The door of the alchemy workshop slowly opened, and the exhausted Han Xiao slowly walked out of the workshop.

Because there was a glitch in the desktop system, they spent the whole day looking for loopholes and logic errors.

This search really revealed a lot of problems for them.

For example, some have grammatical and spelling errors, some have inconsistent logic, etc...

Until this moment, Han Xiao finally understood why most of the programmers in the previous life had lost their output. It was really heartbreaking to find tiny errors in thousands of codes.

Staggering back home, Han Xiao turned on the light and threw her body directly on the sofa, not wanting to move at all.

And there was only one thought left in his mind, which was to seize the time to train a group of programmers.

You must know that this is only the most basic operating system now, and there is still a lot of software to be developed in the future. It is really difficult to rely on just a few people in their workshop.

After lying on the sofa and relaxing for a while, my mental fatigue didn't get much better.

In order to change her mood, Han Xiao directly called up the chat group, intending to blow water with her friends in the group to relax her tired spirit.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: What have you guys been busy with lately?

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Hey, isn't this the Lantern Festival? How is the desktop doing?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: It can barely light up, but the system has a lot of bugs and is prone to blue and black screen problems.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: So I said, why don't you just use my system and modify it? Why bother writing it yourself?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: You can't say that about Oxiao. The world of Teyvat has serious problems. Without localization, things can easily go wrong.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Indeed, for Teyvat, computers are items from another world after all. Yuanxiao and the others use alchemy and runes combined with the underlying logical structure to make computers that are not easily targeted by Sky Island.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Sigh... It's a pity that a problem has arisen now. I am in urgent need of programmers.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Anyway, you don't plan to get it right in one step, just cultivate it slowly.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: That's right. Let's ignore this topic for now. What have you been busy with recently?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: As usual, I am still saving money for the future, but I may not have much time left. Ace has been captured.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Good guy, so the war on top is finally coming?

[Western Fantasy·Han Xiao]: Hai Xiao, I remember the revolutionary army developed with the help of Long Zaili, don't you plan to save Xiong's life before the war?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: The main purpose of Big Bear coming to become the Shichibukai is to instigate a rebellion against Vegapunk. I once asked Ryuu to let me come, but Big Bear personally refused.

[World of Warcraft·Han Xiao]: Isn't he looking for death? What do you think?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Big Bear said that it would be best for me to stay in the Navy as long as possible. If I can really instigate Vegapunk to rebel, he wants me to show off my scientific research talent and become the successor of the scientific force.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I understand, is this for you to take root in the top ranks of the navy?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: I guess so, but I have protected the consciousness of the big bear. I should be able to slip away during the war on top and not fall into the hands of the Celestial Dragons.

Chapter 702: The Current Situation of Hanxiaos

[Original God Hanxiao]: From what you say, do you plan to continue to take root in the navy according to Da Xiong's idea?

[One Piece: Han Xiao]: To be honest, I am also struggling with this problem now. After so many years of comfort, I am suddenly asked to jump out and be chased. I really don't know if I can adapt.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: The world of One Piece is quite interesting. Don't you really want to wander around?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: The national treasure of the Tianlong people will probably not exceed the upper limit of the world. You should be worthy of it now. If I had your conditions, I would definitely fly into the sky.

Speaking of the world environment that Hai Xiao lives in, there is envy, jealousy and hatred in every word of Qi Xiao.

Thinking about it, the world where Wei Xiao lives can be called the most dangerous world in the group. It is full of madness and chaos. Not only are there gods above, but there are also all kinds of foreign gods outside the earth who are watching covetously.

How could a world like Hai Xiao's, where she could clearly see the upper limit, not make her feel envious.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Let's talk about it. It will still be some time before Ace's execution anyway, so let me think about it slowly.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Tsk...I am so blessed that I don't know how to be blessed. I'm so jealous!

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Speaking of Wei Xiao, haven't you been in Sequence Six for such a long time?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: It's already sequence six.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Then are you continuing to walk as a happy witch or are you jumping across paths?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Of course it's a different path. First of all, happiness itself is more troublesome to perform. If I continue on this path, I don't know if the method I thought of before will work.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Secondly, the formulas for the Witch Path are all in the hands of the Witch Church. My current promotion speed is faster than that of the divine vessel Triss. Continuing to follow this path will easily arouse suspicion.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: That's right. Anyway, because of the Flower of Heart, you won't go crazy even if you get promoted across channels. It's good to find another channel.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: So what alternative did you take?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Of course it is a faceless man that I can use to run around in the future. Since the transformation of the Flower of Heart, my previous memories have become much clearer. The one with a clear formula in the original text is not the faceless man. Well.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Tsk, are you doing this to save money?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Aren't you talking nonsense? The formula is so expensive. Although I laundered some money from the Southern Continent, I still have to save money if I can.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: I always feel that you are trying to steal the poor god's wool.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: ...Can this be called gathering wool? I helped him save a lot of time in finding materials!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Ke Miao is really guilty. Everyone who travels to his place stares at his little wallet.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, Weixiao, how far has your plot developed?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Triss has been in contact with the prince, and I guess the smog is coming soon.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: The smog is so heavy, is there really no way to destroy it?

[Ingenious World·Han Xiao]: What are you thinking about? Even if Wei Xiao is an angel now, her true strength is only Sequence Six. She can't interfere with Qiao San becoming a god.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Alas... Even if I have the strength of an angel, I can't change it. There are too many big guys watching behind the opponent. Now I just hope that I can kill Panna as soon as possible before the big smog incident. Tia’s strength prevents the smog from spreading to the original level.”

[Secret·Hanxiao]: As for how many people I can save, it all depends on God's will.

It truly is a chaotic and crazy world.

