His name was clearly recorded on it.

This was what surprised Su the most.

At present, there are not many people who are known to have survived from 50,000 years ago. Apart from himself, it seems that only Kevin and Hua are left. At most, we can count Gracie, who has no news.

But since breaking up with his best friend Kevin because of the Stigma Project, the other person has been imprisoned at the bottom of the Quantum Sea.

Hua also lost contact many years ago.

Logically speaking, modern civilization should have very little information about him. Why is my name recorded like this on this particle?

X·H, who could you be?

Su slowly closed his eyes, and the abbreviation at the bottom of the particle transmission information could not help but appear in his mind.

At this time, he had a vague hunch that this was probably not a message released by the Shoggoths or the people in the sky.

As a former civilized warrior who had fought to the final level and still survived, Su knew the general situation of the parallel world near the earth.

In this area, the only civilizations that have passed the Honkai assessment are the two mentioned above.

And whether they are the Shoggoth civilization or the people in the sky, they are all 'truants'.

It can be said that civilizations like the previous civilizations near this leaf of the earth that did not skip classes and faced the end, basically scored GG.

It was precisely because he knew this that Su felt confused.

Where did the particle in front of him come from, and where did he know his name.

While Su was thinking, another particle suddenly broke into the mustard seed again.

Seeing this, before the particles dissipated, he immediately asked the owner behind the particles his question:

who are you?


Teyvat continent.

Since the creation of [Starry Sky 1.0], Han Xiao's life has become stable.

During the day, Abedo and the others fix the vulnerabilities of the operating system and then write office software such as Office.

At night, he would go to the underground space below the secret room, and use the power fluctuations of the Heart of the Grass God to activate [Starry Sky 1.0] to send particle beams containing Su's name to the outside world of Teyvat.

It's a pity that I haven't seen any response for many days.

Han Xiao had already expected this.

After all, the universe is so big, it is still difficult for the particle beam to find the Sumeru Mustard Seed World Bubble where Su is.

However, when he discovered that one of the particle beams he emitted was artificially intercepted, he knew that at least someone had captured the message he sent.

Fortunately, the world I live in is not Trisolaris.

With such luck, Han Xiao fired a new particle beam towards the coordinates where the previous particle beam was captured.

He believed that the other party would reply to him soon.

The development of the matter did not exceed Han Xiao's judgment.

When he realized that his newly emitted particle beam had been artificially captured again, his eyes were fixed on the mirror of [Starry Sky 1.0].

Not long after, when he saw a gray-haired young man with closed eyes appearing on the mirror of [Starry Sky 1.0], Han Xiao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

He finally found Su, the spiritually aware fusion warrior from the former civilization that collapsed the world!

He was also overjoyed when he found Su.

Being able to find each other means that the plot of the collapsing world has not yet developed to the time when Youlandel arrived at Sumeru Mustard Seed, that is, before 2015.

who are you?

As Su's questioning voice came from [Starry Sky 1.0], Han Xiao quickly said before the particle beam dissipated:

I am Han Xiao signed by X·H, an observer from another world. I have finally contacted you, Tian Huisu!


As his words fell, [Starry Sky 1.0] disconnected the link again.

Seeing this, Han Xiao hurriedly controlled [Starry Sky 1.0] and launched a new particle beam, but this time the one launched was different from the previous one.

It carries some of the power of his authority.

I believe that when Su sees the power of authority related to entropy, he should know how to operate it.


Sumeru mustard seeds.

Following Su's inquiry, the particles suddenly expanded, and a blurry screen of light appeared in front of him.

On the light screen, a young man with white hair and red eyes, wearing clothes similar to those from Shenzhou, was holding a strange-shaped mirror and said words that shocked Su extremely.

Unfortunately, before he could ask any questions, the light curtain exploded in the air and broke the link.

However, the words that the other party transmitted through the particles made Su's mind unable to calm down for a long time.

That’s Chinese, you can’t go wrong!


It is also consistent with the difference in the order of names in Chinese and European languages.

The other party's name is also similar to the naming convention of the Chinese region where Hua is located, and he has a given name and a surname.

The otherworld observer... still knows my name.

A series of questions emerged in Su's heart.

Excluding the 50,000 years of sleeping, the observations over the past few thousand years have already made him feel calm.

But today, after a stranger named Han Xiao broke in, Su felt a surge of emotions for the first time in a long time.

