
Hearing a familiar voice coming from the phone receiver, a flash of surprise flashed in Han Xiao's eyes:

Why did you call me suddenly?

Heh...think about yourself before I ask.

Seeing Han Xiao directly asking why he was the one calling her, Albedo on the other end of the phone immediately sneered.

We are all working overtime to fix the vulnerabilities of the operating system. It's a good thing that you, the young master, haven't been seen for several days in a row.

We don't have enough manpower right now, so don't even think about fishing!

Well...if I said I was conducting a very important research project, would you believe it?

Hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Albedo on the other end of the phone raised his eyebrows.

He still somewhat believed the other party's claim that he was conducting very important research.

Because Han Xiao has indeed proposed many research topics over the past two years.


When they were talking on the Lantern Festival, didn't the other party say that the Internet would be the top priority in their next research project?

How come this is another very important research topic?

Thinking of this, Abedo couldn't help but ask:

How important is the research you're talking about?

Probably more important than the Internet.

Do you need my help?

Knowing that Han Xiao was studying a topic that was more important than the Internet, Abedo pondered for a moment before asking if he needed help.

As for the Internet project, he could push it back. After all, he could tell from Han Xiao's tone that the other party was not joking.

No need for now. You can take Fa Lushan and the others to fix the vulnerabilities in the operating system. I will come back to fix the vulnerabilities with you when I'm done.

It seems that the launch of the Internet will be delayed for some time.

Well... there are still a lot of problems anyway, so forcing it out is not a problem.

Hearing Abedo lamenting that the Internet could not be launched as soon as possible, Han Xiao was not very anxious.

After all, current desktop computers are still in the laboratory stage. If you want to bring them to the market, you need some basic office software.

Then I won't disturb you for now. I hope you can complete the research as soon as possible.

Don't worry, it's not a big problem, I already have an idea!

After continuing to chat with Abedo for a few words, Han Xiao just hung up the communication and opened the chat group.

He wasn't lying before, he really found a certain idea.

However, this idea still needs to be verified.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Ao Xiao, are you here?

After waiting for a few minutes, Ao Xiao returned to Han Xiao in the group.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Do you have a problem with me?

[Original God·Han Xiao]: I want to ask you a question, have you ever seen Noah's Wings?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: ...Are you kidding me?

As soon as these words came out, other divers in the entire chat group were also blown up.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: If I remember correctly, that thing is Noah's artifact, right?

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: Noah is one of the four mysterious people. I guess Ao Xiao has never even seen him in person, let alone Noah's Wings.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Well... I'm just asking in passing. It would be best if I have seen him before.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, Yuanxiao, why did you suddenly ask about Noah's Wings? Are you planning to travel through time and space?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: That's not the case. I'm planning to create a divine key similar to the One Thousand Worlds One Vehicle.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: No wonder you asked me about the whereabouts of Noah's Wings. It turns out you want to learn from Velvet to create the God Key!

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Unfortunately, Yexiao is right, I have never even met Noah himself.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: One Thousand Realms...I probably understand what you are thinking.

Chapter 704: Interstellar communication props

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Is Yuan Xiao planning to contact Su?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Absolutely. Judging from the environment in Teyvat, I think Yuanxiao may be planning to keep a trump card, and I guess it should be an inversion world bubble.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: I understand, there are only two people who know how to perform the inversion, and the easiest one to contact is Su.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Should we say that we are indeed the same person? That's what I planned.

Seeing that other people in the group had guessed his plan, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh that they were once the same person as him. Even if they were in different circumstances now, they could still roughly guess what he was thinking.

In fact, in terms of strength, the current Han Xiao can definitely do what Youlandel did back then.

It's just that inverting the world bubble is not a simple task after all, and he doesn't understand at all how to operate it.

Faced with this situation, Han Xiao wanted to master the method of inverting the world bubble. Only Su, who was floating in the quantum sea, and Hollander, another inverting world bubble, could help him.

However, the problem is that Teyvat is extremely closed, and it is really difficult to contact the Quantum Sea from the inside.

Currently, Han Xiao's natural thought is to imitate Su's approach and observe other worlds through props that control the power of time and space.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: That's why you asked me if I've seen Noah's Wings!

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Well, I'm just asking casually. After all, Noah's Wings is already a mature weapon. If you can get it, it can save me a lot of trouble.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Wait a minute, I remember that the one who controls the space on Teyvat seems to be the maintainer of heavenly law!

[Original God·Han Xiao]: I almost forgot. It seems that even if I get the Wings of Noah, I can't use it.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Indeed, the energy contained in Noah's Wings is too huge, and the probability of awakening the keeper of heavenly principles is quite high.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I have an idea. I'll help you find an elemental creature with weak space laws.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Good guy, Xixiao, are you so cruel!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: This is probably the best solution. Although treasures like Noah's Wings meet the requirements of Yuanxiao, the huge energy is likely to directly awaken the keeper of heavenly principles.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: On the contrary, the kind of elemental creature that only masters a little bit of space laws is more suitable for you, and will not wake up the maintainer of the heavenly principles. After all, there are no other people in the Teyvat continent who can use space abilities. , isn’t it the art of location?”

