So with the help of high-dimensional will, I asked you for help, hoping that Mr. Su could teach me the method of inverting the world bubble.

Facing Han Xiao's request, Su couldn't make a decision for a while.

He knew that the other party was not lying.

Since Han Xiao asked him to teach him the method of inverting the world bubble, it meant that the other party's world was indeed still struggling under the test like the Collapse World.

The situation is even less optimistic than the collapse of the world.

After all, the other party is already considering using the method of inverting the world bubble to maintain the existence of the world.

However, Su was still a little worried because Han Xiao's appearance was too sudden.

I need to think about it.

After pondering for a long time, Su finally chose to delay instead of immediately agreeing to Han Xiao's request.

Okay, I hope Mr. Su can give me a reply as soon as possible.

Han Xiao was not surprised when he heard that Su did not agree to his request. He also knew that his appearance was indeed a bit unexpected.

I wonder how long Mr. Su can preserve the particles?

I estimate it will take about seven days.

Then I will send a new particle beam to Mr. Su's coordinates every five days. I hope Mr. Su will not forget to receive it.

Your Excellency Han Xiao is the first person from another world that I have had a conversation with in thousands of years. I also want to have some in-depth information exchanges with you.

After hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Su also showed a slight smile on his face, and stated his purpose quite directly.

Information about Honkai?

That's right.

Why don't we start communicating now, Mr. Su?

This is the first time we've met. I still understand the importance of communicating briefly but deeply, Mr. Hanxiao.

Mr. Su is really straightforward. I understand. I hope we can get along well in the future.


Quite an interesting guy.

After hanging up the communication with Su, Han Xiao casually placed [Starry Sky 1.0] aside and couldn't help but mutter to herself.

Although this communication did not gain Su's trust immediately, overall the communication was quite pleasant.

What surprised him even more was that Su was not full of riddles as he had known in his previous life, but was rather frank and direct.

This was somewhat beyond Han Xiao's expectation.

Su's attitude was because he mentioned the high-dimensional will, so the other party felt that there was no need to hide anything, so he was so candid?

On the other side, inside the Xumi Mustard Seed World Bubble.

Watching the particle light screen gradually dissipate, Su Fang slowly opened his eyes, a glimmer of thought flashing through his eyes.

Hanxiao...what changes will you bring to the Collapsed World?

Chapter 707: Teyvat may be skipping class

In the next few days, Han Xiao and Su would have brief contact every day, and both of them would test each other in a tacit understanding.

With the exploration, both of them also found the information they wanted from the other party's words.

For example, Han Xiao learned from Su's mouth that Changkong City in the far east of the collapsed world is still prosperous.

This made him understand that the third collapse of the Honkai World has not yet come, and the assessment of the new era is still continuing.

And Su also found out from Han Xiao that the place the other party was in was called Teyvat, and it was a world that used elemental power.

Although there is no shadow of Honkai, there is the power of the abyss that is very similar to Honkai.


As night fell, Han Xiao, who returned home from the alchemy workshop, sat on the sofa, took out [Starry Sky 1.0] and began to contact Su Lai.

Soon, Su's face appeared on the mirror of [Starry Sky 1.0].

I kept you waiting, Mr. Su!

It doesn't matter, time has lost too much meaning to me.

Is it because of the fusion warriors?

That's true. Although the initial mortality rate of super-transformation surgery is very high, the combat power and lifespan brought about by the fusion of Honkaimon are indeed greatly improved.

Hearing the word fusion warrior pop out of Han Xiao's mouth, Su didn't have much surprise on his face.

After these days of conversations, he found that Han Xiao was very familiar with many concepts of the Collapse World.

Even the current civilization of the collapsed world doesn't know about some things about the pre-civilization.

Mr. Su, how have you considered the previous matter?

After chatting with Jian Da for a few words, Han Xiao felt that the conversation over the past few days had brought the two of them closer together, and it was time to talk about business.

Hanxiao...According to your description, Teyvat doesn't need to use such extreme means as inverting the world yet, right?

Seeing Han Xiao mentioning business, Su pondered for a moment and then asked about his confusion.

After all, according to the other party's description, most of the countries in Teyvat are still in the Middle Ages, and only one or two countries are heading towards the steam age.

The environment on the entire continent was also quite stable. To be honest, Su felt a little envious when he heard about Tivat's current state.

After all, the situation of the previous civilization he was in was extremely bad.

Mr. Su, our maintainer may have fallen into a deep sleep. Although it looks stable on the surface, there are actually undercurrents inside.

The maintainer of heavenly law...her methods are somewhat similar to those of the Shoggoth civilization.

Hearing Han Xiao talk about Teyvat's maintainer, Su couldn't help but sigh.

He had already heard from Han Xiao what the Heavenly Law Maintainer had done. Once a highly developed civilized country appeared on the Teyvat continent, the other party would personally punish it.

This method is very similar to the way the Shoggoth civilization used technological blockade to evade the Honken assessment.

It could be said that although Su could not bear this cruel method, he also understood that it was a choice made out of desperation.