Fortunately, time in the quantum sea is not continuous. After waiting for about a stick of incense, another particle appeared in front of him.

This time, Su did not hesitate and directly deployed his mental power in an attempt to maintain the existence of the particles.


When Su extended his mental power to the particles, the strange power inside the particles made him feel surprised again.

Because in this particle, that strange force is constantly absorbing the power of imaginary numbers and quantum escape.

And because he was good friends with Mei, Su also discovered that the essence of this power was also entropy, and there was even no obvious difference in personality between him and Shu Hai's power.

Chapter 706 Su and Han Xiao test each other

“What a surprising discovery!”

Although she got along well with Mei because of Kevin's relationship, and learned knowledge about the imaginary number space and the quantum sea from each other.

But the third power in the particles in front of him, which was completely different from the two attributes of imaginary numbers and quantum, still made Su feel a little surprised.

It is obviously related to entropy, but it takes on a third attitude, which even seems to be contrary to the power of the sea of ​​trees.

Han Xiao, who claims to be an observer of another world, is pretty awesome!

Using his own mental power to completely wrap the particles so that they would no longer dissipate energy, a flash of hesitation flashed across Su's eyes.

Should he get in touch with the other party?

After all, so far, apart from knowing that the other party's name is Han Xiao and that he is an observer from another world, the rest of the information is not clear at all.

On the other hand, what about the other party?

The young man named Han Xiao not only knew his own name, he even knew the engraved Tianhui that was awarded to him when he became the Thirteen Heroes.

This shows that the other party at least knows something about the civilization before the collapse of the world.

Su knew very well that in this situation of information asymmetry, it was easy for him to be in a passive position during the conversation.

That's why he hesitated about contacting Han Xiao.

After pondering for about ten minutes, Su finally decided to have a conversation with the other party.

The Hengsha plan has shown no hope so far.

Now that a variable like Han Xiao has appeared, maybe this is an opportunity.

Thinking of this, he directly urged his mental power to touch the particles.

Soon, Su saw the white-haired boy named Han Xiao again in his eyes.


Teyvat continent.

As Su's mental power touched the particles, ripples appeared on the mirror surface of [Starry Sky 1.0] in Han Xiao's hand.

The other party did not disappoint him.

Seeing Su's face gradually become clearer under the fluctuations of the mirror, Han Xiao's corners of her mouth turned up slightly and she greeted him softly:

Hello, Mr. Su.

X·H...or should I say Han Xiao?

Exactly down there.

Hearing Su's question, Han Xiao nodded.

On the other side, after exchanging names with Han Xiao, Su didn't delay and directly asked what he wanted to know most.

Can you please tell me, Your Excellency Han Xiao, how did you learn of my existence?

If I say that this is the information given to me after high-dimensional will observation, I wonder if Mr. Su will believe it?

Facing the question raised by Su, Han Xiao was well prepared and directly said the words he had thought of before.

After all, there are indeed many high-dimensional wills in the world of the sea of ​​trees that have been observing the world.

And he didn't lie to the other party.

The world I was in before was also high-dimensional, wasn't it?

As expected by Han Xiao, after hearing him say Gao Dimensional Will once, Su's expression instantly fluctuated a little, but the other party quickly calmed down.

It turns out to be a higher-dimensional will!

Within the Xumi mustard seeds, Su sighed lightly.

That's it...just let it be.

Although he did not completely believe Han Xiao's words, he did know the existence of Gao Dimensional Will, and the other party's explanation made sense.

Su suppressed some doubts in his heart and asked Xiang Hanxiao again:

I wonder why Your Excellency Han Xiao is so eager to find my whereabouts?

Of course I want something.

What do you want?

How to invert the world bubble.

Inverse world bubble?

Su was stunned when he heard Han Xiao state his purpose very simply.

The purpose of the other party's search for him is to find a way to reverse the world bubble. Doesn't that mean that the other party's world has reached a precarious stage?

Is it another civilization that is about to fail in the ‘assessment’?

Seemingly sensing what Su was thinking, Han Xiao quickly added:

Mr. Su, please rest assured that the world I live in has not yet reached its worst point.

I see, Your Excellency Han Xiao is saving the last trump card for your world.


Han Xiao nodded and said without any hesitation:

Mr. Su, all civilizations in the world of Sea of ​​Trees are facing the test. There is no conflict between worlds like you and me that have not yet passed.

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