisfaction:

You have almost mastered the technology of how to make a world bubble, and you have figured out the inversion technique. You need to find the remaining ether anchor points by yourself.

After all, you seem to have the technology to manipulate energy yourself.

Thinking of the unique power that Han Xiao showed during the learning stage, Su's face was indescribably weird.

Although he couldn't make an accurate judgment through the screen, he was still a scientific researcher who learned a lot from Dr. Mei back then, so he still had good eyesight.

The strength shown by the other party always gives him a feeling of extremely high status.

Thank you, Mr. Su, for your teaching.

Hearing Su's words, Han Xiao solemnly bowed to Su on the other side of the mirror.

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