Maybe, but this is just a temporary measure, isn't it?

Han Xiao shrugged. He couldn't comment on whether the maintainers of heavenly principles were good or bad, but it was an indisputable fact that the barriers around Teyvat were weakening.

It is not certain whether Yingmei is the creator Han Xiao.

Perhaps when the maintainer dies, the other party will ascend the throne to prevent the burning of the world, thereby continuing the continent of Teyvat.

But this is no longer the game he played in his previous life but the real world.

It was impossible for Han Xiao to do nothing and just wait for Ying, Kong, or other people's creators to ascend to the throne of God to maintain the stability of Teyvat.

After all, if something goes wrong, the whole continent of Teyvat will be unlucky.

So he had to hold a last resort for Liyue.

By then, if the twins or someone can really maintain the stability of the Teyvat continent, Han Xiao will naturally treat it as nothing happened and continue to develop silently with Liyue.

However, once the situation worsens, he will take action to protect Liyue before the world collapses.

The Shogoth civilization has now lost its growth potential and is at risk of being destroyed at any time. I don't want Teyvat to be like this by then.

But isn't inverting the world an extreme means of survival? What's the difference between your choice and the maintainer of heavenly principles?

After listening to Han Xiao's thoughts and preparations for the future, Su couldn't help but frown and asked.

In his opinion, there is no essential difference between these methods, whether it is blocking technology to ensure that civilization does not improve, or like Han Xiao's plan to invert the world bubble to avoid falling into the quantum sea and be destroyed.

They are all trying their best to delay Shuhai's assessment.

Mr. Su, at least there is a chance to retake the inversion world bubble!

Han Xiao shook her head repeatedly to indicate that the two should not be confused.

The Shoggoth civilization's blocking of technology is equivalent to castrating the development potential of its own civilization, and it will stay like this for the rest of its life.

The inversion world bubble is different. It only extends the period for the world to fall into the quantum sea, but does not limit its development potential.

Maybe a miracle will happen at this last moment, and then I can pass the exam through 're-examination'?

At that time, it will really be like the sky is high and birds can fly, and the sea is wide and fish can jump!


Hearing this, Su couldn't help but remain silent.

He didn't even know how to evaluate Han Xiao's optimism.

This kind of word has never appeared in front of pre-civilization.

Mr. Han Xiao, I can give you the method of inverting the world bubble, but before that, I need to make sure of one thing.

Mr. Su, just tell me anything!

Seeing that Su was vaguely interested in relenting, Han Xiao quickly patted her chest and expressed that she would definitely help as long as she could.

You once said that the continent of Teyvat is ruled by seven gods, right? I want to hear the other party's opinion.

No, I agree.

As soon as Su finished speaking, Zhongli's voice sounded from behind Han Xiao.

Then the other party walked out of the shadows.

Mr. Zhongli, you are here!

Seeing Zhongli sitting on the sofa in front of her, Han Xiao greeted him with a smile on her face.

He knew that his contact with Su for so many days would definitely arouse Zhongli's idea.

Because of this, Han Xiaocai and Su repeatedly mentioned the Honkai Impact, the law that the living must perish, and the pre-civilizations that perished in the Honkai Impact.

Just to attract Zhongli's attention.

Hearing Han Xiao greet him with a smile on his face, Zhongli couldn't help but glare at him, and then turned to the mirror of [Starry Sky 1.0] and said to Su with a solemn expression:

Mr. Su, the observer of the world, I heard Han Xiao mention you. I am one of the seven gods you are looking for, the former rock god Morax.

Morax... one of the seventy-two demon gods, the demon god of the Teyvat world is really a demon god!

Chapter 708 Zhongli learns the truth about the universe

The devil is really the devil?

I wonder what Mr. Su means by this?

Regarding Su's emotion, Zhongli couldn't help but frown, as if he didn't understand why the other party would express such emotion.

But Han Xiao's expression changed, and she vaguely sensed that something was not right.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to get rid of this topic, Su's explanation was transmitted through the mirror of [Starry Sky 1.0].

In the new era of my world, there is a myth that has been circulated from ancient times to the present. It is said that King Solomon, who possesses the wisdom of heaven, made a contract with the Demon King Belial and obtained the command of the great demons called the Seventy-Two Demon Kings. strength.

So in later generations, people will also call these seventy-two demon kings Solomon's seventy-two demon gods.

Your name, Morax, is the name of the twenty-first monarch of the Kingdom of Tears of Hell.

King Solomon...

Hearing Su's detailed explanation, Zhongli was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes narrowed as if he remembered something. His eyes were like knives directed at Han Xiao, who had raised his head and stared at the ceiling at some point.

At the same time, he did not forget to ask Su:

Mr. Su, I want to ask you a question. I don't know what the meaning of Romani is.


Han Xiao, who was staring at the ceiling and not daring to lower his head, suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, feeling secretly grateful in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't give the pseudonym of the puppet clone Solomon Ajman, otherwise it would be a real pill this time!

As expected, when faced with Zhongli's inquiry, Su also readily gave an explanation.

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