Seeing the inability of Wei Xiao in the chat group to deal with the haze incident, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

Although the world of Teyvat where I live has its own problems, it is not as desperate as Mysterious.

As Wei Xiao finished talking about his recent situation, other people in the group also briefly talked about their recent situation.

Generally speaking, most Hanxiao's lives are as comfortable as ever.

For example, people like Jixiao, Youxiao, and Aoxiao.

Basically, it’s all about having fun and learning when it’s time to have fun.

The only ones left that were relatively exciting were Gui Xiao, Xi Xiao and Mo Xiao, whose world environment was not very stable.

Either he is working hard to improve his strength, or he is outsmarting his opponents on the timeline.

If possible, I also hope to live a stable life!

After learning about other people's recent living conditions, Han Xiao sighed slightly and closed the chat group.

Although today's Teyvat continent seems to be generally stable on the surface, it has already been turbulent on the inside.

The Fools have been causing trouble in various countries, and the Abyss Cult is also watching secretly.

Teyvat's borders have become increasingly fragile, and its maintainers have fallen asleep.

Each of these items is telling that the Teyvat continent is about to face a real storm.

As for when this storm will arrive, he also has some speculations.

I guess it was after my sister traveled to the Seven Kingdoms.

After all, according to the antagonist in the game, as long as she completes her journey to the Seven Kingdoms, she will understand the meaning of Teyvat.

I believe that by then, all the mysteries will be solved.

It seems that I have to speed up the speed of improving my strength.

Thinking that Yingmei had already set off for Xumi, Han Xiao, who was lying on the sofa, couldn't help but murmur to herself.

Mond, Liyue, Daozhi and Xumi had unknowingly reached the fourth kingdom, leaving only the three kingdoms of Fontaine, Nata and Zhidong.

Who knows what will happen to Yingmei after she has traveled to the Seven Kingdoms. It’s time for him to prepare backup for Liyue when she faces the worst situation.

At that time, if the situation is really bad and irreversible, the worst possible scenario is to follow the example of Hollander and do an inversion of the world bubble.

However, even if it is an inversion world bubble, Han Xiao's primary goal is to improve his abilities.

After all, although he now has the strength of a demon god, looking at the entire Teyvat continent, the demon gods are really not the strongest group.


Just as Hanxiao was thinking about how to deal with the future crisis in Teyvat, many major events were happening in Xumi.

After reporting the situation to Little Lucky Grass King, Elhaysen and Sano decisively started an internal review of the Order Council.

Later, he really found out a lot of filth within the Order, and at the same time, he also found the 'person behind the scenes' who 'sent' Liyue intelligence documents to him.

At the same time, due to the turmoil in the Xumi Order, the desert area seemed to have seen an opportunity, and various forces began to become active.

In Han Xiao's eyes, the 'eye of the storm' in the Teyvat continent was our Yingmei who took Paimon to the land of Sumeru during this time.

Chapter 703 Han Xiao intends to have a backup plan

Although he had made up his mind to speed up the improvement of his strength, Han Xiao also knew that improving his strength could not be done just by talking.

The basic core of his ability comes from the Heart Flower provided by Xixiao. If he wants to improve his strength, he can only increase the proficiency of the Heart Flower.

But among all the worlds, Flower of Heart may not be the highest level of cultivation method, but it can still be regarded as first-rate.

First-class cultivation methods naturally have corresponding difficulties.

Not only does the cultivation threshold of the Heart Flower be high, it also requires constant observation of the power systems and manifestations of power in various other worlds.

If it weren't for the chat group as a support, Han Xiao would probably still be stuck in the first stage.

It's a pity that since the transformation of the Flower of Heart, the ordinary world with extraordinary systems has only added some abilities and means, and will not make a qualitative leap.

To give a simple example, if a new person comes to the chat group next, and the world the other person is in is a world like Demon Slayer with certain extraordinary abilities.

Then there is a high probability that Hanxiao Observation, who has transformed twice, will only be able to obtain some breathing techniques or the characteristics of sunlight killing ghosts, etc.

If we want to talk about improvement, there must be improvement.

But to say whether there has been any fundamental change, there certainly hasn’t been one.

At most, it just has some more ways to fight the enemy.

Only by observing the powerful external world like the mysterious world can we transform again.

However, problems arise.

There are countless worlds with extraordinary power systems in the universe, but most of them do not reveal the nature of their abilities.

A world like Mystery where power is displayed is quite precious.

Even in the continent of Teyvat, if the power of heaven and the abyss were not directly linked to the sea of ​​trees, the Eye of Observation God alone would not be able to help Han Xiao complete his first transformation.

Precisely because he knew how difficult it was to transform the Flower of Heart, he did not stick to this aspect, but planned to change his mind.

Although Han Xiao is not sure whether the Teyvat continent is on the 'leaf' in the tree sea system or is about to fall into the 'world bubble'.

However, I think of the ways in which the Shoggoth civilization and the people in the sky skirted classes, as well as the way in which Hollandale reversed the world bubble to protect the world from destruction.

These gave him a lot of inspiration.

Under the premise that rapid qualitative change cannot be carried out, it is also a good choice to find a way from the Sea of ​​Trees system to leave a back-up for Teyvat Continent.


In the next few days, Han Xiao, who understood what he should do, didn't go anywhere at home. He just sat in the study and kept recalling all the details about the collapsing world in his mind.

Jingle Bell--

On this day, as usual, Han Xiao was sitting at his desk sorting out his plot about the collapsing world, when a sudden ringtone from his cell phone beside him interrupted his thoughts.

Han Xiao frowned slightly as her thoughts were interrupted, and finally put down the pen in her hand, picked up her phone and connected the communication.

Which one?

Who else could it be? It's me.

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