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Wouldn't the effect of doing this be much worse?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao doesn't use this thing to fight. It's an interstellar communication tool. As long as it can contact Su, it's fine. Am I right?

[Original God·Han Xiao]: That's true, Xi Xiao, I'll leave it to you!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: It's a small matter. The elemental world where I helped you imitate the Heart of God last time seems to have ready-made elemental creatures. I'll go there in the next two days.


With Xi Xiao's help, Han Xiao directly led Ao Xiao and Xing Xiao to design the Teyvat version of God's Key in the next few days.

Oh no, saying it is the Key of God is a bit high-spirited.

It should be the Teyvat version of the interstellar communication tool.

Thanks to the addition of Ao Xiao, who was targeting the Hikali laboratory, their progress was very fast this time, and it took only three days to tinker with the design.

At the same time, Xixiao also successfully killed several elemental creatures containing spatial abilities, took their elemental cores and sent them to him through the chat group.

After obtaining the design drawings and elemental cores, Han Xiao went to the underground space of Guili City alone and began to use alchemy and mechanism techniques to create it.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

When the time came to the eighth day, Han Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief when looking at the props in front of her that were similar to those in the mirror.

Thanks to the barrier knowledge introduced in Yuanxia Palace's collection of books, he was able to sort out this thing.

An item that can contact the Quantum Sea——[Starry Sky 1.0].

The principle is also very simple. It is to transmit signals through the holes in the Teyvat border barrier to get in touch with the outside world.

Unfortunately, in order to prevent awakening the maintainer of heavenly principles, [Starry Sky 1.0] only has two functions: penetration and contact, and no superfluous abilities at all.

Let’s try it first to see the effect!

With this thought in mind, Han Xiao picked up the Heart of the Grass God stored here and awakened the power inside it. After doing all this, he activated the [Starry Sky 1.0] in his hand.

The next moment, hidden by the power fluctuations of the Grass God's Heart, a particle beam composed of space elements quickly disappeared in front of Han Xiao.



At the same time that Han Xiao activated the Heart of the Grass God, Zhongli subconsciously raised his head in the school on the ground.

It seemed like something flew out of Guili City just now?

Although Zhongli's power is not space, he does possess the art of using space, such as the art of exterior scenery.

So there is still some sensitivity.

He quickly came to the window and felt the secret waves emanating from the underground of Guili City. Zhongli couldn't help pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

The fluctuation of the grass god's heart...What new invention has Han Xiao made?

After learning that this matter was probably related to Han Xiao, Zhongli sat back on the chair again.

As long as he's not an outsider, it won't be a big problem.


In the next few days, Han Xiao reappeared in front of Abedo and others and continued to work with them to fix vulnerabilities in the operating system.

Not a word was mentioned about what he had been doing after disappearing for the past few days.

Abedo, who probably knew what Han Xiao was doing, was a little curious about whether the other party's research was successful.

Just seeing that the other party was keeping secrets, he wisely remained silent.

When night comes, Han Xiao will go underground from his secret room, and then activate [Starry Sky 1.0] to send messages outside Teyvat, but most of the time the messages sent disappear without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea.

And he had already expected this.

After all, the Quantum Sea is so big, it is really not easy to meet Su.


Quantum Sea.

In a special world bubble called Xumi Mustard Seed, Su Zheng, a former civilization warrior with the Tianhui imprint on the collapsed world, was meditating under the tree as usual.

It wasn't until a certain special particle passed through the world bubble and fell into the Sumeru Mustard Seed that he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the shimmering particles floating in front of him.

This is...

Chapter 705 The two people who got in touch

Ever since he taught Arthur who had awakened the stigmata 1,500 years ago to use this power so that he could protect the residents of the British Isles, Su once again entered the Thousand Worlds and used the Tree of Imaginary Numbers to constantly observe other worlds, looking for ways to fight against the collapse of the British Isles. Possibility of bad.

After so many years, except for the former Kevin, no 'foreign objects' have been able to intrude into the Sumeru Mustard World he lives in for a long time.

But today there was an exception.

An unexpected unfolding.

Looking at the shimmering particles in front of him, Su slowly raised his hand to let it rest on his fingertips, and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Although Xumi Mustard Seed is just a world bubble, it is not bad at all in terms of strength.

Otherwise, he would not have used the World Bubble to try to drag himself and Kevin to the bottom of the Quantum Sea.

But such a strong mustard seed was inexplicably invaded by 'particles' that clearly came from the outside world.

Of course, this alone wouldn't actually arouse much emotion for Su who had already awakened.

What really surprised him was the information carried on this 'particle'.

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